Synthesis of everything starting from models

Chapter 147 Fan Chang lost his mind

Watching Fan Chang walk to the two drones, Li Ao followed immediately.

Fan Chang circled several times around the two drones in front of him, which were obviously different and had never been seen before. Then he looked at Li Anchor with some surprise.

"Anchor, you can do that. It hasn't been long now. Why have you made two more drones? Come on, tell me what these two drones are about!"

In fact, Fan Chang was extremely surprised by the two drones that appeared in front of him.

Because only more than three months have passed, Li Ao has produced two more drones. To be honest, Li Ao is really a bit too productive.

Although the two drones in front of him can still be seen as expanded research and development of basic models, this also made him sigh at Li Ao's research and development capabilities.

Facing Fan Chang's question, Li Ao then introduced him.

"Hey, this is not the time of the air show. I have contacted the armed police, coast guard and other big guys, so I specifically expanded the basic drone based on their functions.

The one on my left has basically not changed much in appearance. It was developed by me for armed police border defense.

It is mainly used for border patrol. It has a non-lethal weapon specially designed by me and a lethal weapon shooting platform.

With the existence of these two things, I believe it is enough to meet the daily missions of the armed police, and it can be regarded as a ground attack drone.

The one on the other side was designed by me for the coast guard and navy, because I don’t know whether their conditions allow it, and the direction of use after it is mounted on the ship.

The source of inspiration is the beautiful hu-16 Albatross, which is designed into an amphibious seaplane.

It can take off and land on the water, and can also extend its landing gear to perform take-off and landing operations on land.

However, the amphibious seaplane in front of us can only be regarded as a basic type. How to use it depends on the application direction of the user.

This drone has great potential for modification. It is up to the user to decide how to use it and how to modify it.

I named these two drones the Hornet UAV, and the one next to them is called the Blue Whale UAV. They can be regarded as expanded models of the Bee UAV, but the Blue Whale UAV is a bit surprising. "

Li Ao pointed at a certain drone and gave Fan Chang a brief explanation. When he finished speaking, Fan Chang was stunned for a moment.

After Fan Chang heard what he said, he was stunned and silent for a long time. When he finally came to his senses, he gave Li Anchor a thumbs up.


Fan Chang boasted uncivilizedly to Li Anchor, and at the same time his face was filled with admiration for Li Anchor.

After finishing this compliment, Fan Chang ignored the seaplane and carefully studied the ground attack drone. After all, sometimes things on the water were still far away from him. Not that understanding either.

"Anchor, I see that on your Hornet drone, there are missile-like things on both sides of the wings. Isn't that the little boy who made a missile out of it?

Isn't this what you call a lethal weapon? "

Facing Fan Chang's question, Li Ao immediately shook his head and then explained.

"Brother Fan, you guessed wrong. This is actually a non-lethal weapon, a non-lethal net gun pod that I independently designed.

It is mainly used in patrols to carry out non-lethal controlled attacks on enemies. To put it bluntly, it is a large fishing net launcher.

The one with the exposed belly is the lethal weapons shooting platform I'm talking about.

It is a truly intelligent shooting platform that I created based on the inspiration from our 1130 close-range anti-cannon.

The reason why you have the illusion that it is a non-lethal weapon is because there is currently no heavy machine gun installed on it.

I made the shooting platform based on the Type 89 heavy machine gun as a reference. Of course, other firearms can also be mounted on it, but it just needs some adjustments according to the things.

This still depends on the specific use effect later. If the team advises that the firepower is not strong enough, you can also install an automatic grenade launcher. It is very flexible! "

While listening to his introduction, Fan Chang kept stroking the drone with his hands. He felt like his saliva was about to drool.

This thing was just introduced by Li Anchor, and it already made him feel powerful enough.

Just the name of a ground attack drone made Fan Chang a little unable to control himself.

However, Fan Chang had some questions, and then asked him: "Since you have taken out the platform, why don't you install the Eighty-nine Styles? You made me guess wrong!"

Li Ao sighed slightly, and then replied: "Mount the Type 89 heavy machine gun? Brother Fan, why do I feel that you have no good intentions?"

I don't dare to touch these things anymore. The big cap uncles who came to other cities came to see me last time. I don't want to be sent in yet. "

After Fan Chang heard this, he was a little angry and pointed at him with his hand.

"You kid, why don't you come and ask me if you have forgotten that you are also qualified as a military officer?

Don’t forget that you have a certificate. I think guns and weapons will definitely not be a problem for you. But don’t tell me that you can’t get a gun! "

After Li Ao said to Fan Chang, he was immediately confused. It seemed that it was indeed the same as what Fan Chang said. He had military qualifications. How could he forget this matter?

Just when Li Ao was lost in thought, Fan Chang next to him did not struggle with this issue, but started thinking alone around the drone.

Fan Chang couldn't help but think of the previous confrontation with the white elephant in the river valley. If such a drone had existed at that time, what would it have been like.

Although there was no way to use lethal weapons in that situation, just listening to the net gun pod introduced by Li Anchor could reduce a lot of casualties at that time.

If this thing had been around at the time, those heroes probably wouldn't have lost their lives.

Fan Chang's eyes turned red unconsciously as he thought about this. Although he did not know these comrades, as a soldier, the empathy was extremely high.

"Anchor, well done!" Fan Chang shook his head vigorously, put these things aside, and said to Li Anchor with some excitement in his heart.

Fan Chang calmed down after that, and then asked Li Anchor again.

"What are your arrangements behind this drone?"

Facing Fan Chang's question, Li Ao didn't respond and replied blankly.

"How to arrange it? I don't have any arrangements yet, because I have just made these two drones!

I just pushed the two drones together and were admiring them, but here you are! "

Fan Chang looked at Li Anchor's innocent look speechlessly, and then he started to think about it. It seemed that he still had to help arrange the follow-up things.

"Okay, don't worry about the rest, I'll help you make arrangements."

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