Zhou Heng slammed his right fist and greeted the huge Flaming Monstrosity. A punch brings a strong wind, it seems to be able to tear the air! Bang! Zhou Heng 右拳一凝,对着那头庞大的Flaming Monstrosity 迎去。一拳带起强烈的劲风,似能将空气都给撕裂!bang! 但拳头轰到Flaming Monstrosity 的身上时,Zhou Heng 却感觉到了不对劲,因为对方的身体完全没有实体,this fist 轰过去相当于完全打了个空!便在这时,Flaming Monstrosity 的一掌也拍了下来,炙热的怒焰滚动。显然,这头rare beast 也意识到Zhou Heng 的不好惹,因此并没有将Zhou Heng 直接抓拿起来丢进嘴里,因为那样做它必然要重新实体化!Zhou Heng 左拳再轰,攻击小rune 发动,但只是凝聚了十个破碎rune ,他生怕一拳把这头rare beast 给轰死了!bang! 这次,rare beast 即使火焰化了也没用,被this fist 直接给轰了回去,重重地撞到了山体上,身上赫然多了一个洞,就那里没有火焰沸腾,显得极其古怪。Zhou Heng 因为一开始大意,也被烈焰烧了个head and face filthy with grime ,上半身都给直接烧成了焦黑,隐约还能闻到肉香味。但他只是将治疗小rune 一转,这伤势立刻愈合,就是烧焦的衣服是没办法恢复了。“ao ——”Flaming Monstrosity 仰首怒吼,张开大嘴狂吸一口之后,无数烈焰被吸进了它的口中,它的身上立刻火焰激舞,小腹上的洞口也迅速被火焰填充。只是几个眨眼的功夫,它便恢复了伤势,又冲着Zhou Heng 大叫起来,却是不敢轻易起衅。在刚才那一击上。它已经尝到了Zhou Heng 的厉害。Zhou Heng 心中恍然,怪不得之前那些人完全失去了fighting intent 。因为这火焰怪物几乎就是不死的!在这个特定的地方,只要不能一击将这头怪物轰杀,它便可以吸取火焰愈合伤势!不过,这对于Zhou Heng 来说并不是什么难事。通过那一击Zhou Heng 也知道这头rare beast 应该是9 Round Sunshine King ,在力量上与他持平,但他掌握了多少仙术?Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture 、Soaring Heaven Nine Forms 、甚至还有额头上的大rune ,哪一个杀同阶Warrior 不跟玩儿似的?“Hahaha ,原来这头Flaming Terror Beast 在这!”一声长笑之中。弹射而来一名身材修长的男子,看年纪不过二十多岁,一身青衣,手执一把寒光如水的long sword ,脸上充满了自信。他掠过Zhou Heng ,身形停也不停,再次弹射出去。一剑划出向着Flaming Monstrosity 削了过去!sword qi 惊鸿,舞动长空。Zhou Heng frowned ,虽然说这里的一切都是无主之物,但没看他正和这头Flaming Monstrosity 斗吗?招呼也不打一个就直接插手战斗,这对他也太不尊重了。不过不得不承认,这个young people 很强大。sword qi 纵横中与那头Flaming Monstrosity 打得十分激烈。但他虽然半点也不落下风,可说到要取胜也不知道要多少时间。山下,有许多人跑了过来,让Zhou Heng 打消了立刻出手的念头。“不愧是Little Sword Waiter Wu Dong ,除了五大Sunshine King Supreme 之外。当属他实力最强,假以时曰必能追上那五人。成为第六位Sunshine King Supreme !”“听说他是One Sword Breaks the Sky Wu Qi 的clansman ?”“不错,不但是clansman ,而且还是很亲的堂弟!”“真是不得了啊,Wu Family 已经出了一位年轻Supreme ,现在又多了一个,还让不让别人活了?”“你大概不知道啊,Zhou Family 也出了两位年轻Supreme !”“我知道,是Little Overlord Zhou Tong 和一个叫Zhou Heng 的young people ,不过Zhou Tong 确实强大,但Zhou Heng 据说还只是Moonbright Emperor ,远不如Wu Family 这二人都是超越极限的Sunshine King !”“嗯,听说Zhou Heng 也很妖孽,可以战Sunshine King ,甚至赢了Wu Qi 一名Sunshine King 的追随者!不过谁都没有亲眼见过,这应该是夸大了,以讹传讹that’s all ,世上怎么可能有如此强大的Moonbright Emperor ?”“Zhou Tong brother 是肯定不如Wu Qi brother 的,现在便看五大年轻Supreme 谁能第一个breakthrough 到11 Round 曰,打破realm 壁垒,在力量上都能真正媲美Sunshine Sovereign !”众人议论纷纷,那天参加Hu Mei 宴会的人毕竟只是少数人,绝大部份人都没有亲眼见过Zhou Heng 与Luò Wuji 、与Wu Qi 的战斗,自然不相信Zhou Heng 真能战胜Sunshine King ,甚至可以和超越极限的Sunshine King 一战!黑驴拿蹄子捅了捅Zhou Heng ,小声道:“Zhou boy ,这些家伙都看不起你啊,这你也能忍?要换了this Eminence 就绝对不能忍!”“是啊,揍他们!”Bing Xiulan 也在边上添油加火,“你放心,我们会在后面给你摇旗呐喊助威的!”这两个家伙!Zhou Heng 摇了摇头,目光looked towards Wu Dong ,这个Wu Qi 的堂弟拥有很强的实力,与Flaming Monstrosity 战得难分难解。sword qi 拥有攻击到rare beast 火焰身体的能力,给了那rare beast 极大的威胁。战到激烈时,这一人一兽都是释放出自己的全力,18 Round 红Sunshine 转,灼浪逼人。那Flaming Monstrosity 的红曰真正如九颗小太阳,燃烧着沸腾的火焰,而Wu Dong 的红曰就要正常多了,只是染上了1st Layer 杂色,还没有达到极致的纯净。双方皆是全力以赴,sword qi 纵横、火焰烧天,却始终难以分出个胜负来。”hmph ,便让你看看this Young Master 的厉害!”在众目睽睽之下,Wu Dong 自然要狠狠地争上一口气,打出自己的风采。他以前一直以Wu Qi 为骄傲、为偶像,但随着自己的声名鹊起之后,却是越来越讨厌“Wu Qi 堂弟”的身份,好像他无论取得什么成就都不是他自己的功劳,而是因为他那位堂兄!Wu Dong 迫切想要证明自己!