295 – Battle Area (2)

The Chester family entered the forest and looked for a suitable place to hide the carriage.

“This would be nice.”

What Chester found there was a place in the middle of the road where the step suddenly dropped. There are enough trees around, but the trees are not so dense that a carriage cannot come by, and if you just keep the bushes on the ground tidy, you can create a decent resting place.

Also, if you lean the carriage against this small, steep cliff, you might be able to hide the large carriage.

“Hey! “I found a good place!”

When Chester called the group, the group who were searching throughout the forest quickly gathered together.

While Urgo, Lorwan, and Senna arrived steadily, Monia and Rex arrived a little later.

The two had brought a lot of twigs and fruits to use as firewood. Urgo saw that and said with a slightly sorry face.

“Should we have picked it up too?”

“Ah, it’s just a habit for us.”

Monia waved her hand saying it was okay and put all the firewood in the corner and looked at the place Chester had found.

“Yes. Are you putting the carriage on the cliff over there?”

“Yes. Then, you can cover the carriage with bushes or leaves from around here. “Then you won’t be caught easily.”

While Sena and Urgo, who are good with horses, coaxed the horses and brought the carriage here, the party hid the carriage and began making a resting place to spend a few days.

Chester used Anubis as a broom to sweep away the surrounding leaves to expose the dirt, and Monia gathered the materials she would use to build her house.

“You can sleep in the carriage, but since you’re already resting, you probably want to sleep comfortably with your feet stretched out, right?”

“Hmm. Make sure you rest. “A carriage can only sleep two or three people.”

Monia tied the wood she had brought between nearby trees horizontally. She then took a large piece of cloth, tied it diagonally from the tree horizontally to the ground, spread it out, pulled the cloth taut, and then covered it with a bunch of leaves and twigs.

“If we build this around, the lower part can be used as a house, and it will also obscure not only the carriage but also the horses.”

To prevent the cloth from collapsing, I placed several wooden sticks under the cloth to use them as pillars. Then, I plowed the soil under it once, removed the stones, left only the dirt, and then covered it with two layers of cloth.

“It’s good because there is cloth. Right?”

“That’s right. “Then, Monia, I will go hunting and come back, so please take care of me here.”

While Monia was building a simple house, Chester, who had cleared all the leaves from a large area and gathered them to one side, moved to do her hunting.

“Okay. “Have a nice trip!”

Hunting. And securing water sources. I settled down here with the intention of just resting for a few days, but if I don’t prepare everything I need, I’ll be anxious and won’t be able to rest comfortably.

After quickly running through the forest, Chester concentrated all his senses to find the sound of water, and was able to discover a small stream flowing on one side of the forest.

“Is it a stream?”

After marking the place where the stream was discovered, they move upstream to search for game, while also checking to see if there are any dead animals or people near the stream.

Fortunately, there were no carcasses contaminating the stream, but no game worth eating was found.

Autumn is a good time. Fruits ripen and animals become active in preparation for winter hibernation. However, because the time was right now, the activities of such animals were suppressed.

The noise of a battle taking place in the distance would be very minimal if it came all the way here, but considering the senses of an animal that can sense even an earthquake that has not yet occurred and run away, the sound of that battle would be a truly terrifying vibration.

But even so, it does not mean that creatures cannot be found at all.

There are creatures that run away when danger occurs, or there are creatures that run away into the depths.


Chester discovered a cave where a creature was hiding and guessed the creature inside based on the size of the cave.

‘Rabbit? Or maybe it’s just a slightly larger rat.’

Now that supplies were plentiful, there was no need to catch and eat them.

After leaving a mark nearby just in case, Chester filled all the water bottles he had brought with him with stream water and then returned to where the group was.

When Chester returned, Urgo and Senna had already calmed the horses and brought them into the camp.

They brought the wagon close to the cliff, pitched a tent around it to use as a fence, and then released the horses.

Although it is a small space, well-trained horses will not break through the tent for no reason, and it will be better for them to rest if they are let loose a little more than being tied to the carriage.

