“Don’t wait for three months, SWORD GOD is still coming!”

“We still don’t work, it is really a target of Sword God.”

“Unfortunately, the terrain of the mixed chaos is too complicated, too special, we can’t put down the traps and array in advance.

If you can put it under an inScapable Net, it is used to deal with those Sea Beast, calibrate twice the results for half the effort. “

Leading the elite soldiers while the road, Taoyu and the mood of Divine Emperor are excited, but they can’t help but squat.

On the other side, the elite soldiers of the empty temple and the Temple of the Temple of the Temple have been ranked, wear armored and weapons, and do a good job in the fight.

looks at it, the distance between the two parties is getting closer.

The chaotic sea outside the Southern Ten Ten Thousand Li is also made up of the previous calm, gradually, gradually, has a dull sound.

It is a huge SEA beast, which is neatly arranged below the sea, and it is expected to be marginal.

The sea beast army faced by the empty temple, led by four Sea Beast general, a total of more than 8,000 SEA beast, is the strength of Divine King Realm.

They seem to have some kind of heavy responsibility, which is very calm, cautious, advanced, Neither Too Fast Nor Too Slow, but Imposing Manner is very good.

The most important thing is that more than 8,000 SEA Beasts are clearly moving, but they put on the Defensive Array type, which form a huge shield battle, AT A Moderate Pace.

Unfortunately, empty Divine Emperor and Palce Lord, soldiers, full of brains are willing to be unfolded, and expectations to Sword GOD.

They are not familiar with Sword God and Sea Beast, nor do they think more.

After Hundred Breaths, the distance between the two sides is shortened to a Ten Thousand LI.

At this time, the two sides have long probed to the other party’s breath and traces, and determine the number of each other and the power.

empty Divine Emperor worried that the other party retreated, escaped, and he could not wait to decline the command.


“Kill those despread of Sea Beast!”

With the empty Divine Emperor, the five Palace Lord and more than a dozen Elder, DEACON, with more than 4,000 Divine King Realm, shouted to kill SEA outside Ten Thousand LI. Beast army.

The empty temple is worthy of Origin Continent’s four ONE OVERLORDS, which controls a hundred thousand years of Super Influnce.

Even if it is a more than 4,000 Divine King Realm, it is not chaos, but still maintains the original formation.

All the soldiers have passed the Conserve Strength and Store Up Energy, and use the battle of the battle to join hands, naturally it is in the PEAK state, which can play the largest Battle Strengu.

When more than 4,000 people launched a charge, the chaotic sea coils raised the hurricane and made a huge waves.

Even the pitch-black as ink, the sky covered by the rich clouds is also the wind and the sky, the sky is scattered.



Many of the soldiers are high, the armor is clear, and weapons flashed with Cold Light, emitting the roar of Heavenly Grade and shouts.

invisible iron blood Murderous Aura, turns a thousand and red airflows, hovering in the sea, and corrects.

Although Ten Thousand li, the Sea Beast army under the sea is far more than the other party.

, this Sea Beast, the army is also responsible for the heavy responsibility.

Customs can see the people of the empty temple, so high, the morale is like a rain, Murderous-Looking, they are still scared.

Many Sea Beasts have stunned, and the hearts have been jealous.

“咦, the miscesses of those temples, how are you so excited, like a mad?”

“It is necessary to kill the battle. When the time comes flew, how do they don’t be cautious, not afraid, it is very excited, very excited?”

“No? How do you better fight better than us?”

“, however, we also have more than 8,000 Divine King Expert, they only have more than 4,000, definitely not our opponent.

How to see their appearance, just like we want to wipe us? “

Sea BeasT family battles, good war, fierce blindthirsty, is recognized throughout the Origin Star.

The rural spirit on Origin Continent, including those or arms, all respectable for the Sea Beast, dare not provoke.

and now, the soldiers of the empty temple show such excitement, exciting appearance, but to make many SEA Beasts feel that it is incredible.

They can’t help but guess, those orders of the temples do you have any crafty plots and Machinations?

or, in Sea Territory not far, they still have a reinforcement and helper?

is more than those Sea Beas, even four Sea Beast general, as well as the same conjecture and doubts.

However, these doubts will soon be canceled.

After a few breaths, the distance between the two sides was closer to three or four thousand miles, and the four thousand sortsters of the empty temple were jointly released to cover the sky. Divine Ability.

“shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!”

I saw that tens of thousands of Divine Technique light, shielded the sky of the round Ten Thousand Li, and also dispersed the darkness and illuminated this SEA Territory.

Antifunction Thunder and Blade Light and Sword Shadows, release the pressure of Destroying Heaven Extinguishing Earth, covering more than 8,000 SEA beast, making them spirit, cautiously.

Under the command of many Sea Beast, more than 8,000 SEA Beas will order Divine Ability stunts in order to launch a counterattack.

Tens of thousands of Pitch-Black Ask’s water column is vacated, and a wall and shield formed by another sea water, rushing from the sea, blocking over the battlefield.

“bang bang!”

“bang bang bang!”

The next moment, the Divine Technique attack on both sides, collides with Fiercely in high day, exploding the deafening loud sound.

Countless Blade Light and Sword Shadows and water columns, huge waves, all breaks, and cultivate thousand Wan DaoGuang fragments, scattered in the sea.

The first Round of the empty martial arts, who is easily resolved by the SEA Beast army.

Subsequently, the distance between the two sides is further drawn, and he has launched a fierce attack.

Killing a war is there, the Sea BeasT is never beaten.

The soldiers who have not waited empty temples initiate Second Round attack, the Sea Beast army has begun to counterattack, released the Divine Technique Rays of Light, such as the flooding of the sky.

“hong long long!”

Divine Technique Rays of Light, covering the sky, has collided in high sky, exploding the deafening loud noise, echoing in the sky.

The sparkling Divine Light will illuminate the square Ten Thousand Li.

The water flowers and waves of the sky are more gorgeous and blurred in Divine Light.

On the other side, the four thousand elite soldiers in the Shangqing Temple, and also launched a frontal confrontation with a Sea Beast army.

The SEA Beast army they face, and the quantity is also around 8,000, and it is also led by the four Peak Divine King Realm.

The killing of both sides is also extraordinarily, Murky Heavens Dark Earth, Hundred Thousand Li Sea Territory is turbulent.

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