Sword Whisperer

Twenty-two second family half (7)

The crowd's gaze chased the tip of Van's sword. Everyone was watching Shade's end. I didn't know what the gaze was expecting or what it was holding.

Then, Van's sword stopped. Shade's nipple, right in front of it.

As Shaid tried to kill Lee Kyung, his unidentified voice did not hold him. That did not mean that the smile that Shaid had just seen before his death aroused his sympathy.

Nevertheless, Van did not behead the shards.

Shade smiles with a puffy smile.

”Krk..... Huh, what the hell. Why, don't you kill him? ''

”I'm not here to whiten people like you."

Van said coldly. He did not take his life, and his gaze on Shaid did not contain any sympathy.

I wanted to stop breathing right now because I felt like it. He was able to spend the rest of his life without a clue, even if Shaid died. However, people's gaze has changed.

— Waaaaaah!

— Van! Van!

The sound of a late blast was like pushing his body with a mass. I felt their emotions. Excitement. Joy. Shotgun. Impressed. Calibration. Another mind with all sorts of similarities.

Van muttered.

You're the only one who doesn't know the human mind in this fight. ”

Shaid's body begins to sink beneath the ground. Van doesn't even gaze at him, lifting his sword at the crowd.

I won.

The villain kneels beneath his feet, and everyone shouts for a merciful hero.

Being a protagonist was sweeter than I thought.


It was better than I thought not to finish the Shade.

If Van had killed Shaid there, public opinion would have been on his side. The brutal amount that Shaid showed to Lee Kyung was enough to turn him into a crook.

However, no matter how much Citadel's citizens like to be provoked, the appearance of a proud prosecutor did not ring their hearts.

'Uh, isn't that Van?' '

”Hey, good game. Eat what you want today. I'll shoot! ''

”Oh, isn't that him? Inspector of the Early Family. Was his name half..?"

No one knew Van's name no matter where he went. It would not be easy to recognize him from that distance, but it was hard to even walk because everyone who saw him grabbed him.

”Yay! Take my sword! I am half of the Seconds! You bad Shade! ''

'' Oh, why are you half the same? I'll do half this time! ”

"Just this time. Next time, I'll have you. ”

It wasn't so hard for young children to play 'Exam Van'. Hezleck burst into laughter every time he saw such children.

"Before I went to the Academy, I became the best celebrity in Citadel. What do you think? Are you excited? ''

”Not thrilling, but, um... some prick?"

".. what difference does that make?"

"Hey, don't get excited. Here we go."

The tournament wasn't going to last that long. It'll be a couple of months if you try. But Van didn't intend to make the world forget his name a few months later.

"…… win the finals. Even for me.”

With the axes stretched out on the table, Yussel only moved his lips and said. If you do well, both of the finalists are almost from the Early Family, but Yussel is defeated at the end of the battle before the fourth grade.

It was an opponent who looked quite old. He looked quite old, but even if he thinks he is old in the admission conditions, he is twenty.....

'Nothing as demanding as an experienced test.'

It wasn't overwhelmingly stronger than Yussel. I used Gigi, but so did Yule. This did not mean that he had a brilliantly sophisticated sword.

Nevertheless, the moment they first struck the sword, Van intuited Yule's defeat. He could read Yule's Hand and Psychology, and Yule couldn't. Just as Shaid couldn't beat Van, Yussel couldn't beat the man either. He was strong. From bare ground to standing there, he probably crossed an oblique line they couldn't even imagine.

Nevertheless, Van was not afraid of him.

A dizzy experience could not be an overwhelming strength in the presence of Van. No matter how much experience I have gained, his power would be faster to identify the other than to analyze him.

It would have been more tricky if he had used a wand without days, not a sword..... but there was no more victory for him as a swordsman.

So, on the day of the Grand Final..... I couldn't find much tension in Van's face looking at the opponent. A waiting room. The opponent in a leather armor with a chain is facing quite a skilled mercenary. He smiled nicely and asked.

”It's an honor. It's an honor to face the prosecutor of the Seconds like this."

”Haven't you cut one already? Yussel gripped his arm and groaned all day, even though he was unharmed. ”

"Even if you put it back on, the traces of pain won't disappear. I can't help it. So you intend to take revenge on me? Like you did to Shade?"