After that, only the materials that were absolutely necessary were selected from the wagon and put down.

“Urgo, isn’t that a barrel?”

“Yes. I took what was in the basement of the mansion, but alcohol that is not stored in the right place can spoil easily, so it would be better to drink it as quickly as possible. “I asked everyone to drink together.”

“Oh, good.”

If you want to carry and store alcohol separately, it is better to put it in a well-sealed glass bottle. However, glass bottles are expensive, so carrying a bottle around and drinking from it is a huge luxury.

“It’s nice to drink while camping.”

As Chester spoke with a smile, he grinned and set the barrel down on one side of the camp.

“Monia has good skills too. “Even though the horse can’t get around, we installed a door to make it easier to get around.”

As for the door, it is simply one of the tents blocking the surrounding area, loosely tied on one side so that one can easily go in and out, but whether or not one can pay attention to such small things is quite a big deal.

“Have you finished camouflaging around the tent?”

“Yes. All you have to do is cover the wagon.”

Chester left the water bottle and moved the supplies with Urgo.

While the two were doing this, Monia was making a bonfire with Lorwan.

Light a gentle flame under a large log to create a fire that does not produce smoke and lasts for a long time. The heat power may be weak to use when cooking, but you can simply grill it over an open flame and eat it without cooking the ingredients separately.

“With a low fire like this, I could melt the cheese without burning it.”

After finishing camouflaging the wagon, Chester and his party took their time relaxing and getting used to the campsite.

* * *

The Kingdom of Biend is a kingdom of knights. There is even a noble family called the ‘Knight Family’ that makes a living by having many children, training professional knights, and sending them to various families to make money.

Therefore, wherever there were many knights, it was basic to have at least one order of knights.

To put it bluntly, a nobleman without a knighthood is not considered a nobleman.

However, if the war continues, human resources will inevitably be consumed. In addition, although knights are powerful weapons, they are often targeted by enemy forces.

If your side has a knight and the enemy side does not, you will have an absolute advantage, so capturing the knight first before anything else has become the basis of the battlefield.

Knight match. That is why, more than anywhere else, ordinary soldiers specialize in capturing knights.

The two territories currently at war also consumed knights at the beginning of the war. Thanks to this, they could not hope that a force as powerful as the Knights would turn the tide of the war, and they were only engaged in an endless war of attrition.

Such attrition does not only occur in the morning and afternoon when troops clash with each other.

Deserters come out every night.

What remains are soldiers who cannot run away because their territory is their hometown, because their loved ones are living there, or because they are afraid of running away and wandering alone.

Soldiers who do not do this try to run away somehow to escape this lightless and hopeless battlefield.

If you are caught, you will face a terrible death as an example. Normally, I wouldn’t run away even if I didn’t want to die, but in this situation, the fear of death overwhelms my desire to desert.

If you desert, at least you won’t have to get involved in this miserable war of attrition and have your body and soul torn apart.

If you desert, there is at least a chance to survive and go to another, richer land, even if it means making porridge from wild grass and eating boiled tree bark on the side of the road.

Soldiers were going to die anyway whether they deserted or not, so they worked hard to desert every day.

This soldier, who is currently running alone, was also one of those deserters.

He didn’t just run away with his body, he also stole the armor and weapons that were provided to him and what little supplies he had before deserting.

From noble mtl dot com

He was a bold deserter. If he had run away with his bare body, he would have just closed his eyes, but since he ran away with supplies like this, he had to turn on the light in his eyes to chase after him, catch him, and tear him into pieces and throw them as food to animals.

Materials are the lifeline of the military. Since he took it, he should be punished accordingly.

The deserter knew this very well, so he ran and ran recklessly even though things were dizzy and distorted before his eyes.

He had no intention of running far.

The destination is a forest near the territory. If you hide in that forest for a little while, the tired and tired army will stop chasing you and run away, and you will be free.

“Just enter the forest! Huh! Then! hehehe, I have to eat bread! Hi-Hi.”

He ran eagerly, regaining his appetite when he saw a moldy loaf of bread among the food he had stuffed in his helmet.

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