Locke immediately reacted that there was something terrible behind him.

Locke turned his head, and then he saw a pale and emaciated face.

His gorgeous clothes were stained with blood, his eyes were extremely empty, and he exuded a sad, numb, and crazy tyrannical aura, so that there was not a single ghost within a few meters of him.

Locke looked at the aristocratic young ghost who almost had his face on his face, and instead of feeling frightened, he greeted him calmly: "Good evening, Mr. Barrow!"

Bloody Barrow glanced at him, walked past him, and left.

He was actually quite disappointed in his heart, and he had always wanted to scare Locke into tears, and it was best to keep him away from Helena, but he couldn't.

He had always found this little wizard to be weird. After all, isn't it weird not to be afraid of yourself?

Barrow the Bloody is a ghost who has witnessed the brilliance of Hogwarts' four founders.

But he can "zero seven zero" to guarantee that people like Locke will have arguments even if the Big Four meet.

The nobility of Slytherin, the bravery of Gryffindor, the intelligence of Ravenclaw, the tolerance of Hufflepuff.

Slytherin paranoia, Gryffindor recklessness, Ravenclaw arrogance, Hufflepuff's lack of opinion.

Whether it is good or bad, the qualities of the four academies seem to correspond to this little wizard.

No wonder the Sorting Hat reacted that way.

But most importantly, he was too close to Helena!

That's right, that's something Barrow couldn't accept.

Barrow knew that Helena was actually very haughty, and that only her mother, Ravenclaw, could give her a high look.

But Locke, a little wizard, can make Helena show her little woman's side!

No one has ever been able to make Helena do this, both in life and after death!

Even if Helena wanted to do something with this little wizard, it was too proactive!

Bloody Barrow felt that even if he was already a ghost, he had broken his defenses a little bit last summer.

"You know Barrow the Bloody!" Hermione asked Locke in surprise as she watched the Bloody Barrow leave.

"We all know him. Locke replied.

"I don't mean that kind of understanding...... You don't see any other ghosts using this ...... Are you looking at you in amazement, admiration?" Hermione felt like she was going to lose her voice.

"I've also heard that Barrow the Bloody is the highest-ranking ghost in all of Hogwarts, and even Peeves are afraid of him!" Harry interjected in surprise.

"I'm afraid of him, but who can not be afraid of the great Lord Barrow? you, you, or ...... Oh, as if you're not afraid of Lord Barrow!" Peeves suddenly emerged from under the floor and pointed his hand at Harry one by one, but when he pointed at Locke, he was struck and crouched on the ground and shut himself up.

"Peeves, you not only have bright colors on you, but you can freely transform between virtual and real. Seriously, I'm very interested in you, can you let me look into it, and you can mention what you need!" Locke asked in a somewhat eager tone, touching the top hat on Peeves' head.

Peeves is terrified!

"Terrible little wizard, you want to dissect me!No, Peeves don't want to be paid, don't touch me!!!" Peeves screamed, running away, trying to run through the wall and escape, but he was too flustered to blur in time, and finally knocked himself unconscious!

This caused a commotion among the ghosts, and Hermione and the others had to pull Locke away, and all the ghosts in their path automatically got out of the way, as if Locke were some kind of flood beast.

Helena, who had been paying attention to this side since the sudden appearance of the bloody Baro in the distance, turned her face and didn't look at this scene.


Locke was also surprised that Peeves was able to knock him unconscious.

So, why is Peeves so afraid of himself?

Is it because he is simply timid, or because he is not afraid of Barrow the Blood, so Peeves feels that he is as dangerous as the Barrow the Blood, or more dangerous than him?

Or can Peeves see something strange in himself?

Locke was thoughtful and didn't care about his situation and that of his friends. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are now surrounded by no man's land, and no ghosts want to come near them.

But Harry and the three boys thought it was good, and I don't know if it was an illusion, they felt a little warmer around them.

Hermione didn't want that.

She thought about it for a while, but decided to contact the other ghosts herself and find out the news.

Harry was surprised and impressed by Hermione's decision, but they didn't move on their feet and didn't want to help her. []

Hermione didn't care, she wished there was no one around.

But her investigation didn't go well, and soon she cried a little black-haired witch ghost with glasses and a school uniform.

It was evident that the ghost had been a student at Hogwarts Ravenclaw, and that it had died not far from its current year.

So the style of her school uniform is very close to Locke.

When Hermione walked back, Ron couldn't help but go up and ask, "Hemmer, what did you just do? Because of your actions with Locke, I think we might be .......in danger of our lives if we continue to stay."

Ron was just trying to find an excuse to leave. If you go back now, maybe the Skull Dance Troupe's performance isn't over yet.

"I didn't do anything...... She is a myrtle, a ghost who lives in the women's restroom on the third floor...... You don't know, because of her presence, the women's toilet on the third floor has become a forbidden place! She always gets angry and splashes water everywhere. And, she'll talk to you. She'll cry if you agree to talk to her, and she'll scream and cry if you don't talk to her!" Hermione explained to the four boys.

"Oh, that's too bad!" even Ron had to sigh at the difficulty of such a girl, and then he saw a headless Nick float through the air.

Ron ducked behind Harry.

"Oh, Harry, and you, are you all having fun? I noticed a little commotion just now, but don't care. The ghosts are like that, except for Peeves, everyone here is always full of pessimism. But don't worry, today is my death date, and I think I'll definitely let ......"

Before Nick could finish his words, a horn was suddenly blown, and then there was a majestic sound of horses' hooves trampling!

"Oh no!" Nick clutched his head in pain!

The next moment, a group of mighty knight ghosts on fiery horses and armor charged through the walls and came here.

And as soon as they saw them, the ghosts began to cheer and applaud, 1.6 as if the fans were welcoming the idol!

The leader of the knights reined in his horse, raised its front hooves high, let out a long neigh, and stopped right next to Nick.

Then he and Nick start an interactive conversation that is ostensibly congratulatory and comforting, but actually mocking.

It turned out that Nick "couldn't help himself" and applied to join the performance group of the Headless Knights.

But because his head was not completely cut off, he could not participate in performances such as "Head Sharing", and was ruthlessly rejected by the Headless Knights!

In fact, the Headless Horsemen have a natural sense of superiority over Nick.

Although Locke couldn't understand where this sense of superiority came from, and they couldn't understand what fun it was about the Headless Horsemen hitting their heads in the air with their rackets!

But the ghosts are hilarious anyway, and Nick is very lost and devastated anyway.

In the end, the ghosts simply forgot who today's dinner was for.

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