Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1472: 3 Musketeers

Churchill punched him from behind: "Don't you keep holding your cannon? If you don't want to drop the chain at a critical moment, what you need is not Captain Tang, but a small blue pill."

"You only need the little blue pill." Howson was savage, but not stupid, where the irony in Churchill's words could not be heard.

In the daily interaction between the two people, the shuttle slowly drove into Pier 3 of Unit B in the outer zone with the help of the guiding beam, and stopped at the shuttle berth on the uppermost floor.

Tang stopped the quarrel between the two of them, took them out of the cabin, and entered the customs checkpoint along the nearest landing channel. After obtaining identity authentication, they boarded the tram to Unit B in the outer area, and gathered with several other tourists who had just got off the shuttle to the space station. Go deep.

Tang Fang looked at the few people who were not afraid of Hausen’s ferocious gaze. Instead of staring at him coldly, he thought it was the soldiers who had retreated from the front line to play here, and those on the other side who deliberately kept a distance from them saw it. Tourists who travel here.

The tram went all the way, and there were only gasping voices and hostile gazes in the carriage, until Churchill twisted a hand behind Hausen, and the idiot sneered and withdrew his provocative gaze, causing the tension in the carriage to dissipate.

About 8 minutes later, the train arrived at the station and stopped at the entrance of the commercial block. Several people filed off.

The first thing that catches the eye is not the promotional brochure of young girls, but the large advertisements of burgers and pizzas. The color collision of vegetable leaves and meat, the taste of jam and pastry, are clearly conveyed through the screen to everyone who has just entered the block. One person's mind.

Regardless of the past, the present, or even the future, for the average person, the various airliner meals provided during the journey will never be as delicious as the food sold in the store.

Although many people come here for the girls from the Omega Space Station, they have to fill their stomachs before exercising, right? So the shops here are very business-minded.

The soldiers who had retreated from the front line followed the directions of the billboard to a nearby restaurant. Howson raised his **** at their backs and cursed "FU-CK-YOU!" in a low voice. The tourists walking behind the three hurried to the side, stay away from him, and walk quickly to another block where there is an electric bicycle lane for travelers to choose.

Tang Fang ignored Hausen and continued with the two people. He heard a "gugu" noise coming from behind. When he looked back, he found that the idiot was looking at the food advertisements hanging in the blocks on both sides. Brand, swallowing mouthfuls.

This guy looked down on a few soldiers just now, don't you know that his expression is not as good as those people now.

"Are you hungry?" Tang Fang asked without looking back at the street or the people standing or sitting next to him.

Howson nodded and said very honestly: "I'm hungry."

"Just bear it..."

His answer gave the two people who followed him a black line. In any case, they didn't expect to exchange such a reply. They couldn't help but secretly slander. The outside world rumored that Captain Tang was kind-hearted, and it was simply the most absurd rumor in the world. Have you ever seen a boss who abused employees on business trips? no……

Tang Fang didn't know what kind of psychological activities those two people had, and even if they knew it, they wouldn't care. The Omega Space Station is very large, and it seems that the services provided by each unit are different. The three people came from the street and walked a long distance. Most of this area is composed of restaurants, food partners, cafes and other shops.

"Perhaps this is an area similar to the snack street." He thought to himself.

The relevant data sent by Emma confirms his idea. Unit B in the outer area mainly provides passengers with delicious snacks, desserts, drinks, and a few recreational facilities such as a bookstore and a gym.

Knowing this information, he didn't waste time in Zone B. He went to the nearby navigation robot to operate, find the place he wanted to go, and took the two of them to turn left and enter the tram bound for Zone A.

The train runs at the top of the tunnel. Below are the shuttle maglev vehicles and single-ride electric bicycles. At least from this point of view, the Omega space station is not much different from a city.

"Ah, look... it's those guys." Howson said, pointing to the scenery below.

Churchill looked along his direction and saw that the people driving the electric bicycles on the carriageway below were the tourists who had just entered the B area with the three of them.

