Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 023 coins

Chapter 8 Final Memory (2)

Near midnight, Seong-jun entered the Class C dungeon on a regular basis. Immediately thereafter, two men emerged from the darkness.

It was Tae-min Choi and Yong-deok Choi of the Hound Guild recruitment team.

“Chief, I think I'm in! ”

“A little late? It's better than good! Let's see how many hours it takes to get out! ”


Yong-deok doubts his ear.

“This is a dungeon under siege. What brings you here? ”

“We are people like this. ”

When the Dungeon Administration staff approached and asked, Taemin pulled out a business card from his arms. The area around the dungeon is controlled by ordinary people, but guild members have been classified as officials.

“You know, no trespassing. ”

The staff returned without saying anything, as there were occasional waiting for someone from the guild at the dungeon entrance.

“All right, bring it out! ”


Dragon Dough grunts and pulls out a small folding chair from his bag.

“I told you to prepare something else...”

“Of course I'm ready. ”

A small envelope that is then taken out. Inside was a variety of snacks.

“Fine, I'll wait for Kang Seong-jun to come out! ”

Tae-min raises her voice to encourage herself, pulling the jerky out of the envelope and shoving it in her mouth.

That was five hours ago.

Tae-min and Yong-deok were tired. Tae-min emptied the last of the cans. Then he took a look at Yong-deuk.

“How long do we have? ”

“It's been five hours. Statistically, the approximate time for a Class B Hunter's Dungeon Solples is between six and seven hours. I'm estimating Kang Sung-jun's target time is about six hours, so I have one hour left. ”

“I want to sleep hard. ”

“So am I. ”

Tae-min got up for a moment and lightly warmed up.

“The dungeon entrance is opening! ”

“What? You said it's only been five hours. ”

“I was expecting at least six hours, but it's open. ”

Soon after, the dungeon's entrance is completely open. From there, Seong-jun slowly walked out.

“I'm out. ”

Tae-min lifted up the dragon sitting on the chair and started running toward where Seong-jun was. Seong-jun was in the process of confirming the approximate facts from the Dungeon Administration staff.

“We have confirmed the attack. It's about 10 minutes different from the target record. Congratulations."

“Is that so? Thank you. ”

According to the employee, Seong-jun smiled faintly at the mouth.

‘I can now soluble without a lot of Class C dungeons. ’

Movement became more agile as well as stronger. Magic absorption has increased the limit overall by activating the body.

Not long ago, there were some difficulties when attacking a Class C dungeon, but this time it was easy.

“Well done.”

Thanks to the absorption of magic, Tae Min and Yong Deok appeared in front of Seong-jun, who was rushing home because of her health consumption, but it was too late to sleep.

“Who are you?”

Do you believe in faith? ’was definitely not. Such people are not allowed near the dungeon at this time.

"Are you related?"

Most likely an affiliate, Hunter or Guild member.

“I'm sorry to barge in unannounced. We're from Hound Guild. ”

"Jung Tae-min, Sales Manager of the Hound Guild... I expected it, but it's a little fast. ’

Seong-jun took a look at the business card that Tae-min gave him. I was a member of the guild as expected.

"I didn't think the mid-level guild would come..."

I have been keeping an eye on Seong-jun in several guilds since he recommended me to join the Phoenix Guild. And Seong-jun knew that, but he didn't think that he would move the weight first in the middle class guild.

“I think I know who they are. ”

“Let's have a little chat, then...”

“It's dawn, so I'll call you later in the afternoon. ”

Seong-jun cut Tae-min's words firmly and called a taxi back home. Where Seong-jun left, Tae-min and Yong-deok stared at each other dazed.

“Chief, are we wasting our time? ”

“No, I gave him my business card, and half of it worked. ”

Tae-min tried hard to smile.

Seong-jun returned home and went to Hunter.com before he went to sleep. It was because they had no more information than the middle class guild.

A community site where many hunters gathered found information about the Hound Guild and posts by hunters that they were encouraged to join.

‘Quite a place. ’

Guilds are a single company and the more hunters you have, the stronger your influence. So some guilds also use coercive recommendations to increase the number of hunters, but at least Hound's guild didn't seem to be.

After searching Hunter.com, the most famous place for coercive recommendations was the Demon Guild ranked in the top 30 in the Republic of Korea Guild.

‘You don't have to worry about the 30th place guild. ’

Seong-jun shook his head. The influence of the top guild on Korea is greater than that of the large corporation. I didn't think I could keep an eye on myself in such a great place.

“Let's get some sleep! ”

Seong-jun asked me to lie down on the bed with her. And as the consciousness deepened, the final memory lifted its head.


"Did the Magic Absorption activate the memory that was sleeping...?" ’

It was a similar background to a dream I had just had. Standing in the middle of a plain full of human and magical corpses. However, if there was anything else, it was that there were 12 of them surrounding Seongjun.

“Rowkel... the 13th Circle...”

Someone opens their mouth. I could only hear the name that Seong-jun had in his previous life, Rowkel, and the word ’the 13th knights' because my memory was blurred.

Seong-jun entrusted his body to the stream of waking memories. Twelve knights point the sword at him as he drains the blood from his blade once.

“In the name of the Emperor. ”

I don't know why I was so scared to hear the voice of a clear knight, but deep down, I felt strong hatred and denial.

Seong-jun opened his mouth. I said something, but my voice was so faint that I couldn't hear it. The only thing that was clear was the backflow of strong emotions.

“Give up, are you willing to face the entire Knights' Guild except you? ”

In someone's question, Seong-jun lifted the tail of his mouth.

“There's nothing you can do. ”

Memory was clearer than my old dream because of the increased activation caused by Magical Absorption. But it was still incomplete.


And then the conversation started again. I didn't know the details because my memory was incomplete, but I felt like I knew 12 knights.

The most obvious emotions in the chaos of emotions like anger and frustration.


Soon after, Seong-jun raised his sword and took up the battle stance, 12 knights rushed towards him. At the same time, Seong-jun woke up from a dream.


When he woke up on the bed, he was able to wrap up his thoughts by stuttering his vague memories and dreams and come to a conclusion.

‘I was betrayed. ’

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