Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1532: Out of control

(It’s the fourth new year. Happy Chinese New Year everyone. May the new year be smooth and prosperous.)

Henrietta and Gilcott used all the resources at hand and failed to find information about this mysterious fleet. They can only regard it as the ultimate force that Jaina Britannia can use, just like the new force that Virginia Alexander had dispatched before. The Deep Submersible Fleet...Of course, this is the opinion of the generals. Henrietta and Gilcott are very clear about the true face of the new Deep Submersible fleet.

Cui Enhao raised a question when he led the new Skywalker Guard to the front. The level of technology mastered by sovereign states in the Hilumbel region is still at the level of modifying the remains of Epsilon, and even cottages can’t do it. To. With the power of the Sauron Empire, why did it produce more powerful warships than those produced by Morningstar Casting?

This is a problem that has no meaning in resolving war, but it is also a very critical problem.

Yes, why does Jaina Britania have such an armed fleet?

Sekhbakar guessed whether it was caused by the remnants of God’s armed forces. You must know that Mr. J had cooperated with Will Olipod in the past. Will there be a Mr. Q who wears a pair of pants with Jaina Britania , Otherwise, how did such a female generation conquer the Sauron Empire's Manchu civil and military?

No one knew how to answer his question, only Louise praised his husband's imaginative voice.

Henrietta and Gilcott thought more, but not for the war between the Turanx United Kingdom and the Sauron Empire... This confrontation concerning the future destiny of the country only ranked second in their hearts. Because compared to the generals and politicians below, they received more sensitive consultations.

"Things are getting more and more complicated, I hope he can stand it..." This was Henrietta's mutter after the meeting.

"The actions of these guys are really ridiculous." Gilcott is always happy to occupy the wicker chair hand-made by Mellor: "Well... they are just jumping the wall."

Henrietta said: "The urgency is certain, but jumping off the wall...not so, those guys are still very sensible."

"I've already achieved this level, isn't it..." Gilcott tapped the edge of the table with his fingers, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Natasha's atmosphere reflected the light from the three Khanos brothers, casting a glitz on the glass curtain wall of the uppermost viewing cabin of the Mirror Light.

The war in the Turanx United Kingdom is beyond everyone's expectations, but it is not a big deal in the eyes of figures like Henrietta and Gilcott. They are more concerned about the game behind the war than the outcome of the war.

Speaking of which...that is no longer the level where they can intervene.

Even the authority in a country cannot reach a level, and one can imagine how far the situation has deteriorated. At least Henrietta and Gilcott had a little worry about Captain Tang, even if they told them not to worry when they contacted him last time, it's okay.

It's one thing, but it's another thing in practice. Just as Jaina Britannia showed that it was not easy to deal with, I believe that even Tang Fang must have been a little surprised, and this is a headache.

In the international community, those military observers and political observers of the wild road put more energy on that mysterious fleet, hoping to find clues to confirm their identity and origin.

This matter is destined to have no results. Even Turanx and the king can't handle it, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to crack it.

For ordinary people, they value the outcome of the incident more than the story behind the incident. They just knew that the new Lionheart Independent Fleet, which was lined up with Morningstar casting and production battleships, was defeated and lost to the Sauron Empire's Oath Sword Special Guard. This time, Jaina Britannia had the upper hand.

People who are hostile to Tang are naturally rejoicing... For example, the young people in the Sulu Empire who were deeply influenced by militarism, such as the low-level people who lost their ability to think under the populism of the Monya Empire. Well, there are also officers and soldiers who are proud of the Sauron Empire. For them, is there anything more glorious than defeating a fleet with Morningstar Forge-style weapons?

People who have a good impression of Tang, especially the people of the Star Alliance and Turanx United Kingdom, are all worried and unable to understand the direction of things. The power of Morningstar is undoubtedly forged. Andromeda-class battleships, Scorpio-class cruisers, Perseus-class destroyers, Monoceros-class frigates...These powerful warships can be said to have been abused against the warships produced by sovereign nations. But... But the war in the original Franklin family territory broke the myth that Morningstar Casting could not be defeated, and their mood and fighting spirit were hit hard, knowing that things were not as simple and pure as expected.

Of course, Jaina Britannia did not know where to get such a powerful fleet, the Monya Imperial Navy and the Sulu Imperial Navy were not so lucky.