Tang Fang didn't have the mind to care about the affairs of a few tourists. He looked through the car window to the inner walls of the tunnel where the mirror system was implanted on both sides to refresh his spirit.

Churchill sat down beside him and whispered, "Have you found Dewey Hansel?"

Tang Fang shook his head: "It's not an easy task, I'm afraid it will take some effort."

Hearing his answer, Churchill asked: "So...we are going to live here for a while?"

Tang Fang nodded lightly without saying much. The Omega Space Station is very large, and there is no way to obtain information about Dewey Joseph based on the information stored on the public network. You must go to key nodes in the core area controlled by the military to find the information he wants. After all, A confidential task, even if the transport fleet enters the customs through a normal passage, it is probably already recorded by the military.

The train soon arrived at the platform of Zone A, and the three people walked out of the carriage and set foot on the service block.

Compared with the passengers in Zone B, there are many differences in the passengers in Zone A, mainly in that there are few female tourists and many male tourists, and the feeling is more sturdy and crude... Well, there is another more prominent feature. , Their bodies were filled with alcohol and smoke.

Area A is non-smoking, and the architectural features are very simple, mainly in dark colors. Unlike Area B, the decoration style of each store is related to the gourmet products in one way or another.

There are few billboards on both sides of the block, and it can be said that they do not need to advertise at all. The smell of wine overflowing from the opened door is the best advertisement. Yes, this is a paradise for alcoholics, a wandering place for drunks, and a place with the strongest masculinity--for women, alcohol can be equated with masculinity to a certain extent.

XX Pub, XX Restaurant, XX Bar, XX Izakaya, XXX Beer House... Various plaques are hung on the storefronts on the left and right of the street, releasing the temptation of fine wines to travelers.

Unlike Zone B, the environment of Zone A is in the early evening when the lights are on. The richness of wine and the weight of night are always the most suitable partners.

From the moment he stepped off the tram, Howson turned into a werewolf, his eyes full of excitement and excitement when he looked at the surroundings, as if he had entered the kingdom of heaven... his heaven. Fortunately, Churchill was right next to him, holding his body firmly, so that the wildness in his bones was not released, but he was panting hard, like a bull.

Before the Minotaur-class battlecruiser arrived at the Cartel Star System, the two slept to death because they drank their heads. Tang Fang simply took Tang Lin and Kudria to Brady and left them on board.

This incident made Hausen and Churchill very upset and accused each other of drinking and misbehaving. Having experienced the above-mentioned encounters, when they came to the Omega space station this time, the two of them were able to learn from each other's wits, and the whole journey was without alcohol. There is no reason why a drunkard like that comes to a place where the air is full of wine like Zone A.

Ignoring the small movements of the two behind, Tang Fang walked a distance and stood in front of a bar called "Sand of Time". He looked back at Howson and Churchill and said, "A drink?"

This sentence seemed to contain infinite magic power. Howson was a savage werewolf a moment ago, and then he became a docile chick. He was very serious and nodded very well.

Churchill pursed his consciously dry lips. Although he wanted to go in for a drink, he was sensibly told that there was more important thing to do: "Aren't we going to the core area? If I stop here, I'm afraid..."

Tang Fang shook his head, lowered his voice and said, "Do you think it's really free here? We were included in the surveillance network the moment we set foot on the Omega Space Station, so instead of going straight to the goal, you might as well put your mind at ease. Pursue pleasure like a normal tourist, so as not to be targeted by the space station’s security agencies."

Churchill subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky, and followed Tang Fang into the bar.

In the light of the bang of the waist door, the three of Tang Fang walked into the bar.

The internal environment is very noisy. The smart chairlift in front of the bar is almost full of people. The table below is also crowded with men and women of different skin colors. Some are drunk and talking nonsense that no one can understand; some are just starting out. Drinking, I'm still sober; some are rolling up their sleeves and guessing a boxer; there are also social elders who hug left and right holding a square cup with a cigarette hand and drank the whiskey with a lot of ice.

