Sword Whisperer

58. Go home (2)

[I held the attitude of the 'Examiner Protecting the King'.]

Material: Glass

Quality: Blade

Owner: Wallon 7-Star

Memory retention rate: Ha

Remarks: Glass blades are only of low boiling point. It will disappear beyond the light in no time. There's always a slight trace of examination behind the light.

"I melted the glass myself. But there's nothing to worry about. This glass is so hard that even steel bells."

"..... A precious sword. It's a beautiful sword."

A sword held by Lord Willen. It's the frontier of the battlefield... Do you know it? "

Van shakes his head. But those two eyes glowed hot at the words of the Australian border. He's not going to be pushed by the vice commander of the Royal Knights, either. No, it was enough not to be beaten by the commander.

A sword that protects the king.

Knight who swore to live as the shadow of a king for life.

Lord Wallen has risen to that position without the illumination of the family like you. A sword to protect His Majesty. And I'm going to give you the sword now. "

"..... just to be friends, right?"

I could have done it to complicate things. The second prince, who is not the first, is lucky to have such a 'sword to protect the king'. Van wasn't dumb enough to know what was hidden in it.

But so he deliberately answered simply.

"Friend. That's all I want. Just as the master of this sword has been honest in front of his loyalty, I hope you will also win in front of his friendship."

"I don't know if I have a tee, but being a good friend is always a good thing."

Van looked down at the attitude and said, It was certainly a beautiful sword to shake my mule, pretending not to be impressed. The glass blade with the sunlight was as beautiful as a jewel, but when the enemy was in front of it, it was hard to even measure its distance properly.

Above all…….

[I have grasped the sword of one who is far above you.]

[Because of the grim level difference, even the sword is hard to understand.]

[Memory tuning is adjusted to the lowest level.]

Skill that won't be efficient even if you swing it right now. It was a little too bad that the memory retention rate was a 'ha' stage, but given that, it was a great treasure for half of us.

Of course, from the prince's point of view, I don't know if I just gave you a prestigious sword made of glass, but for Van.....

So can I count on your friendship now? "

"…… I don't know."

Van smiled. He lifted his attitude and said,

"At least as much as this sword, shouldn't you expect?"


After receiving a gift from Avon, Van couldn't shake his attitude enough to ripen his hands. Before he got an offer from an opponent who couldn't refuse, like Avon, he quickly wanted to open Citadel.

Destination is home to Sionel.

There were many reasons to go to Sionel. I wanted to smell the homeland I hadn't stepped on for a long time now, and there were many faces I hadn't seen. But most of all, there was a face to see.


Jenson's face came to mind. In retrospect, Jenson was a very unusual man. He also had a charisma that prevented even a guard commander like Aidan from moving because he was just a good pharmacist.

None of the inhabitants of Sionel treat Jenson easily. Everyone didn't think he was an ordinary pharmacist. Even half did. When I found Jenson's sword, it was easier to convince me than I thought.

Who is Jenson?

It was just a coincidence that he was just a regular pharmacist, and that he was reaped.


'…… think long.'

It's an unknown story if you don't ask. Van raises his horse and swings Waln's memorable attitude.


Wallon's memory came in slowly. Of course, it was still possible to absorb two or three memories with one slash..... but I don't know if it was in my early days. Now it was hard to make a big difference to Van.

By the time Van is about 6 stars, the story may be different. You'll be able to feel a little more delicately about what power the test at '7 stars' has. But for the time being, it was just a story of an agent.

Swing the sword. It doesn't cut down trees or rocks. Without cutting something, Van could now feel what power my slash had. I could feel at what speed I was approaching his goal.

'At first, I wanted to catch a sword.'

To cut the sky, to cut the mountains..... is just a word. The dream that came true to him right now was a slender sack of sword.

And now he has three swords, and eats thousands of memories.

The blade moves. The leaves that touch the tip of the bay are pushed to the ground instead. Van could not cut anything if he did not want to cut.

'So it wasn't too late to read everything.'

The day was freezing. Half the breath overlaps over the sound of the horse's turtle. Half the consciousness also moved along the slow-moving sword.

'I haven't seen the villagers in five years.'

'How many people remember me.'

'Dolby must have had a child already.'

'If I knew I had become a knight..... what faces would I have.'

The only thing that came to mind was the expectation. Van didn't have very bad memories in his hometown. People liked him, and the noble lord didn't do anything particularly cruel to them.

It was quite amusing given that their village was made up of 'foreigners'. Fugitives. Criminals. Exile. Those who cannot live in a normal town or city have gathered to Sionel. There were several laws in the village, but not the most important of them. As long as we don't bring up the story first, we don't ask each other as much as we did in the past.

It was for that reason that the Guards were quite fully organized compared to the size of the village. They needed the strength to defend themselves. It wasn't enough in the middle of now.Really good soldiers. Whether it was the husband who came to get his wife who ran away or the man who tried to avenge his father, the village protected its inhabitants.

'Probably, me too.'

There must be a reason why Jenson chose Sionel among many villages. And Van had to know why. I wanted to know how much the secret of birth really changed his life, and to some extent I felt the secret identity, but I still wanted to hear a definite story from Jenson.

