Sword Whisperer

Seventy-six. What is a cutting sword? (7)

"Nothing. Zeo."

A man dressed in bear leather said. Zeo looks back at Vampire Castle, where there are no Vampires without words. There was no trace of life left in the castle. It's like I haven't lived that life in the first place.

"Don't give up. You know the low power of vampires. Now that I've graduated from Citadel Academy as chief, I'm not the only one who can cope with it. Among them were the black-eyed roses...

"Half is not dead."

Zeo said in a resolute voice. A man in bear leather sighs.

"I understand you believe in him. I also know you like it. But look at the reality. Who the hell could survive in a place like this? If the leader of the Royal Knights comes, he may already be dead."

"…… if Van really died here."

Zeo narrows his eyes.

"Why can't I see his body?"

It was obvious that the bodies of the vampires were invisible. They disappeared from the world with the feeding clouds. But Van wasn't a vampire. His body should have been somewhere. The man in bear leather replied with a shrug expression.

"… I don't know. Have you eaten?"

"You know they don't do cannibalism, too."

"Then I must have buried it somewhere."

"Half is alive."

Zeo said that and looked around. It's like something would look like that. The man in bear leather sighed. Zeo's righteousness was his favorite, but sometimes this fatigue can't help it.

'I won't give up until I find where the body is buried...'

What can Zeo say to change his mind? It was Chalna who was thinking about it. After looking around for a long time, Zeo suddenly started running towards a place.

It was an apple tree field.

"What the hell, Zeo. Did you see anything?"

"…… I said. Van is alive."

"What are you talking about?"

Zeo approached an apple tree instead of an answer and touched the branch. And it was that moment. Just as he waited for that little stimulus, the branch suddenly fell to the ground after dozens of earthquakes. The man looks at Zeo in astonishment.

"Well, what is it? Xeo. When the hell...?"

"I didn't do it. Half did it."

Zeo raises his mouth. I've learned some swordsmanship, so I've blown dozens of strikes without giving the branches a chance to fall. Zeo slowly headed to the tree where the fragmented branches were hanging. And soon he had a strange expression.

The cloak, like the pride of the knight, was laid under the tree.

Zeo murmured.

"...... What are you thinking, Van?"


The forest of Eustein attracts many visitors for a number of reasons. Along with the wise men of Eustein, there were some who wished to go on to seek the regularity of the forest and the earth, and few who wished to challenge their monks who were stronger than the beast.

And the Forest Wind Inn was a place where pilgrims lived every day. All sorts of people found such an inn, without dividing between good and evil. And as much as that, the innkeeper, Karlsen, was pretty good at judging the kind of person by his impressions alone.

'That's a long shot.'

'It looks strong at first glance, but it's actually pretty straightforward.'

'I have a good face..... but it's a scam.'

There were not many people who could have avoided the label 'Azalea' in the criteria of Karlsen. If you came to the forest of Eustein across the rough 'Red Desert', there is still some fundamental way to do it.... I think the proportion of poison has increased lately.

From that point of view, this guest was forced to create a strange feeling somewhere in Karlsen.

"Van? Is your name Korean?"


"Where's the room? There's the desert, there's the forest..."

"I beg you to take the cheapest of the two."

"Then towards the desert..."

Once this man was unusual, there was not one or two things. I've seen as many as two sacks and three knives, but..... your sack of knives. It was mixed with bamboo sword, longsword, hallucinogens, etc. without unity.... I was dizzy to see.

But the biggest of them was that he came out of the forest of Eustein. Of course, few of them lived in their forests, even though they were not of the Eustein clan, but none of them had ever been so free to enter the forest alone. When you enter the forest, when you leave, everything was done through Druid's guidance.

'.... Did you sneak in and out?'

I wanted to report it to Youstein, but I quit. There was nothing good about running an inn. Not to mention rumors of selling customers.

'I think it's too long, maybe it's not...'

Karlsen's question was not solved until a few days later.

The man had an unknown atmosphere somewhere. He who had four swords felt curious and curious, and few approached him. But Van's unruly attitude was enough to make them take an interest in him.

'That's a long shot.'


Karlsen concluded so. I didn't know why I came to such a place and only killed time without leaving, but instead, Karlsen's attitude toward Van only got more and more challenging.

"...... Van. Why did you come all this way?"

"Moving to the point of contact, I got here."

"Fortune. You haven't done anything for a fortnight. I was just resting. Seeing people coming and going here.... Do you really not have any thoughts?"

Karlsen takes a sip of beer and looks around. I saw people who came to the forest of Eustein for different purposes planting and trimming me. They were pilgrims with that mission.

"Carrying a knife in your sack doesn't mean you're your own prosecutor. If you have the strength to carry a worm knife like that, let's swing it."

"Wouldn't it make you stronger by not pulling out a knife?"

"Huh? What's that nonsense? Doesn't that make any sense to you?"

"I will."

Van laughed at the flu shot.

"But it doesn't make any sense, so it seems more likely."

"Stop fooling around and get ready to leave! How long are you planning on wasting your time in a place like this?"

"You're still a guest, aren't you?"

"Seems frustrating. I look frustrated!"

Of course that was not his only reason.

Karlsen's daughter, Armen, was often beside the poisonous Van. I even flew the food and brought it to Van once more, and before the chicken cried, I approached his room and told him the morning.

"You're unusual."

