“How are you going to talk?”

Arachne was left unattended in the Sanctum Keep after the death of the alter ego.

Upon confirming that Theodore had appeared, she hurriedly ran away.

Fortunately, there were enough star fragments in the basement of the witch’s mansion.

She used it to escape Master Knight’s senses and succeeded.

It was easy once you left the mansion.

As long as they were hiding their superpowers, the existence of demons could not be distinguished from ordinary people.

Since all the other demons were running rampant under the command of the Zipseongje, she could easily blend into the civilian shelter.

“The nobleman, who was the link between the organization and me, has also disappeared. Are these really duck eggs?”

There were times when I thought I wanted to escape from the grip of the organization, but it was helpless after I shut up.

She is already accustomed to living a luxurious life.

Aside from her superpowers, she has nothing left.

How am I supposed to live without even my name?

“Let’s leave this country for now. okay. I want Madeira.”

Having made a decision, she reviewed her departure route.

There were many people who wanted to leave in search of a safe place because of this, so there were many places where Arachne could intervene.

On the ship thus prepared, she was surrounded by dozens of knights.

“What, what are you guys?”

“The captain wants to see you.”

“Leader? Are you from the organization? I-I wasn’t specifically trying to run away from the organization… … .”


Arachne’s words could not continue.

When she came to her senses, she realized that something was seriously wrong.

“hi. You don’t need to introduce who I am, right?”

“Cain Vagrant… … .”

“I’m glad you know. So you know why I called you?”

Cain Vagrant met people who shared his will while wandering the world in conflict with the Emperor of Luminous.

The nameless knights thus created were one of the organization’s greatest enemies.

“I knew from the beginning that you guys were aiming for the sword, but I thought you were preparing something like a monster ticket. I almost died.”

It wasn’t enough to catch it by myself, so I even caught it alive, and the word what nonsense came up to my throat, but I didn’t want to fight against a human who caught a rare monster called the witch of disaster and put it on a leash.

“anyway. Since the other side was trying to acquire swordsmanship, we also wanted to obtain supernatural powers.”

Cain made an offer he couldn’t refuse.

“Would you rather tell me to kill you? Or will you silently cooperate with us?”

“I will cooperate.”

At the same time as Arachne’s answer, the momentum that had been pressing her disappeared.

Cain held out his hand toward her as if nothing had happened.

“Please take good care of me.”

Arachne awkwardly took that hand and shook it.

“I’m telling you just in case, but it’s a secret from Noah?”

From noble mtl dot com.

* * *

The atmosphere is agitated.

Noah was meditating in the cross-legged position in the space where the aura surged.

Cain looked at him with his arms crossed from a distance.

All Aurors around here were under his control.

But now, Noah was trying to wrest control from Cain.

‘Is it already this much?’

This training of taking control away from opponents superior to him rapidly developed Noah’s control.

At first, the aura in the air, which hadn’t even moved, was now clearly shaking only around Noah.

‘Even under my pressure, you skillfully created a space that you dominate.’

Noah was getting up from his seat with his eyes closed and focused.


Subsequently, a fire broke out in the space where each other’s control rights collided.

Noah began to move step by step in that state, and soon escaped from the space Cain held on to.

“You succeeded.”

“Huh! Huh!”

Noah, who had been in a peaceful meditation state, lay down on the floor as soon as he left the space.

A direct fight with Master Knight.

Until you move your body while maintaining a state of extreme concentration.

Of course, if you were meditating in real combat, it would have been perfect to get stabbed to death, but it was important that you were able to do it.

“You got the strands for sure. The rest is just getting used to it, so you should be able to do it on your own.”

“It’s so hard to move just a little bit, how long does it take to use it in real combat?”

“Unless you’re fighting a guy who has learned how to fight, or a person who uses Elemental Tae, you’ll be able to use it much more freely. It’s hard because you’re practicing while I’m in the way. Skill level will always be there.”

He said it would always happen if he did it in moderation, but in fact, Noah’s learning speed was abnormally fast.

It was a skill that took years to create even with Cain’s skills.

But Noah learned it in a few days.

‘I heard that he learned roughly all of Lichtenau’s swordsmanship in one semester… … .’

I wondered if Yunia was a genius at teaching others, but Noah was just weird.

“Anyway, with that level of control, you should be able to use the magic trick I taught you right away. then… … .”

“You will be able to freely control the aura runaway. thank you. I will write well.”

Cain laughed when he saw Noah beating his horse.

“In my heart, I want to hold you until I hand over all of my mind swords. Enya’s swordsmanship is probably better.”

“Instead, you have your father’s rigid body technique.”

