Synthesis of everything starting from models

Chapter 123 Shocking flight performance

"Yes, yes, Prince Abdullah and I agree. We also want to see the final performance of your system.

Isn’t there an old saying in Kyushu that a mule is driven by a horse?

We can only make the final decision after seeing the actual performance! "

As soon as the camel man finished speaking, he heard Hussein, the person in charge of the lion side, also express the same opinion as the camel.

The behavior of the two parties was actually not beyond the expectations of Man Da and Director Tan. Although they had not talked before, it was completely understandable for them to raise such opinions.

If you put yourself in their shoes, you will know that if you want to buy something, you will behave the same as them if you only read the other person's introduction without seeing the actual effect.

For example, before you buy a mobile phone yourself, you need to understand the specific circumstances of the model you want to buy before you buy it. Especially for such important things, you should treat it with caution.

After listening to what they said, Manda raised his head and looked at Director Tan. Their eyes exchanged in the air and they nodded slightly at the same time.

However, he could not immediately agree with this opinion. At this time, Director Tan winked at Ambassador Man and said at the same time.

"Hussein, Prince Abdullah and you guys, don't be anxious. This suggestion you put forward is temporary after all.

We didn't have this arrangement before, we have to discuss it! "

Director Tan finished speaking to both of them, and then turned to look at Manda.

"Manda, you see our friends have said this, why don't you apply to the higher authorities?

Anyway, the current exhibition is only our internal exhibition and is not open to the outside world. It should be nothing for a simple display! "

Man Da faced what Director Tan said and replied as if it was a difficult situation.

"Director Tan, this is so sudden, it directly disrupted our previous arrangements.

We actually have a specially arranged performance in a few days. If we don’t keep our friends waiting for a few days, the air show will not be available for a few days! "

The two of them were just like that, singing a double act back and forth. We couldn't just do whatever the other person said, although we also wanted to show it off.

The lion and the camel were watching from the side. None of them would have thought that the confrontation between Man Da and Director Tan was just a show for the two of them.

Seeing such a difficult situation, Manda was very embarrassed and finally agreed to give it a try, which made both of them feel that Kyushu valued them.

Just a small trick allowed Jiuzhou to win further favor from both parties. It was really spending a small amount of money to achieve big things.

After a conversation between Manda and Director Tan, Manda picked up the communication equipment and made several calls in succession. After going through these superficial procedures, Manda finally applied for the drone flight performance.

"Thank you, Director Tan. The superiors have approved our performance application, but Director Tan has something to say first.

You can't do this again after this, it's against the rules! "

Director Tan certainly knows what Man Da means. Once this kind of thing happens, it cannot happen a second time. In fact, this is also the weight of the lion and the camel. Otherwise, he would not do it like this. .

The conversation between them was also seen by the lion and the camel, making them feel that Kyushu valued them.

At this time, Li Ao was just a little Karami, unable to speak at all. He just had to do his job of explaining things well.

All of this is under the control of Director Manta Tan. He makes money no matter how much he sells, and he doesn't have to worry about it himself, which is also a good thing for him.

As soon as the application for the flight show was approved, the entire honeycomb system, which was still on static display at the booth, immediately started moving under Man Da's command.

All the vehicles in the entire hive system began to move in accordance with the battle formation.

Under the operation of the soldiers, the carrier vehicle put away the things that needed to be collected, and all the personnel completed boarding the vehicle in less than five minutes and were ready to set off at any time.

After completing these tasks, the convoy formed a battle formation and moved towards the airport performance area under the command of the command vehicle.

When the car moved to the performance area, the soldiers at various positions started running quickly with an order.

After the command car arrived at the designated location, Mandarin University also invited Prince Abdullah and Lion representative Hussein into the command car.

Moreover, the rear tailgate of the command vehicle is also open, so that the two invited people can see everything happening on the carrier vehicle just by looking back.

After the carrier stopped, the side cargo door opened, and the soldiers were busy in the carriage, proceeding in an orderly manner according to their training.

As the first drone entered the take-off runway, the invitees who were waiting in the command car saw the entire process of the first drone taking off under Li Anchor's prompt.

Then right in front of their eyes, drones flew into the sky one after another.

The two people's eyes had been staring at the screen in front of Nie Xin, and they didn't want to look away for a moment.

"Prince Abdullah, Mr. Hussein, our honeycomb drone system is just for a simple flight show, so we do not have all the drones.

So you see only five drones taking off.

During this take-off process, our honeycomb drone system can fly a drone every forty-five seconds!

In the entire system, the maximum installed capacity of carrier vehicles is fifty, of which forty-nine are worker bee drones and one is a queen bee command drone.

And if the drones are fully loaded, the total take-off time is thirty-seven and a half minutes, which means that the entire fifty formation assembly can be completed in less than thirty-eight minutes.

Don't think that this speed is very slow. It is actually quite fast. After all, in this system, all drones can stay in the air for more than 20 hours when fully loaded.

Calculated according to the combat radius, it is more than 4,000 kilometers, which still leaves enough time for the drone to return.

If you encounter extreme situations and use the drone as a consumable, it will have a strike capability of nearly 10,000 kilometers! "

During the drone performance, Li Ao explained the advantages of the entire system to the two people in detail.

The two people listening to his explanation would exclaim from time to time, especially after hearing about the assembly time, airborne time, and strike distance.

The honeycomb drone system they saw at this time simply made them extremely satisfied.

Anyway, everything looks pleasing to their eyes. At the same time, they are also thinking about what it will be like to equip their own homes with such a system.

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