Sitting under an apple tree and staring at the apple bay, Armen falls on his chin. Beneath the hair in the sunlight, a healthy, sooty skin glitters. Van used to look at Armen like that.

"Why is it so unusual?"

"Everyone who comes here comes after a dream. I will find the will of God. I will be the Spirit of the Forest. I will find a province that cannot be found in the world. I'm going to be a Druid. I'm going to fight a Druid... But you don't have any goals."

"If it's a goal, it's there."

"What goal?"


If it had been before, maybe half of them would have said, "The best test in the world." But those words rarely spit out easily. Does he really want to be the best in the world? So what is the world's strongest?

Armen interpreted Van's silence accordingly. As she raises her head to the ground, she approaches Van slowly.

"Don't be shy of having no dreams. Is life the only life that chases dreams? Van. I like it because you don't have a dream. Because you don't act like you have a noble mission."


"Stay here. Van."

Armen is close enough to reach Van's neck. Beyond the distinct appearances, a charming young girl was flowing. In the olive-eyed man, there was an unhidden desire for half. Breath was hot, flesh smelled sweet. Knowing that the toes of the clothing drawn to the ground were clearly revealing her sternum, Armen whispers to Van.

"I like you without dreams. I'm not leaving anywhere, so you can always be with me."

"….. You seem to have misunderstood. Armen."

Van replied with an unknown expression.

"I'm not a man without dreams. I need to see the sword drama."

"Ha, no lies. Is he playing without training every day?"

"…… I've always been a trainer."

I had a training session where I didn't pull out a knife.

At that moment, Armen frowned and tried to shoot something. One apple was about to fall from the apple tree. And it was that moment. The moment Van's hand disappeared,

It was the only movement in Armen's eyes. And the apple that fell over Armen's head, when she instinctively raised her head..... she had already soaked her face in dozens of pieces or on the ground.

"… Ah, ah…"

"If it was a dream, I never dreamed of it. I just didn't know what a dream it was."

It was only for a moment that there was awe on Armen's face. She removes the apple juice that fell on my face by trimming my face.

".... The name of the dream, can't you be with Armen?"

"It was only a fortnight we met."

"Even in the fortnight, love blooms. It's enough time for a dream to wither."

"Maybe so."

But not today.

Van raises Armen's spilled clothes up. Armen gazes at Van's face with a dazzling glance. Van said in a loud voice.

"And even if it's not a dream, I have a girl I like."

"Do you think all the men I've been flirting with were the ones with no children?"

Van burst into laughter at Armen's answer. Armen swells the ball with a rough face.

"So you're leaving after all?"

"I'm sure it will."

"You'll regret it. You missed the best girl in your life."

"I don't know. You have to keep that in mind."

Van smiles roughly. Armen sighs, thinking it's a smile he really wants to have.

"By the way, you had good skills. I don't know about the sword, but seeing as I made an apple like that in a moment... Hmm,

I don't think so. "

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Where are you going?"

"There are plenty of places to go. It's a question of where you're going. And for now……"

Van turns his head slowly. Since when have you been looking at them? A man with frizzy blonde hair has been watching him with a twinkling of an eye.

"... I wanted to be a kid with a lot of knives, but I met a journalist."

I met him several times at the Forest Wind Inn. A cynical knight who wanders around looking for the strong man. Van curls up his rag-like knight cape, then looks at the man again.

"Do you know me?"

"I know. I'm staying in the room next to you."

"…… Hmm, yes. Where did you start?"

"From the time the lady there made a pretty naughty scene..... Hmm, I think it would have been a pretty good caliber even if I kept looking at it, because I had a better caliber than I thought."

A man pulled out the Great Sword. It was a great sword that would easily cut off the bones of a human being, even if it was only weighed down.

"Don't stick to it."

It was a haunted speculation. A speculation that makes you lose weight when you get close. As the dizzy Azalea couldn't even face the car, sat down and faced horse speculation, Van had a strange feeling.

'.... Was I like that?'

I have a lot of gaps. I can't show off my strength, so I'm trying to be frustrated...

It's so superstitious.

"…… Bar, Van. Don't deal with it. That man, Quint, was alone in the West against the rebel forces. If you fight, you die."

Van didn't answer. I wonder what he's capable of, even if he saw it earlier. Though, maybe she thinks what she saw was just an apple. Funny thing. Even if you look at the same thing, you can never see the same thing completely.

"Van in Sionel Village."

Van said briefly. The opponent didn't even notice where Sionel was, but it was good. Van grabbed the knife. Looking at the man swallowed by the pitchfork, he walks like a brook.

Hold Lopo's sword. It was not just an apple that he raised, and similarly, it was not just an apple that Van had just cut.

Half the steps have disappeared towards the corpse. Quint glances at Van with a cold sweat. He also did not understand the meaning of the apple cut by Van.


Whenever Van came one step closer, he turned from man to tree, from tree to forest, from forest to mountain. He's having a seizure.


He lowers the Great Sword. Even if the culprit weighs heavily, his long-established body can move as fast as the light of day. Quint smiles with a half-hearted look that doesn't move a single step. I won. The streets are perfect. At the next moment, Van should be both sides as it is….

And it was the next moment. Quint screams without a sound. From when, his blade was split into dozens of pieces and fell to the ground. All he's got in his hand is the bottom of the knife.

Van said quietly.

"I wish I had seen it. I know what I cut."

Not that it was an apology, to the extent that it was time.

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