Take the Huberian to Marvel

Take the Huberian to Marvel Chapter 229

"Steve Rogers?" The leading man led the two to the three of them. He glanced at everyone present and found that he only knew Steve, although it was strange to be so close to Captain America What would the identities of the two of you be, but he still said straightforwardly, "Hello, my name is Techara. I came here because there is something that belongs to us and I want to get it back..."

"That vibrating axe?" Steve interrupted directly. After all, Mo Xiao had reminded him of this matter. Steve naturally had an impression. It would be better to say that people are coming now, more than he thought. Slowed a lot, "It's not a big deal to give it back to you, but before that, I have to confirm your identities, whether you really are the owner of that axe..."

Chapter 407

"How do you prove that you are really from Wakanda?"

After saying this, Steve paused slightly because he found that there was a problem with what he said. At that time, Mo Xiao only told him that the axe came from Wakanda, where the vibranium was produced, but he did not tell him. What is Wakanda like, so Steve knows very little about that place, even if the other party gives a proof, he probably can't tell if it is true.

However, in Steve’s two short sentences, Techara was surprised. Wakanda was isolated from the world and had almost no communication with the outside world. He could not understand why the other party would know the information of his country, and he still He has a deep understanding. In fact, the current king of Wakanda, Techara’s father, gave an order to buy the axe from the hands of anti-entropy in the form of [Buy Antiquities]. And if the other party knows that this is vibration gold, then it will switch to a higher price. Anyway, it is to highlight a word, [hao]. Anyway, the amount of vibration gold in this axe is not much, and its symbolic meaning far exceeds its own. In practical terms, inverse entropy is likely to be sold.

Of course, this is all based on inverse entropy [without knowledge], but unfortunately, inverse entropy not only knows the details of this axe, but also has a good understanding of Wakanda. It was not until this matter that Techara was thankful. Fortunately, I performed this task by myself. Otherwise, if I changed to another person, I might be at a loss now...

Yes, it was not him who was assigned to perform the task at the beginning, but a guy who did not know who Techala did not know (no name), but because the target of this contact was inverse entropy, Techa After learning about this, Ra came to apply for execution spontaneously. Unlike most Wakanda people, Techara has realized that the current Wakanda system is flawed and hidden, and it is endless. Sooner or later, there will be problems in retreating the country. He has an idea in his heart to allow Wakanda to contact the outside world, but this idea is still very small. After all, the decision of the successive kings is weighed on his head. This decision is really too [ Ahead] and [Shock the world], besides, he is not a king now and has no power.

However, although Techara was unable to allow Wakanda to contact the outside world, he did not prevent him from coming out and getting in touch with the outside world to understand today’s society, just in time to catch up with this task. The goal is still the very famous inverse entropy, which is Techara. The main reason for this trip was, as for the two people beside him, one was his guard and the other was his sister who ran out to play with.

"If you want to prove, then I think my name is the proof. I am Techara, Prince of Wakanda. Is this enough?" Techara felt that the other party knew Wakanda so well that it was impossible not to know her Identity, but what about the actual situation?

Steve was taken aback, what, Wakanda turned out to be a monarchy?prince???

"Wait, I think I need to make a call..." Steve took out his cell phone a little embarrassingly, took two steps back, and then silently dialed Mo Xiao's number.

At this moment, Mo Xiao had just finished dinner and was chatting with Xier and Brogna. After seeing that the caller ID was Steve, he simply pressed the answer button.

"Captain? Is there anything?"

"Mo Xiao! Um... Now there is a guy called Techara who claims to be Prince Wakanda, not far from me, Wakanda, is a monarchy?"

"Yes, the monarchy countries in Africa are not wrong. In Techara's words, he is indeed the prince of Wakanda. That guy can be trusted..." Mo Xiao thought for a while and continued, "I didn't expect the special Chala will come in person. I thought it would be some unknown person. If it was really him, I would like to talk to that guy in person."

