Sword Whisperer

69. He who steals, and (5)

"Are we okay with doing nothing like this?"

"…… If you don't do anything, what do you do? You intend to go to war with Youstein?"

"It was only here...?"

"Yes. 'Root' is beyond the forest of Eustein."

"Why are you in such a place?"

"That's not what you need to ask."

Arotep laughed white.

"Why does Eustein keep the vampires where they have to go past us?"

"... No way?"

Muñet frowned, but Arotep did not answer. Van does not listen to their conversation, but looks around. 'Druid.’ The monks of Eustein had a different atmosphere, but the aftertaste of nature was the same.

'I feel like there are dozens of them.'

It seemed that most of the men he could fight with were individualized, but it was only a matter of time before they all collapsed at once. Fighting was a choice you should never choose.

They walked slowly, surrounded by monks. It wasn't tied to a rope, but the pressure they exerted was worse than a rope made of iron.

Muñet glanced at half the hill.

"Relax, you."

"I came to your friend's house and there's something to be afraid of."

"..... even though I came with a vampire?"

"I couldn't help it then."

Van looks at Arotep with an evil expression.

"I was forced to sacrifice my vampire and beg for my life."

Of course, there was no way that would happen. With Zeo, Van knew what kind of family he was. They were stubborn and flexible. If you explain the situation..... even if there was an eroc of 'Balagoth' behind them, honestly, there would be no way to take out the sword.

‘... I think it would be fun.'

But I wanted to avoid the death of the peninsula dog. Being dead didn't mean you could die at any time.

Fortunately, the developments did not flow as seriously as I had thought. The monks surrounding Van entered a village with huge cabins. No, it was too big to call it a village. The children on wolves and leopards were laughing, and the squirrels were flying the fruits of my body to people.

- It's a paradise on the ground.

When I talked about my hometown, Zeo was always wet with pride. It was a good neighborhood. There were great sculptures, and a lot of artists showed off my unusual outfit, but I wondered if there was only one place where humans could penetrate the landscape in nature.

It was when I was soaked in such a noisy admiration.


I heard a voice from above. There was a man who was hanging upside down from the tree and smiling at them. Van smiles quietly as he looks at him.

"Long time no see, Zeo."


"I didn't think I'd see it like this already."

Zeo shrugs. Even if I can't see Van again a few years later. So a few years later, I was continuing my training to show that I had changed.

However, Van showed his face again before it became blurred in his memory. With colleagues who didn't even think about it.

"You didn't come as an enemy...?"

Zeo smiles. It was a smile of kindness, but if Van nods at the question, the smile will disappear in a moment. They were companions with oblique men, but they could push their blades and nails into each other at any time if circumstances permitted them.

Van shakes his head.

"You want to turn an enemy of Youstein in the Forest of Youstein? I'm not that stupid. I'm here because I need to pass through the forest of Eustein."

"I will pass through the Forest of Eustein.... I know only one destination I can think of."

"I have to go to Vampire Castle. Zeo."

Zeo was not particularly surprised. From the moment I heard about Van's colleagues, I could guess what his purpose was. He twitches his chin with his arms.

"That's a difficult request."

"…… Is there a reason?"

"We don't have to clean that castle. I promised I would, but at the same time, I won't let anyone out of there or in. It is also part of that commitment."

"Are you the one who made that promise..... the Balagoth clan?"

"Oh, how did you know? Yeah, that's right. It must have been..... Hmm, what was his name. I don't remember very well."

"It must be Eroc."

Van said in a loud voice. Munet and Arotep watched their conversation without saying anything. Maybe they know more about this case, but they still have half the right to speak. Now they can have this peaceful dialogue, purely because of their half-existence.

Each one flew and gave Zeo a bottle of water. Half of the people who received the water from Zeo used to slowly shave their throats.

"He sent us. Get me a live body."

"…… a living corpse. That's a funny story. Come on in, Van. Crossing the desert is always a terrible thing. I want you to let me treat you roughly."

"Thank you. But.... Is this also a valid story for my friends? That treat."

"Youstein is not the third."

Zeo shrugged and touched them. The monks who surrounded them talked to Zeo about something, and they started to go back one after the other. Zeo stared at Van.

"It wasn't a long break, but it's nice to see you again. Let me tell you a story. How did you live?"

