Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1515: It's the feast and the beginning

The sights of Ouyang Lanlan and others moved with Delt, and Glandini and Ed's faces showed admiration that could not be concealed. In any case, Delter settled Tang Fang and made a possible disaster disappear.

Ed whispered to Montrad, "Sure enough, as Marion Duncan said, this kid is a master who eats soft but not hard."

Grandini interrupted and said, "But the premise is that you have the ability to get his approval."

Why can Delt win the respect and favor of Captain Tang? First, he has a pair of Chinese adoptive parents who have been deeply influenced by the Han culture since he was a child; second, they can speak, and those compliments from his mouth are not embarrassing at all. They make people feel like spring breeze and full of emotions.

Montrad said, "Otherwise, why does he have the nickname "Social Flower"."

Tang Fang didn't pay attention to Ouyang Lanlan's movement, his eyes fell on the two people around him.

Hausen's eyes were straight, his nose twitched, his eyes looking at the half bottle of Moutai as if he was looking at a charming and charming beauty.

"Want it, please..." As soon as Delt was walking over with the bottle, he noticed Howson and Churchill looked hungry. Now that a catty of Moutai in the bottle was consumed by himself, the eyes of these two people seemed to be afraid that he would swallow all the wine in the bottle on a whim, not leaving them a bit.

"Okay, I beg you." Don't think about it, it will only be Hausen who speaks in this tone.

Tang Fang's face was full of helpless expressions, and he thought to himself how could a character like Bill Carter be able to fight him with his lifeless personality. Just like that saying ------ the tree will die without skin, and people are shameless and invincible.

"Take it, take it." He pushed the only half bottle of wine in front of the two without a trace. Did not ask Ouyang Lanlan, Grandini and others who wanted to taste the taste of the national wine.

He did this deliberately, because his actions would tell them that no matter how vulgar Hausen and Churchill were, he would not turn his back on his brothers and comrades.

It is human nature to like the new and dislike the old, but for him, he cherishes those who become bookmark-like characters in the book of memory.

Baby Howson grabbed the bottle of wine in his hand, regardless of how people around him thought of him, and blew it down while holding the bottle. Unexpectedly, Churchill had been prepared for a long time, and put his palm on the bottle mouth, and the mouth was not accidentally kissed on the back of his hand.

The two were partners, and Howson slapped his ass, Churchill knew what fart he was going to let him succeed, and swallowed half a bottle of good wine.

"What are you doing?!" Howson said with two eyes the size of a copper bell.

Churchill just sneered again and again and did not speak.

"Okay, I'll share some of you." Hanhuo moved the wine bottle reluctantly, very slowly, as if he was holding a huge boulder in his hand instead of a bottle of old wine with only four or two left.

Churchill has been staring at his movements, with a high concentration of energy and an extremely nervous mood. He looks like a thief.

He had to do this, because he knew how Hausen was like, and that guy can really do something like this.

Tang Fang did not pay attention to the small movements of the two people because something happened at this time. After Delt returned to Miki Hyuga and sat down, Joseph stood up on his left.

This made him a little uncomfortable, thinking that at first it was Miki Hyuga, then Bill Carter, then Delt, and finally it was Joseph's turn... well, the wheel fight, one by one. No wonder Marion Duncan hides far away. This is to let him pass five levels and cut six generals.

"You... no one plans to marry my daughter, right?"

All the people present at the scene were taken aback by what he said. Even Howson, who poured the wine into the glass, shook involuntarily, so that the wine splashed a little, and he grinned in distress, and did not dare to say anything.

If it’s a kid like Bai Hao and Roy, Hanhuo is already furious, and even pinches their necks around in a circle, don’t look at one of them turning into a black knight, the other with a demon arm, but in front of him there are always two A child. The person who distracted him now was Captain Tang, who gave him ten courage and did not dare to act aggressively.

On the other side, Virginia and Ouyang Lanlan looked at each other, wondering what Captain Tang was thinking, how could they ask such troublesome questions. Grandini and Ed thought that he would be reluctant to hold back Bill Carter, and their eyes were directed at the diagonally opposite Miki Hyuga and Bill Carter.

