Young Master Frost is full of confidence in himself, and others are also full of expectations for his strength.

It’s interesting to have a fight!

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng has taken a crucial step! When he was the 10 Round Sunshine King, he was able to kill One Sword Breaks the Sky. Now he broke through the realm barrier and became the 11 Round Sunshine King.

Young Master Frost strode forward, and his right shoulder also produced a lot of cold, which became a cold ice arm. Now that the war is coming, he has no extra strength to regenerate a real arm.

Let it be used.

His whereabouts, frosty, everything can be frozen!

To be honest, he is indeed a genius, with a strong innate talent, which can kill Heavenly Astral Moon. It is a pity that Jiangshan has talents on its behalf, and the former wave is destined to be killed on the beach by the post-wave.

Young Master Frost started with a smash of frost and rolled up the cold glow of the sky.

Zhou Heng right hand, Black Sword is already in the hands.

Sword Breaks Soaring Universe !

His figure is integrated with the Black Sword, sprinting through the air, the black sword glow is fleeting, and everything is calm.

Young Master Frost’s eyes are roaring, but the body can no longer move, because he has a transparent hole in his left chest, which is the key to Black Sword’s smash!


His body was planted, and the generation of Tianjiao fell.

The audience was silent, that is, Sublimation Boundary and Creation Boundary’s powerhouse looked at Zhou Heng with a shocked look, and there was an inexplicable heart.

Putting it outside, they want to kill Young Master Frost. It’s easy to be in this special place… Don’t say that you can kill Young Master Frost, it’s a problem!

But Zhou Heng not only killed Young Master Frost, but also used only one trick!

If this kid grows into Sublimation Boundary, it must be the nightmare of all Sublimation Boundary powerhouse! If you enter Creation Boundary, the whole world will tremble because of him!

Who can stop him?

It’s never a good thing to stand alone. Only a hundred flowers can keep the world peaceful and calm in the chaos!

Could it be because of the plain woman Bing Xinzhu?

She also defeated Young Master Frost in one stroke, and had an innate talent in the same battle with Zhou Heng!

Heaven, I thought that Young Master Frost will be the most outstanding genius of this generation of young people, the result is good, now three hanging, an acknowledgment allegiance, and the only one left with Zhou Heng is brother.

What stands out is the one who has never emerged before!

“Xiulan, don’t be naughty, go back with me!” Bing Xinzhu glanced at Zhou Heng’s body and seemed to have left a pretty impression on his horrible fighting power. But that’s all. Just a look at her, she took back her eyes and focused on Bing Xiulan.

“brother-in-law, help!” Bing Xiulan quickly ran to Zhou Heng, then explored his head to make a face to Bing Xinzhu.

“Brother Zhou, please let me know!” Bing Xinzhu was very polite to Zhou Heng, but the politeness was just words. Her face was indifferent and she did not put Zhou Heng in her eyes.

If Bing Xiulan is right, she is already a Sublimation King, so she really doesn’t have to put Zhou Heng in her eyes – her realm is completely crushing Zhou Heng, and even in this special place she is It may not be lost to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng didn’t want to interfere with their sisters, but Bing Xinzhu’s extreme indifference made his heart faint and raging. Who attracted him? Did he have to treat Bing Xiulan along the way?

Not only did he not let him eat and drink, Silver Dragonfish, hot springs, which one was not robbed? Is he stingy?

Bing Xinzhu What is this expression? A thief-like look, as if he would break the Bing Xiulan festival!

This makes Zhou Heng very angry!

He also expressed indifference, saying: “She is no longer a child, she has her own opinion, and you don’t need to be arrogant about her life!”

“Right right, brother-in-law, this sentence is good, I support you! Go, pack her up!” Bing Xiulan pushed Zhou Heng forward a little.

Bing Xinzhu was slightly cold, and the impression of Zhou Heng suddenly fell to the bottom.

She had been extremely unhappy with Zhou Heng and the younger sister before, and now Zhou Heng is also more dissatisfied with the private affairs of their sisters. The air of all around was so heavy that it was even more uncomfortable than the previous Young Master Frost’s ice, and everyone around it had to go back.

From this point of view, she is indeed much stronger than Young Master Frost!

“Retreat!” She ordered to Zhou Heng, as cold as the moon, as if the Fairy of the mortal, it is unbearable.

“You let me back and retreat, then I have no face?” Zhou Heng snorted.

“Why do you learn this Eminence to talk?” Blackbird whispered on one side. It is not an idiot. Bing Xinzhu is so powerful that it makes people feel awkward. It is still a good place to stay on the side.

“If I shoot, you will be hurt!” Bing Xinzhu calmly said, without a trace of arrogance in his tone, as if to state one of the most objective things.

“Are you willing?” Zhou Heng was poor.

