gift (1)


The aftermath of the events in the Count of Osiris was not small.

Imperial officials promised a thorough investigation and compensation for the incident, but the kingdom could not trust them.

The kingdom and the Taranis family had not yet decided who was responsible for the sinking of the ship, but it was clear that they would distance themselves from the Empire for a while.

As the incident occurred in the sea adjacent to the Count of Osiris, Count Osiris wrapped his head and ordered an active investigation.

The empire’s central organization and other clans also supported the investigation, which was by no means an easy task.

The biggest problem was that the incident took place at sea.

Much of the physical evidence was either pushed out into the ocean by currents or exposed to powerful magic, which turned it into powder and made it impossible to identify.

By examining the testimonies of the people at the port and the reverberation of mana, it was discovered that the 8th circle annihilation magic flare had appeared, but there were many difficulties in proceeding beyond that.

Marquis Matthias suffered a great loss from this incident.

Investigations were still ongoing, but Marquis Mathias suspected that the sinking of the ship was the cause of Phoebus’ forces.

After the death of the second prince, the struggle for the throne continued under the emperor’s bystander.

It was quite plausible to claim that Phoebus, the illegitimate son of the current emperor, worked with the purpose of checking the Marquis Matthias, who supported other imperial families.

This assumption explains the purpose of high-ranking magic, including the flare that appeared in the middle of the sea.

They were not using high-level magic to kill someone, but rather a kind of armed demonstration with a warning.

If these speculations are judged to be credible, the battle for the throne will become much more dangerous and violent.

In any case, Marquis Mathias’ elaborate plans were all messed up.

Restoring relations with the kingdom and the Taranis family was difficult for a while no matter how hard they tried.

Marquis Matthias nervously smashed expensive objects in his office.

Sitting in the messy office, Marquis Matthias pressed his chin to stop the constant grinding of teeth.

Let’s say that it was because of Phoebus’s sabotage that things got messed up with the kingdom.

However, he was not enough, and the knights of the family from the Count of Osiris came under tremendous humiliation.

“These incompetent things. It’s just like that to people on the margins…”


Harris Matthias, sweating profusely, looked at Marquis Matthias.

Marquis took a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions.

He impulsively denigrated the Counts of Phillips, but he knew that they were a family of former glory.

As the history of Marquis Matthias is also long, in the past, he was often entangled with Count Phillips.

Although his prestige was different now, this incident proved that Count Phillips did not completely lose his former glory.

‘But why did you suddenly show your teeth?’

It was highly probable that the Earl of Phillips was not ambitious.

Count Phillips didn’t do anything that had to precede or follow if the aristocrats on the border wanted to fight for power.

‘Is it because of your daughter’s marriage?’

Come to think of it, Young-ae, Earl of Phillips, is not yet married.

As a woman who had had several bad rumors in the past, she must have had a hard time finding a good partner.

It was understandable if they were trying to raise the family prestige in order to get a better husband-in-law.


Laughing, Marquis Mathias looked at the report again.

Read at n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

No matter the circumstances of the aristocratic family on the outskirts, a squire named Yohana was a coveted talent.

Judging by the testimonies and objective achievements of the knights, he would be on the Grade Eight in the near future, and in the long run, he was a genius who would look at his status as a master.

I suffered a lot of losses because of this incident, but I felt strongly that I should preempt even this.

In order to recruit squires from commoners, preliminary research was necessary.

I had to figure out the human relationships around me, and I needed someone who could secretly monitor the expert level from a nearby location.

Marquis Matthias, who was worried, opened his mouth.

“Miner, I have a task for you to take over.”

The woman who heard the words of Marquis Mathias slowly turned her head.

The long ears on either side of the woman’s head swayed slightly.


After about ten days of treatment, Ray was able to recover most of the scars on her face.

Ray looked in the mirror and honestly admired it.

“This is enough to get down on your knees and pray.”

On Earth, it would have taken years to heal and even heal the scars.

The performance of the divine power was great.

Of course, Rey’s body was not fully recovered.

The burns under the neck were going to remain as scars, and it took a long time to heal the damage to the inside of the body completely.

Ray was forced to be in a wheelchair for a while because he couldn’t put any strain on his body.

Ray, who got up from the hospital after a long time, faced the Count while seated in a wheelchair.

Rey, who once again explained the work in the Counts of Osiris step by step, brought up another story.

“Earth evacuation, just in case… So, I think it would be better to make a new evacuation plan and proceed with the drill.”

When the count’s expression got worse, Ray quickly added an explanation.

“Anyway, this is just in case.”

“It’s impossible to evacuate all the residents of Yeongji.”

“Yes, so I think it would be better to classify and subdivide those who should be rescued first in case of danger.”

It was a cruel story, but it was necessary.

In the event of an emergency, those with high priorities had to move first, depending on the severity of the situation.

It was Rey’s opinion that we should prepare and prepare for this more clearly, and the Count also agreed.

“You can make a plan, but it’s difficult to conduct an evacuation drill publicly.”

“Well… that’s right. The emergency evacuation plan itself shouldn’t be exposed to others in the first place…”

We could only share our plans with trusted stakeholders.

Still, it’s better than nothing at all.

“If there is an all-out war with the Rubyha Kingdom, should I evacuate to the Count of Osiris?”

“We have to go further back. The kingdom will not be very interested in our territory. Rather, they will first occupy the Count of Osiris and use the port to supply supplies.”