"It's always the same. Train, fight, rest, eat, drink."

"I think it's gotten a little stronger."

Zeo laughed. A sharp fang shines like a vampire. Van smiles. Was that what you wanted to talk about?

After a while, Zeo struggled on the ground with his axes stretched out. I looked at Van as if he couldn't believe it.

"..... a monster. You're getting stronger again. What the hell did you do?"

"Training. And adventure."

"Like you did something very special."

Zeo grumbles. For a short time, accepting the regularity of the forest, he thinks he's improved his skills again, but Van Iran's walls have grown taller.

"Still, I don't want to recommend a vampire's last name."

"I have a reason to go."

.... Maybe you were promised a great reward. "

"I was promised something bigger than a castle."

"You have an indestructible face. ”

Zeo laughed as if he couldn't dry it. I liked Van because he was simple. Do what you want to do. I don't make clumsy excuses for achieving what I want to achieve.

"Why is Youstein protecting the castle?"

"I'm not protecting you. They're quarantining."

"If we don't quarantine, we're going to have to kill them all."

Van said in a loud voice.

"Isn't that why you quarantined him? Because of that favor."

"…… why did you ask the question? Knowing everything."

Zeo grunts. Van smiles quietly.

"I just wanted to check. Yustein is definitely a good guy. Nothing bothers me."

"If you know compassion, you can't help it. So what do you plan to do? Vampires are like supervillains, and they're actually continuing their murders.

Some of your vampires, but the vampires who are trapped in that castle..... are rather hard friends. "

"Let me see it with my own eyes. And we'll have a conversation. Be as polite as possible."


"Don't you think that sometimes? Zeo."

Van asked in a strange voice.

"I don't know how to distinguish between a bearable and a non-bearable."

"…… we just give it back as we were told. If you try to cut us down, you will be cut down, and if you try to kill us, you will die. Isn't that enough?"

"The one who wields the sword first... what standard should we move?"

It was not a question that Zeo could answer.

Without an answer, the next day, they moved under the watchful eye of Eustein.

Vampire Castle has come before them.


No matter how much the Vampire Castle was, Van thought that something majestic and elegant would welcome him.

But it was almost a ruin to call it a castle. Just a moderately large mansion was poorly maintained, colorful and crumbling everywhere, and the vibrancy was not even strong enough. What should I say? It felt like even the building had collapsed in front of me for many years. Just looking at it makes me feel powerless.

"That's it."

Zeo said in a calm voice. Van looks back at Arotep. He smiles, revealing his fangs.

"You got it right. I can see my blood responding."

"..... I see. ”

"Let me tell you, I can't help you."

Zeo opened his mouth.

"We promised not to touch them unless those vampires tried to jump out. It's an unbreakable promise. It was purely because he had his permission to let you in, so..... think about it one last time. I know what you're good at, but it can still be dangerous."

"Don't worry. I don't mean to beat them all."

"…… yes."

"Oh, thank you."

"If you're grateful, come back safely."

Zeo left without clearing his worrying eyes until the end. Was the image he had shown not trustworthy enough? Or are vampires that horrible?

Van looked at Arotep and Munet. In exchange for their gaze, they soon split into two defeats. Munet and Arotep. And Van.

In the end, the most important thing in this mission was stealing the roots of the decent ‘living corpse'. Munet and Arotep were in charge of kidnapping her. And half.....

'I'm not a thief. Inspection paper.'

The role of the thief and the prosecutor had to be different. If a thief steals, the prosecutor is Ben. Fight.

Van rolls his foot in front of Vampire Castle with Kishin and glass in his hands. The fierce power of the Storm Sword was with him. And the force, Van, literally shoots at the castle.

Kurr! The sound of thunderbolts as if the sky were torn apart. The sound of the engraved scream resounded, and soon the vampires, who had been struck by a sudden surprise, jumped out one or two times with their veins on their faces.

"Humans here...? How...!"

"I want to tell you a story, but I don't know which door to knock on…… I apologize if the greetings were disturbed."

A countless number of vampires were staring at him all over the place. As the yellow eyes flourished, Van felt Kishin's power filling him more than ever. If it wasn't complicated, it would be a lie, but it was still simple to do.

He becomes a decoy.

It's so scary and strong..... that I can't even turn my back.

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