The endless darkness.

Amelia couldn't feel the presence of her eyes, she was sore as tearing, she wanted to yell, but she couldn't make a sound.

She seemed to be floating in mid-air, slowly losing consciousness, senses and body, like duckweed blown by the north wind, drifting back and forth in the dark, little by little swallowed by the remains.

No, no...I want to live...

Amelia woke up suddenly from the pain. She didn't know where it was or what happened. She was panicked and overwhelmed. She wanted to cry but couldn't feel the tears. She tightly grasped the remaining little consciousness, she didn't know what to do. Will let go.

She was so painful that she wanted to cry and wanted to give up, so she just muttered 123 silently to cheer herself up.

It's okay, if you insist, someone will save her.

Someone will come to rescue her, and she will never give up until the last minute.

The pain of being swallowed by the soul is more unbearable than the pain of the body. She endured it for a long time and could not feel the passage of time, but felt that the pain was as long as there is no edge. Gradually, she wondered why no one gave her a knife. Better than it is now.

But she always holds a silver lining.

God... Alfonso, he will come to save her.

His character is so domineering, he will never allow anyone other than him to kill her.

It is this little hope that supports her shaky thoughts and soul flame, and will not be completely extinguished under erosion.

The dividing line of light erosion stays near the knee, bright or dark, shaky, sometimes strong enough to make people unable to open the eyes, sometimes faint like a candle swaying in the wind, but it is firmly attached to her soul , There is no advancement.


The cold and clear voice resounded like snow in every inch of her soul, echoing in the boundless abyss.

"You are very tired? Why do you insist?"

Amelia thought about this question in a daze.


Tired, why not tired.

But except for newborn babies, where in the world is there anyone who is alive and not tired?

There are tens of millions of people who are more tired than me. I am one of the most relaxed people. Why should I give up?

Can live, why should I die?

Amelia replied in her heart.

"...Really?" The voice laughed softly, with a cold tenderness.

"Then give it a try and let me see how strong your determination is."

The light flickered and suddenly magnified at a certain moment, and the dark world was eroded away by white.A faint bright color floated in front of him, and everything looked extremely dazzling and hazy.

Amelia stabbed her eyes white, and after a while she regained her view of the scene in front of her, and found a mirror in front of her.

A familiar and unfamiliar picture was reflected in the mirror.

It was an unpopulated street corner with only familiar dark elves curled up in the corner, wounded and unconscious.

This is the scene when she picks up the elf.As soon as Amelia realized this, she saw the picture in the mirror began to play slowly. A girl with a blurred face walked into the corner of the alley and picked up the dark elf.

She is wearing a white long dress, gentle and considerate, and also loves to laugh, taking good care of the injured elf.

The elves hated her at first, but after a long time, they occasionally looked down at her, and the icy eyes gradually softened, becoming focused and gentle.It began to take the initiative to do housework, go out to earn money, and reduce life pressure for girls living in poverty.

The elf fell in love with her.

The two exchanged vows under the moonlit night.

"Did you see it? Even if it's not you, it will fall in love with others, anyone can."

You fart.

Amelia gritted her teeth and cursed, spitting fragrance in her heart and scolding this damn light god tens of thousands of times.

Yes, God of Light.

When those vaguely malicious rays invaded, she noticed the familiar smell.

The god of light of the dog days, like a Xiaoqiang, can't beat him to death, and is still here to make her up.

Be angry, be angry, you can take my body and you win.Amelia gave him a middle finger in her heart.

"…You do not believe?"

The voice paused for a moment, and then said, "Okay, then I'll show you something else."

This time the scene in the mirror is very familiar.

The dark sky, the blood-colored earth, the trembling human beings and the forest pulling the rope, stumbled away into a group of believers.

She is the leader.

Isn't this what happened when the sun fell?What are you doing to show her?

Amelia didn't speak, her heart felt heavy with a bad premonition.

I saw the picture suddenly zoomed out, and there was a dangling black throne on the cascading dark clouds, and the familiar gods were sitting on it, his eyes seemed to have extinguished the eternal cold galaxy, cold and indifferent.

He looked down at the small figure on the ground, but his eyes were empty and nothing reflected.

God is such a great existence. When He returns to the position of God, when He restores all the memories of the past, the divine nature suppresses human nature, and all useless emotions disappear.

The saint, who was once full of compassion, looked no different from other human beings.

At best, it's more annoying than other ants.

Can't kill it?Then let her die by herself.

The rain of blood fell in the sky, mixed with strong malice and hatred, one after another covered the whole face of the saint, her pupils shrank sharply, her head was raised, and her eyes widened to look at the sky.

Those hollow blue eyes met the cold eyes of the gods.

The god looked down at her, and there was a hint of happiness in his eyes.

Amelia stared at the scene blankly, her heart aching.It turned out that at that time, the one who killed many of her companions... was it Him?

I don't know when the low voice sounded in the darkness.

"Kill her."

"Destroy her and make her suffer."

"The sinner who bewitches the gods."

"She deserves to die!!"

Amelia could hear who the sound came from. This was the sound she had bitten on the tip of the tongue and the pale lips with tooth marks.

He wants her to die so much?

The thick malice from her lover enveloped her, making her as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss, blowing cold wind into her heart as if it were empty.

Those bad words that kept chanting silently penetrated into her brain, refusing to let go, repeating them loudly in her ears, cursing, as if they were going to be printed in every part of her body.

