193 – Pyramid (6)

Urgo, who had not collapsed until the end, ground the grace of the top into powder and gave Monia, Chester, and herself additional intake before collapsing. The party fell asleep for a day and then woke up.

When he awoke, the grace of the top healed all abnormalities in his body, and he was able to wake up in a state full of vitality, as if he were about to fly to the sky.

If there were even one more Anubis, he would have been killed just as he fainted, but he was too tired to think about it.

After waking up, the three of them looked at Anubis, looked at the traces of their battle, and finally looked at the sword staff that Chester had taken as a trophy.

“I thought it was mine without even knowing it, but Urgo needs you?”

“No, it is. I like swords and axes. If it was in the form of a sword or axe, I would have said I needed it… … . Besides, you are the ones who wanted to come to this pyramid, so you guys get whatever you want.”

“You are the one who helps.”

Contrary to its size, the sword staff was quite light, so Chester could easily handle it with one hand. Weapons like this add to the weight of the weapon itself and are used to slash and attack enemies, but this sword staff didn’t need that.

When you try to swing it, an energy shield is automatically created and it cuts through objects with tremendous cutting power.

“It’s a waste to call it just a tool.”

It was literally a weapon, not a weapon, beyond the level that could be dismissed as a mere tool, just as a knight gives a name to an outstanding sword or beloved sword.

“Then you say Anubis?”

“what is that.”

“The name of the golem that carried it.”

“How do you know your name?”

“Didn’t he tell you?”

Monia guessed roughly what Anubis meant just by ‘sense’ of the words she had said when she appeared, and starting with that, she began to explain various and complicated ‘heraldry’.

Chester, who was born as a commoner and was only a butler, even though he had received a higher education, and Urgo, who was born with heroic blood, but was only a warrior in the grasslands living with horses, could not understand a single explanation given by Monia, who received a high-level education on a different level from them. I couldn’t hear it, but I pretended to understand and nodded and named the sword staff Anubis.

Taking Anubis like that, the party started exploring the pyramid again with their bodies intact.

However, while exploring the pyramids, the party’s interest was focused on Anubis.

“I know you used gold, but what is this blue thing with patterns? Is it a jewel?”

“It doesn’t look like a jewel… ?”

“If Monia does, then it must be like that.”

“Rather, it resembles the shining stones you all carry around. It is like a stone, not a jewel.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“But it is huge. Chester, are you really not heavy?”

“yes. light Incredibly light.”

Chester, who shook and moved Anubis around, took a last look at the golden patterns floating under Anubis’s nose.

“I know it emits light when pressed, but what else?”

“If you don’t know, why don’t you just click on it?”

As Urgo said that, he pressed something else to see if he could not hold back his curiosity.

Then, instead of lasers this time, intense, blinding flashes of light radiating out in all directions hit the party in the eyes.



“Oh no! I didn’t expect this! I thought it would shoot from the end no matter what I pressed!”

After a moment of commotion, I continued to look at Anubis’ function.

energy barrier. laser. flash grenade. And finally, the ability to create sparks on the blade.

“Is the last flame blade necessary?”

“Probably to incite fear in the enemy. Because the flame stimulates instinctive fear.”

“Ahh… In that sense, it’s a weapon.”

The moment a catapult is seen, people harbor a fear of not knowing when a rock will come flying and crush them. The same goes for cannons.

Even more so, an untrained person who sees even a simple spear will freeze in fear of being stabbed, cut, or killed as soon as he sees it.

Weapons are not just destructive power, but even the fear that those who see them transform into their own power.

In that sense, the blade wrapped in flames was the most faithful to the nature of weapons among all that Anubis possessed. They wield a blade clad in flames to instill fear and awe in their enemies, adding an impenetrable shield to make them think of the invincible army armed with gold as the ‘Army of the Gods’.

As I experimented with various functions of Anubis, the color of Anubis suddenly changed to a dull color, and no more lasers or energy films came out.


“Didn’t you use up all the power of the sun inside?”

“Then should I charge… … .”

“If you look at the mural, it says that it can be charged when exposed to sunlight.”

“sunshine? This is underground, so how did that golem work? He won’t move with sunlight either.”

“Isn’t there something that carries sunlight into the pyramid?”

