Sweet Revenge: My Sweet Life With You!

Chapter 82 - Night Is The Time To Devour

「Time is on the side of the destined.」

A month has passed in a blink of an eye.

On this clear and sunny day, a meeting was being held in the newly formed Night Devourers. Inside the former headquarters of Black Dragon, the executives on both sides were seated, their nerves tense.

The long table was the only thing dividing the two gangs who once ruled over Neon City.

Seated in the head seat was a girl wearing a mask. Only a pair of golden brown eyes were seen under the mask. Beside her, a gruff looking man was standing with his hands behind his back.

How interesting…

The former leader of Coiling Snake was now reduced to a mere bodyguard of a representative of his boss.

Yanna Jin, the representative, snorted and started the meeting.

"I am a temporary representative sent by the boss." A short introduction, nothing more, nothing less, but she couldn't hide the tone of disgust when she mentioned the word 'boss'.

"If you have any complaints then throw them out. No, if you dared to have any complaints or problems the boss said that they will deal with you. That is, if you dared."

"For now, the boss doesn't have any instructions. Just wait for the boss to return. Also, get along with your new comrades."

Yanna clapped her hands to get all of their attention, which she didn't need to do.

"Alright. Meeting adjourned."

She stood up nonchalantly and left the meeting room along with John, leaving the confused and anxious executives.

They have no idea on what was happening nor what is going to happen to them. Just a few days ago, the two were at odds with each other and now, they were forced to act buddy-buddy with their enemies.

What the hell is this???

They all lamented in their hearts.

And the former bosses? They don't know what happened to them. They just both disappeared.

It happened all of a sudden. Just a few days ago, the two gangs were engaged in a city scale gang war. When all of a sudden, an unknown force mercilessly crushed both sides.

And then… There was no then.

The two were utterly defeated and acquired. They suspected that it was the unknown group controlling half of Neon City.

How else would they be easily defeated? They couldn't even put up a fight once this unknown group showed up.

Furthermore, there were also sightings of a few members of the unknown group helping under the shadows. The unknown group must have wanted to take this chance to devour the whole Neon City.

They must have sent an outside force and helped them so that it might look like it wasn't them who took control of the other half. The other will be working under the shadows while the other will be the face.

"I wonder… what's going to happen to us?" Somebody murmured in despair.


"Have you finished?"

"Duh. Why else would I call you?"

Ayami took a sip of tea before answering Yanna, "To tell me that you've failed?"

After saying that, Ayami heard a series of curses from the other side.

"What a funny joke." Yanna laughed sarcastically after cursing her. "I can easily complete this kind of task AND FYI, I. am. Not. Your. Servant."

"Oh, you don't like being a servant. A pet, then."

On the other side of the phone, Ayami heard Yanna's exasperated sigh.

"By the way, how did you do it?"

"Do what?" Ayami poked on the cake before slicing it. She looked outside the window from the café she was in. Her eyes wandered, looking for a certain person.

Her eyes reflected a rare excitement within.

"Tsk. How did you easily take over the two gangs in one night?"

Her eyes paused and dulled. "It's a secret." Though she says that in a teasing tone, her face says otherwise.

What a great question! How did she take over them so easily?

Does anyone know the answer?

Because I don't.

It also came as a surprise to her when she heard the news. Even if the operation was fast, it shouldn't take a day. It should at least take three days to complete.

The strength of Coiling Snake isn't strong enough to take down two large gangs in under a night.

What happened was a complete mystery to her.

"I knew you wouldn't tell me." Yanna's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "And you're naming sucks. What are you? An eighth-grader?"

"So what? It doesn't matter." Ayami muttered and started scanning again, occasionally sipping tea and poking the cake. "At least it's better than 'The Immortals Ascending through the High Heavens' or 'Pink Powers.'"

It was quiet for a while on the other end. "…Did you seriously just think of naming an organization like that? A-Are you serious?"

"Nevermind. You do you. I'm hanging up." Yanna abruptly cut off the phone call.

"Yes, it doesn't matter."

There wasn't any special meaning to the name. That's right. There isn't any…

Now that she has successfully taken over Neon City, even though she was suspicious, it was marked as done on her checklist.

Now then, she'll have to find Rose Garden. She'll have to find the owner of the ring. She will also have to visit her family's old house. The house they lived in when her mother was still alive.

Ayami subconsciously touched the rim of the teacup and rubbed it. Her eyes were fixedly staring outside but they were blank and looked lost.

That didn't last long as someone she knows entered the café. Ayami looked at the person and smiled slightly.

"You're here."

"Young miss, it's been a while."

It was Marie, who she had not seen for more than a month.

"It took a while to shake them off." Marie didn't sit down. Ayami noticed that something was off after noticing her solemn look. She couldn't help but tighten her grip on the teacup.

"Looks like you have some bad news." Ayami said calmly. Marie didn't hesitate to drop the bad news after Ayami spoke.

"Celine has been captured."

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