City Z at night.

In the dark night without lights, it seems to be like a beast that chooses to devour people in the desert.

As a strategic place in country L, it has been occupied by the avant-garde forces for three years, during which you have fought for me and changed hands several times, but in the end it was firmly held by Bashir.

Years of fighting have reduced the city where more than a million people lived to only 100,000, most of whom fled to other cities as refugees, and of course, many died of accidental wounds in the war or simply joined the rebel camp.

Now almost all the buildings in Z City are in ruins, and the streets that have been baptized by artillery fire are devastated.


In the middle of nowhere, the lid of the sewer that had been abandoned for several years was opened, and Soap poked his head out and looked around before jumping up.

Gently bent down to the street to find that no one was patrolling, and then turned on the communicator: “Boss, safe!” ”

Immediately Lin Qing took 141 and Audrey to the ground, and the eight-person team quickly ran to the abandoned building next to it.


Gently pushed open the door and entered the stairs, slowly climbing the stairs in a standard battle formation without making a sound.

But at this moment, a little girl who was about to go out with a flashlight subconsciously screamed when she saw their group of uninvited guests.


Lin Qing indifferently pulled the trigger and shot her headshot, then stepped over a few steps and grabbed her hair, gently placing the little girl’s dirty body on the ground.

After Xingyun finished these actions, he gestured for Soap and Xiaoqiang to go in and search, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Soap Xiaoqiang immediately took the order, and within a few seconds of walking in, there were several faint gunshots, and soon the two walked out, and when passing the little girl’s body, Xiaoqiang dragged her in and closed the door.

The group quickly climbed towards the roof, this time without any accidents, and soon came to the rooftop to find a hidden corner to lurk.

Audrey, who had been talking from now, asked, “Commander, why did you kill them?” ”

Lin Qing, who was studying the map of Z City, raised her head and glanced at Audrey with the help of the screen.

“A small negligence on the battlefield will risk attrition, I will not gamble with the lives of my brothers, I would rather kill mistakes than let go.”

Speaking with a serious expression, he asked with a cold face: “How?” Do you still have the attributes of the Virgin? ”

Audrey shook her head: “No, I mean that it will have to be hidden in the future, if it is passed out, the black bone will be attacked by those virgins in the West.” ”

She is not the kind of woman who overflows with compassion, how can she care about the lives of these people.

Lin Qing’s mouth raised a smile, reached out and pinched this woman’s nose and smiled: “I’m not stupid, don’t worry!” ”

“Now is not the time to discuss this, let’s first study how to quietly sneak into Bashir’s rat nest.”

Greeting more than 141 people around, Lin Qing pointed to an area on the map and said: “Look, this is the area with the highest probability of Bashir’s underground stronghold among the three targets given by Xuannu. ”

“We don’t have much time, it’s ten o’clock at night, there are still eight hours before dawn, if we can’t successfully complete the Rogue plan, then the possibility of us being surrounded is very large, Z City gathers tens of thousands of rebels, even if we have three heads and six arms, we can’t fight, so we must hurry up while the cover of night is dark.”

After the introduction, he looked at the Qian team: “What do you think, old man?” ”

“Commander, what you said is already very detailed, but you also forgot a little!”


Team Qian spread his hands: “We don’t know anything about the defense in Bashir’s underground stronghold and how many troops there are, so it’s too risky.” ”

Yuri also said with some concern: “Boss, Bashir, this slut, must have built the lair like a shelter against nuclear explosions, and it is too difficult to quietly lurk in.” ”

Lin Qing had already thought of their worries, and he smiled mysteriously and brought out a photo.

“Bashir’s base is not here, and you don’t want to think about the safety of Z City? Is Tom’s ground-penetrating missile not powerful, or is Bashir alive enough? ”

Pointing to an area on the map: “I divided City Z into ten areas, point C should be where the vault is located, and the underground base should be around here.” ”

“Chemical plants? Or a contaminated chemical plant? ”

Lin Qing nodded: “The more dangerous the place, the safer, we first attack point A to distract Bashir to mobilize troops, and then touch point C to complete the rogue plan.” ”

“Action, the target is two kilometers from us, crossing through the rooftops and ruins!”


At this time, point A, that is, the downtown location, there is also a group of people preparing to infiltrate the underground base, they are Fan Tianlei and the red-haired woman in mixed formation.

The Duke is presenting the battle plan, in great detail.

After a few minutes, he took a sip of water and asked, “Colonel Golden Eagle, what do you think of my plan?” ”

Fan Tianlei did not speak, he was studying the feasibility of this plan, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

“Captain Duke, have you guessed that Bashir is not here?”

“Of course I thought of it, so I plan to act separately, Colonel Golden Eagle, you lead the special forces of the Celestial Empire to go here!”

“Chemical plant?”

Enron and the others were confused at the same time, what does this mean?

The Duke explained: “Bashir is likely to choose this place as a stronghold, we G.I.Joe are here to attract firepower, and you infiltrate the chemical plant to execute the beheading!” ”



Just as Fan Tianlei was about to speak, an explosion suddenly sounded a kilometer ahead, and it was also covered by cloud bombs and heavy mortars.

The fire from the dense explosion reflected the night as if it were day, and at the same time made Z City noisy, and shouts and shouts began to gather from all directions.

The Duke’s eyes froze, he felt that this attack method was too familiar, only the black bone would have a large number of cloud burst bombs.

Could it be that the black bone is coming?

Fan Tianlei also knew that there was a third party to intervene, but fortunately, it was better to have someone to help than to act alone.

“Then I’ll take them one step ahead, and you will complete the feint mission and then converge at the chemical plant.”

“Well, good luck to you!”


On the top of the building opposite point A, Lin Qing looked at the building below that had been destroyed, and put down the single soldier cloud explosion rocket with satisfaction.

Turning his head to look at the sleeping devil, who was operating the M120A1 heavy mortar, he was firing quickly, and shouted: “Nebuta, hit the white phosphorus bomb, and then we withdraw!” ”

After ordering Lin Qing to pick up the clothes of the rebels on the ground and quickly change them, wait for the next to blend into the rebels while the black lights are blinding, and then quietly sneak to the chemical plant.

Soon the group changed into old-fashioned khaki military uniforms, because they were all wearing hoods, and they could not find it without careful observation.

Go down to the street.

The dense crowd of rebels was going from house to house, and eight people quickly followed a group of rebels inside.

At first, it was okay, no one paid attention to them.

But after walking a few hundred meters, there were a few more people in the team whose temperament was obviously different from that of ordinary rebels, and the leading officer immediately realized that something was wrong.

Raising his hand to signal a stop, he walked up to the soap and asked, “Which part of you guys?” ”


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