Sword Whisperer

97. Prison of the Revolution (1)

"…… I never thought I'd eat chicken with five legs."

"Sometimes the night isn't so bad."

Anya shrugs while tearing off her forearm's leg. If Tamby had been a skilled spaceman in the use of subspaces, he could have brought more food, but he was a spaceman who specialized in moving rather than subspaces. Eventually, they were forced to fill their bellies every day with meat and water purified by white salt.

But if I asked you again if it was bad, it wasn't. Although it was said that eating uncleaned meat might cause sprouting from the navel, there was no need to worry about it until at least two Nahars joined forces.

'The Nahar family really only exists for the night.'

Van thought so. In the Dark Ages, I was told that when there was no equal in the world in the first place, and only darkness was filled, then people became societies, all at the center of the Nahar family.

I had to. In the night, Nahar's white salt was also a source of life like the river. Without their white flakes, they would have been forced to become one of those turbid clans at some point in the night.

"... By the way, you look like a lot of nobles."

Kizzle grumbles. Van asks in a suspicious voice.

"This isn't how much it's supposed to come out?"

"Those who are strong enough to be classified as' nobles' prefer to be in the darker darkness. We don't call it Abyss. And I don't think it's enough to call it a real abyss right now."

"There is very little light here without white salt."

"Abyss is not at that level."

Kizzle shrugs.

"Even in that darkness, even white salt is hard to reveal. Do you understand?"

"…… it's a depressing place."

Van put out his tongue. Kizzel looked at Van with his mouth shut.

"The prosecutors once searched for Abyss. Said he could find his real sword there. Most of them just ended up being swallowed up at night."

"…… I don't intend to rely on my strength at night."

"I'm sure it was. It was strong enough. I was surprised to see Captain Dane in a struggle..... but I didn't expect him to fight so skilfully against the Night Clan and the nobility."

Originally, it was normal to fight bloody like a phantom. No matter how tense they are, they've been aiming for a blind spot in a direction they don't care about. I would rather shoot with overwhelming firepower like them, but I never thought I would fight with a sword and overwhelm them so unilaterally.....

"Did you say there was no teacher?"

"Everyone I fought with was my teacher."


Kizzle looks at Van with strange eyes. Van opens his mouth unconsciously.

"What do you intend to do when you go to Pendel Prison?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Why are you going there?"

"…… weren't you going there now?"

"We're going to where Pendel Prison is visible. I'm not going to Pendel Prison."

Kizzle hit the hand.

"No matter how strong we are, we end up with six. At least Madpo and Siraz Nari over there are not combat troops. Face to face with the Revolutionaries is suicide. We go first to confirm their existence, and immediately return to the return camp of D'Madpo. That's the plan."

"…… hmm."

"By the way, I told you before, the road is getting tougher than I thought. I've come all the way here because the nobles have something to hide.."

"Speaking of which, it looks like there's a new predator."

"That's a little weird, too."

Anya hung up.

"I can't say that we have a good grasp of the ecosystem of Abyss, but it's an ecosystem. Abyss may not be the only predator, but now they're here all of a sudden because they're gonna run away like this..."

"I don't think it was a normal predator this time."

"…… I understand this is not a very positive situation."

Van shrugs.

"But what should I do? Eventually, you'll have to investigate, and you won't be able to retreat because you're terrified of an enemy you've never seen."

"You're right. We have no choice but to move forward. Just be careful. Anything can happen in the night realm. You know what I'm saying?"

Van smiles and lifts the fifth leg of the chicken.

"I know very well."

On the way to Pendel, they had to meet more nobles than they thought, precisely the nobles of the night. They were the only ones who had no way of expressing themselves. Some drowned after them and fled in front of the White Flame, while others ran as soon as they saw them. And some prayed to them, and some lay down and asked for sleep, as if they were not interested in seeing them.

"I thought the Night Clan was an evil seed..."

"That's a disagreement. But one thing's for sure."

Anya said, melting the carcass of a steel giant that had struck them with white salt.

"These are too dangerous for humanity."

I was right.

It was no doubt that Van had the most frequent conversation on the journey. Their vocabulary was always different, but perhaps the most frequent appearance was about the future.

"How long do you plan on drifting?"

"…… until you don't have to float?"

"I don't want to drift, but I think I'm drifting."

"There are many places to call, there is no place to sit, there is no choice."

"Why is there no place to sit?"

Anya looks at Van with a cold-hearted expression. Van said with a shriveled expression.

"Lighthouse can't be where I am. You don't want to join me in floating right now."

"How do you know? Whether I intend to, or not."

"…… to follow?"


"Look, it is."

"But if you really asked, if you asked, you might have given me a different answer."

Anya gazes at Van with a cheeky expression. Van sighs. From the moment I met her again, I felt that she was angry somewhere. It was hard to judge whether it was for her or for him.

'Lady of Nahar and the man of Sunwoo.'

Van slashed his blunt smile. Anya looked at the smile and said in a low voice.

"You like me. Van."

"..... That's a strange confession."

