The two Sunshine Emperors are instant, and the result is that they bring their dumbstruck!

Are they dazzling, or are they eating more?

How can it be!

The mountain winds were blown, and the whistling and screaming, these people suddenly rushed into a cold war, and they all woke up and ran, and they ran away. Every and everyone was like a dead girl, and her face was full of fear.

Can you be afraid? It’s a demon. It’s only a trick to kill Sunshine Emperor. Isn’t it more to no difficulty? Who can’t escape who is a fool!

“All for me!” Zhou Heng, a scorpion, Violetflame Sky Dragon launched, bang, a swaying, pā pā pā, except for a Sunshine Sovereign, everyone else died of heart burst, together with the gods Destroy together!

He reached out and squeezed the Sunshine Sovereign’s neck, squatting and slamming toward the top of the valley.

When his figure came to the top of the valley, a shallow yellow light curtain suddenly appeared, blocking his way forward. Zhou Heng coldly snorted, the right fist is a condensation, 99 small rune condenses, a punch.


This light curtain instantly turned into countless flashes of debris, and it fell!

Seeing this scene, the Sunshine Sovereign was so scared that the eyes were protruding. Who, the ordinary ordinary punch can smash the two Sunshine Emperor’s ban, is this boy really Sunshine King?

He did not know, on the attack power, attacking the small rune’s destructive surname is enough to smash the Sunshine Emperor level of the fairy, this prohibition is not a human, will not hide, just let Zhou Heng’s destructive power can completely erupt!

Otherwise, Zhou Heng is not an opponent of Sunshine Emperor, and this must be acknowledged.

On the top of the mountain, a dozen people looked at Zhou Heng, who was stunned by the sky. They couldn’t imagine that such a powerful ban didn’t even stop Zhou Heng!

– They have not even sacrificed the flying instruments that escaped!

Zhou Heng coldly snorted, his killing intent has been burning, his eyes turned, Violetflame Sky Dragon came out again, 啪, 啪, 啪, that dozens of people but Moonbright Sovereign, Moonbright Emperor, how could block Violetflame Sky Dragon, Don’t die with a heart burst!

At this point, the mysterious people who had launched a blockade against Zhou Heng had only one Sunshine Sovereign left.

Do not kill him, because Zhou Heng wants to know the reason, there is no love for no reason in World, of course, there is no hate for no reason.

No one will be full of support here to lay down the law, prepare the master to ambush people to play!

Zhou Heng landed his body and threw the Sunshine Sovereign aside, saying: “I asked, you answer, understand?”

“Bright, understand!” said Sunshine Sovereign, who was already scared by Zhou Heng’s strength.

“Which family are you and which Sect?” After Zhou Heng thought about it, he raised the first question.

“I, us, us-” Sunshine Sovereign swallowed, but after Zhou Heng blinked, he continued. “We are Lian Family! But the villain is not a surname, just a servant of Lian Family. The villain is called Zhang Kang.”

He was scared by Zhou Heng and claimed to be a villain in front of a Sunshine King. If you pass it out, you will definitely laugh at everyone’s big teeth, but which Sunshine King can take a step back against Sunshine Emperor?

This Sunshine Sovereign does have a fear of truth. In his eyes, Zhou Heng is not a human being at all, but an out-and-out devil!

Lian Family ?

Zhou Heng reveals the color of astonished. Is it the Lian Family of Lian Jingxiang and Lian Youhao? But he and Lian Youhao can’t talk about any friendship, but they don’t want to let the other party send out such a big squad to deal with their own line?

Besides, Lian Youhao doesn’t know whether he is dead or not. In addition, how does he know his whereabouts?

To say that this is related to Lian Youhao, it is a bit too mysterious!

Zhou Heng said: “Why are you attacking us?”

“We, we, we want to take away some of you!” Sunshine Sovereign sighed again, but this time he did not wait for Zhou Heng to blink, and his careful liver could not help but be scared.

“Ah, do you want to take away the pure and beautiful Tongtong?” Mu Tongtong was surprised and exaggerated with his small hand in front of his mouth and stepped back two steps.

“I, I don’t know who it is, this is only the two lines of Lian Family!” The Sunshine Sovereign pointed to the two bodies on the ground.

These are the two Sunshine Emperors.

How many of them are you taking?

Zhou Heng frowned, to say that all the women are taken away, then he believes that Lian Family is a **, and looks at the beauty of the women. It can only be a few specific objects, it is not because of beauty.

Who is Lian Family who wants to leave?

Zhou Heng was immersed in meditation, and at that moment, the Sunshine Sovereign face flashed fiercely and suddenly burst into trouble. He suddenly reached the front of the Blue Dragon Sovereigness and reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

“Don’t move!” He shouted, scared by Zhou Heng. He didn’t have the courage to fight with Zhou Heng, but he naturally had to fight for his own life. There are so many Sunshine King realm women here. It’s always impossible to be as enchanting as Zhou Heng?