Of course the faces of the two of them were not good-looking, and I thought I was subdued here, what else would that guy do? Is it true that he has to give his daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) to him before he is willing to give up. Although he has many confidantes, he has never heard that he is a lecherous guy... Besides, he has always regarded Claire as his own. Virginia will never sit back and watch this happen.

How did they know that Captain Tang was really afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years on this kind of thing. When he was in the Aradele star system, Steinbell and Clayston made an open match between him and Elena. Later, when he went to the Yinying Group, Ralph gave him a life experience of "fighting and recruiting relatives".

I have had the previous two experiences. Now when I encounter this kind of thing, I will naturally feel a little frightened. I am afraid that I will be the subject of investigation by a future old man, and then entrust his daughter to him like finally selling the old goods that have been overstocked for many years.

"Oh, no... I was shocked." Seeing Ouyang Lanlan, Grandini and others with blank expressions, he felt more relieved, rubbing his slightly dizzy head and said: "Then, Mr. Joseph... …Please draw down the road."

"Drop it down, what do you mean?" The suspicion on Joseph's face grew stronger, and he couldn't understand what Captain Tang was talking about and what his thoughts were.

"What do you mean?" Tang Fang raised his eyebrows and said, "First, Mr. Miki Hyuga, then Mr. Bill Carter, Mr. Delter, I think... Then it's your turn to make a problem for me. Right, Mr. Joseph ."

"I have a problem for you? Why should I give you a problem." Joseph said seriously.

"Then why are you standing up."

"Because I want to go to the bathroom, if I don't stand up, can I just sit down?"

Go to the toilet, he wants to go to the toilet... Tang Fang was speechless about this: "You did it on purpose."

Joseph said: "What is it on purpose? Is there anything I did wrong?"

He suddenly felt like he had nowhere to put his mouth on Miss Emma, ​​and he hesitated and waved helplessly: "You don't want to go to the toilet. What are you doing here."

Joseph said: "I thought you had something to say." After speaking, he turned and went out.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Tang Fang felt that either he was stupid or he was stupid, or both of them were stupid.

Howson and Churchill were toasting without anyone else over there, sipping the Moutai in the glass, like a sweetheart.

Out-of-print old wine like this is already one bottle less than one bottle.

"Prince Walker's wine cellar hides good things. I don't know what the scene is like in the wine cellar of the Phoenix Imperial Palace. I start to be jealous of Baiyue and Izsha."

Churchill said: "You can also take away the Krem Palace of the Celtic Star System. I don't think Kirkcraft Stewart has less wine than Virginia Alexander."

Howson belched a drink and swept away Tang Fang from the corner of his eye: "It depends on his determination."

Churchill sniffed the lees of the emptied glass and whispered, "I think it's difficult."

For countries like the Phoenix Empire and the Turanx United Kingdom that did not have the slightest sense of belonging, he showed such a strong sense of responsibility, and he was absolutely more entangled in the Monya Empire, unwilling to bring a lot of unbearable suffering to civilians.

Howson and Churchill are in a circle, and they have no plans to enter the big circle composed of Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter and others. The whispers of the two people are also ignored. No one knows that these two guys who are regarded as vulgar are discussing. National affairs.

Under Delter's reassurance, Tang Fang stopped arguing with Bill Carter, and Virginia was able to pick up the wine glass and continue the interrupted invitation, as the landlord led everyone to drink a glass of Chinese wine.

Marion Duncan was not here. Tang Fang discussed with the others how to rescue Payne Cartero's plan and could only be shelved, waiting for Marion Duncan to return to negotiate.

Just like Virginia said, this meal is only for drinking and eating, not talking about official affairs, and putting those annoying things in advance. This is the most basic respect of the Garcia Rebels to the three Tang Fang.

For Tang Fang, this meal is naturally good, because the dishes on the table basically meet his tastes, even if they taste strange, at least the appearance and taste make him have a sense of closeness, compared to Minoan ceramics. There is too much food on the cruise ship. People like Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, Joseph, Delt, etc. basically didn't use the tableware. Most of the time, they were drinking and chatting, talking about the gossip of Garcia's resistance.

