Occasionally in the darkness there will be the roar of beasts and a few flashes of black shadows.

Amelia walked a few steps, turning her head to talk to the person behind, without looking at the road ahead, she banged into the city wall that suddenly appeared.


Amelia squatted dizzyly for a while, looked up, and saw that the blue and white walls in front of her, the exquisite and high-quality city walls, weren't they just the walls of the church?

"Here! Here!" She yelled joyfully, pulling the rope and pulling her companions one by one.

She counted it silently, but a few were missing. Maybe she accidentally let go of her hand on the way, and then she never found the big unit.

Debra touched the hard rock, her pale face showing a bit of joy: "Great, follow the edge of the city wall, you should be able to find the gate soon!"

Rita wept with joy.

Everyone lifted their spirits and could not help speeding up their pace.

The undulating city wall looks like a giant white beast lurking in the dark night. When it was first established, to prevent foreign enemies from invading, the city wall was built to be high and thick. When you look up, it rises straight into the clouds, as if you can't see the edge.

So they couldn't climb over, so they had to walk along the wall and find the city gate before entering.

Amelia and her party walked along the wall for a long time, until someone really couldn't hold back and fell to the ground. They hadn't seen the city gate that was very familiar in the past.

"Take a rest."

Amelia wiped the drops of sweat from her forehead, and she didn't have the usual cleanliness, she just sat cross-legged on the ground.

What she admired most was that at this time, everyone was so tired to die and wanted to lie directly on the ground, there were people who could hold a few catties of statues and not let go.

Although the statue was broken into many pieces and couldn't be put together, it was still wrapped in cloth, which was so cherished by the believers, and placed in front of everyone, just like before, praying around the gods.

Amelia leaned against the city wall, unknowingly following the low voice of the crowd chanting in her heart.

This was the first time she hoped that the light was still alive.

It stands to reason that these prayers will not enter the realm of the gods. After all, there are so many human beings, and praying every day, no matter how strong the gods are, they will be annoying. But by coincidence, the only remaining god in this world is nearby. Watching.

And almost died of anger.

Okay, are you so loyal?The dark god watched the blond girl close her eyes coldly, her brows and eyes looked more holy and moving under the soft halo.

It is also more like the God of Light.

Even if the gods fall, the pious saint never gave up the beloved gods.She even tried her best to pray, begging for an impossible response.

It's really touching.

An unprovoked desire for tyranny and destruction flashed past, he slowly laughed, thick malicious surging, his slender fingers lifted up, grabbed a handful of dust from the air, and threw it into the world.

The sand-like things slowly grew and grew in the process of falling, turning into hideous monsters, all with bloody mouths and looks that were scary to death.

There is also a long object mixed in.

The dark god supported his sharp chin with one hand, his face hidden in black, and the golden imprints gleamed with silver-like brilliance.

Let me see how loyal your faith is.

Amelia was closing her eyes and muttering silently. She didn't actually mean to pray, but just thought of something to pass the time, because the calf was so painful and too up, she was afraid that she might cry if she didn't divert her attention.

However, she was reading, and suddenly found that all the voices around her body seemed to have disappeared——?

Amelia suddenly opened her eyes, jumped up from the place, took out the dagger pinned to her waist, and looked around vigilantly.

All the people who were sitting around were gone, but the scenery did not change. The darkness and the city wall were black and white, and the location did not change.

It's just that the person is gone, disappearing silently.

Faced with the sudden change, before Amelia had time to panic, she heard a rustle from a distance.

It seemed that something huge, overwhelming the weeds and shrubs in the forest, swam towards her very fast.

But hidden in the dark, she can't see.

Amelia glanced at the small dagger that was less than a palm wide in her eyes, took a deep breath, decisively...turned around and ran.

What a joke, she usually uses a dagger to cut fruit, how can she really use it to fight!!

Amelia ran fast along the edge of the city wall, forgetting her sore hands and feet. She ran and looked back to see what was approaching.

It's only tentacles.

Very fat, grinning, tentacles with a silly expression.

He looks familiar.

Gan!!Isn't this what's next to everyone?

Amelia continued running without looking back, panting: "What are you doing here?"

"Chi Chi!" The tentacle spit at her with all his strength, spit out a piece of paper, mixed with saliva, crossed an arc, and landed in front of her.

What the hell?

Amelia kept walking and glanced at it as she passed by. She seemed to have written some messy handwriting that she didn't know what to do, and she was muddled with saliva and could not see clearly.

The tentacles became more anxious, and they kept chittering, slid past her quickly, blocking the road in front of them.The sturdy body was sloping around, and gestures seemed to be gesturing.

"What are you trying to say?"

