Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1510: It's a bad friend and a partner

Tang Fang has been worrying about Nova's disappearance all this time, and has not noticed any changes in Miss Emma. Now he heard the conversation between the three people next to him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Although she had made a mistake in the truth that "one monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink," she was impressed by this progress.

At this moment, the expanding white on the big screen shook his eyes slightly, which was a sign that the Minotaur-class battlecruiser left the virtual space and entered the real universe.

Over there, Emma stopped communicating with Howson and Churchill, and tapped his finger gently on the touchpad surface. An encrypted message was sent from the communication device and sent to the Garcia rebel fleet for patrol nearby.

Long before leaving the Salas star system and rushing to the target location, Emma and Garcia rebels had lined up to confirm the detailed coordinates.

Even if they are in the territory of the Monya Empire, it can be said that they are acting under the nose of King Kirklaf I, but if no one reveals the coordinates and acts carefully, the Monya Navy will basically be unable to capture their whereabouts. After all, under the vast starry sky of the Universe Sea, measured in light years, a star system is like a drop in the ocean. Needless to say, a small meeting area, not to mention the fact that the Garcia Rebels are equipped with a zero element space effect field generator, which hides its own existence. The remains of Ypsilon.

Soon, the Minotaur-class battle cruiser received news from the Garcia Rebel patrol fleet. After paying his respects, the fleet commander sent him a space coordinate accurate to two decimal places.

The Minotaur-class battlecruiser fine-tuned its course, the conventional engine was running at maximum power, and the hull headed toward this spatial coordinate.

After traveling for more than 10 minutes, I saw a dozen warships moving slowly in the void from a distance. He saw Marion's flagship, the Voice of Hope, in the close-up picture provided by the big screen. In addition, several three-headed dog-class pirate capital ships provided by Morningstar Casting exist as escorts.

This time without waiting for Emma to send a communication request, Virginia first requested access to the bridge.

Without any surprise, after the two people settled down, Alena and Emma were left to guard the battleship. He, Hausen and Churchill boarded a special operations transport ship and flew to the Sound of Hope.

I can see that Churchill is very happy. I don't know if it is because he can meet the leader of the rebel army who has worshipped and thanked him, or is excited to drink the famous wine passed down to the world... Although many white people are not used to the taste of Chinese liquor.

Hausen did not have the surging emotions of Churchill, and was very rare and delicate. He found that Tang Fang was a little absent-minded. He did not have the cheerful expression of coveting wine and food, nor the agitated emotions of seeing an old friend again. His brows were sometimes relaxed and frowned, as if What are you thinking about?

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that those people will give you problems..." Howson said Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, Jin Yongxian, Ouyang Lanlan... the group of people.

Before Marion announced that Tang Fang would take over him in the near future, he was very hasty. Virginia told Kleiya that the old man didn’t talk to Miki Hyuga, Birka Carter, Kim Yongxian, etc. After discussing it, this will inevitably make those people feel unhappy.

What kind of character is Marion? I don't care about the accusations and complaints of those people at all. In Tang Fang's words, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water...Anyway, they have already cooked raw rice into mature rice, so what can they do.

Marion doesn't care if those people are upset, it doesn't mean that Captain Tang is also so cheeky and can ignore their scrutiny and dissatisfaction. It is natural for the special operations transport ship to be worried about this during the flight to the Voice of Hope, and to feel sad.

There is nothing wrong for Howson to think so, but Tang Fang responded by shaking his head in denial.

"If anyone of them likes this number two person, you can just take it... Do you think I would be scared of the title of this spiritual leader... It is more of a responsibility and obligation."

"Then... are you worrying about Tanglin and Krissugad not coming yet?"

Tang Fang shook his head again: "Krisugard's warships fly slowly, not to mention the large targets. They need to bypass some heavily guarded areas of the Monya Empire. The action time is earlier than us. It does not mean that they will arrive here earlier."

Howson said: "Then why do you show such an expression?"

Tang Fang did not speak, because the special operations transport ship had entered the Sound of Hope hangar, and the pilot outside was waving the light stick in his hand to guide the aircraft to land in a suitable area.

When the three got off the boat, Virginia brought a female officer in her twenties to greet her.

In the past, the two sides met through an electronic screen, not as close as they are now. For Tang Fang, the current Virginia has a very obvious change compared with the previous Virginia. The fair face has more signs of age, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes have increased a lot, and the mental state does not look good. , I didn't have a good rest for these days.

She is a Kylienia character, a workaholic in some people's words. Time and hardship are easier to show on the faces of people like her. Of course, several years have passed since the Battle of Crotan, and her age has increased, and her face will be more old than before.

"You are here." There was no warm greeting, just a sigh that sounded very calm, like a family conversation that was too familiar to you.

Tang Fang smiled and said, "Aunt Virginia, thank you very much for coming here to welcome me."

"Okay, put away your routine of meeting people, talking people, fucking, and talking nonsense." After saying this, she turned and walked back: "Go, this is not the place to talk."

Tang Fang laughed hard, didn't say much, followed her behind and moved in.

She did not take Tang Fang to the bridge or the central meeting room, and led the three of them to a lounge not far from the restaurant, and arranged for someone to invite Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter and others to come and meet, and then Sit down on the sofa opposite, and without waiting for Tang Fang to speak, he said first: "In the way of your Chinese people, leave anything to the wine table to say."

Tang Fang was speechless about this, thinking that she had touched the Huaxia people's style clearly, knowing that some things are better to talk about at the wine table than in the conference room.

Just as Howson was worried before, if Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter, and others are really going to make a problem for him, the banquet environment where the brothers and sisters are pushing cups and changing tables will also be somewhat restrained. But I'm afraid that some people can't control their emotions when they drink too much. If the banquet is overturned, everyone's face will not look good.

