From noble mtl dot com.

After the party left, Soyo led Thiu to the palace of the Dragon King.

‘A lake indoors?’

The place we arrived at was a wetland with a small lake.

There, Soyo set down the divine mountain on a wide rock.

“Then shall we go upstairs?”


“The view from the upper floors of the Dragon Palace is amazing.”

“Weren’t you talking to Shinsan-nim?”

“I was going to do that, but now that I think about it, it’s nap time.”

“Nap time… … ?”

“So let’s have tea and talk with me.”

Tiu, who was nervous because he didn’t know why he was left alone, was relieved by those words and fell limp.

Soyo led Tiu, who was completely exhausted, to the upper floors.

As she said, the view of the dragon palace from the terrace of the dragon palace was great.

Mountain peaks rise all over the Yonggung Palace covered in fog.

As I was drinking tea while watching them, I felt like I was playing a fairy tale on top of the clouds.

“how is it? Is it what I said?”

“Surely this is good… … not! Weren’t you trying to tell us something important?”

“Oh right.”

Soyo said it as if he forgot to turn off the light while going out, as if it was not a big deal.

“Wen is the name of Tian Yang Wen, the first mountain soldier. Using that as a surname means that you are descended from the dragon king slayer and the clan that inherited that will.”

“Slaying the Dragon King… … ?”

“In other words, it means the enemy of the dragon palace. So, don’t give out your last name here. Because there will be people who want to bite the neck right away.”

“for a moment! Then why did you bring me to the Dragon Palace!”

“You didn’t kill Thiu, did you? Your ancestors are dragon slayers. Of course, there are quite a few tribes who don’t care about that and want you to kill them, but don’t worry. You won’t know unless you talk about it first.”

“yes? yes?”

“Rather than that, I focus on awakening the power of Sangun sleeping inside Thiu. By the way, the rice cake you just ate is Hwanghwa rice cake, so Sangun’s blood will react soon.”

“Yes eh eh?”

“Do not worry. I’ll feed you dried persimmons before you lose your temper.”

“Wait, that means… … !”

“Mr. Thiu is of beast blood.”

Thiu was forced to face the secret of his birth by a disturbance.

* * *

“I’m about to lose, but neither Tiu nor Regina-sama are ever coming back.”

They were two people who were too strong to worry about just coming home late.

Besides, this is the Dragon Palace.

‘If it’s a strategy like this that has physical resistance, it won’t be possible to invade even with superpowers.’

If there’s a problem, you’ll know right away.

“Then we should have dinner together.”

“He might be back soon, so let’s wait a little longer!”

“Then can you tell me something about Naru in the meantime? I don’t know anything about him yet.”

Noah decided to get information about Naru from Hanbyeol.

“Naru is a genius with no one to follow among us.”

“hmm? Other than that, didn’t he just become a dragon just like you?”

“All beastmen who become dragons learn how to behave and behave under the Dragon King, but in Naru’s case, he was actually offered to become a disciple.”

Naru was a genius in the arts, also called the hope of the Miao tribe.

“On the contrary, I was a huge blunt.”

“you? But since you’ve reached 6 stars, you haven’t become a dragon either. I don’t think I’m particularly dull.”

“Ahahahaha, thank you for your words, but this was only possible because I have a strong body.

Seonjutsu was a collective term for all techniques that dealt with Auras, including jinbeop.

If you look at human swordsmanship, it is a subcategory of swordsmanship.

It was also the beginning of swordsmanship when Emperor Shi Huang of the empire saw the divine mountain’s sword skills and made them usable by humans.

“It’s true that you need to increase your star rating to be able to use more magic, but… … It’s a case where I only increased my star rating without even having a stance that I know how to use properly.”

“In other words, did you only learn swordsmanship and martial arts?”

“It is as the master said.”

Hanbyul was a member of the aristocratic lineage of Sinsan.

Thanks to that, even though I’m not good at seonju, I was born with one aptitude.

“As the name Hanbyeol (一鼈), I grew up, so I am a distant relative to Shinsan-nim, but I inherited one aptitude properly. On the other hand, Naru… … .”

Naru was the opposite of Hanbyeol.

“The Miao tribe is a race that ranks at the bottom of the list of beast tribes. Even with that aptitude, Naru is showing off her skills.”

Efforts to reverse the lack of aptitude.

Naru’s achievements were regrettable to dismiss simply as a genius.

“So from Naru’s point of view, I must look pathetic.”

It was Hanbyeol who said it as if it was nothing special, but she was Naru’s childhood friend.

It was impossible to comfort the feelings that had accumulated over such a long time with words.

“good. Then let’s show it with swordsmanship.”

So there was only one thing Noah could do.

“Whether it’s swordsmanship or swordsmanship, aren’t you serious about each other? If so, you have to confront the truth with sincerity.”

“teacher… … !”

“Have you had enough rest? Then practice again!”


Noah was happy to see Hanbyeol, who went back to practice, but he was worried about Regina not coming back.

‘Tiuya, at least I know where he went, but I don’t know why he’s late because he’s doing something.’

I guess I’ll have to go look for it.

* * *

Meanwhile, Regina was confronting the leaders of the beastman tribe.

The Dragon King and Shinsan were the teachers of the entire Beast Tribe, and also famous people known to humans.