"Tell me if I'm mistaken. If the eyes, the minds, all that I felt were stupid girl's vain delusions, laugh properly. Don't hesitate. Answer me. Am I mistaken?"

"No, I..."

"Brother, where are you!"

The moment Van was about to say something, a voice of illusion entered between them. Anya sighs and turns her head. Soon, the sun appears with a smile.

"Oh, there you are. Siraz has just set a course. In about two hours' walk, you'll be able to reach where Pendel Prison is visible."

"…… yes. Thank you."

"Uh, you look bad. Brother, where are you bad?"

"No, it's okay. I'm a little tired. Yeah. Let's go."

"Yes, yes."

Van healed Anya. He whispered quietly. Let's talk again. Anya didn't answer.

The group walked silently for a while. Once I checked Pendel's condition, I handed over one Gobi. All that's left is to go where the Karlsmori Library is.

They had to climb one of the tall mountains. The culprit was a mountain that was hard enough to climb, and even a gigantic beast in the dark surrounded the mountain, Siraz said in a lame voice.

"The foothills are not threatening. It's vomity."

"…… Dining?"

"Eat dirt. So I grew up swallowing that mountain all day. He's been there for decades. He's scarier than a genius when he's angry, but he can't do anything stupid like that."

"What a night..."

Half shook his head as if he didn't know. They stepped on rocks and sometimes climbed the mountain on the twisty legs of the foothills. As Siraz said, Zineh did not take any particularly intimidating action against them. Luckily, if that Zine, almost the size of a mountain, came at them, I honestly didn't get a sense of how to deal with it.

'.. By the way, what does this feel like?'

From the moment I started climbing the mountain. I wonder if it's because of the tension surrounding Ji Ne, and Van continues to feel something reluctant. It's as if some gaze is looking at him…….

But within his reach, he felt no life. Van revived his senses a little more in tension. And it was that moment.


It cannot be expressed in words. Half felt it. Two eyes staring at them. I don't know where they are, but surely, those two eyes were watching their 'hike' with vigilance.

"...... kizzle."

"What's going on?"

"I think I've got it."


Kizzle didn't ask me what that meant. I didn't even ask how I knew that. Van's instincts were the most obvious among them. He quickly looked back at Tamby.


"Yes, I'll get ready right away."

Tamby pulled the stones out of my pocket. It was a marker linked to a mobile station located at the lighthouse in the north. And that was the moment he tried to power the stone. Van lifts the blade.

Kwakic! The stone that was shot at them is broken. But it wasn't the end with one. Two, three, ten, and a half blades were hard to catch up with, and so many stones began to pour out like hail. Each one of them had the power to break a man's head easily.

Anya and Kizl's white salt soared high in the sky. It was like chatting about them coming here, but it's been a long time since I've seen their materials. I don't know how I saw them....

'How the hell did you get the stone from Pendel all the way here...'

I didn't know there was someone in the world who was grinding dialysis to this level. Fendel couldn't get out of here, but he was over a mile away. I can't believe you're doing such a precise dialysis in the realm of the night.

"Tamby, how much time do you have to make?"

"…… It's not easy to use your power in the realm of night. If you want to stump the space of the lighthouse, you can trace the stalk of this mark……"

"Hurry. They'll be here any minute."

Van stopped talking. He doubted my senses for a moment. To the extent that it was possible for man, there was a comet that came as quickly as it fell. And he soon found out who they were.

"…… Ghost Corps."

They were once encountered in retreats. Looking at the ghosts rising from the darkness, Van bites his lips. There was a difficult gap between him at that time and the present, but the ghosts in front of his eyes were not unusual either.

'I think it's more than five stars, not one at a time.'

The unique aura of those who came to the land, who shake the laws of the world by being alone, was hovering around them in the form of darkness. One of them opened his mouth. It was as vivid as the voice of a living man.

"O child of Madpo. Put down the flags.I don't want to shed pointless blood."

Tamby looks around with nervous eyes. To trigger the spatiotomy, he had to make contact with the body that was about to move with him. But now they were moving quickly, but they were running away.

'I didn't expect you to be so quick...'

Tamby looks around. If he was trying to lose his body alone, he could do it now, but it didn't mean anything. As a spaceman, the reason he's here is to ensure everyone's safety, not to run away alone.

Tense air flowed. Van quietly grabs the knife. The Sunwoo family said they are supporting the Revolutionary Army. If we reveal his identity, will this disturbance sink? Well, at least as long as I had noticed their home, I wanted things to be so easy. Above all, I didn't want to reveal his identity in front of Shiraz.

'.... I can't help it.'

There was only one answer. Van hides his hand behind his back and sends an acknowledgment. It was the moment when the group saw it. Van grabs the glass tightly.

Shiraz said, "The foothills are angry, but it's not dangerous if you don't.

But now it was rather a moment of danger.

"... I'm sorry!"

Van's blade swung. He still can't bell the sky, can't bell the moon, can't bell the sea.

Nevertheless, his blade could still hold about a dozen.

It hurts so much that I can't get angry.

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