Sweet Revenge: My Sweet Life With You!

Chapter 88 - Best Friends Forever

Ayami trotted through the familiar hallways that she always saw in the past, while Marie quietly followed after her.

After walking for a while, she reached a large room that was meant for guests. There were two guards guarding the door and when she entered, there were eight of them stationed by the wall.

She scanned the rooms and finally the person she was looking for. Celine… She…

Celine was pigging on the donuts that was served to her…

This sight made her baffled, what had she been worried for?

"Ahem." Ayami cleared her throat to catch the attention of the woman who was continuously shoving donuts to her mouth.

Celine turned her head. At first, she was surprised, then happy, before her face finally turned into a scowl. Her face was so scrunched that it looked ugly.

"What took you so long? Do you know how nervous I was?"

"You were nervous?" Ayami raised her brows while her gaze stayed at the empty dozen of box of donuts that were once filled with 6 pieces per box.

"Isn't it obvious!?" Celine spoke, frustrated to the point of screaming. Then, she continued to stuff donuts in her mouth again. Sensing Ayami's gaze on her, she glared at her. "What are you looking at? Never heard of stress eating?"

"All of you, leave." Ayami ordered the guards. The guards followed her orders and left in an orderly manner. Ayami widened her eyes when Celine also stood up, ready to leave. Ayami shook her head and sighed. "Not you, too."

"You said, all. That means I also need to leave." Celine pointed to herself, her chin raised up.

"Look, why don't you calm down?" Ayami forced her to sit down and stuffed a box of donuts to her hand. "Tell me what happened to you during your stay here."

Celine threw away the box of donuts and abruptly stood up. She pointed her fingers at Ayami. "You…!" Looking closely, her eyes were red and glazed.

"Is this how you treat your friend? Am I even your friend? I waited for you for days, hoping that you would come since I thought we were friends. Everyday, those stupid guards were watching me while I could only stay here anxiously. They were even threatening my family! Do you know what I've been through!?"

Her shoulders were trembling and tears started spilling out. Celine was anxious for the past few days, waiting for Ayami. The longer she waited, the more the thought 'Am I her friend?', sink inside her mind.

"You just had to show your face here and come pick me up. Why is it so difficult for you?" Celine's outburst surprised her, no, it stabbed her where it was the most painful.

Then, the next moment, Celine gasped. Through her blurry eyes, she saw Ayami, who had shown a painful look. This was the first time she had ever seen this kind of emotion from her. She felt like someone pinched her heart.

What had she done? She just said some hurtful words to Ayami, when she didn't even know what Ayami had gone through.

During her stay here, she learned a bit of her past. Even with just that, it was enough to make her feel bad.

"I… I'm sorry… It's just… I didn't mean to…" Celine apologized. Ayami shook her head. "No, it's all my fault. I got you involved with my family affairs. I understand. You were anxious. Your family was involved too, so you have the right to be angry at me."

Then, she smiled. Obviously, it was a forced one. "Don't worry, you won't have to experience this again."

Celine frowned. She might look naïve, but she knew what she was implying. "Are you going to stop being my friend?"

Ayami pursed her lips. For a moment, she didn't open her mouth.

"I…" Ayami closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and look straight into her eyes. "I had never once thought of you as a friend."

"You were more like a tool for me. So, I'm sorry. But… lately, I realized your importance. I wanted to sort my problems first. But then, you got caught. I'm sorry."

Celine bobbed her mouth, before finally deciding not to talk and use action. She hugged Ayami, who was surprised by her.

"I'm sorry too. I vented my frustrations to you. I just thought I was one-sidedly forcing a friendship relationship and I felt really bad about that." Celine broke the hug first and pinched Ayami's soft cheeks. "It was partly your fault, you know."

"Aw~ It hurts~" Ayami whimpered. Celine laughed for a while before letting her go. Ayami massaged her cheeks, which were red.


Silence came over them. Ayami glanced at Celine. She offered her hand and said the following words, "I'm Ayami Lein-Gardner, nice to meet you. Let's get to know more about each other."

Since she was still part of the Lein Family—though she didn't like it—at the same time, the Gardner Family, she used both last names.

Celine flashed a bright and cheery smile as she offered her hands. "I'm Celine Lawyers. Let's get along well."

The two shook hands and smiled. Finally, they were officially friends as the two acknowledged each other. There was no more one-sided relationship, no more using the other, just a pure friendship.

"This means that we will be best friends forever. No keeping of secrets or else they will suffer the consequences." Celine grinned. "Do you swear?"

Ayami nodded her head. Although childish, they did a pinky promise. "Whoever breaks the promise will swallow a thousand needles."

"By the way, where were you since last month? I couldn't contact you at all. Even your parents started to worry about you."

"I went into hiding in Neon City."

"Oh. But, I am surprised. I didn't expect you to be part of the Lein Family. I was really scared at first because they kept threatening me and my family. Then, they said they would keep me as a hostage and bait you to come here." Celine hesitated for a while, however, after a brief conclusion that it was fine, she finally asked. "Uh, can you… Can you tell me about your life? I heard that you lived here until you turned sixteen. I wanted to know more about you."

Ayami nodded her head and turned serious.

"Well, I can tell you but it's a long story."

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