Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1462: Disease

To be honest, he also admired these four people. At least in terms of sense of responsibility and courage, the Silver Eagle was much better than the Munya.

The mouthpiece of the Mongolian empire's media talked about the quality of the Mongolian people and the difference between the people of other countries, and always attributed the problem to cultural differences. However, the Yinying Group and the Phoenix Empire, as two countries with the same origin and different paths, are the sharpest irony of this answer.

Different cultures cultivate people of different literacy? That's just an excuse used by the nobles to offend themselves.

The fact is that this gap comes entirely from the needs of the ruler or the interest class, just as some families raise dogs that are gentle, while some families raise dogs that are vicious. The words are rough, but not rough.

"You people... are so cute." This is the first time Kudria has praised others, rather than being mean. For example, they are overweight, or they are too idealistic.

Tang Lin was a little surprised by her performance.

Tang Fang was also surprised, but he was more concerned about what happened after Royas, Wald and others entered the Monya Empire: "Where did Delmar and Juventus go? And... Brady's official announcement stated that you were suspected of being involved. What about killing two police officers?"

"Delmar and Juventus..." Wald said rushingly: "We separated after entering the Monya Empire. Delmar and Juventus went to the capital star system Celtic. And Royas is most concerned about economic backwardness. The livelihood of the area, I think it is not safe for him to come here alone, so he chose to walk with him. As for the official announcement of Brady Star... Let's talk about it by Royas."

Tang Fang was speechless, and he secretly said that Walder's words were just to brush his presence in front of him...There is not much important information, so it is better to directly tell Royas.

The person involved didn't have that much thought. After saying these words, he looked at his companion on the left with an expression of expectation.

Royas gave a light cough and spoke in a relatively calm tone of their encounters after they came to Brady.


It turned out that the two stopped in Jiangbei District of Bogda City not long after they arrived here. It was not that Pino? Ebar and the gunmen kidnapped just now, but Royas had an occupational disease... To.

These civilians in Jiangbei District of Bogda City are not only suffering from poverty and hunger, but also suffering from disease.

At the end of winter, we enter the spring daylight scene, vegetation germinates, everything recovers, and even infectious diseases enter a period of high incidence. Especially in the underdeveloped areas of Jiangbei District, affected by the living environment, the spread of the virus cannot be effectively contained, and the fact that regional infections are formed.

People who contracted this disease thought it was just influenza caused by the change of seasons, and did not pay much attention until the drugs they used in the past lost their effect and some people died of the flu.

Of course, deaths due to flu are not uncommon in Jiangbei District. Some people die every year. However, this situation mostly occurs in chronically ill and elderly people, and rarely occurs in young people. .

This year is different. As the number of young and middle-aged people who died of illnesses increased, it gradually became a death whirlpool, fermenting in Jiangbei District.

Fatal influenza is difficult to cure. Fortunately, the spread is not very fast. Even if it has been more than a month since the death of the first patient, it only spread in less than 30% of Jiangbei District and did not spread to the entire city of Bogda. Therefore, the official medical institution knew that there was a fatal infectious disease outbreak in Jiangbei District and did not pay much attention to it. It just sent a few medical workers to help with treatment.

The old saying goes about the parents’ heart of the healer... However, when social morality is corroded by money and power, intellectuals become selfish egoists. Healers...many times they don’t deserve the title of parental heart. They just look at what you have in your pocket. How much money, or whether there is power, is it celebrities and acquaintances.

The patients in Jiangbei District are civilians who even doctors look down upon. They have no money in their pockets and no power in their hands. The lack of a voice in this country will not be able to improve the reputation and reputation of doctors. What's more, the doctors appointed by the government are unscrupulous quacks who do not have real talents and are just waiting to die. They can hardly find effective countermeasures against the stubborn flu virus.

The greatest achievement they made after coming to Jiangbei District was to isolate those patients, then organize and sample the sick subjects and send them to Brady Star Disease Prevention and Control Center to determine the parameters of the flu virus. Find effective countermeasures.