Hausen originally walked behind Tang Fang, entered the bar and somehow ran in front of him, sat down opposite the bartender, and patted the table with his black-haired hand: "Hey, man, come first. Vodka quenches thirst."

Perhaps for the bartender who works here, he has already taken a nuisance to the customer Sagong who has a similar personality. He just raised his eyelids, glanced at the person, and slid a small cup in front of Howson, picking up a bottle of vodka and filling it up.

The idiot poured a full glass of wine directly into his mouth and let out a long scream: "So, this stuffy feeling is the best." While speaking, he pushed the glass forward again. The bartender filled him up without saying a word.

Tang Fang and Churchill came to Housen and sat down one by one.

Churchill looked at the categories on the wine rack, and finally chose the same vodka as the wine in the Hausen glass. And Tang Fang ordered a cup of tequila after indulging in a moment.

This made the two of them very puzzled, because Master Captain has always liked Martini and beer. The people below have never seen him drink strong alcohol. Today's behavior can be said to be a bit abnormal.

The bartender quickly took out a small round glass with lemon slices from under the counter, added a few ice cubes, and then slid the tequila in the light blue bottle on the right hand into the inner wall and pushed it in front of him.

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the two, Tang Fang glanced at them, took a sip from the cup, turned the chair lift, and faced the T stage in the middle of the dance floor in the hall, where there was a revealingly dressed sex-sensation girl. Dancing.

Of course he would not tell the two people that they chose tequila for a purpose, because most of the people who came to this place were soldiers who had withdrawn from the front, or pirates, mercenaries, gambling ghosts... in short. People with low cultural level, like Howson and Churchill, are normal choices for vodka, liquor, and whiskey. Cocktails and cider drinks are generally only ordered by women.

He brought the two here to a certain extent to deal with the safety monitoring procedures of the Omega space station, and asked those people to define them as low-threat passengers. On the other hand, he can also come here to find out if the Omega space station has anything worth noting recently. An abnormal situation occurs, so compared to the eye-catching, low-key and restrained is his pursuit.

To a certain extent, in order not to startle, he has made this pursuit to the point of nuance...

Howson and Churchill also turned the chair lifts, instead of looking at the bartender's shit-like smiles, they followed Tang Fang's way of watching the passionate girls on the runway, while pouring the spirits into their mouths, making slightly harsh chuckles.

When the dancing girl threw the wallet on her body into the crowd, Howson put her thumb and index finger in her mouth~www.readwn.com~ and blew out a loud whistle. The background music and noisy laughter were not covered. live.

Some people cast strange gazes at the bar, but they were more indifferent. They should draw fists, dance, and drink. They seemed to be accustomed to this situation.

It was the **** the stage who was constantly twisting her limbs and blowing a kiss to Hausen when she turned around. The idiot toasted in return and drank most of the vodka.

Tang Fang frowned and looked at the seat next to him. He wanted to stay away from the ramming goods, but he didn't move after thinking about it for a while, just glared at him viciously.

Howson was very upset about this and said to Churchill next to him: "I think you are right. He is a person who can't let go... No, or most Chinese people are such guys. It's really boring."

Churchill said with a cold face: "I have never said this before." Then he poured half of the wine in his hand into Hausen's mouth, so as not to annoy Captain Tang next to him by saying something rebellious.

In the process, he carefully scanned the scene on the right with his peripheral light, and found that Tang Fang hadn't paid attention to the conversation between the two of them.

The two drank the wine in the glass, rotated the seat to face the bartender, and called him to continue pouring.

Tang Fang did not pay attention to what the two were talking about, his eyes were attracted by the sight of the hall.

It was not from the headlights of the catwalk girl who almost squeezed the sling, nor was it a beautiful girl who glared at him, but rather a lot of interest in the spitting big brother not far away. To be precise... There was a lot of interest in the two young women around him.

Of course he was not superficial enough to fall in love with the two women at first sight, his eyes were full of surprise and interest.

Thank you DDYD for your reward.

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