“okay. So from now on, wherever you go, don’t carry it with you. Aren’t we embarrassing for teaching you when a guy who sucked all the good points out of me and Enya carries it around?”

“You are ashamed.”

After living together, I got used to Cain’s personality to some extent.

Cain cared about Noah more than Noah cared about him.

There will be a sense of apology for entrusting it to others since you were a baby, and there will be some awkwardness that came when the baby in your memory grew up.

He didn’t have time to develop himself as a father.

It meant that even the owner of the terrifying eight-hearted sword was only a beginner father in front of Noah.

“It’s about time. I can’t leave Arni alone, so I’m going to stay here for a while, so I can’t go with you. If anything happens in the future, pamper Regina.”

“The principal?”

“Considering what I did for her, she has to live by bowing once a day in the direction I live.”

I doubted whether it was bluffing or not, but considering Regina’s caring for Noah, it didn’t seem like a joke.

“It was cute how he always yelled at me before the rankings.”


“When I was in school, I had 183 wins against Regina. Right now, because of space-time insulation, whoever attacks first will win the fight.”

“Huh… … .”

“Anyway, it would be nice if you could say hello to Mr. Vincent and Regina.”

After completing Cain’s last test, Noah immediately joined Julius.

Julius, who had just closed his eyes before, started wearing an eyepatch in the form of a belt to cover up his scars after this incident.

“Nothing to worry about. ‘Cause it’s not your fault Rather, in that battle, because of my superpower, I was holding you back. I’m just sorry.”

Julius coolly admitted his weakness.

It wasn’t a voice of defeat.

Rather, it was a voice that felt the will to move forward through reflection.

The two are joined by Theodore and Cocoa at the station.

Arni was also there to see them off.

“I want to say hello. We’ll be in, so take care of yourself.”

“Ah, your youth is dazzling. It is a good time.”

The executioners made fun of Noah and took Julius and boarded the train first.

Seeing this, Noah was speechless.

He said that to leave his seat, but with the sense of the two master knights, it wasn’t like they moved away.

In the first place, Cocoa had her face pressed against the window openly on the train.

‘Even if I stay still, I can hear everything.’

It was done on purpose to be ashamed.

Thanks to this, Arni’s face was flushed red.

“thank you so much. As with Cain, what Noah did was something he did separately.”

“What is gratitude? Rather, every time I see you, it feels like something bad is happening to you, so I’m sorry.”

“no! Not so! Never!”

Arni clenched his fists and shouted fervently.

That look reminded Noah of his first meeting with her.

‘He said he was a fan and was happy to see me.’

When you don’t know what will happen next.

Just like the time when he was purely enjoying an outing, Arni was honest.

“I put some presents in it, check it later. I didn’t enjoy sightseeing, but since I came to a tourist destination, I should bring a gift set of local products.”



At Noah’s question, Arni pointed to the cargo hold at the back of the train.

Both cargo compartments were Arni’s gift boxes.

“There won’t be any tourists for a while anyway. It was bought by Congress in the process of raising money for reconstruction, so I put it in a pile.”

“… … Can I use what I bought with public money for personal use?”

“They say they paid tribute to the bailiffs to win the support of the empire. Now the Board of Audit and Inspection are all my people.”

Having said that, I wondered if I could accept it all the more, but I guess I’m giving it because it’s okay.

“Noah, can I borrow your ears for a moment?”


“Because I can’t use the whole tone… … .”

Arni said, pointing to Cocoa, who was still clinging to the car window and smiling sinisterly.

‘Though I can’t fool Master Knight’s senses to the extent of whispering.’

Noah stretched out his ears and spread the aura that blocked out the sound.

Arni brought his face to Noah’s ear.

Sweet breath tickled my ears.



“You’re not avoiding it. You must have noticed what I was about to do.”

The act of wrapping his arms around his neck was strangely erotic.

Noah, who was not taken aback when Arni kissed him on the ear, flinched this time.


It gently bites the auricle and caresses the bitten spot with its soft tongue.

His superhuman senses sensed every action with absolute precision.

Moments later, when Arni untied his arms and stepped back, the long slits of saliva glistened in the sunlight.

“Next time, out of sight of others. OK?”

After saying that, Arni left without giving Noah time to answer.

Waving his hands and stepping backwards, turning around and running away, he was so cheerful that it was hard to believe what had just happened.

After a while, Noah came to his senses and looked at the car the party was in.

The veil of aura was intended to block the sixth sense and sound, not to block vision.

“Oh my God, what should I do, Theodore, look at them.”

“Was it a personality that would go over if you pushed it unexpectedly? Note it.”

In the vehicle, only Julius was puzzled by the reaction of the bailiffs, not knowing what had happened.

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