Tang Fang was not very interested in their conversation. While immersed in the specious Chinese food on the table, he complained about the half-hearted cooking skills of the Tone of Hope cooking class, and allocated some energy to deal with Emma.

Although her body is now a Minotaur-class battle cruiser, it does not prevent the two from communicating on a spiritual level.

Again, Emma's "soul" resides in the system space, and the Epsilon version of Emma is merely a physical projection of her consciousness. During his meal, Miss Emma provided a lot of interesting information... The official media of the Monya Empire used to discredit the twelve leaders of the Garcia Resistance Army.

The meal lasted about two hours. After all, there were a large number of participants, a dozen people, and each person said a word and had a glass of wine, which also cost a lot of energy.

The biggest contributor to the end of the banquet was Churchill, who was actually drunk...Inferior to Ouyang Lanlan and Virginia.

In fact, Tang Fang and Churchill were also a little dizzy, because the ten or so people on the other side kept drinking with them, even if they had different talents, they could only try to stay awake, not like Churchill.

You must know that the three of them drank high-alcohol, while Ouyang Lanlan, Virginia, and Grandini all drank low-alcohol. Those few people used low-alcohol wine to fight with them, which is really a very uncomfortable thing.

Miki Hyuga and Delt also drank too much when Xi San. The latter cried and cried with the person in front of him, but he did not think of his dead parents or the various injuries suffered during the guerrilla process. The object he cried for was actually a dog, a dog who accompanied him through elementary school.

Delt said that Miki Hyuga had a face that looked like "Bella"-Bella was his dog's name. Whenever he saw this face, he always had many feelings and nostalgia.

Ed is also quite interesting. He sang and danced while drinking, not at all as calm and quiet as when he was not drunk. Joseph went to the bathroom very frequently, and Bill Carter completely forgot his unhappiness just now. Not to mention Tang Fang and Churchill, he was babbling, babbling, talking endlessly when he faced Howson who had been against him.

Katerina drank a little too, and she could see that the amount of alcohol was not good, and there seemed to be a pot of fire under her youthful, white face.

Churchill was escorted out of the restaurant by Garcia rebels. Tang Fang and Hausen were okay. They were not supported by anyone. They walked very calmly and followed their predecessors.

When passing through the bathroom, I could hear Montrad vomiting inside, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

For people who are drunk~www.readwn.com~ Vomiting is often contagious.

Speaking of which things have developed to the present point, the Haikou that Hausen had boasted before he came here, and the rhetoric he uttered are not far away. The three of them almost really drank the ten people... if not all, at least half of them. . Had it not been for Ouyang Lanlan, Virginia, and Katerina who were drinking low-alcohol wine, they would have been unconscious.

Virginia took the three of them to the room cleaned by the staff and told them to rest well, talk about something, and then went down.

It was Tang Fang, and Churchill and Howson.

After entering the room, he opened the curtain facing the universe and looked out the window for a while, calmed the feeling of churning in his stomach, took off the clothes and threw them on the bed, and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

Putting it in the past, as long as you don't continue to drink the sea, drink a few glasses of water, take a hot bath, those tiredness and drunkenness will be wiped away, and the whole person will completely relax. However, today I don't know why, the hot bath did not take away the drunkenness from him, but made the feeling of drowsiness worse.

When he came out of the bathroom, his eyes could hardly be opened, and things in the room were ghosted, as if someone was shaking his body while singing a lullaby that made people fall asleep.

"Is it too tired?" He was too lazy to put the clothes on the bed on the hanger at the door, and he leaned back directly on the soft bed, his eyes half-squinted, and he couldn't help feeling the changing warm colors of the ceiling. Tucao Marion grabbed the Moutai from the Prince Walker Wine Cellar... "This stamina is too great, the alcohol is really only 53 degrees, not a strong original wine?"

Thanks to Qi Xingping, Buff silently, StarCraft 2F2P lovers, wenyan5188, Spider Crab, BKTN, xktank, Space Knight, and Master of the Underworld for their rewards.

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