From noble mtl dot com.

inside the nightray.

The Meyer family dormitory.

Felix was in the middle of practice today.

“Not even this.”

Felix’s training was usually repetitive training to improve his swordsmanship, but recently the method was changing.

“Um, not even this.”

Create and break the sword.

In the process, the level of perfection of the sword continued to rise.

“It’s better than before, but this isn’t enough.”

It was Noah who inspired Felix to do this kind of training.

Noah, who is said to have upgraded his strength training at Sanctum Keep, has become incomparably stronger than before.

‘It certainly looked like an excellent rigid body, but it wasn’t purely because of the rigid body.’

As the rigid body technique, which was lagging behind swordsmanship, balanced, all abilities broke through their limits and grew as much as they were blocked.

As Noah became stronger, Felix looked back on himself.

And in his case, he realized that his swordsmanship was inferior to that of rigid body technique.

‘For the perfection of technology, obsessed with the perfect shape, I would have thought that the sword technique itself would weaken.’

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t weakened.

To be precise, it was more like he was holding back his growth even though he was able to surpass that perfection because he only pursued getting closer to the ‘complete form’ he had been envisioning.

Now that I’ve realized it, I just need to change the route.

But when I thought about it, there was one thing.

It was his older brother, Allen, that Felix was using as a model for his ‘complete form’.

But the fact that that image is changing to what Noah showed me… … .

“Noah, are you saying you’re closer to the correct answer than my older brother…? … ?”

Under Noah’s influence, Felix’s talent was also about to bloom.

* * *

“Do, is it true that the young master gained the Mind’s Eye?”

“To be precise, it’s not Mind’s Eye, it’s just that my five senses have become so strong that I feel like Mind’s Eye because I’m stronger.”

In other words, in terms of physical specifications alone, it is already equivalent to Master Knight.

This wasn’t particularly strange.

It was because Noah had consumed the elixir of a disaster class magic beast that is usually provided to master knights.

“That means… … .”

“I finished absorbing the elixir a while ago. As the rigid body technique increased, the absorption rate also increased.”

The present Noah was able to exert the same strength as when he smashed Benjamin without running out of control.

Rather, it can be said that the combat power is more than that in that the output can be adjusted stably.

‘Besides, if it’s the martial arts technique I learned from my father, it’s even more… … .’

There was still a risk that he would not be able to come back if he used it in real battle, but it was much better than when he just ran wild without thinking about the future.

What if you run out of control with the same specs as the previous congestion without running out of control?

To be honest, I didn’t think I would lose unless I was fighting Master Knight.

“As the amount of auras increased significantly, the capacity of the ability to block must have also increased. Now, even if I meet his alter ego again, I can beat him alone.”

I had no intention of sneaking in from the start.

Rather, I wish they would show up.

‘I’m going to meet you!’

That was Noah’s intention.

“The fact that the truth is out there means they know our purpose. let’s hurry. The town might be in danger.”

* * *

Thomas left Macbain behind and ran toward the village.

Hearing that he had to run away, the villagers expressed their doubts, but when he didn’t move, he almost went crazy and jumped up and down.

But what really drove him crazy wasn’t even when the entrance to the village he barely managed to convince was blocked by camps, or when demonic beasts emerged from the shadows surrounded them.

“Uh, why… … .”


Those who were bitten by the Witchbeast grew hair all over their body, and their tails grew out.

The people who had just run away looked back at themselves, salivating from the protruding snouts.

All Thomas could do was run away.

Fortunately, Toma had his own secret base that he made secretly from others.

However, there was a limit to their ability to survive with the water and food stored in the secret base.

It was impossible to find anything to eat in the mountains because it was blocked by the camp law.

‘The only way to find something to eat is to sneak into the village… … !’

In the village he returned to, Toma was captured by the villagers who had turned into werewolves.

“Uh-geuk, so-so… … !”

Even in captivity, seeing the villagers again brought tears to their eyes.

It was she who brought the man to the village to guide her.

“Because of me, even if I hadn’t brought him… … !”

Physically and mentally, there was no strength left to resist.

In the end, the moment you are about to kneel in front of despair.


The girl who appeared as if landing in front of him suddenly kicked off the arm of the werewolf holding him.

Hangs the raised foot around the opponent’s neck and throws it to the side.

Then he ducked flat to avoid the other werewolves who were trying to grab her, then tripped over her legs and knocked her over.

At the same time, countless intangible swords poured down and sealed the movements of the werewolves.

“Now, wait a minute! Those people are not witches!”

“I know.”

All of the places the intangible sword stabbed were places where bones, organs, or joints were avoided.

It was only then that Toma was able to identify the girl who had saved him.

Pale green hair, gathered together and tied with a ribbon.

The knight’s coat fluttered in a violent movement and then slowly sat down.

Even though the weather is still chilly, short pants that focus on activity as if the cold doesn’t matter.

The long legs protruding from there looked strong like the legs of the Black Panther, but drew an elegant line.

It’s understandable that he swiped away werewolves much bigger than himself.

