Chapter 7 Aozaki Oranges

Lin Yue said silently, “Why did the dog system take so long to upgrade?”

‘Ding! Due to the intervention of unknown energy during the upgrade, the system upgrade took too long. ’

When Lin Yue heard this, he felt a little funny. What a ghost system, it can still be invaded by unknown energy, and it has led to the upgrade for so long.

‘Ding! Due to problems with the upgrade, a compensation package has been issued. Master, do you turn it on? ’

Um? There is such a good thing, there is actually a compensation package! !

Of course it’s on. “Turn on.”

‘Ding! Open the compensation package, congratulations to the owner for getting [Thousands of Magic], 1000 points’

Huo, not to mention the points, I actually got [Thousands of Magic].

This is the power of the [absolute evil] Az Dakaha, one of the final trials of human beings in the little garden.

Although Lin Yue would prefer his mock star chart or the Tyrant’s Aura more than this, there’s no denying it. This ability is currently very useful to him.

With this power, he can understand all the technologies in the world. That is to say, the magic that he couldn’t learn before, under this power, he can do it at his fingertips, and even transform it.

Although he is now under the blessing of the Doomsday gene, his brain power can make him very smart and learn things very fast.

This is super obvious. No, no, no, no one really thinks that Dachao is a fool. In fact, Dachao’s mental intelligence is definitely not low.

Now that Lin Yue has this technology, he can instantly master any technology in the world, including magic of course.

If he wanted to, he could probably build the Holy Grail.

Lin Yue felt hot and excited.

The two rituals of being held in front of Lin Yue, with his head resting on Lin Yue’s chest, smelling manly. Can not help but face red Xia Qifei.

Feeling Lin Yue’s heartbeat, he knew that Lin Yue was very excited at this time.

She couldn’t help but wonder if she was so excited to see me. I could not help feeling a touch of sweetness in my heart. With a smile on his face, he leaned against Lin Yue’s chest.

“System, what about sign-in? I want to sign in.” Lin Yue thought to himself.

‘Ding! Successful sign-in every week, congratulations to the owner for getting 100 points, inherent skills—[Chinese Wushu (Bajiquan) a+++]’’

Uh. . . Actually obtained Li Shuwen’s inherent skills. Having this thing can be said to be the icing on the cake. After all, as a Doomsday, fighting with people is basically close combat.

Then the skills were integrated, and a lot of Chinese martial arts moves and experience were integrated into Lin Yue’s mind. Thanks to evolution, he has enough brain capacity. It’s better to burn your brain with this knowledge.

After a long time, Lin Yue digested all the knowledge and revealed a surprise. This is not only the moves of Bajiquan, but also the moves of some other Chinese martial arts. Of course, it is understandable that Bajiquan is really good. After all, Mushroom is a heavenly chef, and everyone from Tohsaka Rin to Kotomine Kirei can use Bajiquan. It can be seen how much he likes this Bajiquan.

At this time, Lin Yue has a vague aura on his body. If there are martial arts masters here, he will definitely be surprised. This is the aura of a great martial arts master.

Open the panel.

【Lin Yue】

Physique: Perfectly enhanced version of the ancient Doomsday gene (immortal, indestructible, infinite evolution)

Strength: s

Defense: s

Stamina: ∞

Agility: s+

Magic: ∞

Lucky: ∞

Comprehensive strength: five-digit exception

Abilities: Thousands of Magic, Chinese Martial Arts, Third Permanent Organ, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Flight, Super Defense, Super Vision, Super Hearing, Perspective, Thermal Vision, Super Breathing, Super Healing Ability, Super Hypnosis, Aether Energy The rays, the last hope of mankind, the attachment of the goddess. . . . etc

Looking at the data, Lin Yue suddenly remembered the last hope of mankind and the nostalgia of the goddess. Before, he had been looking for the system to explain these two abilities, but the system was maintained before it was too late.

Now that the system is alive, I can finally raise my doubts.

Lin Yue opened the description of these two abilities.

The last hope of mankind: carrying the last hope of mankind on earth, the hero of mankind, casting the epic of mankind’s salvation. In any case, the world will not crowd out the people who carry it, and the development of things will return to the ideal.