According to some information disclosed by the Star Alliance Army to the outside world, people know that the Star Alliance Navy has had many regional frictions with the enemy in the no man’s land battlefield. Although it has not developed into a fleet battle, it can also be seen that the Star Alliance Navy has combat experience. Compared with the beginning of the war in the no man’s land, there has been considerable progress. Among them, the units equipped with the battleships produced by the Morningstar cast have an absolute advantage in the confrontation. One advance and one retreat can be described as entering a man’s land.

The Sulu Navy and the Munya Navy did not produce warships that surpassed the previous level, which seems to indicate that Jaina Britannia is special and unique. Only she has the power to wrestle the wrist with Morningstar.

What most people don’t understand is that the Ming Star Alliance Navy has gained power that is not inferior to that of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire. However, David Conan has retreated and retreated, completely giving up the front of his opponents. Large-scale military confrontation actively shrinks the line of defense and retreats to the hinterland of the country.

Many people are dissatisfied with this, thinking that David Conan was bitten by a snake for ten years and feared the ropes. He had experienced the defeat of the last no-man’s land war. This time he has no courage to see the truth on the battlefield with the enemy and blindly backward. Back down. What does he want to do? Is it to use this method to force Tang Fang to help?

It's so despicable! What a bastard! He is really incompetent as the commander-in-chief of the navy in no man's land.

Some people took to the streets to demonstrate and parade, demanding that the Adam government remove David Conan’s post of naval commander in no man’s land and replace him with a person who dared to lead the Star Alliance navy to fight the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire navy. Admiral Jean Johnson, the commander of Spartacus United who said he won the fruits of victory in the Phoenix Empire and became a national hero.

The public did not understand David Conan’s military intentions, but senior government officials such as Adam Oliver, Rene Ismail, and Les Adinan knew very well, understood, and very much agreed with David Conan’s military arrangements.

Unless the Sulu Imperial Navy and the Monya Imperial Navy have the ability to invade the Dilar star system and destroy the base camp forged by Morningstar, what awaits them is a dilemma. Once the support fleet headed by Spartacus United arrived, the following was a powerful counterattack from the Star Alliance Navy.

They are confident and shameless, just like Johnson did in the Phoenix Empire, to teach the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire a deep lesson. Completely change the weak image of the Star Alliance Navy in the international community.

The dissatisfaction from civil society can only be resolved by appeasement and diversion. Adam Oliver called on the people to exercise restraint, to have confidence in the government and the navy, not to be influenced by emotions, and to give the Star Alliance naval fleet some time.

His speech was approved by most people. In fact, there are some discerning people among the public who saw David Conan's thoughts, and were astounded by this old man's arrangement.

From the perspective of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire, they continue to attack, and they will inevitably face a situation where the front line is too long. They stopped to rest and rehabilitate themselves and consolidate the results of the battle. They lost the meaning of blitzkrieg, and allowed the Star Alliance Navy to gain reaction time ~www.readwn.com~ which made them have to face more and more powerful enemies.

Mackintosh Stewart and Abdul Abdul are not fools. After the current line sent the current situation of the Dillard star system and the Star Alliance naval deployment intelligence in the nearby airspace, they suddenly understood David Conan’s mind. Understand the severe situation facing our fleet.

This is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy. This is not a trap, this is a bright array. Whether it is advancing or retreating, it will fall into the calculations of the person who can only walk on a wheelchair.

This is really very, very unpleasant, there is a smell that no matter how hard you struggle, you can't get rid of the fate.

Similarly, the commander of the local lord fleet who cooperated with the Saint Anthony Fleet and the Hydra Corps in the joint operations also discovered this problem and was very troubled by it. People embarrassing situation.

Unfortunately, they did not do what they wanted.

Whether it was military attaches such as David Conan, Jean Johnson, or politicians such as Adam Oliver and Rene Ismail, they did not expect things to deviate from their expectations.

The Monya Empire Navy Fleet and the Sulu Empire Navy Fleet did not stop to consolidate the results and carry out the blitzkrieg policy to the end. Even if the Dilar star system is in front, they have no scruples about the possibility of Morningstar casting arms, fighting for the loss of some quality The price of combat power forcibly crossed the line of defense laid by the Star Alliance Navy and entered the hinterland of the Star Alliance.

The Dillard star system is located in the inner airspace of the no man’s land, and further down is the inhabited area. Although compared to the Duma star system and the Babylon star system, such special economic zones or political and cultural centers, the land is sparsely populated. In the frontier, there are always people who are not. Apart from some industrial parks and resource stars, there are also many deep space service stations, scientific research space stations, astronomical observatories and other construction facilities.

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