Of course, it’s not using a mobile phone, but face to face, but it’s too late now, and it’s not appropriate, "He’s really so, why did he choose such a time to come to you? Captain, can you let them wait a day? I’ll talk about it tomorrow. ?"

Although Steve had stretched the distance and lowered his voice, Techara was strengthened after all. His five senses were beyond ordinary people, and he still vaguely heard the conversation between the two.

emmmm, it turns out that Steve doesn't know much, did I just blew it up?But it seems that inverse entropy does know a lot, not even...

After hanging up the phone, Steve stepped forward and repeated Mo Xiao’s words with Techara. He undoubtedly agreed. After all, Techara also wanted to get in touch with Inverse Entropy. Now he gave him a chance. It's better to say as he wishes, "Then tomorrow morning, it will still be here, I will come again..."

Saying goodbye to Steve, Techara left here simply and neatly. Aside, his sister Shu Li couldn't help but say, "No, so we left like this?"

She doesn't have the extraordinary hearing of her brother, and she was immersed in the shock of the other party [how much does she know] just now, and now she is even more puzzled about Techara's actions.

"If it weren't for you to delay too much time along the way today, it would be completely different if it was earlier..." Techara looked at his sister, the culprit who caused this late night, of course He didn’t mean to blame the other party. Waiting one more day is not an unacceptable thing. “Anyway, let’s go back to the hotel we chose before. I’ll tell you the details later. This action may be It’s different from what you imagined."

Without a word all the way, the three of them arrived at a luxury hotel that is one of the best in New York, and took the elevator to the designated floor. Shu Li walked to the front, trotting to the door in two steps, preparing to take out the key in her hand. Open the door. For her who has never been outside a few times, everything here is full of a touch of novelty, so Shu Li looks like this all day long, and Te Chala is not slow to follow behind, but At this moment, he suddenly saw faint footprints on the carpet in front of the door, and there were still footprints on this kind of thing, proving that someone had been standing in this place for a long time.

Techara immediately ran up, shouting, "Shu Li, be careful!"

However, it was still too late. Although the distance between the two of them was only about five or six meters, the speed at which Techara ran was beyond a bullet.


With a gunshot, the bullet went through the door panel and shot straight into Shu Li's abdomen. Amidst Techara's incredible expression, she took a step back and fell to the ground... ...

Chapter 408

"Do not!!!"

Techara rushed to the door of the room with a look of anger, kicked the door, and directly kicked the door to pieces with extraordinary strength. The black suit appeared on him at the same time, watching at least three people in the room. The gunman, Techara rushed in without hesitation.

But this is a long-planned ambush, how could there be only three people?

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Accompanied by the sound of the three glottal doors being pushed open violently, the doors of the other three rooms around the room that Techara ordered were also opened. A large number of mercenaries who had been waiting for a long time rushed into the corridor, but now except for those with combat effectiveness In addition to Techara himself, there is another one of his guards, Okoye.

As the only guard of the prince in the mission, Okoye's strength is naturally guaranteed. Although Techara himself is also very strong, not needing too many guards is a factor, but even if this is the case, it is even more important to bring her out. Does it prove that Okay Yeh is great?

As the royal [Jade Guard], her strength is second only to members of the royal family who have taken heart-shaped grass, and is one of Wakanda's top combat power.

Okoye quickly drew two daggers from his waist and held them in his hands. Seeing this scene, the mercenaries around could not help but laugh a few times. They all had a rifle in such a narrow environment. Fight, fight with dagger and rifle?Are you kidding me?

But in the next second they couldn't laugh. They saw Okoye holding the dagger in his hand and making a aiming posture. Then, the two daggers began to glow...

"call out--!"

The blue beam of light instantly penetrated the bodies of several mercenaries. These lasers have extremely high penetrability. After continuously piercing three or four people, they slowly consumed light energy and dissipated in the air.

"What the f**k! What is that? What did that woman just do?" A mercenary who hadn't come out of the room, so he had escaped, exclaimed in horror, "This tm Is it a dagger? Isn't this a laser weapon!?"