Bing Xinzhu suddenly became a cold, she hated the slicker, Zhou Heng was close to her younger sister, and now she is spending her mouth, obviously this name is bad!

Such people need minor punishment!

She had already made a decision, and there was no hesitation. The right hand was a slap in the face, and there was already a red lotus in the hand. With a single shot, this red lotus was looked at by Zhou Heng.

This shot is extremely powerful!

Zhou Heng has a strong warning sign in his heart, and he must not be underestimated!

He swung his right fist, and thirty broken small rune clothed on the fist face and banged out.


Void trembled a little, the red lotus was broken, and Zhou Heng took a few steps back, with a trace of astonished on his face.

This blow, he is actually a small negative.

Because the other side just played a red lotus in the air, but he was out of the fist, but he is still a few steps back from the earthquake, the power gap between the two sides can be imagined.

Bing Xiulan said that she has 16 Round, so Bing Xiulan will not be much worse than the younger sister. It is possible to have 13 Round and even 15 Round when Sunshine King!

Every time there is a difference, the power is ten times different. This is an objective fact! Moreover, the other party’s red lotus is so powerful that it has the destructive power not weaker than attacking the small rune – although Zhou Heng only condenses 30 broken runes.

This is a strong enemy!

Zhou Heng’s eyes flashed a flash of ray of light, his fighting intent boiled in a flash.

In an acceptable range, the stronger the opponent, the more he is eager to fight!

Bing Xinzhu reveals a strange color.

She has already estimated the strength of Zhou Heng, and she has the intention of minor punishment Zhou Heng, so this shot is not light, although she did not use all her strength. But the result is actually just a shock of Zhou Heng?

Can’t underestimate him!

Bing Xinzhu right hand A glimpse of a red lotus in his hand, swirling toward Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng Shouting, Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step unfolded and went back to Bing Xinzhu.

The other party’s red lotus is called, and it is born in an invincible position! And when it comes to exhausting the other’s strength… He is a Sunshine King and Sublimation King, isn’t it boring?

Only by defending against attack can you create a victory for him.

When he moved, Bing Xinzhu also followed, and the speed was not only slower than him, but even above him!

Zhou Heng finally met someone in Realm who is faster than him!

The other’s body level is inevitably not weaker than him, and the spiritual power is thicker than him, causing the difference in speed between the two.


Zhou Heng is no longer working hard with the other side, this has become his shortcomings, the speed of competition will only make him suffer!

He doubled his fist and raised the number of broken small rune combinations to fifty!

– The other party does not use the fairy, then he will not use it. What he wants is a relatively fair battle.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bing Xinzhu hand-painted red lotus, blossoming in full bloom, forming a lotus ocean in her body, the highest breath slammed, the eight chains on the top of the head responded in unison, and the lines were bright, as if to live!

Everyone was shocked. This woman was really awful. Although her realm was suppressed, she was so enchanting that she was forced to use the power of Sunshine King to ban the ban!

What kind of freak this is!

They boast that in this realm where the realm is suppressed, it is impossible for them to block Bing Xinzhu’s trick!

Too hurt and self-respect, even a stroke can not stop!

The powerhouse with Sublimation Boundary is more cautious because they can sense it. This is not the real body of this woman, but just a Dharma!

In other words, this woman must at least be Sublimation King!

With her enchanting performance at Sunshine King realm, how many other people in Sublimation King are her rivals? Further, when she enters Sublimation Sovereign, Sublimation Emperor, and even Creation Boundary?

How can such an absolutely enchanting person never hear about it?

Hey, is it coming out of Absolute Immortal City?

If this is the case, it can explain why she is so enchanting, Absolute Immortal City can represent everything!

“Unfortunately, the good talents are not good at learning!” Bing Xinzhu lightly snorted, a red lotus appeared in the pupil, her hands danced, a huge lotus rose from the foot of Zhou Heng, the petals fell It was actually trapping him inside.

She stopped and walked towards Bing Xiulan, still serene.

** A “realm” genius seems to me to be a trivial matter, whether it is Young Master Frost or Zhou Heng is not worth mentioning.

Don’t look at her calm and calm, in fact, this is a kind of proud performance, the genius and mediocrity as one, only she is above all else.

The arrogance from the bones!

“Xiulan, don’t you follow me?” Bing Xinzhu looked at Bing Xiulan with some disappointment. Did the little girl know how much trouble he had caused himself?

“No, quasi-brother-in-law, you are so useless, so you are elder sister **? How do you feel like this, how can I be my brother-in-law!” Bing Xiulan is sighing The purpose of her looking for brother-in-law is to ** this is always in charge of her elder sister.

“haha, the winners and losers have not yet been separated, don’t be so anxious to make a final conclusion!” In a long laugh, the powerful wind slammed through, and the red lotus trapped in Zhou Heng exploded! (To be continued.)

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