Seeing that he “captured” the Blue Dragon Sovereigness, everyone couldn’t help but reveal a sympathetic smile, secretly sighed the Sunshine Sovereign’s bad luck, and chose the Ultra Creation Emperor!

She has lost her memory, and her strength has been pushed to Sunshine King. It is also true that her strength is only suppressed, not disappeared. If it is dangerous, it will naturally erupt!

Of course, fortunately, this guy didn’t pick up Huotian, otherwise he didn’t know how bad it was.

Seeing the weird smile on everyone’s face, the Sunshine Sovereign only felt that things were outrageous. When these people saw their companions being arrested, why didn’t they have a little panic? Do you want to use this way to make him think that he just robbed a hostage that is not important at all?

Impossible, this woman is one of the most beautiful of the ladies, and certainly one of the favorite women of this young man!

It must be that they deliberately want to lie to let them go!

Yes, it must be!

The Sunshine Sovereign forced himself to believe this, otherwise his hand would tremble to catch Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“Let me leave safely, I won’t hurt her! Otherwise, I will die and drag my back!” Sunshine Sovereign yelled in the loudest voice. If he didn’t call it, he couldn’t hide the tremor in his voice.

“In any case, I am a bad person, I can make such a beautiful woman to die together!”

If there is a crowd of people who don’t know the truth, I heard that a Sunshine Sovereign actually said that he would die with a Sunshine King. When Sunshine Sovereign was so unfettered, was it under the Sunshine King?

Zhou Heng looked at the Sunshine Sovereign, said with a smile: “If you can kill her, I will not kill you, but will also send you a big red flower!”

The Blue Dragon Sovereigness also involved a more horrible Dragon Emperor. It was only hacked in the past. Since the Blue Dragon Sovereigness is not dead, the other four emperors and the more powerful Dragon Emperor are estimated to be living well. of.

She is always a factor of instability.

“What!” Sunshine Sovereign thought that he had got it wrong. This kid is an idiot. He didn’t see how beautiful the blue-haired woman was. If he changed him, he would really like to exchange everything for her light smiled!

Such a woman still hurts badly?

Moreover, his own requirements are not excessive, just want to live, why not let him go?

“Zhou Heng, you are too loyal, save this Queen!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness is still in her childhood, thinking that she is only the Queen of Blue Dragon Clan, not the crown that has been crowned!

She wowed and yelled, and there was still a heroic attitude that destroyed the heroes of the world.

“You, don’t push me!” Sunshine Sovereign is red eyes, the dog has to jump to the wall in anxious, since Zhou Heng does not give him alive, he is not afraid to drag individuals to die with him!

“Give you a piece of advice, it is best to let go of her, or you will die faster!” Zhou Heng said kindly.

Changed to him, he would rather hijack Sanguine River Old Ancestor than to provoke the Blue Dragon Sovereigness!

– On the “threshold” exploration, it is clear that Blue Dragon Sovereigness goes further than Sanguine River Old Ancestor, which means she is more terrifying than Sanguine River Old Ancestor!

“This is what you forced me!” The emotion of Sunshine Sovereign was very unstable. In his opinion, Zhou Heng was playing around with him! Under his surprised and angry intersection, he was completely out of control, and the right hand was snapped, and he was shot against the top of the Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

Zhou Heng has no intention to say, dignified Ultra Creation Emperor powerhouse need his help? joke!

Moreover, he also wants to take this opportunity to know a result.


The Sunshine Sovereign took a picture, Blue Dragon Sovereigness’s body suddenly rose up a blue brilliance, straight into the sky, the horrible momentum rolling like a boiling water surface, it is enough to make Creation Emperor tremble!


That Sunshine Sovereign can eat such a pressure, suddenly a blood spurt out, but actually not killed!

“The ants in the area, dare to attack this Sovereigness!” The sound of Blue Dragon Sovereigness suddenly became cold and majestic, and there was a blue sky Dragon phantom constantly tumbling behind him.


The bones of the Sunshine Sovereign were shaking, and it was a loud sound.

He finally understood why everyone was not alarmed by his robbery Blue Dragon Sovereigness, but instead showed a weird smile. Damn, he understood, and after he understood, he also wanted to cry!

Zhou Heng is right. If you shoot Blue Dragon Sovereigness, he will die faster!

Lian Family has Sublimation Sovereign, and he has had the privilege of seeing it once, but the momentum of the other party is not worthy of the shoes compared with the current master!

Creation Boundary ! This woman must be the power of Creation Boundary!

As for Creation King, Creation Sovereign or Creation Emperor, what is the difference? To kill him and crush a stink bug, with no difficulty!

Yeah, I died in the hands of Creation Boundary’s powerhouse… It’s worth it in my life!


His whole person burst in an instant, destroy both body and soul.

“And you guys–” Blue Dragon Sovereigness has the strength and memory has fully recovered. She refers to everyone. “Dirty humans, dare to coexist with this Sovereigness, you all damn it!”

The horrible momentum is like a wave, and it is surging!

“Enough!” Huotian said softly, the pretty face lifted up and flashed an unpleasant color. (To be continued.)

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