As for the treatment of patients...the drugs that the people of Jiangbei District can afford can not cure the disease at all, and it is impossible to even delay it. Only a small amount of expensive drugs brought by doctors can achieve the effect of maintaining the condition without deterioration.

Under such circumstances, will the local government invest a large amount of expensive drugs imported from other star systems in Jiangbei District? The answer is obviously no, because before the Brady Star Center for Disease Control and Prevention's research work on the virus has no results, the patients in Jiangbei District are like a bottomless pit that will swallow a lot of wealth.

For those noble lords who hold planetary power, the government's money is not the people's money, and of course it is impossible to spend a lot of it on the backward, barbaric, and dirty poor people.

The epidemic situation in Jiangbei District was suppressed in this way. No more doctors were sent here, but a batch of cheap drugs were used to control the spread of the disease and limit it to a certain range.

At the same time, the local government has set up a large number of checkpoints on the roads surrounding Jiangbei District, and there are police drones patrolling the nearby areas 24 hours a day... Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not for maintaining public order in Jiangbei District. , But to quickly seal off the entire area when the epidemic suddenly worsens, and let the tide of death spread in a sealed tank instead of spreading under the sky like the wind.

Those civilians who had no money, no power, no name, and no right to speak died. It's like dropping a dead leaf on the surface of the water, with at most one or two ripples. If it were replaced by a high-end population with status, prestige, and wealth in the prosperous Jiangnan area, at least some people in the officialdom of Bogda City would be implicated and paid a heavy price.

After listening to Royas's account, Tang only understood why he encountered so many secret guards when he came from the north. The real reason was not what he thought. The traffic police were all focused on making money, but in fact they existed to stabilize the situation.

Just like he had a conflict with Pino Ebar and others just now, the police used drones to come very quickly, which did not fit the Monya police's impression that everything was coming late in his mind. In contrast to their whereabouts, I am afraid that Ryder Jiangbei stationed a large number of police forces.

The epidemic is now controlled in a certain area, and the spreading speed is relatively slow, which is still within acceptable limits. Once the virus mutates and the epidemic breaks out, if you want to come to Jiangbei District, not only will there be police stationed, but also a large number of soldiers will be ushered in, and the entire area Completely blockade.

On the way here before, when the detector was scanning the situation in the building, there was someone in the nearby container. He thought it was a person living inside... After all, this is a slum.

Now it seems that things are not as he thought. Those people are quarantined patients. They are placed in containers to distinguish them from healthy people, and it also means to block the transmission of the virus.

Going back to the matter between Royas and Wald... The medical staff sent by the government knew that they could not cure life-threatening illnesses with their own ability. In my heart, I lived a life of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. After all, it is a disease that Brady Star’s highest medical institution can’t overcome, and they were originally a group of people who were waiting to die in certain medical institutions. Whether those patients die or live will not affect their income and position. Bring any change.

It is against this background that Royas and Wald came to Jiangbei District.

You know that the former is a hero who was awarded the Silver Eagle Medal by the Silver Eagle Group. From the previous four-person dialogue, it can be seen that they all have a kind-hearted, upright and loyal heart. Of course, it is impossible to ignore the miserable scene in front of them.

Royas told Pino? Evar and others that he was a doctor and chose to help those patients unconditionally.

He is just a doctor, and he is very weak in the face of a deadly virus with strong drug resistance. The so-called clever woman cannot afford to cook without rice, and the lack of medicine and medical equipment also prevents him from doing anything.

Because I can't bear the eyes of those patients who are eager to survive, I can't stand by and watch the dying and fading of life. He, Wald, Pino Eval and others chose to go to the hospital on the south side of the Ryder River for the rich to steal the most effective hormone drugs, at least to maintain the lives of the patients.