"Where's Marion? Why didn't he see him?" Tang Fang suddenly remembered the culprit who hadn't asked him if he wanted to go straight to the shelves. It stands to reason that he has been on the ship for some time. Unlike other Garcia leaders who need to come from the flagship, the old man should have come to meet him.

If it was someone else, he might think that the other party was ashamed, and he chose to delay as much as possible, and come back after the leaders of the García rebels arrived, so as to resolve the embarrassment and not give him a chance. Marion Duncan is different. He will not feel guilty and dare not come to meet. The most likely picture is that no matter what Captain Tang says, he will turn a deaf ear to ears. It is right to treat those complaints as deaf ears.

Virginia combed the hairs clinging to her cheeks behind her ears with her hands, and smiled bitterly: "That guy...go to do what he does best."

"What does he do best?"

Virginia smiled brilliantly, the wrinkles in the corner of her eyes turned into a beautiful chrysanthemum: "Yes, the thing he does best-and mud."

Virginia... He actually said that Marion Duncan's best skill is muddy mud. Not only Tang Fang could not laugh or cry, but even Howson and Churchill both looked dumbfounded. He did not expect that she would make such a statement.

Perhaps seeing the expressions of the three people and knowing what they were thinking, Virginia explained in depth: "You know, the weapons and equipment of the Garcia Rebels used to be aided by Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic. It will also provide technical personnel to come over for guidance. There is no doubt that these people have a very special position in the military, and they will develop some bad problems. In the past, our people will give tolerance and tolerance. However, this time is different..." At this point, she glanced at Tang Fang: "The assistance from Morningstar Casting and the Star Alliance government is increasing day by day, and the importance of the technicians sent by the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic also increases. When they still assume their original high posture, not many people will accommodate them, so this psychological gap causes a lot of trouble..."

She didn't describe the so-called troubles in more detail, and the three of Tang Fang could naturally think of it.

Speaking of the Garcia Rebels' long-term existence in the empire, it is inseparable from the support of the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic. The Garcia Rebels can be seen as an important **** used by the two governments to contain the Stewart family. If commercial terms are used to describe the relationship between the two parties, to a certain extent, the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic are equivalent to the sponsors of the Garcia Resistance Army.

Under this premise, those professionals appointed by their superiors to provide technical support to the Garcia Rebels will naturally have a sense of superiority. Garcia's rebels are relatively weaker, and they are willing to accommodate them with the idea of ​​being able to bear it. If they can't bear to lose their teeth and continue to bear it, they will become unscrupulous in the long run.

But now, the situation has changed a lot. The García rebels have acquired a strong and close comrade, and the armed equipment from Morningstar forged has completely abused the weapons and equipment from the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic. To describe it in snobbery language... The García Rebels have found a stronger backstage, their waists straightened, and their speech hardened. Naturally, the grassroots soldiers below will no longer be used to the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic. Technical staff.

Not only will they not get used to it, but on the contrary, they will also find opportunities to provoke each other to repay their previous humiliation. Professionals from the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic were equally irritated, waiting to make things worse and give Garcia's rebels some color. People from both sides collided in one place, and it was like dry wood encountering a raging fire. One can imagine what will happen.

From the point of view of Marion Duncan and Virginia, naturally, I don't want to see a scene where the two sides are torn apart and fought. There is no benefit except catharsis.

Virginia is a female generation, it is not suitable to go to the scene of the incident to deal with the problem, let alone keep someone to meet him. Marion Duncan is the most suitable person, because this guy has a good temper and will not turn his face easily with others. And the best way to deal with this kind of thing is to get rid of the mud, so that the conflict will not end. When the impulse of the two sides in the past disappears, the situation will calm down.

Is Marion Duncan's character suitable and muddy... Tang Fang smiled bitterly and shook his head, remembering how the old man bombarded Charles Federation Officer Gabriels' head with a shot during the Battle of Crotain. He didn't know what the subsequent impact was. How to settle it. It seems that the old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp, at least he can accurately determine the severity of the situation at the critical moment.

Howson murmured from the side: "Oh, it's late..." It sounds very regrettable that he couldn't go over with Marion Duncan to deal with this matter~www.readwn.com~ Churchill gave him a vigorous look, meaning " you shut up".

Speaking of fighting, taming goods is definitely a good hand, but when it comes to dealing with social affairs, there is a 99% probability that you will be more helpful.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, and the girl beside Virginia called Katerina walked over and talked a few words with the visitor, and walked into the room and nodded slightly.

At this time Virginia stood up, tidyed up her attire and looked at the three of them and said, "The restaurant is ready, and Miki Hyuga and others have boarded the ship. Let's go, let's eat and wait."

Although a little hastily, he finished the coffee in the cup, got up and walked behind Virginia to the restaurant.

Howson and Churchill lag behind, muttering something as they walked.

Katerina could hear clearly. According to Howson’s plan, if Miki Hyuga, Bill Carter and others do not know how to promote, then drink them to death on the wine table... In this way, no one would dare to be in the position of Captain Tang. The leader of Garcia's rebels made irresponsible remarks.

He wanted to drink to death the nine Garcia rebel leaders alone...what a nervous person to say this.

She naturally didn't know the physique of Uncle Hausen, let alone the nine Garcia rebel leaders, even if it doubled the number, it would still be correct.

Compared with the braggart who brags and doesn't draft anything, the man named Churchill is much more stable.

The lounge was originally near the restaurant, and within two or three minutes, Virginia took four people into a very simple restaurant.

Perhaps it was the chef who told Marion about Tang Fang’s arrival early. When the five people arrived, there were a few small dishes scattered on the table, all of which were Chinese dishes. They contained the fried peanuts that he liked very much. However, the chef put them next to him. A small portion of tomato sauce makes him very speechless.

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