However, the dragon king was not the king of the beasts.

Although they are grouped as prisoners, they were definitely different species.

The Dragon Palace is an alliance of independent tribes.

Although the dragon king could represent the dragon palace, the important matter of returning the lunar eclipse had to be agreed upon by the entire tribal union.

“I want the lunar eclipse back.”

“The hero makes the same suggestion as Cain. I don’t think the current dragon palace is unaware of the need for a lunar eclipse.”

“His Majesty intends to support the establishment and migration of the Suin Tribe Autonomous Region. If you don’t like the ground, you can look for something to replace the lunar eclipse later.”

Regina looked up at the cattle king standing across from her.

A dragon from a cow with a height of more than 4 meters.

Unlike Soyo, who was close to human except for the horns, fierce pupils, and fluffy hair, King Ujang had the appearance of a Minotaur.

As the leader of the tribal union, he was the closest man to the Dragon King, just like the name So, the future king.

However, as can be seen from his appearance, King Woojang was a prisoner of a much older generation and was older.

He was more like a politician who took the lead in taking care of his tribe rather than his own training.

‘The atmosphere of the union is led by this person.’

If he could convince King Woojang, he would eat half of it and go in.

Regina faced him confidently.

“We already know how noisy it is outside.”

Draw the line ‘outside’.

“However, a lunar eclipse is not necessary to deal with an organization. Isn’t the reason you’re looking for the lunar eclipse because of what happened after that?”

If you are dealing with an organization, we can help you.

It’s about fighting demons.

Because it’s something that everyone has to work together to overcome the barriers of race.

But after that.

The dragon palace does not intend to intervene in the personal war of Emperor Guanghui.

That’s what King Wujang meant.

“I did not come to receive a lunar eclipse on behalf of Your Majesty.”

“What does that mean?”

“The boy I brought this time is Enya’s son.”

“… … !”

Gwanghuije’s record erasure and secrecy were also meaningless to the prisoners.

Because of this, they knew why the world did not end 20 years ago and continued until now.

“All I want is to pass on my mother’s belongings to my son.”

“Is that true? No, the hero wouldn’t lie about something like that. At least it must be true that he is the son of a savior.”

It would be true that he was Enya’s son, but the reason why he wanted to hand over the lunar eclipse to that son was also said to be true.


Regina clicked her tongue inwardly at Woojangwang’s words.

‘I wanted to solve it easily, but it must be difficult. It’s like a snail. If this is the case, Theodore might have been better than me.’

The fact that King Ujang had been speaking in such a way since earlier was that the representatives of other tribes around him were asking them to listen.

It meant that he was talking as the representative of the tribal union, not as King Woojang as an individual.

“What is the child’s name?”

“This is Noah.”

“We will all remember that name. However, the lunar eclipse was what we all duly received as a reward for participating in the war. Even if you are the son of a savior, you cannot return it for free.”

‘Isn’t this bad enough?’

Jack, who visited this place as Cain’s agent, only heard an unconditional refusal.

On the other hand, Noah had a justification.

“I will pay any price.”

“Let’s discuss it among ourselves for a moment.”

Regina nodded and the dragons retreated.

They talked separately not too far away.

If you wanted to hear it, you could hear it, but if you did, you would overturn the negotiating table you had prepared, so Regina waited in silence.

The conclusion came quickly, as expected.

“The migration is unacceptable. If you bring something to replace the lunar eclipse, we will agree to return it.”

From noble mtl dot com.

If there was something to replace the lunar eclipse, I would bring it and change it.

That word is a de facto refusal.

“In that case, let’s decide with seonsul go.”

“… … You must have thought this way from the beginning.”


It was literally a game of baduk with seonju.

The checkerboard itself forms a formation and continues to change each time a stone is placed.

Depending on the change, two people playing Go receive various effects, such as losing their five senses or losing their sense of time.

For this reason, Seonsul Baduk was a baduk game in which you had to read the flow of the game and make moves as well as the number fight in the game itself.

‘Seonsul baduk is like a duel for a knight’s honor for a beastman. Refusal is impossible.’

“The lunar eclipse concerns all of us. So, even if you decide to play seonsul baduk, it means you have to defeat all of us, not just me. Are you serious?”

“of course.”

The effects of Seonsul Baduk were not simple illusions or hallucinations.

Not only the shock caused by phantom pain, but also the confusion of the senses could cause the aura to lose control and cause the actual body to go into an aura runaway.

Of course, usually, before reaching that point, the losing side surrenders.

But Regina had no intention of doing that.

‘The prisoners here are those who have played Seonsul Baduk their entire lives. I’m sure I can’t beat any of the people here with my skills in Go or seonjutsu.’

So hold on.

While shaking hands without hesitation, hope that the other person will leave first.

With that, defeat all the dragons in the Dragon Palace.


The attendants played a checkerboard in front of Regina.

Then a bird-like looking bird landed across from her.

“Then I will be the first opponent. No matter how irreconcilable the task is, I have no hobbies to annoy the hero, so I will finish it quickly.”

“Let’s start.”

Regina interrupted the other person and picked up the black stone.

Even if it’s not swordsmanship, the game is definitely a game.

Regina, who had stopped talking before she knew it, started her first move with eyes like flames flashing.

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