“Oh, I see.”

The Count, who was talking with Ray while looking at the map, drew a long finger over the Signy Mountains on the map.

“I hope we don’t have to… cross the Signi Mountains.”


Rei, who easily understood the meaning of the count’s words, nodded after silence.

“I’m not going to make it that way.”

There was an awkward atmosphere for a moment.

Rey looked out the window and turned around.

“But it seems that the shape of the barrier that protects the permanent castle has changed a bit.”

“While you were away, I sent the last wizard I made a contract with.”

A few years ago, the Count did not renew or broke the contract with the wizards he had hired at the lord’s castle.

The external reason was that Lopilen alone could take their place.

It wasn’t a lie, but the Count had to send all the wizards out of the lord’s castle because their gaze was a threat.

There are too many secrets in the Count of Phillips.

We had to reduce the risk as much as possible because we did not know when and where a problem could arise if we were careless.

“The barrier has been newly developed by Lopilen and Luna. They are confident that their performance is superior to that of the previous barrier.”


Rey clearly understood why Luna had freely roamed the lord’s castle for several days.

After a few light conversations with the Count, Ray left the office.

When I pulled out the wheelchair, Alessia greeted Ray with a shriveled voice.

“My knight, are you still very sick?”

“It’s fine now. I won’t be in a wheelchair for long.”

“You’re doing it too much. You haven’t seen your face for ten days.”

Ray shrugged.

I didn’t want to get sympathy and worry by showing my ignorance to other people.

Alessia held Rey’s right hand and burst into tears.

“Don’t keep getting hurt.”

It was a story everyone who saw it heard.

Rey nodded her head even though she felt complicated emotions.

“I know.”

“Remember, there are a lot of people who care if my knight gets hurt.”

Alessia emphasized that word over and over again and dragged Rey away and showed her some luxurious wooden boxes.

“The things that Rey entrusted to me are kept here.”

The only thing Rey had entrusted to him was jewelry encrusted with jewels.

Alessia looked at Rey as if expecting something, and secretly narrowed the distance.

Rey knew what Alesia wanted, but now her hand is hurt and she can’t put the jewelry on properly.

Ray asked for forgiveness while taking only the box containing Bella’s share of earrings.

“I’ll give it to you when you’re well.”

“Um… Then I’ll be waiting for you…”

Alessia pushed Rey’s wheelchair and headed out of the castle.

The first thing I saw when I came out of the permanent residence building was Karen’s face.

Karen approached with heavy gait and hugged Rey crying.

“You were worried…!”

Karen snorted in a cracked voice, as if she had suffered a lot for several days.

Rey felt a little strange because her face was completely pressed between Karen’s chest, but she looked at the atmosphere and just shut her mouth.

Karen hugged Rey for a while, then took a step back when she calmed down a bit.

“Are you still in a lot of pain?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

During the obvious question and answer, Yohana pursed her lips and grabbed Rey’s wheelchair.

Karen asked.

“Are you going home?”

“I’ll stop by my mother’s house first. I need to see her face.”

“Okay, I get it.”

Karen answered, and Johanna pulled the wheelchair.

While Rey was talking to Karen, Johanna was silent and only dragged the wheelchair.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but the feeling of being shy about apologizing was fully exposed on my face.

Rei slowly raised her head and looked at Yohana’s chin.



“I’ll get you a better sword later.”


Yohana nervously shook the wheelchair.

With the help of Johana and Karen, I was able to get to Bella’s house in no time by rolling the wheelchair.

After knocking and opening the door, Leah was the first to greet Rey.

“Brother, how have you been all this time?”

Leah, who had picked up a strange greeting from somewhere, quietly bowed her head.

Of course, it was only the first words that were quiet, and Leah, who had finished greeting her, raised her arms and ran around Rey.

“Brother is here! Wheel chair! It’s a wheel chair!”

“Somehow, I think I’m more happy with the wheel chair than my brother.”

“I want to ride the wheel chair! The wheel chair is fun!”

“Lea can’t ride on a wheel chair. You’ll have to break her leg to ride it.”

“Leg? How did the leg break?”

Rey pondered for a moment and then answered Leah while hugging her.

“When can we go up the roof together with my brother?”

While Rey was babbling, Bella appeared.

Bella let out a long sigh as she looked at Rey’s mourning.

“How did you get hurt like that?”

“Has your son crashed once or twice?”

Rey giggled and pulled out the wooden box Alessia had prepared for her.

“This is a present for my mother.”

“Don’t worry about this and take care of your son’s health.”

Bella nags and opens the box.

Seeing the sparkling earrings, Bella said something she didn’t like.

“What earrings are you at my age?”

“Okay, write well.”

Aquanics, a beautiful jewel resembling the sea, was difficult to find even in the Empire.

There weren’t many women who wouldn’t laugh at the earrings adorned with aquanics and silver.

Bella forcibly lowered the corner of her mouth, which rose reflexively, and closed the box.

“Thank you, son. I’ll write well.”

Rey nodded, and Leah swung her arms beside her.

“Gift! My present!!”

Rey gave a puzzled expression to Leah, who was singing the gift gift song.


“Yeah! A present! Give Leah a present too!”

“You don’t have any?”

Rey thrust a wedge towards Leah, who had just been crying.

“Don’t expect it, because it won’t happen again in the future.”

“aae >

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