他是Wu Dong !Little Sword Waiter Wu Dong ,而不是因为One Sword Breaks the Sky 的堂弟、clansman 而被人牢记!定要斩了这头Flaming Monstrosity !他深深地吸了口气,剑身上立刻凝聚起一道淡green 的rays of light ,而他的额头上也跳闪起了青筋,汗水滚滚而出,显然要运转接下来的一剑并不是轻松,但formidable power 也绝对out of the ordinary !xiu! 这一剑的蓄力很快就完成,sword qi 划过,如能震落满天的starlight !”ang ——”Flaming Monstrosity 发出一声惨叫,这一剑竟是将它一条胳膊forcibly 切了下来!不但如此,断臂处还有无数的火焰滚滚而出,任它如何吸收火焰,这速度竟然比不过伤口中流逝的!这rare beast 顿时怯战了,哪敢再向Wu Dong 发起反击,连忙身形一折转身便跑!可它也太bad luck 了,居然一头直接撞向了Zhou Heng !那还有什么好客气的,Zhou Heng 祭出Black Sword 划出!pu! Flaming Monstrosity 的头颅被生生削飞,浑身火焰一黯,然后迅速收敛,向着中心的位置缩笼,最后凝聚为一块不足拳头大小的scarlet red 石头。被Black Sword 打中要害的,管你什么存在,必死!但Zhou Heng 立刻发现,他根本没有吸取到什么生命精气,好像Black Sword 对这种特殊的生灵无效!这Flaming Monstrosity 就好像Fire God’s Furnace 的前身一样,它本是一块Solar Fine Gold ,因为吸取了天地之火而诞生了灵智,若非早早就被人收起炼制成了Fire God’s Furnace ,恐怕也能像这Flaming Monstrosity 一样到处乱跑了!这Flaming Monstrosity 就是一块火石成精了!“炉子,这块火石中有异火吗?”Zhou Heng 拣起了石头,向Dantian 中的Fire God’s Furnace 问道。“好大的胆子,连this Young Master 的东西也敢拿!”Fire God’s Furnace 还没有回答,Wu Dong 也从之前那记大招中缓过了劲来,向着Zhou Heng coldly said ,脸上有难掩的怒火。他完全忘了之前是他自己先抢下了Zhou Heng 的战斗,现在轮到自己被抢,却是怒不可遏!“没——”Fire God’s Furnace 则是懒洋洋地回答。Zhou Heng 一想也对,若是这石头中真得蕴含异火,那Fire God’s Furnace 肯定猴急猴急早就叫了起来,哪用等自己去问它!“little bastard ,this Young Master 在问你话呢!”Wu Dong 见Zhou Heng 居然发起了呆来,不由地心中更怒,居然敢在自己的面前开小差,这也太不尊重他了!Zhou Heng 的眼芒一厉,露出一抹murderous aura 。little bastard 三个字,不止是污辱了他,而且还污辱了他的父母!指着Zhou Heng 的鼻子骂,说不定他还disinclined to pay attention ,但涉及到他的父母他就绝不会轻易放过!况且,他对Wu Family 可丝毫没有什么好感!“去把脖子洗干净,Young Master 要斩了它!”Zhou Heng coldly said ,说到年轻气盛,他才真是,至今未满三十,正是年少轻狂的时候。嘶!众人都是听得心里发寒,这主霸气啊,居然要Little Sword Waiter Wu Dong 洗干净脖子受死,tsk tsk tsk ,脏脖子人家还看不入眼,不想下手呢!可Wu Dong 是谁?拥有9 Round 曰的genius 啊,超越Sunshine King Peak 的存在!虽然要比Wu Qi 少了1 Round 红曰之力,但也仅仅只是百年、甚至几十年的苦修之功that’s all !说不定这次运气一好,捡到什么treasure 就直接跑11 Round 曰去了,真正打破realm 壁垒,成为唯一Supreme !那Flaming Monstrosity 确实是死在Zhou Heng 手里的,可在此之前那头rare beast 已经被Wu Dong 打伤,Zhou Heng 只是拣了个便宜that’s all ,并不是他的战力真有那么厉害!以为自己斩了一尊9 Round Sunshine King 的rare beast 就当自己是9 Round 甚至10 Round Sunshine King 了?天真!众人普遍不看好Zhou Heng ,战斗还没有开始他们就已经在心中做出了胜负的判定,Zhou Heng 必败、Wu Dong 必胜!“Hahaha !”Wu Dong 长声大笑,脸上的不悦之色却是更加强烈,他要杀人、杀人、杀人!(未完待续……) The power of this sword is quickly completed, and the sword qi has passed, such as the starlight that can shake the sky! “ang -” Flaming Monstrosity made a scream, the sword was cut for an arm forcibly! Not only that, there are countless flames coming out of the broken arm, let it absorb the flame, this speed is actually faster than the death of the wound! This rare beast suddenly fought, and dare to launch a counterattack to Wu Dong, and quickly turned around and ran! But it is also too bad luck, and actually slammed directly into Zhou Heng! What kind of politeness, Zhou Heng sacrificed Black Sword! Pu! The head of Flaming Monstrosity was cut and flies, smashed into flames, then quickly converge, shrinking toward the center, and finally condensing into a scarlet-sized stone that is not the size of a fist. Being hit by Black Sword, whatever you exist, you must die! But Zhou Heng immediately discovered that he did not absorb any