Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 314: Warming Old Relationships

This free gathering is scheduled for two nights and three days.

The first day of the day is the day of travel. We're going to spend the whole day gathering tomorrow, then withdraw and come back the day after tomorrow. The members were supposed to be me, three demon daughters, three vigilantes, and Grande and Aquawil.

"The royal daughter goes out without a caretaker. I stayed with you and went out."

"I said, Serafita."

"I see. I'm sending it to the collection site."


After a farce exchange, Aquawil's fierce protest resulted in two maids accompanying him as a caretaker and escort.

So now we're getting ready to leave in the castle parking lot, which is mainly a place to get on and off the carriage.

"Ahahah, it's been a long time."

"It's been a really long time. I'm glad you're doing well."

One of the two caretakers and guardians was a large, familiar woman. I can see a round ear with brown hair moving busily over her head.

"But maid... maid?

Yes, I'm a maid for a while.

I tilt my neck--Gerda twists herself with a distressing expression. It's an apron dress in plain hues, but it also has a chest armor on the chest and a metal plate on the arm. I don't know what's going on in the skirt, but from the sound of walking, it looks like it's equipped with at least metal reinforced leg ties.

What stands out most is the bespoke steel tower shield on her back and the steel long mace placed next to it. That was made by me and given to her before. I can see scratches and dents everywhere, so it's a mistake.

If such a woman were to exist in one word, the maid would be either a maid or a fantasy battlemaid. Moreover, power is the type of power.

"Unlike the maid I know."

Ah, I belong to the Guards for a while.

I see?

Is it like a professional position in the Guard to protect a female royal family? You mean the Guards...?

"Is that supposed to be prosperity?

"Ah, yes. I used to be a regular heavily armed infantry, so being promoted as a guard would mean prosperity."

"Congratulations. But you've never seen him in the castle, have you?

"I arrived three days ago. After moving to the castle dormitory, it was my first mission."

"Haha, I see."

While warming up the old relationship with Gerda, the other guard walked behind Tsukatsuka and Gerda and slapped Gerda's ass. Pechine, it sounds good.


"Don't stand up for a long time. Do your job. Do your job."

That's how I look up at Gerda's face, a woman I've seen several times in the castle. I don't know his name. She stands out.

"Please don't spoil our rookies too much, Mr. Koske."

"Roger that. May I ask your name, please?

"That said, I've never named you. My name is Leviera. As a nearby guard, I mainly protect the female royal family and take care of the surroundings. I'll see you later."

That's how Mr. Leviera bowed her head politely. She was a sterotype demonic woman with blue grey skin and black wings like a bat, a narrow tail with pointed tips from her waist, and a twisted sheep horn like Merty on her head. The eyes are black in the white eye area and the pupils are bright red.

From that characteristic look, her presence was firmly engraved in my head, even without any particular involvement. In any case, you should return the greeting to the greeting. According to one passage, that's what it says in the annals. I don't know if it's true or not.

"Best regards, I..."

"I know Mr. Koske very well."

That's right.


Levi Ella nods.

She stands out for her characteristic look, but is one of many people working in the castle. However, since I am the country's top companion and behave without hiding that I am rare, and moreover, I am a helper in the recovery of the Kingdom of Merinard, and I stand out in the case of the dragon Grande and the battle of the North, I can say that none of those who work in the castle do not know my face, name and position.

Of course, she knows me well.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

"No, this is also a mission. Besides, I don't need that kind of crazy language. Master Koske is presented by His Majesty the King of Sylvie, and we are the guards who protect the royal family."

"I'm a perfectly papery citizen, so I'm a little bad at acting like a royal... well, I'm glad you missed it because it's delicious. Hi."

"Should I get used to it sooner? With all due respect, it is possible that His Majesty Sylvie will be underestimated by Mr. Koske's behavior."

I'm going to make progress.

After hearing my reply, Levi Ella... Levi Ella lowered her head deeply to me and led Gerda towards the place where the airboard that would serve as our foot was parked. Sometimes Levi Ella's tail hits Pisipish and Gerda's butt as she says something to Gerda. That tail seems to move quite freely.


"No, I don't think so. Because he's a Near Guard?

"Ah, how about that? Gerda seems to have been a homosexual character in Koske since the Liberation Army, and has he been transferred to the Kintetsu on purpose?

"You mean you've been chasing me? Pure love."

"Wait a minute. I think I just got some shocking information."

Ever since Gerda was in the Liberation Army, was that a letter for me? Oh, no, I feel like I heard something like that when the guys got together and said it was useless, but I didn't know if it was true, so I was totally through.

"You're a sinful man."

"Next time, you're going after Aquawil-sama, right? Royal Comp?

"Maybe Levi Ella too. Or is it an ant that embodies the unity of the indivisible species as the king of the kingdom of Merinard?

"I have no intention of doing so. I don't think so."

The demon daughters look suspiciously at my proclamation.

No, it's not. I just don't want to keep having a rough time with Sylvie's sister, and Serafita told me to do my best to get you to accompany me in this gathering with the intention of eliminating any roughness. There is no such evil intention as royal comp. I mean, is it a judgment among you that the ifrita has already fallen?

Even ifrita can't say anything right now... no, I don't think so, but it's not decisive. In Nakan.

"By the way, where's Grande?

You forced me to change my mind.


"Ah, we!

I tapped her ass with a flat hand. Bella's ass, with her muscles in it, feels good to slap. Next time I do something, I'll slap you in the ass.

"Grande would've slept on the airboard a long time ago."

Looks like I've got my stuff ready, so it's time to go.

It seemed that all the baggage that Mr. Aquawil had prepared had been taken out. There's a lot of crates loaded, but what about all of them? What the hell is in it?

While tilting our necks, we take them to the airboard. The question is whether we can get everyone on the airboard... but if it gets too tight, why don't we get two? Leave one to Bella and I'll drive the other one.

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