Amelia didn't panic anymore, she saw that the tentacles didn't seem to hurt her, and slowly raised a question mark.

The tentacles shook their heads, as if sighed, and wrote something on the ground with their pointed hands.

At the same time, the other believers who fell everywhere faced a behemoth with a fierce face that covered the sky and covered the sun.

"What is this!!"

"Help, help!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

For humans without magic, it is impossible to resist such a huge beast. The soft body loses its hard shell, and is easily torn by sharp teeth, and is buried in the mouth of the beast.

Blood was scattered all over the ground, and the stumps were scattered.

When facing death, the believers who had tortured others with arrogance and whip did not seem to become more calm and calm.

Fear, resentment, and regret, all emotions are mixed, twisted into a black mist, drifting into the darkness, making the darkness more solid.

Alfonso watched this drama, which he often watched when he was bored. This time, wearing the skin of the God of Light, it was more exciting and interesting than before.

But after watching for a while, he actually yawned boredly.

——The act of yawning was also learned from the woman, saying that it would release emotions and make sleepy eyes more comfortable. He learned it a few times when he lost his memory, and it felt good, but now it is used unconsciously.

Thinking of the woman from the yawn, he became a little interested and turned his gaze to the other side.

Before, she seemed to get along well with that tentacle. I don’t know what kind of funny expressions her friend would look like when she met the blade again?

He looked with expectation, and saw that in the skyrocketing fire, the slender saint was standing on a branch, sweating like rain... eating barbecue?

The tentacles squatted aside, and the Harazi streamed all over the ground.

"That guy threw you down?"


"Don't let you eat yet?"


"This dog, I will scold him for you, bah!!"

The girl pucked extremely hard, and even the meat stuck in the branch fell off, and was leaped up by the long-awaited tentacles in her mouth, sizzling and eating deliciously.

Swearing again.

He couldn't help frowning, but his eyes flashed with a smile that he didn't even realize. He knocked on the throne's handle at his knuckles, listening to those conversations that seemed boring to others.

Hearing the unlucky beast that I didn't know where it came from, the saint coaxed the ignorant little tentacles to send her to the sanctuary. He was surprised that he had been listening for so long.

Those church members died seven or eight, but only a few people were still lingering.

He glanced at it, and simply gathered the corpses and the living people together and threw them next to the saint.

She doesn't like blood, he knows, let alone the corpses of familiar people, she can't bear to look at even strangers.

Sometimes they take the initiative to save people at risk, often causing trouble for themselves.

What a boring and stupid kindness, someone should have taught her how to survive in this world.

The Dark God zoomed in on the screen and prepared to watch the saint's collapse with interest.

"Please, you are so beautiful, you must be very kind?" Amelia coaxed the little tentacles without blinking. The tentacles curled shyly with pointed hands, and nodded hesitantly.

Amelia sighed in relief, she stood up and wiped off the rain dripping from her forehead.

It seems to be raining.

Hurry up to find a companion before the rain becomes heavy, and return to the sanctuary.She thought so, feeling that the rain suddenly increased.

One drop, two drops.

The rain gradually gathered into a downpour, mixed with lumps, crackling to the ground.

Is it hail?

She opened her eyes wide and looked up.

An invisible corpse brushed her flying hair and fell heavily on the muddy ground, splashing with blood.

Then there were more similar sounds of falling heavy objects, and sporadic, painful bangs.

The saint's beautiful blue pupils shrank, and a large amount of blood falling from the sky wetted her whole body. She was instantly dyed red, her beautiful eyebrows were covered with blood stains, and she looked up at the sky.

The wet clothes clung to the exquisite body, the flat lower abdomen, the soft raised chest, and the attractive waist like a flower bud.

From a distance, the bloody saint was even more beautiful and feminine than before.

The pleasure of tarnishing purity is nothing more than this.

"So do you understand?"

The dark god muttered to himself, his blood-colored pupils stared at the saint as if he had lost his soul, and the fingers with pointed nails moved to his chest, exerting a slight force.

The firm and tough honey chest was torn open, revealing red flesh and white bones, a large amount of blood gushing out, but as if he could not feel the pain, he pinched the beating heart and took it out fiercely.

Blood splashes.

Divine blood carrying immense power flowed into the lower realm, causing bursts of painful howls.

Without realizing it, he said to the constantly throbbing heart in his hand: "Do you understand? What a humble and fragile human beings are."

"They are small, hateful, and disgusting. They are bugs that I can pinch to death at will. Compared with the vastness and greatness of the gods, they are not worth mentioning."

"No god can fall in love with people. This is ridiculous than falling in love with a dust."

"So don't hurt anymore."

"Be quiet and don't hurt anymore."

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