Passengers who arrived in the village divided the number of people into each house.

Although the number of houses was insufficient compared to the number of people, it was enough to stay for a short time.

“Most of the food that remains is canned food or preserved food that appears to have been hunted and dried nearby. A little, but also flour.”

“I can’t say it’s a lot, but I’ll wait two days and rescue will come, so this number is enough to last.”

Although it had already been checked by Noah, the crew reconfirmed where the passengers were staying and recorded the amount of supplies.

When a fire was lit in the fireplace, people naturally gathered in front of it.

Even those who were trembling with anxiety at the word “town of criminals” seemed relieved to some extent when warmth began to circulate.

From noble mtl dot com.

“I’ve marked the train, so when the rescuers find it, they’ll come this way.”

“I’m glad the rescue team comes first.”

“yes. Of course, since we don’t know the whereabouts of the criminals living in this village, we will take turns standing guard. Drivers, please rest as much as possible in case of any unforeseen incidents.”

Because of that, Noah and Julius were pushed back by the crew and took a break inside the house.

As they saw the two enter, those sitting closest to the fireplace took the lead to greet them.

“You can’t leave precious people in a cold place. Come over here.”

“No, thanks. Because we have rigid body art.”

“Still, can’t you stay with the thousand?”

At those words, Noah realized what a vague feeling he had the moment he entered the house.

As a result of the excessive number of people entering each house to accommodate all the passengers, the inside of the house became tightly packed around the fireplace.

All of the people sitting close to the stove were well-dressed, and as they moved further away to the colder seats, their clothes became more shabby.

‘Is the gap between rich and poor revealed like this… … .’

After the spread of rigid body technique, the gap between the rich and the poor in the world became even more severe.

Since those with power literally had ‘power’, the gap between rich people and those without was bound to grow even bigger.

The fact that such a voice comes out even in a disaster situation like now is probably because this kind of discrimination is so natural for that man that he is not even aware of it.

“What are you doing stupid! The knights have to sit down, so you have to leave your seat!”

“No, you… … .”

As Noah was about to step out, Julius put a hand on Noah’s shoulder to stop him.

– Even if you are angry, don’t be angry. Everyone here is watching you.

People were very nervous and flinched at Noah’s every move.

The knight’s authority is absolute.

Even more so in this situation.

A superman who can bury them all by himself, with or without the real authority.

It was not pleasant to say empty words that one’s own life depended on such a superman’s conscience.

– Knights must protect citizens. Do you remember this saying?

-It’s a knight’s virtue. I saw it at the year-end festival. It is also the first item in the oath.

– In a way, it’s a sentence that’s not a big deal, but this sentence doesn’t say what kind of existence a citizen is.

Knights do not arbitrarily distinguish citizens, and must protect citizens no matter what they are.

– This content is so heavy. That’s why those who do their duty are honorable.

– I also know this in my head, but… … You are amazing again.

Now, the situation here is the relatively strong persecuting the weak, but that doesn’t mean that the weak were always good.

To Noah’s senses, the existence of canned food hidden in the arms of shabby people was clearly felt.

Hiding food secretly, even though all passengers had enough food to wait for rescue.

‘People who can’t afford it become that sharp.’

Those without power had to take care of their share in order to survive.

The weak cannot stand up again if they believe in others and are stabbed in the back.

Therefore, the only way to avoid being victimized was not to trust others from the beginning.

The fact that they have nothing makes them selfish.

It could not be blamed for this.

It’s not like they were born without them because they wanted to.


“I’ll just do some patrol. I need to see what’s around here.”

Noah finally came out without saying anything.

The cold wind tearing through my skin felt refreshing.


I’m angry, but I can’t be angry.

It was too harsh to call this a personal fault.

‘To see such an appearance in such a trivial situation.’

Noah and Julius were worried that the culprit of this situation was hiding among the passengers, but from the passengers’ point of view, this was a disaster that was scheduled to be rescued.

It’s not even a very dangerous situation.

‘This makes me feel good, but in the days of the Great War… … .’

In the great war that Emperor Gwanghwi and Cain must have gone through, a much more suffocating and extreme situation would have continued without a break.

At first, Noah couldn’t understand that Emperor Gwanghwi wanted war, but after seeing this, it was understandable that people who had gone through a great war would be disappointed in humans.

Only then did Guanghui dare to criticize the wanting of war.

Because Noah couldn’t even imagine the horror he must have been through.

“When I’m in a bad mood, I should swing at least a sword.”

Noah went out far from the village to patrol and test his swordsmanship.

A realization gained from seeing the great plains of snow untouched by humans.

I wanted to test that realization.

I pull out my sword on the snow field.

There is no frustration in swordsmanship.

Noah’s sword moves as Noah wants.

Endless talent made it possible for Noah to melt everything he saw and felt into his swordsmanship.

The ability to create new technologies on the spot with just an idea.

The ice that covered the sword shone like crystal.