“yes? Well. Let’s look for it by temperature.”

After saying that, Chester started moving around, sensing the temperature difference he felt with his body.

Seeing that he was not a cold-blooded animal and was sensitive to temperature and moving, Urgo was speechless for a moment.

“It’s a little warm in here.”

Saying that, Chester found nothing in the hallway, but after looking around the hallway for a while, Chester found a hole in one side.

“… … .”

Chester, who was staring at the hole, aimed at the tip of Anubis and the hole poked it, and golden energy from the surrounding room seemed to crawl up the wall and began to be injected into Anubis through the hole.

After how much time had passed, Anubis flashed for a moment, then became quiet, then brightened again.

“They transmit the power of the sun received by the pyramid to the weapon.”

“Why did you doubt the hole?”

“All the items here have the same thickness of the handle. Even the surface of the shield had similarly thick rods sprouting. I thought it meant something.”

Go around the pyramids again with the charged Anubis.

No matter how long they wandered around, the party, who had been walking quietly through what seemed to be an ordinary hallway, suddenly stepped back in surprise when one side of the wall split open with a glowing light.

“what? Is it a trap?”

“Isn’t it too slow to be a trap… ?”

After staring at the open wall, Chester, who suddenly saw that the golden light inside the wall and Anubis were connected, cautiously entered the door.

“I think the door opened in response to Anubis.”

“… … .”

As Urgo and Monia cautiously entered, I could see that the room was smaller than it looked from outside the door.

Chester, Urgo, Monia, and Rex and Ant barely fit in there.

“What room are you in?”

“Wait a minute, what’s here?”

When Monia called, the party’s eyes focused on one wall.

The walls were lined with neatly arranged hieroglyphs. As expected, no one carelessly pressed the hieroglyphs this time, but since I didn’t know anything, I came to the conclusion that I should try pressing it, so I pressed it, but there was no response.

“yes? Aren’t you pressing?”

“Chester, Anubis.”

When Chester tilts Anubis at Monia’s words, the letters respond by shining a little brighter.

“… … Right. Are you pressing with this?”

Chester carefully moved Anubis around. Then, aiming at one of the hieroglyphs, he pressed it with the tip of Anubis, and the door closed, and a sudden downward force acted upon the party.


“What is this.”

“I feel sick to my stomach.”

That strange power disappeared in an instant, and then the closed door opened again, revealing the scenery in front of it to the party.

“Oh, it has changed! changed!”

“yes. The wall opposite must have been damaged, but it’s fine now.”

“… … Could it be that the location of this small room has changed?”

“Chester! Once more! Try it one more time! Go back there!”

“Now, wait, I don’t know where.”

“When I was in the room a little while ago, there was a hieroglyph that shined brighter than the others! If it marks our current location, we can press it again!”

After following Monia’s words, as expected, I was able to return to where they were a little while ago.

“… … This is moving up and down, right?”

“It must have been that weird feeling of moving up and down the whole room. If you moved it left and right, you would feel a force pushing it from the side.”


“wow! Miraculous! How can you move an entire room?! Could this be gold? If so, how?! That is amazing! Awesome!”

Monia jumped around with her eyes shining as if she was really excited about moving the room, and Rex also danced while holding hands with the excited Monia.

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Leaving the two having fun, Chester asked Ant.

“Ant, how does it smell?”

Ant, who had been sniffing and remembering for a while, pointed down at Chester.

“Right. You mean we went down a little while ago? far?”

– Kwang!

When Ant answered yes, Chester thought about the height inside the pyramid, the time it had traveled, and Ant’s answer.

“It looks like we went down about two floors a while ago. What floor was this?”

“4th floor? Fifth floor?”

Chester went back into the room and examined the hieroglyphs.

“… … yes. These were hieroglyphs for numbers. Monia! Record it, please.”


After figuring out the location and attaching a number, he realizes that the arrangement of the hieroglyphs is strange and corrects the number again.

“Perhaps the upper level of the pyramid on the ground can only be reached through this room.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“What are you asking for the obvious?”

Chester pressed the hieroglyph at the top.

“When you get lost in a place you’ve been to for the first time and don’t know where to go, you should go up to the highest place first.”

The room with the party started to rise toward the top of the pyramid.

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