The barrier that was originally transparent and invisible to ordinary people turned scarlet, and strange sounds came from all around.

Chewing, whispering, roaring… The individual voices are mixed together.

This is undoubtedly to put more ordinary people into panic.

“This is the first time I’ve seen it, and I have to take a picture to record it.”

Unlike the others, Gojo said with an excited face.

With that, the phone was taken out and photographed.

However, it seems that because of the barrier or the magnetic field, the photos taken are blurred.

“Gojo-kun, your photography skills are terrible.”

Ernai in his arms saw the photo album and silently complained.

It’s no longer a question of whether the shot is rotten or not, but whether it’s a question of whether it’s a photo or not.

Hearing this complaint, Gojo pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

“This is obviously a problem with the magnetic field, not my photography technology at all.”

“Ah, yes, yes.”


In the middle of the quarrel between the two.

A low canine-like groan came from all around.

However, because of the black fog floating down in the sky, the distance was shrouded, and there was basically nothing to see, only sounds.

“Don’t argue, hehe, Ernai, don’t be scared later.”

Gojo stopped arguing and the conversation turned.

There was a hint of teasing in the words.

In the invisible places around, someone summoned dozens of ghouls attached to the corpses of dogs.

Obviously, I have already begun to think of blood sacrifice to form this formation.


Ernai hurriedly shrank down.

The whole person was about to shrink into Gojo Gogo’s arms.

Needless to say, just listening to the strange low moans around her had already scared her.

All the passers-by gathered around were also nervous, staring dead at the black fog.

Many people also spoke one after another to ease their emotions.

“Husband, you said we would not die.”

“I don’t know, but I know I’ll fight to protect you.”

“Oh, the phone can’t be called, how can there be no signal in Tokyo.”

“The public security here in Tokyo, do they eat? How come no one has saved us yet. ”

“Brother, is there a possibility, they came, but they can’t get in.”



The low groans of the dogs got closer and closer, and the approximate appearance of the body was seen in the black fog.

In an instant, the originally noisy voice calmed down.

Just a few seconds passed, and about seventy or eighty ghouls around came out of the black fog.

These ghouls are all attached to the corpses of dogs, making this group of corpses look extremely disgusting, covered with disgusting bubbles, and the body is as large as a calf.

“Is this really a dog? If there are any dog lovers, hurry up and adopt them. ”

“Disgusting – so smelly, I smelled it from afar, it really stinks.”

“Don’t stink, run away.”

“Where can this run, if the black fog is full of this thing, then we are not eating it as a buffet.”


Seeing this group of ghouls, the first reaction of everyone in the crowd was to want to run.

However, seeing the black fog that could not reveal a trace of light, after all, fear suppressed fear.

The ghouls got closer and closer, which made the fear in everyone’s hearts quickly turn into thick.

But, just then, the mutation happened!

Dozens of ghouls suddenly flew upside down in mid-air, each colliding with each other at a very fast speed.

The strong attraction makes their struggles useless.


It was like a water ball touching the ground, and the moment it collided, it all crushed into rancid meatloaf.

【No lower limit, forward rotation technique, Cang】

“Oh, it stinks.”

Gojo, who silently shot, fanned around his nose with a look of disgust.

That’s why he didn’t pretend to be forced, and just wanted to solve them silently.

Because it is so smelly, even if there is a [no lower limit technique] to isolate the blood, but I always feel that the psychology is unbearable.


At this time, a loud roar was heard in the distance, which seemed to be mixed with the sound of building collapse.

The people, who had just relaxed their minds, were so frightened that their hearts were about to jump out.

“Fox head, demon?”

Through the six eyes through the pitch-black mist, Gojo clearly saw a huge fox head in the distance, and it seemed to be chewing something in its long mouth.

“So it’s him.”

Although there are many people who contract fox demons, only one person can summon the fox’s head.

That is…

Aki Hayakawa.




Suddenly, cracks appeared in the scarlet barrier.

The sound of glass breaking resounded throughout the amusement park.



Tianruo Qingxin bombarded the barrier expressionlessly, and the blue spell power covered the beast’s claws.

Behind him, there were also a group of onmyoji and exorcists.

The Onmyoji and the others looked anxious.

And the exorcists did the opposite, all looking embarrassed and ashamed.

After all, the Void Demons were dealt with by them, but they didn’t expect such a big fork, and someone secretly set up such a large formation and barrier in the amusement park.

And they didn’t notice it at all.

“Lord Tianruo, how long will it take to break through this barrier, I’m afraid, there are not many people left inside.”

The exorcist took the lead by a teenager who looked to be at most sixteen years old.

Wearing an exorcist’s signature long coat, a pair of glasses, and a few small moles on his face.

If you look closely, this person is actually somewhat similar to Ryu Okumura.

Yukio Okumura, the younger brother of Ryu Okumura, holds the titles of Dragon Knight and Medical Knight, and is an intermediate exorcist.

Tianruo Qingxian stopped attacking his arm, looked sideways at the other party, and said indifferently.

“Little devil, I’m also afraid that there are few people left inside, but this is caused by your negligence in work, if it really causes a lot of casualties, I think, you exorcists should all be evacuated.”

Onmyoji and exorcist can’t get along.

And now that it has caused such a look, even Tianruo Qingxian’s heart has a burst of anger.

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