“Ice jeong steel sword.”


The ground split apart in a blow that did not contain much power.

Noah was not satisfied even though powerful technology was easily created.

In the meantime, however, something stood out.


Traces of something were visible under the cracked eyes.

“Is this the site of a building? Was there even a village here in the past?”

Further clearing of the snow revealed other traces.

“This structure is like… … .”

The traces revealed under the accumulated snow looked exactly like the village he had stayed in until just now.

‘It’s not an old sign. It collapsed recently.’

Then, where did the village that used to be here go?

“As long as you don’t even have foot in the village… … .”

Noah suddenly remembered a certain demonic beast.

“no way?”

When I lived with my grandfather. Witchbeasts mimicked rocks and trees and waited for their prey to approach them.

Did those who used to mimic all kinds of natural objects in nature stop mimicking artificial objects?

The answer to the question came from afar.


“Damn it.”

* * *

“what. Something got caught in the trap, so I came back and it wasn’t Noah, right?”

Julius looked at the opponent who suddenly appeared and looked around.


“Sah, save me!”

When the houses suddenly started to move, all he could save was the people who were in the same house as him.

Passengers who were scattered in other houses were all trapped in houses where limbs sprouted and began to move.

It’s as if the house has become a giant spider.

‘No, on the contrary, it only took the shape of a house. Was it originally a witch?’

It was like stepping into the jaws of the demon.

At this rate, even Julius could not help himself.

There was no certainty that he could save the citizens faster than the Witchbeast.

‘It was all after that woman appeared that the houses started going wild. It must be seen that that woman is commanding the demons in some way.’

Julius asked the mysterious woman.

“Who are you? Why are you targeting Noah?”

“Hmm. It’s not your original goal, but I know about you. Julius Sinclair. Guys stronger than you graduated and became number 1 in fishermen’s ranks, right?”

The mysterious woman first scratched Julius’ nerves.

“My name is Tara. If you are on your way to Sanctum Keep, you must have heard the name.”

“… … !”

A member of the organization that was aiming for Arni, the daughter of the North Sea Sword King, in the Crescent Moon Islands.

‘Are you the guy that Noah repulsed? Are you going to take revenge on Noah?’

“I don’t know what the situation is, but your presence must mean that Noah is somewhere nearby. It’s difficult to deal with both of them at once, so I’ll have to kill you first.”

At Tara’s words, Julius tried to draw his sword, but she didn’t allow it.

“Uh-huh, stop moving. Have you forgotten that the lives of citizens depend on a word from you? If you lift one finger, I will kill the hostages.”

The words were also heard by the citizens trapped in the bodies of house spiders.

“Hey, knight… … .”

He didn’t say anything specific, but his meaning was clear.

With mournful expressions, they were asking Julius not to rebel.

“You guys… … .”

“So don’t rebel and die quietly.”


At the same time, the house spider that devoured the people swung its leg and struck Julius.

An ordinary person would have been crushed by a single blow, but Julius, who possessed strong physical strength, was only shocked by being hit with a club.

However, that only meant that he had to be beaten continuously until he died.

puck! puck! Kwajik!

The claw-sharp legs of the Witchbeast pierced Julius’ hands and shoulders.

“Kyahahahaha! Now that your arm is broken, you can’t even hold a sword, right? Did you think he wouldn’t know you were looking for a chance?”

A one-sided attack that does not tolerate even defense.

Julius was covered in blood in an instant.

Even the citizens were speechless as they could not stand it even for a moment and became a rag.

There was no chance that Tara would save them anyway.

If Julius is defeated, it is only their turn next.

It was a fact I knew in my head.

However, there were few people who could stand firm in the face of the threat of death.

However, that also has a degree.

Seeing Julius suffering miserably because of them, the citizens soon realized what a terrible thing they had committed.

So, the first to speak was the child.

From noble mtl dot com.

“Knight! I’m fine, so fight back!”

Eyes gathering momentarily.

The child’s mother convulsively covered the child’s mouth and wrapped it around the child’s skirt, but that one word pushed the rest of the confused decision back.

“Damn it, knight brother! Never mind we fight!”

“If that doesn’t work, you can run away too! Never mind us!”


However, despite those cries, Julius just stood there.

“A knight! citizens! protect! There are no exceptions!”

“hahahaha, aren’t you stupid to risk your life for something like chivalry?”

Tara laughed at Julius and issued an order.

“Cut your breath!”

And at that moment, there was a flash.

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

The ceilings of dozens of house spiders are cut off all at once.

Sudden movement to the extent that joints creak.

Noah jumped from house to house through the cut-out ceiling and made dozens of escapes in an instant.

“senior! Power secured!”

“I was waiting.”

Julius grabbed the handle of the sword protruding from the sword box.


The sword stored in the box was released along with a slogan.

“Thousand Cross.”

The moment he swung his sword, thousands of sword strikes swept through the area.

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