Now what?

The gears in her mind spun as she tried to think of a way out. As much as possible, she didn't want to shoot to avoid making a noise. Unfortunately, the opponent has already done that, so why should she still hide the fact that she has a gun.

Ayami swiftly took out her gun and shot the two with great precision. They both fall down, with gunshot wounds in their heart. If they're lucky, they could still live. The commotion they made would surely attract all of the enemies.

As she was deep in thought, she didn't notice Kayden's eyes narrowing at her. He didn't look that surprised with the fact that she could easily kill people.

After some time passed, Kayden put down Ayami gently. Ayami looked around the surroundings and was surprised when she saw that they were already out of the alley.

Did he take a shortcut?

"Let's go." Kayden said, dragging her away in a hurry. He removed his mask and hers before entering a nearby store that was still open at night hours.

It was a weird shop as there were a lot of unique things and old antiques. The store owner seemed a bit crook, as he eyes the both of them with an odd expression.

"Welcome, dear customers." The store owner said with a smile. "You must be looking for something. I have the right thing for you."

He took out a weird doll and started babbling. The store owner seems like a scammer.

Surprisingly, Kayden seemed interested in the doll as he asked about it. Ayami glanced outside and saw three looking around like they were chasing someone. It was obvious that they belong to the White Tiger.

Kayden placed his arms around Ayami and asked, "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Huh?" Ayami looked at him like he was crazy. Kayden signalled her with his eyes to just go along with him. Behind him, Ayami could see the three men entering the store.

The door opened and three men entered with intimidating auras that could only work with normal civillians, but not for them. The store owner seemed used to this and just focused on the two dearest customers in front of him.

"I like it very much." Ayami smiled naturally. "Do you have any more interesting products you could show us?"

"Of course, of course." The store owner took out another unique item. Before the store owner could proceed explaining nonsense, one of three men called out to the two.

"You two over there." Kayden made a surprise expression while Ayami clung to Kayden looking like she was afraid.


"Yes, you two. Have you seen a young girl and a woman?"

The two looked at each other before Kayden shook his head. 

"Tsk. Not here either."

"Let's go."

"Search every shop, they must not have gone that far."

With that, the three of them left the store. 

"How strange." Ayami murmured to herself. They must have heard about the infiltration in the small branch of Black Dragon. Well, it was in her favor.

"Indeed." Kayden nodded his head. "Well then, we'll take this with us." He pointed at the weird doll and took out his wallet to pay for it.

"Eh? Why are you buying that?" Ayami asked, bewildered. Kayden looked confused too. "Didn't you say you like it? You're very weird liking this kind of stuff."

I do not!

Ayami could only helplessly watch as Kayden bought the doll. It was not her money anyways.


Ayami looked at the middle-aged old man who was tied and looked pale and weak, like he was starved. This man was the person they kidnapped three days ago. Ayami had him brought by Marie to the hotel she was staying yesterday.

There was really no use in kidnapping this man. It was just to show that they could infiltrate and kidnap the manager of their branch easily. Blame himself for being unlucky. 

This was just the start if her plan. Unfortunately, it looks like it wouldn't proceed smoothly. 

Ayami glanced at her phone. On the interface was Marie's message to her that said, 'Young miss, they are coming tomorrow at the hotel. I apologize, I could not do anything.'

Ayami looked at the weird doll Kayden bought earlier with a down-cast look. The doll was staring at her, making her feel the creeps, so she looked away and made eye contact with Kayden, who was still chilling in 'her' room. Ayami had already taken this room for hers.

"Hey, why do you look like that?" Kayden asked after noticing the expression of Ayami.

"It looks like I have to go tomorrow."

"You really need to go back. You've been absent for three days straight. I'm afraid you will get expelled if you continue." His words didn't help at all. She expected him to at least motivate her.

"What about you? Don't you have class?"

"I don't need to go to class anymore." Ayami clicked her tongue and looked at him with envy. "What about work?"

Kayden glanced at her sharply as a smile appeared on his face. "Did I ever tell you that I was working?"

Ayami froze and panicked. Then she tried talking her way out of it. "I thought that graduating students are already starting to work? Was I wrong?"

"That makes sense."

Ayami sighed in relief. Kayden looked at her and thought about her actions these past few days. He looked at her seriously. "What are your goals? Why are you doing this?"

"To take over the underworld in this city." Ayami said nonchalantly, like what she said wasn't a big deal. Kayden accepted it. "What are you planning?"

"I was planning to create a war between the gangs."

"How will you do that?" Ayami smiled at him and started explaining her plan to him. At this point, she didn't realized that she was slowly trusting him completely as she told him her plans in a detailed way.

"First of all, this great me, infiltrated the Black Dragon's branch. Then, the White Tiger's branch. I will slowly attack all their small branches until the Coiling Snake arrives." Ayami spoke proudly while opening her arms wide.

"Wait, Coiling Snake?"

"You know them right?" At that question, Kayden nodded his head. "Well, actually they are under me. I took over them a few days ago. They were the one who told me where the small branches where.

"The moles don't really hold a high position so they could only tell me the small branches' location. Well then, I plan to unsettle them until I find both of their main branch. Wouldn't you be annoyed it if happened over and over again? Furthermore, they were being attacked by unknown forces."

Actually, Ayami just left the cloth with that embroidery because, why not? It wouldn't trouble her, but instead it would be directed towards that organization. She did not know that an organization with the same symbol was helping the White Tigers.

"And then what?" Kayden asked like a curious kid, his eyes were twinkling as he looked at Ayami. 

"Of course, once I found their main branch I will reveal it to the two and instigate a war. I will have Coiling Snake to negotiate with the Black Dragon's because they seemed easier to deal with.

"Then, we would make sure that Black Dragon would win before back stabbing them. After the war, their forces would have surely weakened so we will attack them at that time."

"What if you failed?"

"There is always a back-up plan."

"What about the hidden group?"

"I don't think they'll interfere." Ayami wasn't sure about the hidden group as they have never appeared on the surface. They have always worked under the shadows, not living any trace.

Ayami continued on to her back-up plan while Kayden enjoyed and even suggested something to her plan to make sure it won't fail.

Meanwhile, at the White Tiger's main headquarters. Several executives were gathered together in a meeting room. Just like Black Dragon, they were discussing the recent attack.

The boss looked at the white cloth with an embroidery on it. 

"Damn those bastards!"

"Did they betray us?"

"That's unlikely, it must be those bastards!"

The boss, Garan, had a shiny golden hair while his eyes were blue. He had a dark expression as he held the white cloth.

"Be wary of the other group and that organization. They are too suspicious. Why would they suddenly offer help to us?" Garan muttered, tapping on the table as his brain continued to think.

"Investigate both of them." He ordered his subordinate and roared loudly, different to the boss of the Black Dragon who was calm and calculating. "I want the result by tomorrow or else face death!" 

The two groups were looking out from each other. The peace they had these past few years were slowly being replaced by chaos. Each of them were wary, slowly trying to gather all of their forces.

And the cause of this all, Ayami, was laying on the bed, sleeping casually like there was nothing to worry about.

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