To be precise, it is a dagger that can fire lasers, but it can only fire a few rounds. Although the burst of fire just now emptied a large number of enemies, it also exhausted all the energy in the dagger. Okoye switched his hands. The holding position of the dagger turned and ran forward. Even if the weapon [advanced] factor is excluded, Okoye’s fighting skills surpassed these mercenaries by several times. This is a one-sided battle, and the mercenaries are just destroyed. It's just a matter of time...

At the same time, Techara has also cleaned up all the enemies in his room. He did not love to fight, but ran to the door and picked up his sister, "Okkoye, I'll leave it to you here. I will take Shu Li now. Go to the hospital!"

Although angry, Techara will not be dazzled by his own feelings. He knows what is most important now, there is no doubt that he will save people first!

As the most prosperous area in New York, the hospital is very close to here, and the ambulance arrived at the scene within three minutes. Techara ignored the hotel owner’s apologetic expression and surprise, and even ignored the other party’s words. When she saw the car came, she took Shu Li directly. The doctor in the car was extremely skilled to stop the bleeding and other rescue work for Shu Li who had passed out of a coma, paving the way for treatment in the hospital.

Along the way, Techara remained silent and kept reflecting on his mistakes, thinking that there was nothing outside that could cause him danger?Think this most prosperous city in the United States is very safe?These thoughts of him are themselves the most wrong!It would be great if he was more careful, if he was more vigilant, this kind of thing would not happen...

"Who is the most powerful doctor here? I want him to go to the hospital to prepare for treatment for my sister right away! Money is not a problem!" Techara can see that Shu Li seems to be injured very seriously. Stabilization is the most important thing. If the outside medical technology is not enough to cure his sister, Techara can also bring her back to Wakanda for treatment at that time, but the premise is that the most dangerous time must be passed first!

Hearing Techara’s words, the people in the car glanced at each other, "Speaking of the most powerful doctor, it must be Doctor Strange, but he should be off work now, although he can also be called over, but ......"

"You can ask him to come here!" What is behind the word [but]?It’s nothing more than money, but for Techara, money is not a problem. Now, you can find the best doctor. There is no doubt about it. As long as you have passed the current dangerous period, you can do anything. Easy to handle!

Ten minutes later, in front of the operating room, looking at Shu Li, who was ready for surgery and was pushing inside, Te Chala found the oldest looking guy who was suspected to be the chief surgeon. "You are Strange. Doctor? Although I'm sorry to call you back to work overtime suddenly, my sister is..."

"Excuse me, Mr. Techara, I am not Doctor Strange, my name is Robbins Mitchell."

"You are not the chief surgeon this time?"

"No, I am, I'm sorry, what happened to Dr. Strange..." When talking about this, the man named Robbins looked a little strange, but Techara didn't care about it. One point, he was even more puzzled about the reason for the other party's [Breach of Contract], "A small situation?"

"Um..." Robbins seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, a few doctors pushed a person and rushed over, "Let me give it away!"

Techara saw that the wounded was covered in blood, and the injury was not light at first sight. The next second, he was pushed into the operating room next door.,

"As you can see, the one just now is Doctor Strange."

Techara, "..."

Is this a minor situation?Techara didn't understand it very well. If it was a major situation, wouldn't it have died on the spot?But people have become like this, he will definitely not mention [breach of contract] and other things again, besides, it is also himself who asks the other party to come to treat his sister, so if the other party has something, he is also responsible, but now compared to outsiders, Techara was still more worried about his sister's situation.

"Well, I won't tell you. Although I can't compare to the genius doctor who has repeatedly performed miracles, I will try my best." Robbins pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and walked into the operating room.

Leaving only a pensive look, Te Chala waited silently outside the door. Fifteen minutes later, Okoye came to the hospital. She sat next to Te Chala and whispered, "Your Highness, the other party’s target is you. An unknown employer hired them to assassinate you, and even provided detailed information about us, including residence, identity information, etc..."

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