life, as if Black Sword was not effective for this special creature! This Flaming Monstrosity is like the predecessor of Fire God’s Furnace. It is a piece of Solar Fine Gold. It was born from the fire of the heavens and the earth. If it was not early, it would be refurbished to make Fire God’s Furnace. I am afraid it can Run around like this Flaming Monstrosity! This Flaming Monstrosity is a piece of flint! “The stove, is there a fire in this flint?” Zhou Heng picked up the stone and asked Fire God’s Furnace in Dantian. “Great courage, even this Young Master’s things dare to take!” Fire God’s Furnace has not answered yet, Wu Dong also slowed down from the previous big move, toward Zhou Heng coldly said, face is difficult Covered anger. He completely forgot that he had grabbed the battle of Zhou Heng before, and now it is his turn to be robbed, but it is furious! “No—” Fire God’s Furnace replied lazily. Zhou Heng is also right, if this stone really contains a different fire, then Fire God’s Furnace sure that the monkey eager monkey has long been called, so I have to wait for it to ask it! “little bastard, this Young Master is asking you!” Wu Dong saw Zhou Heng actually started to stay, could not help but feel more angry, actually dare to open a gap in front of himself, which is too disrespectful to him! Zhou Heng’s eyes were sharp, revealing a touch of murderous aura. The little bastard is not only insulting him, but also insulting his parents! Pointing at Zhou Heng’s nose, maybe he is also disinclined to pay attention, but he will never let go of his parents! Moreover, he has no good feelings for Wu Family! “Go clean the neck, Young Master wants to marry it!” Zhou Heng coldly said, when it comes to youthfulness, he is really, still less than thirty, it is the time when young and frivolous. hiss! Everyone is listening to the heart cold, this master domineering, actually want Little Sword Waiter Wu Dong to clean the neck and die, tsk tsk tsk, dirty neck people still can not see the eye, do not want to start! Who is Wu Dong? Genius with 9 Round ,, beyond the existence of Sunshine King Peak! Although there is less 1 Round than Wu Qi, it is only a hundred years or even decades of hard work.’s all! Maybe this luck is good, what kind of treasure is going to run 11 Round directly, really break the realm barrier and become the only Supreme! That Flaming Monstrosity really died in the hands of Zhou Heng, but before that rare beast had been injured by Wu Dong, Zhou Heng just picked a cheap that’s all, not his power is so powerful! I thought I was married to a 9 Round Sunshine King’s rare beast. Is it 9 Round or even 10 Round Sunshine King? Innocent! Everyone is generally not optimistic about Zhou Heng. They have already made a judgment in the heart of the battle before they start. Zhou Heng will be defeated and Wu Dong will win! “Hahaha!” Wu Dong laughed loudly, but the color of his face was more intense. He wanted to kill, kill, kill! (To be continued…)

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