Sweet Revenge: My Sweet Life With You!

Chapter 65 - Not A Regressor

It was already five in the afternoon. Students were playing around playing soccer on the field, with some of the girls cheering for them. There were some who played around with their friends, loners who sat quietly while reading a book, and some who were showing their affection to each other publicly and secretly. 

This scene could be described as peaceful.

In the distance was the female dormitory where they could see the full view of the field. A girl stood there with her arms crossed below her chest emphasizing the lump of fat in front of her. She was wearing thick round glasses and a face mask, which made the students passing by her unable to discern her identity.

The only thing that made her stand out was her elegant and sophisticated aura, which made people stay away from her due to the vibe she was giving out. There was a contrast between her good-student looks and her vibe.

"Yanna, I know that Ayami did the wrong thing but could you please forgive her?" The girl spoke with a trembling voice, pleading to the girl beside her. This was Celine, pleading for Ayami's wrongdoings on her behalf. Her eyes were red while her expression was one pitiful, enough to tug the heartstrings of the onlooker. The two of them were garnering the attention of the students passing by.

Yanna glanced at her coldly, before opening her mouth to speak. "If she really wants to beg for my forgiveness then she should come personally."

At Yanna's response, a troubled look arose on Celine's face. That was the problem. There was no way she could drag the prideful Ice queen against her will, to come and apologize to her sworn nemesis.

Not far away from them, the girl's eyes were now open and was looking at the two of them intently, quietly observing their conversation from the sideline. With her sharp hearing, she was able to hear their conversation. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Yanna.

"Then if Ayami apologizes, would you help clear the nasty rumors surrounding her?" Celine looked at her with hope shining in her eyes, but that was crushed as soon as she heard Yanna's answer. "That depends if she is sincere enough. I don't need an empty apology."

There was no way that Ayami would sincerely apologize. They wouldn't really go to so much trouble if the one they offended wasn't a powerful CEO. Even if they did clear it, it would take at least a week and by that time Ayami's reputation would be in the negatives.

"If that's all you want to ask, I'll be going now." Yanna turned and left, heading towards the dormitory. Celine wanted to reach out to her to stop her, but she stopped midway. She shook her head, then left with a complicated look on her face.

As Yanna walked towards the dormitory, she passed by the girl wearing thick round glasses.

"Miss Yanna Jin." The girl called out to her. Yanna turned her head to look at the girl. Due to the mask that covered half of her face, she was unable to identify who that student was.

"Who are you?" Yanna looked at her warily, as she stepped back and subconsciously gripped the strap of her bag. For some reason, she was getting bad vibes from this girl. The girl did not answer her question. "This is not a good place to talk, so how about we go to your dorm?" 

Before Yanna could even answer her, the girl was already walking to the direction of her dormitory. She could only follow this stranger as she wanted to know her identity, even though it might lead to her harm. Curiosity got the best of her. That was how naive she was in the earlier years. 

Yanna would always attract all sorts of danger. It was as if she was a magnet of danger. Even so, she was still able to safely untangle away from them unscathed as there was always someone who would save her or even sacrifice their life for her.

The girl stopped right in front of the 10th dormitory building, which consists of 6 floors. Her dorm room was on the last floor. It was a single flat unit that solely belongs to Yanna. 

Normally, there should be at least two tenants who occupy a single flat unit, but there are some special exceptions.

Yanna opened the door and let the girl in. The girl scoffed at her as soon as she entered. "You really are a naive fool."

Then the girl casually headed to the sofa as if she owned the whole dorm. She sat with her legs crossed and arms resting at the backrest of the sofa.

Yanna sat down across from her and offered her some tea. The latter refused and just casually looked around before sneering.

"Must be nice to have a lover pampering you." The girl commented, not really meaning it. Then she stared at Yanna for a second before asking. "Aren't you afraid that I might bring harm to you?"

"Who are you?" Yanna asked warily, her guards were up while there were warning signs going off her head. 

The girl didn't respond to her but instead, she took off her mask and glasses. Yanna widened her eyes in shock and disbelief with her mouth wide-open. 

Sitting in front of her was the person who tried to bully her yesterday only for it to fail. Why was this person here?

Ayami raised her brows and chuckled. "What? Have you already forgotten my face?" 

Yanna could not answer her question as her lips bobbed, looking at Ayami with a horrified expression like she was seeing a ghost. "Y-you… Why are you here? What do you want?"

Yanna looked at her resentfully, which made her wonder what she did wrong.

"Look Yanna, is it about how I acted these past two months? I'm sorry, okay? Let's get along now, we're fellow regressors after all."

Yanna frowned at her as if she could not comprehend the language she was speaking. Ignoring the half-assed apology, what did she mean by 'fellow regressors'?

"What are you talking about?" This time, Ayami was stunned. The look on Yanna's face was serious which made her take this matter seriously.

"You know the future, right?" Yanna looked at Ayami like she was crazy. The words she spat out were absurd. "Who would know their future? I could understand it if you said that I can predict the future."

Then, wouldn't that mean Yanna didn't regress this time?

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