And most of all, I just wanted to see Jenson's face. I haven't seen him for too long. I wonder if my time alone made that stubborn face a little soft.

'Look, Master.'

Draws down the sword. It resembles a sword in Jenson's memory, but the power and foresight in it are incomparable. What would Jenson think when he sees this slash? Will the disciple be happy that he is on a level he cannot even compare with himself? Or you don't deserve to know that you put the herb out of your hand and hold the sword.

In fact, Jenson's idea was not very important. The important thing was to prove it. That his hand was really for the sword. Leaving his side was never just a young choice.

All sorts of sweet thoughts came to mind. I wanted to swing tons of cloaks of knights over his shoulders in town. Look. The boy you ignored has become such a brave knight.

But reality is not always as sweet as it seems.

When I first came into town, the first thing Van felt was a tingling smell of blood.



Van looks down at the neatly carved corpse. Despite the gruesome landscape, people were carrying a body that did not seem very surprised. Van turned his head quietly and asked.

"What happened?"

The young man looked back half way. He noticed that Van's cape was luxurious, but he didn't have enough eyes to recognize that the sword pattern on it was the symbol of the knight.

"Traveling? Then you'd better get on the road. These days, this town has been under constant threat."

'' If it's a horrible incident…… "

The man pointed to the body with a jaw instead of an answer. He shakes his head as if he's having a blackout.

"Could something be worse than that? Anyway, I didn't come to this town.... I think I came here to know which madman to live in. Ugh, my seller."

The man left the position whining. He chews his insider's words, and his half sharpens his eyes.

Crazy. If the perpetrator of this is crazy, he's not usually crazy. It was one knife.

On the subject of slashing a man with a knife just once, the cross section was as smooth as a tofu.

At least I know how to handle Gigi.

'.... What is this skilled man doing as a murderer?'

It was Van's moment to ponder for a moment. An ambush of guards came to Van with suspicious eyes.

"Hey, there! Come here for a second."


"Can't you hear me? You can come here!"

They were faces they didn't know. Are they new? Van slowly approached them. They frown as they looked at the knives on Van's waist.

"I've never seen this face..... where did you come from?"

"I'm from here."

"…… not ridiculous. I've never seen anyone look like you."

"Maybe you're late. I'm here."


It was the moment the guard frowned. Another bites his lips and dries him away.

"Hey, hey. Hang in there. Look at the cape. The seal of the article is engraved."

"…… Gigi, Knight?"

He panics and retreats. Van sighs and opens his mouth.

"I want to see Captain Aidan."

"… no matter how much you are a knight, it's a little hard for our commander to tell you to come and go."

"I didn't mean to say come and go. I intend to go myself. Let me give you a hint. At least he wants to see me."

"Are you a friend of the commander...?"

"No, rather than a friend..... an old man?"

Van said in a fat voice.

"Do you know the name Van?"

It was the moment when it was over. The terror stands in their eyes without you, and soon they look at each other and look back half as if they can't believe it.

"I heard you're a chewing monster, even a stone!"

"I don't know what you heard, but I'm glad. You seem to recognize me. I want to see Captain Aidan. Give me a hint."

Afterwards it was one thousand and four thousand. I don't know what rumors have spread about him in this town over the past five years, but their gaze on Van sparkles to no avail. 'Article half.' It's been a knight for a while, but it must have been a knight for years and a half in this town.

"Do you like home air?"

Aidan was only five years older. The beard hides strands of white sand, and the wrinkles of the eyes deepen. Nevertheless, he seems more than wise. It seemed more fierce..... I had an old idea. Van shakes his head.

"I don't like the smell of blood."

"... but I've been having trouble with it lately. Yeah. Did you stop by town for a while? Or....."

"I just want to see some faces. I've seen one now, and I'm going to see another."

Aidan's expression darkened a little in Van's words. It was the moment Van's eyes narrowed. Aidan spoke slowly.

"…… I have something to say about him."

"About him...?"

"Jenson is missing."

It was the moment I said it. Aidan barely endured a moment of consultation and groaning. Van's eyes changed. An irrepressible force emanates from his body like a fang. I thought I might really lose weight as I approached Jachit. Van opened his mouth. I tried to calm down, but the voice was as hot as a knife in the fire.

"Tell me more. Disappearance...? Teacher? When? No, why?"

"We haven't figured out much yet. But I think it has something to do with the recent serial killings. By the time people started dying, Jenson was gone. So some people think that Jenson..."

"You're not a teacher. You know that."

'' Van… "

"I'll find it myself."

Van raised his body. Aidan looks at that half and swallows his saliva. In five years, the boy has returned to be a monster, not a grown-up. I wonder if five years could be a big change for anyone.

"…… yes. Do that. I want to borrow a cat's hand. I can't even refuse your help. But, Van..... don't worry too much. You know who Jenson is. Somehow, I'll be fine."

"I will. No, I will."

Otherwise, the kidnapper will pay for what he never imagined.

Van grinds his teeth.

After returning home a long time ago, I greeted him in a way I never imagined.

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