At this time, Uehara Yu was recalling the last time he went shopping with Kasumigaoka Shiyu. He still remembered that Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly brought this dress and said it was suitable for him, and then he had to try it on his own, and after trying it on himself, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bought this dress.

  Moreover, it was Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu that paid specially, and after she paid the money and came back, there was an extra bag in her hand.

  "At that time, Shiyu Kasumigaoka was holding that bag, shouldn't it be this white dress?" Uehara Yu couldn't help but doubt.

  Uehara Yuu thought about it seriously again, thinking of Shiyu's appearance in Kasumigaoka, Uehara Yuu also felt that he should have guessed correctly.

  When he came back to his senses, Uehara Yu sighed helplessly, didn't look at the two clothes again, turned around and walked towards the other clothes.

  "Just pretend you don't know."


  Kato Megumi came out of the fitting room, holding a white skirt in her hand, and slowly walked towards the clerk.

  "Please put this skirt on for me." Kato Megumi said softly.

  This time, the clerk didn't cry out, but was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Okay."

  When the clerk was putting clothes on Kato Megumi, he couldn't help but sighed a little bit. What happened to this customer, why did he walk without making a sound?

  Soon, the clerk packed the clothes and handed them to Megumi Kato.

  After paying the money, Kato Megumi took the bag and walked out of the store.

  Just walking out the door, Kato Megumi was about to think about where to go next when she suddenly saw a very familiar figure.

  "Uehara Yu?" Kato Megumi said suspiciously.

  Soon, the figure of that person disappeared from his sight, so Kato Megumi was not sure for a while whether that person was Yu Uehara.

  Because he only saw the back, not the front, Kato Megumi could only wonder if that person was Uehara Yu.

  However, even if that person was Uehara Yu, Kato Megumi had no idea about it. After all, even if he followed him, he and Uehara Yu would not know what to say.

  What's more, the man wasn't sure whether it was Uehara Yu.

  Therefore, Kato Megumi didn't care about this, she thought that she had met a person whose back was somewhat similar to Uehara Yuu, and left it behind.

  "What should I buy next?" Kato Megumi thought silently.


  After a while, Uehara Yuu already had quite a few bags in his hands.

  "Buying clothes is really troublesome." Uehara Yu couldn't help sighing.

  Uehara Yu glanced at the bag in his hand, and felt that he had already bought something, and it was almost enough.

  "Go to the last store, and if you don't have the right clothes, just go."

  With this thought in mind, Uehara Yu walked into another store casually.

  After rejecting the clerk again, Uehara Yu began to stroll around the store and began to look at the clothes inside.

  "I don't seem to have visited this store before." Kato Megumi looked up at the store's sign, and walked in directly.

  And the clerk didn't seem to see Megumi Kato at all, and didn't come up to welcome him at all.

  Seeing that another clerk didn't notice herself, Kato Megumi was also very used to it.

  When she buys clothes, if there are clothes that she likes, then she will go to the clerk. If not, she will just look around and leave, as if she has never been here before, the clerk can't find herself at all.

  This store is a store for men's and women's clothing, and it covers a large area.

  Uehara Yu had already visited more than half of the area at this time, and the men's clothing area was basically seen by Uehara Yu.

  "I don't seem to be walking around there."

  At this time, Uehara Yu found a place he hadn't seen.

  So, Uehara Yu planned to go there and have a look.

  When she first walked into this clothing store, Kato Megumi looked at the clothes around her and said:

  "It seems that all men's clothing is here, and the women's clothing area is not here."

  Kato Megumi glanced at the area where the women's clothes were located, then adjusted the direction and walked there.

  And Uehara Yu was walking slowly towards his destination, and when he was passing a corner, suddenly someone just happened to turn this way.

  Fortunately, Uehara Yu responded quickly and stopped the car in time, and the two did not collide.

  After Uehara Yu stopped, he subconsciously looked at the other party, wanting to know who the person he almost bumped into was.

  "Kato Megumi?".

Chapter 194 Kato Megumi's Invitation

  Ugh? "

  Kato Megumi was also a little panicked because she almost hit someone.

  But when she saw who she nearly collided with, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

  "Could it be that the person I saw before was Yu Uehara?" Kato Megumi had come to think of it.

  If this is the case, then I guessed correctly before, that person should be Uehara Yu.

