“This Eminence is not at all curious, just want to receive two treasures!” Blackbird is bitter face, “Curious to kill the cat, let’s take a look here!”

“Nothing, you are blind, you can’t kill you!” Bing Xiulan 嘻嘻said with a smile. .

Zhou Heng did not care to go forward, the sword is really strong, but he may not be able to conquer it, and even if he is conquered, he may not be able to exert its effect. After all, he is now too weak.

Third, he already has a Hundred Ghosts Sword in his hand. It is impossible to increase his combat power by taking a knife.

Blackbird is constantly turning back, it is really reluctant!

It’s not only Zhou Heng that has such great perseverance. There are still some people in front of them. They obviously endure the greed for the high-ranking fairy, or some people are strong enough and have not broken such a piece. The fairy is in the eye.

In the distance, from time to time there is a path of lightning-like glory, which means there is a piece of treasure!

The black tears are flowing out, this is the real Baoshan, but it can only be seen! It’s like a lascivious man rushing to the brothel, facing the ** beauty of the full bed, only to find that he can’t harden it. What a sorrow.

In front, the few people suddenly stopped.

“They seem to have discovered something!” Zhou Heng said, since these people can tolerate the high-end fairy ware, then what makes them stop is not unusual.


At this moment, the dust suddenly rose in the sky, and a big hand suddenly came out from the ground!

This is a big bone hand, just a finger bone can be compared to a tall building, and the size of the whole palm is terrifying! Bang bang bang, the mud is flying, and the arm is broken from the ground until the shoulder.

The arm swivels, the palm faces the ground, hong long long, the whole earth is also trembling, a huge hoe is coming out from under the ground, the bones are stunned, and the black lacquered eyes slam Two smoldering fires.

“Why should you disturb the sleep of the deceased?” This huge cockroach climbed up from the ground, and the huge body had a severe hundred zhang high, standing like a mountain. But it only had one arm and one leg left, and the ribs were also interrupted by most of them. Obviously, they suffered a very heavy injury and fell after they were born.

This is a big mouth, but it is not the sound that comes into the ears of everyone, but a path of volatility.

Strong breath, but realm is also suppressed to Sunshine King!

“Since it is dead, why bother to get up again and continue to sleep!” said an old man with a single horn on his head. He was burly and said that it was full of domineering.

He is the powerhouse of Silver Rhinoceros Clan, the cultivation base of Sublimation Sovereign, and naturally does not put a long-dead cockroach in his eyes.

——What kind of powerhouse are you in life, when people die like lights, they will return to dust, earth returns to earth!

“Why should you disturb the sleep of the deceased!” The huge cockroach can only say such a sentence, and the palms are turned up, and the people are photographed at the same time.

Its true body has already died, but he was too strong before his death, so strong that it was only a trace of obstinacy that could support the remains of only the skeleton! Of course, it is no longer alive, and there is no wisdom of living.

Xiu xiu xiu, the few people jumped up at the same time, they clearly recognized all of this, knowing that it is meaningless to fight this war.

But this kind of cockroach is too big. After a palm shot, it will be lifted immediately after a roll. When you slammed it, it hit a person, shocking a terrifying shock wave, and the ripples in the air suddenly appeared.

“Credit!” The person who was photographed was severely shouted. He was also a powerhouse of Sublimation Boundary, but his strength was inferior, only respecting Sublimation King. But here, Sublimation King and Sublimation Sovereign are no different, they are suppressed to Sunshine King, and even because of the innate talent, Sublimation King is more powerful than Sublimation Sovereign.

The previous hand made him suffer a lot of loss, and there was blood overflowing all over him, which made him very angry!

He didn’t want to be entangled with a cockroach. After all, it won’t be good to win, but it is not the same when you lose it!

Be sure to get back!

He screamed and his body flew out and attacked the cockroach.

Don’t look at this sturdy, but the action is extremely flexible, and there is no cumbersome feeling. It stretched out in one arm, grabbing, snapping, taking, pinching, and swaying the path of that Sublimation King.

That Sublimation King should have 10 Round 在 when Sunshine King, because the power that broke out at this time did not cross the threshold of Sunshine Sovereign. However, because he is a Sublimation King, he has a fairly high-level sacred skill. At this time, the squad power can be compared with the low-end Sunshine Sovereign.

He is not weak, but the one is more powerful!

This life must be a Creation Emperor, the powerhouse that can enter this level must be genius, and the Sunshine King must also penetrate the realm barrier! Therefore, although it has become a bone at this time, it is impossible to run any other magical skills, but the power is broken to Sunshine Sovereign!