"…… don't get me wrong. I'm not really sorry about you. If the prosecutor already frowns with a scar, it makes sense. ’ '

'' If you think so, thank you. ''

The opponent, Abyd, laughed. Red skin. Black beard. Red hoods. Black eyes. A fierce eye. Even if the tone is mild, the beast of the warrior who hides beyond cannot hide. Van narrows his eyes.

"I'm looking forward to fighting you. ”

"Neither do I. Whoever wins, let's not blush each other later. ”

”You don't have to worry about that. I won the fight. ”

"Oh, this..... you're making a bloody noise again."

Abid wipes the blade and looks at Van. Van's skills were well known. He noticed half as much from the beginning as Shade. So I also knew that he had grown once more recently.

Nevertheless, Abid remained hopeful.

'You can't be a grandfather when you're twenty years old. ’

It was an academy that I thought was my last chance to join. His past as a mercenary led him to the final.

If you win Van here, if all the citizens of Citadel take the victory in this match.... his humble past will disappear in a moment.

There was enough reason to win.

Just waiting for the sound of the trumpet to be heard, Abid poses. I'm already sweating even though it's winter. He opened his mouth in tension. "Thank you for making the best stage. Van. ’'

And before Van's answer returned, the trumpet sounded.

Avid didn't even run off the peninsula first. Avid circles the armed sword, blocking himself with a small shield. The shield could not stand in front of Van. He knew his sword could squeeze in and out of the little gap at any time.

'What do I do? What do we do?'

The tactics of spreading the spirit through rapid aggression were excluded from the beginning. Yesterday he saw with his two eyes how Shade was beaten. Van's reassurance was not so easily shaken. He was as odd as Shade, and didn't know how to speak fast swords.

At least, if it's possible, it's about using Van's confidence. He noticed that even if he did, he thought he had nothing to lose. But arrogance always creates a gap.

'You've fought enough with someone stronger than you. Wait, Avid. The time will come. It's time……'

It was half the time to start the attack first. He uses a long sword to restrain him outside the interval of Abid. If it wasn't for the Small Shield, it was a clean and accurate screening.

Abid deliberately focused only on defence. Van was still young. Only meaningless consumption continues. Written judgments will not endure frustration and will come deeper. And the time was soon an opportunity for him.

That was the way it was.

It was only a moment after I noticed that it was strange. Obviously, Van has seen Abid's gaps several times. There's no way his eyes could not have grasped the gaps he had slipped through the shield. Nevertheless, half never came in. What the hell?

It was the moment when I saw Van's face in that question. Arvid was creepy at the moment. He thought Van was arrogant and not nervous. But that was not the case.

— I'm looking forward to fighting you.

'.... Is that what this meant? ’

Van's mouth was up. Probably so weak that I don't even know. Arvid realized instinctively. Van wasn't nervous, not by looking down on him.

Van loved battle. Just as no one is nervous in front of an old lover, Van didn't have to either. And so, Van's eyes glowed more intensely than ever.

Only then did I realize that Van wouldn't be too careless. I was rather uneasy, so I realized that the last half could only be poured into this battle wholeheartedly up to a handful of spirits. And I mean it, and I'm only heading for it.

Realizing that, Abid realized that I wouldn't have a chance, and at the same time, my blood boiled. In his short life, who else has thought so deeply about the battle against him? Who else is going to feel his sword like this?

Maybe this is the moment to showcase the best battles of his life.

My heart is pounding. But let's be patient. We have to wait. We have to wait.

Wait...? For what?

There's someone who's trying to get away from you. There is someone who wants to touch your sword from start to finish. Where's more glory than that?

Abid grips the arming blade to crush it. His eyes sparkled with joy, and his unbearable smile overflowed his mouth. My heart jumps as if I met the opponent of destiny.

"Half-- Half--!"

The prosecutor takes him as the master who knows him.

So what do you do with a self-aware test?

The answer was here now.

Forgetting all calculations and greed,

A prosecutor ran to the prosecutor.


Inspector of the Seconds, Van.

In the sixteen winters ahead of the New Year, join the Citadel Academy articles and tournaments.


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