“I’m here to save you.”

At those words, Thomas came to his senses.

“Not everyone here! The guy who made the villagers like this is still in here!”

“are you okay.”

Even in this situation, Tiu calmed the child down with a calm tone.

“Because the stronger guy went over there.”

* * *

“Mr. Macbain!”

The village chief’s house located at the highest point in the village.

Noah, who headed to the place where he felt the greatest aura with Collie, was able to find the Zemseongje with Macbain.

“You are late. All the villagers have already become witches. This guy named Macbain is doing this because he succeeded and became a Mine.”

Macbain passed out, half buried in the shadows.

Jitseungje sat on it and made fun of Noah.

Noah responded calmly.

“Then, we have a mine to cooperate with us. is not it?”

When the organization invaded Nightray, they made sure to dispose of those who were supposed to be used as expendable items and left.

That I want to avoid Mine surrendering and sticking to the Empire.

“Ordinary people don’t even care, is this? What a spectacle!”

Jibseongje stood up from his seat.

“A retired knight like this can be killed at any time. The same goes for the villagers. I just kept you alive to piss you off.”

The purpose of the housekeeping ritual was not simply to eliminate Noah.

“You and the Sinclair family will not kill you gracefully. I’ll bully you to the point where you want to commit suicide in this way. Regret seeing so many people suffering because of you!”

What Noah would say to such a Jeopseongje was simple.

“Eat sh*t. You can’t kill anyone here.”


“Even those who have become demon beasts, I will return them to their original state. You get nothing here.”

“You’re going to return the demonized humans to their original state?”

It was impossible, at least with the common sense of the housekeeping system.

‘No matter how much they got their hands on the White Witch, there’s no way they’d already developed that kind of technology.’

However, Noah’s expression when he said that was very firm.

‘Even if there is such a method, does this guy who is not a doctor have the ability to do that?’

Perhaps, from the beginning, he expected to intervene and prepared for battle with the organization.

If that’s the case, there’s no way that only that number could be all of them.

Noah’s self-confidence may be because he has been preparing for himself from the beginning.

‘We have to break away!’

Zetseongje tried to use the ability to move, but Noah blocked it.

“You cannot run away from my eyes.”

“Then I’ll have to defeat you and go!”

Noah drew his sword.

“Collie, get out of the way.”

“yes? But I can’t let the young master fight alone… … .”

It was Collie who had already confirmed that Noah’s skills were far superior to his own in the previous formation.

However, as an official knight, it was difficult to accept that only he was stepping down while putting Noah, a student, at the forefront.

-Mr. Macbain being held hostage is disturbing. You take him and leave for now. It doesn’t matter if you come back after that.

-yes? However, it seems that he is being held captive by his supernatural powers, but this is the first time I have seen anything like that. Not sure if I can do it!

-As long as you approach, I’ll take care of that side, so run at the right timing.

It would have been easier if I had the hiding Kuina do it, but that was my special move.

Anyway, it was obvious that what was there was nothing more than an alter ego of Jipseongje.

There is no benefit to killing.

However, if you can capture your alter ego, it will be a sure income.

From noble mtl dot com.

‘As long as it can self-destruct at any time, I need a method that it doesn’t know about in order to capture it.’


In the face of Noah’s dark moon, Jipseongje took out his shadow staff again.

Noah, who had become much stronger than before, tried to blow him away from Macbain’s vicinity, but it was the same with Zitseongje that became stronger.

“… … !”

“why? Are you surprised?”

Compared to Sanctum Keep, which was completely out of the country, this village was much closer to Stellarium, where the main body was located.

This means that the delicacy of manipulating clones and the total amount of available power are far superior.

Of course, Zipseongje had no intention of teaching this fact.

‘They shouldn’t track the body’s location based on the power of their alter ego.’

His body was in a position where it would never be seen, and it was impossible to escape.

If you get caught, the organization is also an organization, but you are completely finished.

There was no way that Ji Seong-je himself would have leaked any clues.

“As expected, it can’t be done in a clumsy way.”


Noah, who briefly withdrew from Jipseongje, moved his aura planted outside before entering the village surrounded by Jinbeop.

Then, in an instant, the sky turned dark and it became night.

“What is this!”

“You don’t think you think we entered the formation you laid out without any preparation, right?”

Stealing the law.

The truth does not work for Noah, who has the effect of victory added to his knowledge of the truth.

I don’t know if it was hidden like the first time, but if it was openly set like now, it was no different than letting Noah take it.

“And you can do these things.”

When Noah clenched his fists, the shadows within the camp completely disappeared.

Decimal change.

Noah, who deals with winning, was able to change the effect of the jinbeop by manipulating the axis itself in real time.

“Take this as a bonus.”

sensory confusion

block the sixth sense

block aura recovery

visibility revealed

increased pain

… … .

A weakening effect on the opponent, and a strengthening effect on oneself.

At the time of writing the jinbeop in front of Noah, Jishengje had already dug his own grave.

“why? Are you surprised?”

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