Powerful to the level of Creation Emperor, even after death will leave a trace of battle “instinct”, this is used to fight Creation Emperor certainly not, but its opponent is not Creation Emperor, but only Realm suppressed Sublimation King !

The two are added together, making the battle of the bones completely exceed that of Sublimation King!

– This is still a loss here, otherwise everyone can let go of realm, Creation Emperor’s stifling Sublimation King is not like playing?

“Git!” That Sublimation King is furious, no matter how much the predecessor of the Creation Emperor is opposite, but the death of the person is now just a bone.

In this special place, he will never allow himself to lose to such a monster!

“Give me the town!” He offered a treasure, which is a glass of respect tower, but about one chi, the whole body is green, and there is a brilliance.


With his sacrifice, the treasure tower danced and danced to the sly head, and the dark green brilliance, like a path of waterfall, hit the skeleton of the skeleton.

Card, Kakaka!

The cockroach’s body immediately sounded the broken bones, and there were countless spider-like cracks on the shoulder bones and ribs. It seemed to be cracked!

Everything here is amazing. As long as it is a “living thing”, it will definitely be suppressed by the prohibition. It is impossible to surpass Sunshine King in strength and defense. Therefore, it is clearly the remains of a Creation Emperor, but because of its will, its power and defense can only reach Sunshine King.

“Why should you disturb the sleep of the deceased!” The bones of the bones swayed and snorted, and there was only one obsession, which might have fear. But the instinct of the battle makes it try to avoid physical injury, body shape, to get rid of the treasure tower.

Under the control of that Sublimation King, the respect tower is accompanied by the shadows, and the green brilliance is always falling. The cracks on the humeral head are getting thicker and thicker.

Xiu! xiu! xiu!

Another daoist silhouette leaps forward. There are four people, all of whom are powerful Sunshine King. Everyone has a powerful momentum. This is not a strong force, but also requires unparalleled confidence. heart.

They naturally saw the battle ahead, and they stopped at all. This kind of battle was enough to make them move.

“Hey, Brother Zhou?” At this moment, only a soft and pleasant voice sounded, and one of the four people suddenly turned back and looked towards Zhou Heng, his face full of strange colors.

This is a beautiful and charming beauty, but also has an unattainable temperament, which makes people willing to be driven by her.

It is Hu Mei!

She didn’t look at Zhou Heng very positively, because Zhou Heng’s current appearance is too far from her memory. To say that Zhou Heng will change its appearance, she can understand and accept it, but it will not change herself into such a small one.

She was able to recognize Zhou Heng for the first time. It was entirely from a woman’s intuition. But after a sudden call from Brother Zhou, she doubted it and couldn’t connect the boy in front of him to Zhou Heng.

“Young Lady Hu !” Zhou Heng laughed, bowed to the other party cup one fist in the other hand.

“It’s really Brother Zhou?” Hu Mei astonished, which really confirms that she is even more incredible.

Zhou Heng doesn’t want to let the other person entangle in his body shape, busy: “Young Lady Hu seems to be late!”

“A few things happened, so I was late, but fortunately it wasn’t too late!” Hu Mei showed a smile, she had dispelled the idea of ​​recruiting Zhou Heng, but Myriad Ancient Evil Venerate lineage is a monstrous talent, even Can’t pay well but can’t offend.

Zhou Heng nodded, Hu Mei The current atmosphere is much stronger than before. Obviously she has also gained a lot of opportunities. It has taken a crucial step and penetrated the realm barrier. Now it is at least 11 Round Sunshine King!

This made her more confident, and the white jade-like fascinating face was full of fascinating glamour, adding more charm to her.


On the other hand, that Sublimation King also fully occupied the upper hand, the treasure tower brilliance, the infinite pressure superimposed, slamming, the white bones of the shoulder bone suddenly broke, turned into two pieces and fell.

“Hahahaha!” That Sublimation King laughs, although the other side has only one bone left, but the most powerful presence of all after Immortal Realm. Defeating a Creation Emperor, even if it’s just a skeleton left by him, is still exciting!

“Why should you disturb the sleep of the deceased!” The bones were ignorant, just a sound of sensation. It caught a broken bone and knocked at Sublimation King.


Under one blow, the Sublimation King was suddenly broken and turned into a phantom disappearing!

– He only entered Dharma here, but Dharma was smashed!

How could this be?

This white skeleton has not sacrificed any powerful fairy, how to use the powerful fairy law, how could it suddenly explode such a terrible force, and suddenly defeated it?

And it is still the victory over the surname! (To be continued.)

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