The rain of blood gradually spread from the mirror to the outside world, inside and outside the mirror, the two girls with the same appearance were covered in blood and dirt.

The two pairs of hollow eyes gradually overlapped.

The soul flame was dim and slowly extinguished.

The God of Guangming chuckled with satisfaction.

The sky started to rain, and successive drops of water fell down, hitting under the eaves, making a ticking sound.

"...The statue of the Queen of God in the temple has been erected, and various places are urgently speeding up the production. It is expected to be completed within two or three days."

The pope knelt on the ground, coldly digging straight into the bones of his knees along the white jade floor. It was so cold that he didn't dare to move, and he knelt straight.

The god seems to be in a bad mood today.

He said: "Too slow."

The pope shook.

"Subordinates will urge again, and they will do it tomorrow and tomorrow."

The people under the steps explained with a trembling voice, the god wrung his eyebrows irritably, his fingers moved slightly, the noisy and annoying sound stopped, and the empty hall returned to silence.


He dropped something down.

The hard ball-shaped object rolled down the steps, making a loud, crisp sound, and gurgling all the way to the platform under the long steps, hitting the Pope's knee to stop.

"Use this thing to replace the eyes on my god statue."

When speaking of the word'I', the face of the god sank for a moment, obviously acting as a god of light made him very sick.


The pope didn't dare to look up, and after a pause, seeing the god above nothing, he knew it was time to leave, and quietly retreated from the gate.

The door closed again, and there was no one else in the hall.

The god looked at the chicken carcass that was swaying in the wind and dried under the eaves in the distance. With the corner of his lips, the ice-like beauty mask disappeared, and suddenly he smiled evil and wanton.

It's good for the god of light to fall.

When he died, he not only gave up her position for the saint, but also gave her the opportunity to become a god, and those beliefs that remained on the idols that had not yet dissipated would also become her further steps.

Even this huge Holy See, millions of followers...will become her cornerstone.

The God of Light will gradually withdraw from the sight of everyone, the Queen of God will be in power, and all beliefs will be transferred from God of Light to the Queen of God...All of this will be completed in a hundred years, and there will only be two gods in the world from now on.

The dark god, and his god queen.

The fire ignited all over the continent, and the sparks gathered into a mountain. When the qualitative change came, it was the day when the saint became a god.

When the god came back, the room was dark.

The magic lamp dimmed, and the recliner that the saint often nestled in was empty, only half-woven shawls were thrown aside at random, and the lines were messed up into a ball.

The person is absent.

Did you go to play in the garden?

He glanced from the window. The rain was still falling, the flowers were beaten up and down, and there were no footprints on the muddy ground.

Could it be that he ran away from home?

The god frowned, thinking that the saint had done this, and maybe he was hiding in which corner of the night he was laughing.He immediately wanted to pull the saint back, but the dim eyes of her during the previous quarrel suddenly flashed in front of him.

Forget it, let her play for a while.

She has been in a bad mood recently, and now she is caught back for fear that she will cry again.

The god thought this way, sitting on the couch where she often lay, the familiar smell wrapped around it, a little weak, moonlight spilled in from the window and reflected on the ground, looking lonely and deserted.

Is it so cold in this temple?

It seems to be cold in my heart.

The small tentacles came back quietly from the door, holding a small bag of pastries with the tip of his hand, with a little rice scum around the mouth of the blood basin, and lying down on the bedside.

It has a small nest by the bed.

Soft and fluffy, the saint made it herself, and there are even a few toys inside. She has small horns, just like the delicate and beautiful Pomeranian that was raised in modern times.

The gods were sitting in the unmanned temple, from night to dawn, the black figure nestled in the corner, like a lone soul wandering in the ruins.

The moment the sun jumped to the ground, the god who hadn't moved for a long time opened his eyes, opened his five fingers, and searched in the void.

He is looking for the line of fate that belongs to the saint, following the guidance of fate to find her trace.

After playing for so long, it's time to come back.

When I came back, I told her everything, saying that he had found a solution, so that she would not run out again next time.

Then apologize to her again, he is indeed a little impatient today.The dark god has never said soft words, but the saint is different to him, different from everyone.

The god searched it again, but didn't find it.

He straightened up and leaned forward, looking back and forth in those lines for the lines of fate that belonged to her, and he was so familiar.

Every creature has a line of fate that belongs to ta, even if it dies, it will not disappear, but will naturally break from the moment when breathing stops, and a new piece will grow from the fracture.

He used the line of fate to watch her every move, and he saw it yesterday, and it was there, exuding a different light from others.

So it can't be without.

The god kept rummaging, searching again and again, his eyes sting.His sharp eyebrows were a little at a loss, and his men lost their sense of measure.

Many unknown golden threads broke under his unscrupulous actions, and cracks loomed in the void. This space could not withstand such a heavy pressure. If it broke, all the creatures in the mainland would die.

This will be a catastrophe, and even the gods cannot survive the loss of all their faith.

But the Dark God has no time to manage those.

His eyes were blood-red, and his temples jumped violently, looking fiercely for the trace of the saint. The black magic power spread, not only in the void, but sweeping every inch of land on the mainland, and digging three feet to find her.

Not in the sanctuary, not in the city, not on the ground, not in the sky, nor deep in the ground.

Why not?

How could it not?

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