  "However, why is Yuu Uehara here?" This was a rather puzzling question from Megumi Kato.

  She still knew where Yuu Uehara's home was, so she couldn't understand why Yuu Uehara appeared here.

  Because this mall is not very big and not very famous, no one will come here specially to buy things.

  The people who come here are generally people who come from nearby homes, and the reason Kato Megumi came here is precisely because of this~.

  Therefore, Uehara Yu's presence here can't help but seem a little strange-weird.

  And Uehara Yu was also very surprised when he saw that it was Kato Megumi, and it was just - just surprised.

  There is nothing similar to Kato Megumi's idea of ​​being here, but it should be considered lucky to meet someone you know here, right?

  So what should I say to Megumi Kato now?

  If it were anyone else, Uehara Yu naturally would not have this problem, but the problem is that the person he is facing now is Megumi Kato.

  This makes Uehara Yuu more embarrassed. Forget it, let's say something first.

  "Kato-san, are you alright?" Uehara Yu asked with concern.

  Although I didn't bump into Kato Megumi, I still asked to avoid any problems.

  "It's okay, just a little surprised." Kato Megumi replied softly looking at Uehara Yu.

  "Surprise?" Uehara Yu didn't quite understand what Megumi Kato meant.

  She almost collided with herself, wasn't she frightened?But why surprise?

  "Yeah, just surprised." Kato Megumi said, "I didn't expect to meet you in this mall, and I was a little surprised."

  "So that's the case, I thought..." Uehara Yuu finally understood what Kato Megumi meant here.

  "Is it very remote here? I will surprise you here?" Uehara asked with a smile, following Megumi Kato's words.

  "No, it's just that this mall is near my house, so I was surprised when I saw you." Kato Megumi explained again.

  "Near your house?" Uehara repeated.

  "Yeah." Kato Megumi nodded slightly.

  "So, you should come here often?" Uehara Yu thought of something, and suddenly asked Kato Megumi.

  "It's not that often, I can only say that I came here a lot." Kato Megumi hesitated for a while before answering.

  Kato Megumi didn't know why Uehara Yu suddenly asked herself what this was for, but she answered truthfully, it wasn't an important matter anyway.

  After hearing Kato Megumi's answer, Uehara Yu couldn't help but smile, and then asked, "Then do you know any interesting places around here?"

  "Huh?" Kato Megumi was stunned.

  The reason why Uehara Yu asked for this purpose is very simple, that is, to consider where to go after waiting.

  Originally, Yuu Uehara planned to find a place near the library to store all his things first, and then go to the library to read books.

  But after hearing that Kato Megumi was quite familiar with this place, Uehara Yu's mind changed a bit, that is, to ask if there were other interesting places.

  "Let me think about it." Facing Yuu Uehara's question, Megumi Kato couldn't say it for a while and needed to think about it.

  "Yeah." Uehara Yu replied softly.

  "There is an aquarium nearby, are you interested in this?" Kato Megumi seemed to have thought of something and asked Uehara Yu.

  After Kato Megumi finished answering, she quietly looked at Uehara Yu, not knowing what she was thinking.

  "Aquarium?" Uehara thought for a moment, "I'm quite interested."

0 ··For flowers0 ·······

  "Is it far from here?"

  "It's not very far, it only takes about ten minutes to walk." Kato Megumi replied after an estimate.

  "That's okay, this can be considered." Uehara Yu was a little moved.

  If it is true that the aquarium is only ten minutes away from here, as Kato Megumi said, then you can totally think about it.

  "If you don't mind, I have two tickets here, we can go together." Kato Megumi slowly took out two tickets from her bag and said to Uehara Yu.

  "Huh?" This time it was Yuu Uehara's turn to be stunned.


  "My mother gave it to me, she asked her to go with her friends, but I couldn't find anyone, so..." Kato Megumi explained Uehara Yu's puzzled look.

  Kato Megumi didn't lie, these two tickets were indeed given to him by his mother after dinner last night.

  Because my mother didn't have time to go, I gave it to myself.

  Originally, Kato Megumi's plan for today was to finish shopping and then go to the aquarium to have a look.

  But after meeting Uehara Yu, Kato Megumi's plan didn't mind changing, and went to the aquarium with Uehara Yu.

  Then if Yuu Uehara refused, it didn't matter, then he would go to the aquarium by himself according to his original plan.

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