It was during this process that Wald and Royas, who were disguised as doctors, were discovered by the inspecting officers. When the other party questioned their identity, they were forced to take a heavy hand, kill the two, and then meet with the outsiders. Noir Evar and others fled back to Jiangbei District.

The next thing is the official images recorded by the hospital monitoring equipment, comparing the appearance characteristics of the two people, and issuing the wanted order around the world after identifying the identity information.

"Fatal flu..." After some digestion, Tang Fang figured out what Walder and Roas had encountered when they came to Brady Star, tapping the arm of the sofa lightly with five fingers of his right hand, showing a thoughtful expression.

In fact, he has contacted Miss Emma and asked about the sudden illness in Jiangbei District.

It should be the Bogda city government deliberately concealing the problem of the epidemic in Jiangbei District. There is no news about fatal influenza on the Brady Star network... No, it should be said that the relevant news was filtered by the Blue Shield system as soon as it appeared, and basically failed to pass. Internet channels learned about the disaster here.

"Where is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Is there any progress in related research?"

"No... Judging from the data intercepted by the Bogda City Government's official network, the CDC's research on influenza viruses has no results."

After hearing what Emma said, Tang Fang stood up and walked a few steps to the door, then suddenly turned around and said, "Take me to see the patients who have contracted the S-R influenza virus."

S-R Influenza Virus-Bogda City Center for Disease Control gave the code name for the fatal influenza that broke out in Jiangbei District.

Royas looked at him with unexpected eyes, but Wald said straightforwardly: "What? You also have research on influenza viruses?"

At the beginning, Tang Fang defeated Ralph in strength in front of Ralph, defeated Delmar in wealth, defeated Juventus in command ability, and surpassed Royas in morality. Standing here now, looking at the expression on Captain Tang's face seems to have some thoughts about the lethal influenza virus infected by residents of Jiangbei District, it will inevitably make him feel indescribable.

Tang Fang didn't speak, Tang Lin said with a smile: "More than research..."

Royas looked at Tang Lin and moved his gaze to Tang Fang's face: "S-R influenza virus?"

Tang Fang nodded: "This is the name given to the virus by the Brady Star CDC."

Royas is very strange. According to Tang Fang, they only arrived at Brady Star. He didn’t know about the epidemic situation in Jiangbei District before he recounted the encounter, but why he turned his head and said "SR influenza virus". The word is still the name given by the Brady Star Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

He didn't ask his doubts, because the person standing in front of him was the Captain Tang who upset the Helenberg region~www.readwn.com~ He was not qualified to question, and the relationship between the two parties was not deep enough to open up. To the point of heart...Although he hopes to have such qualifications.

"Follow me..." Royas got up from the cushion, moved his slightly numb legs, and led the way out of the living room.

"This **** cushion... That guy, Pinault, doesn't know how to move two chairs into the living room. He is a real miser, just as we have not seen him entertain us with wine and food for a long time since we came here." While Wald grumbled, he walked out behind Kudria.

Several people came to the street one after another and found that Pino? Evar was leading people to clean up the collapsed part of the small building opposite.

Hearing the sound of the door behind him, the black man saw that they had come out of the room and ordered the people next to him to continue sorting out the construction rubbish, and he quickly leaned forward.

Royas told him Tang Fang's intentions. The black looked at the mysterious young man behind him. Although he didn't have any hope, he led them to the dilapidated container behind.

Before entering the nearest container, he smelled of disinfectant water.

To Tang Fang's surprise, the automatic door was not locked. Pino Evar knocked on the outside politely, pressed the open button, and opened the alloy door with its mottled skin.

The internal environment is very dim. You can only see pale patients lying on the dilapidated bed. It can be seen that they still have enough mobility. Some people can even stand up and look at Pino with longing and thankful eyes. Royas behind him.

However, today's protagonist is not a military doctor, but a young man behind.

Kudria whispered to Wald in the back: "You just come in like this, aren't you afraid of getting the S-R flu virus?"

Thank God, bless me, the reward of the wings of the fallen dark angel.

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