This introduction makes Lin Yue feel a little bit confused, especially the latter sentence [the development of things goes back to the ideal development], which is a bit like the law of causality.

When I asked the system about the origin of this skill, the system only replied, no.

Lin Yue didn’t want to, either, it didn’t hurt anyway. Then look at another ability.

Nostalgia for the Goddess: Blessed by the goddess of high latitudes, the blessed have charm and luck beyond everything.

No wonder his luck value attribute is so high, it turned out to be affected by this skill. Not only that, but also the charm bonus, if there is a charm displayed on the panel, it is estimated to be ex+++.

The skill origin system also did not give the correct answer. Then the only clue is the ‘high latitude goddess’.

After thinking about it, Lin Yue still gave up. When he has a certain strength, these problems will be solved naturally.

Then focus on flying, of course, the flight speed did not fly to the speed of light. The two ceremonies like to fly in the sky and watch the scenery on the ground, so of course Lin Yue flew slowly and let the two ceremonies enjoy it.

Of course, during the flight, the two ceremonies did not cause the clothes to flutter and disappear due to the kimono, as well as the discomfort of the airflow. This is mainly because Lin Yue has an ability, and it is also an ability that Da Chao has, biological stance.

With this ability, Lin Yue can be guaranteed to fly with a safety belt.

……………………………………………… …

Clock Tower.

The highest school of magic. The Clock Tower is now the center of the Magic Association, or the Magic Association itself.

Located on the outskirts of London, it is a building resembling the House of Parliament (Big Ben). This building on the outskirts of London is the first discipline.

But behind this building, there is also a European-style villa.

The small villa is located in the room on the second floor, and a slender and plump Onee-san with long red hair and red pupils is lying on the bed. Muttering in his mouth, no, I can’t hold it.

Her name is Aozaki Orange.

She is the closest magician to a magician. She has a younger sister named Aozaki Aoko. Because the Aozaki family suddenly changed the heir to her younger sister, she broke with the family and fell in love with her younger sister.

Orange touched the side, but couldn’t feel the back of the familiar person. wake up.

Orange looked at the time feebly, “Is it the time? That guy ran to the sun again.”

Obviously, the guy she was talking about was Lin Yue.

Lin Yue came to the clock tower half a year ago and was brought to the clock tower by gem Weng and announced to be his disciple. Everyone was curious about this disciple of the Marshal of Magic Dao.

She was no exception, and was initially attracted by Lin Yue’s appearance and temperament. When I discovered Lin Yue’s powerful magic later, I found that I had fallen into Lin Yue’s hands.

Lin Yue came to the clock tower and learned a hand of projection magic, and found that because of the third permanent mechanism, the things he projected could exist forever. And under the energy blessing of the third permanent organ, it is almost stronger than the original thing.

For example, by projecting a knife, the knife he projected is even sharper than before.

This is Lin Yue’s plan to project gems.

That’s right, all kinds of gems are projected, because of the powerful energy, using the gems projected by Lin Yue can be said to be even more powerful.

Even Gem Weng asked him to customize several gem swords, and of course paid some price.

This also led him to directly monopolize the gem business of the entire clock tower, and the price was ridiculously high.

Let the people in the mineral department complain again and again, and directly give Lin Yue the title of gem profiteer.

But there is no way that the quality of the gems is too good, everyone is greedy for his gems, so many people are helpless.

However, someone Lin still has his own way of doing business. No money? Yes, gems will be given to you, write an IOU, owe one more day, the interest will be doubled, and the profit will be rolled over. Just move the previous set of Earth.

Obviously, the orange is in this set. Li rolled Li, and finally rolled onto the bed.

Originally, Orange was going to grit his teeth, but it turned out that when he exchanged liquid with Lin Yue, Lin Yue’s magic power directly strengthened Orange’s magic circuit, and Orange could feel the strengthening of the magic circuit after each event.

After many times, it was found that it was inseparable. Just move directly to Lin Yue’s house, after all, the building near the water comes first. *

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