Synthesis of everything starting from models

Chapter 108 Company-level UAV combat unit

An aircraft carrier, what is an aircraft carrier, is a large surface combat ship that uses carrier-based aircraft as its main combat equipment and provides a base for its maritime activities.

The system he has developed now is slightly different from the aircraft carrier. Except that it is not used on the sea, it is more suitable to use carrier-based aircraft or vehicle-mounted drones.

And the location is still mobile. This is a small integrated drone airport.

In this case, there are many more available tactics. When the enemy is completely unprepared, he can transport the drone through the road. After reaching the attack range, he can take off the drone while moving and control the drone while moving. This pair of personnel It is much friendlier in terms of safety and security is greatly enhanced.

Just follow this idea and carry out the command vehicle with four to six people on board, one driver, one co-pilot responsible for security, and four people in the back to form a drone control team.

On the drone carrier, the crew is arranged to be approximately eight to ten people.

In addition to the necessary individual equipment, the main responsibility is to be responsible for the operation of the UAV carrier, including support work such as the take-off and recovery of the UAV.

At that time, we will arrange some support personnel for these two vehicles, who are responsible for pulling ammunition and ground support. They are almost the same number of people as a platoon.

This set of things he has developed is almost complete, and the combat effectiveness he exerts is absolutely outstanding.

When the command squad is full of six people, there is one command vehicle; when the delivery squad is full of ten people, there is one drone carrier; together they are the drone control platoon.

The support platoon is fully staffed with thirty to thirty-six people, two ammunition support vehicles, and three ten-seater third-generation Warrior armored assault vehicles.

If formed in this way, it would be less than two platoons of troops and be counted as a company-level combat unit.

Li Ao continued to expand his ideas, and at the same time told these ideas to Harrow, and also asked Harrow to integrate them all.

Just like that, under the integration of Li Anxiang and Haruo, a company-level drone combat unit was systematically created by them.

During this period, with the cooperation of Harrow, the functions of the vehicle were also designed and the production drawings were formed.

By the time they had completed the entire system, two days had passed, but for now it was only on paper, and the subsequent production and manufacturing was the beginning of everything.

Fortunately, the entire company, through Li Zhou's recent continuous efforts, has been able to realize all the things he thought of using the company's mechanical equipment.

This also made Li Ao breathe a sigh of relief, and then asked Harrow to distribute all the things that needed to be manufactured to the workshops that were ready to start work.

As for the electronic hardware, Li Ao also asked Harrow to also distribute it, and it was manufactured in the electronic factories introduced by Fan Chang.

As for the manufacturing of drones, it was taken over by Li Ao himself. According to the current manufacturing capacity of his workshop, it would not be a big problem to build five more bee drones, and the time would be enough.

After issuing all the production tasks, Tiemao Technology Company, which was still in a state of silence, immediately started operating, and the entire park became busy.

Harrow was left in charge of printing the parts, and Li Ao walked out of the workshop where he had been waiting for two days, looking like a martial arts master who had just finished retreat.

After all workshops received production tasks, Li Zhou, who was in charge of the company's operations, had big doubts.

Didn’t it say it was from a drone manufacturing company at the beginning? Why don’t the production tasks we receive now have much to do with drones?

While Li Zhou was still wondering, Li Anchor, the initiator of everything, also came to the door.

Then Li Zhou's questions were answered with the arrival of Li Anchor.

After learning from Li Ao that everything in production now was equipment to participate in the Beijing Air Show, Li Zhou became excited.

After that, Li Zhou didn't pay attention to his son at all. He went to various workshops in person to keep an eye on the production progress.

After explaining to Li Zhou, Li Anchor then went to find Fan Chang. After all, if he wanted to get his whole set of things, some of them were beyond his reach.

For example, the long-axis version of the third-generation Warrior armored command vehicle, the ten-seater version of the third-generation armored transport vehicle, and the ammunition support vehicle were all beyond his ability.

When Li Ao found Fan Chang, Fan Chang was assigning work to the quality inspectors who had just been sent from the team. In addition to these quality inspectors who were listening carefully, there were also a group of people wearing black combat uniforms standing upright next to them. security guard.

Seeing Li Anchor coming, Fan Chang also speeded up the work allocation. After distributing various quality inspection procedure instructions, he came to Li Anchor.

"Hey, you're out of business now. How are you? You've got all the drones for the exhibition?

I know you kid, you are usually the master who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. If you come to me, you must have something to say. Tell me, let me see what trouble you get up to this time! "

After Li Ao finished speaking to Fan Chang, he did not talk to him about business directly, but just smiled and said: "Brother Fan, this is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it in your office. Anyway, I feel that the matter is quite good." Troublesome."

"Then let's go."

Seeing him like this, Fan Chang knew that the matter must be nothing serious. He said something and walked towards his office, followed closely by Li Anchor.

When the two of them arrived at Fan Chang's office, Li Anchor turned around and walked to Fan Chang's desk, turned on the computer, and unplugged the network cable.

Then he connected a mobile hard drive to the computer and opened what he wanted on the screen.

A virtual family photo that Harrow rendered and all the equipment needed appeared in front of Fan Chang.

Fan Chang, who was extremely curious, just watched Li Ao operate it at first, as if he was quietly watching you pretend to be cool.

But when the renderings were displayed, Fan Chang was no longer in his original state, but instead gave him the feeling that things were in serious trouble.

"Anchor, what are you doing?"

Listening to Fan Chang's somewhat excited tone, he did not rush to answer, but said with a smile.

"Hey, good stuff!"

Seeing Li Ao's showy attitude, Fan Chang became a little anxious, and then he started urging.

"You kid, don't try to get along with me. Hurry up and tell me. I'll be able to take care of things for you after you finish speaking!"

At Fan Chang's urging, Li Ao stopped talking to him and started talking. He was also afraid of making Fan Chang angry. If he really ignored him, he would be in trouble.

"Hehehe, Brother Fan, have you ever heard of the Luji aircraft carrier?

After racking my brains during this period of research, my brother, I finally came up with the Luji aircraft carrier. "

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