When I moved to the courtyard of the castle after the salon that Ellen and Amarilier spent in the room, my escort, Harpy, was quickly found. When I waved in the courtyard, Harpy, the guard who noticed it, spread his winged arms and dazzled down to the courtyard.

"Milord, what's wrong?


It was Pessar, the brown harpy of the bird species, who came down before my eyes. A sweet little Herpy with a cute personality, he's been a member of the Herpy Bombers ever since he left the Black Forest.

I need to ask you something.


The pessar feels attractive because of the unexpected sounds of wisdom. But that's not what I care about right now.

"Since Harpy is a short-lived species, it should be as easy to have children as humans, right?

"Uh-huh. Well, it's slightly harder to do than humans, but much easier to do than elves and monoculars."

I see. So, I've been getting along with Pecers a long time ago, and I don't think I've been using contraception in particular, but why haven't you ever heard about having a baby?

"Eh, should I have told you?


"All the children I've been with since I left the Elves of the Black Forest have already given birth. I'm having another baby."

"I didn't ask! I didn't ask!?

"Hmm!? Oh, sorry!?

I accidentally grabbed Pessar's thin shoulder and shouted. But Pether looked up with tearful eyes, so I felt cold immediately. Calm down, me. Calm down. Be cool.

"In the meantime, please gather the midwives who are free and able to assemble. I want to talk to you. If you're pregnant, tell Mr. Harpy not to push you. Your stomach is your top priority."

"Uh-huh... but the guard..."

"I'm here. I'm not moving from here."

"Okay, okay."

Pessar jumps out of the courtyard and shouts at his friends on the roof of the royal castle facing the courtyard, scattering all over Merynesburg. I'll have a big table in the courtyard for now, and I'll have the right number of chairs to get to my seat.


Why is that...? No, it's good to hear it after Harpy and the others have gathered, but why does it only come to mind? Had I known, I would have done a lot. Oh, are the children still alive? Are you sick or injured? Harpy's salaries aren't cheap, or they're supposed to be high among the soldiers, but I don't think I'm showing them what it's worth to call a father. Doesn't life hurt? I'm worried. I'm very worried.

No, I think it's better now. I knew Harpy and the others were short-lived species for a long time. I should have known if I'd noticed. I'm sure you didn't like my idea that you would tell me when you got pregnant.

And when he was alone with his elbows on the table and his head in his arms, he heard from Pessar that Harpy and the others were coming down to the courtyard of the castle.

"Er, Milord...?

"Oh, yeah. Sit properly for now. Tell me if you don't have enough chairs."


Say that to the Pilna who came down first, remove the cup from the inventory with the two Harpy handles, and pour him a cold tea. It's getting pretty hot. It's time for cold tea.

Other Harpy and the others gather while we prepare tea. Fronte of Happy Blue Wings, Fitch of Happy Orange Wings, Ray of Happy Black Wings, Capri of Happy Brown Wings, Frame, Pessar, Eagle of Happy White Wings, Ayja of Happy Brown Wings, and finally a total of fifteen other Happy people came together.

"Um... hold on a second. Those are the Happy who gave birth to my children...?

"Yeah, not all of them because they're pregnant or because they can't take care of their kids."

"Ah yes... you're still here."

Shouldn't I sprinkle the seeds too much? No, Harpy and the others are going to make it look like a lot of violence, so to be honest, they often don't know who it is. Oh, my head's starting to hurt.

"Um, they all gave birth to my baby...?

"Yeah, that's definitely what I'm doing with my husband."

"We all do the same thing."

"Yeah, okay. So, why didn't you tell me that you had a child?

"Eh? Should I have said...?

"I don't know why you didn't tell me."

It's a woman's job to raise a child.

"That's right. You are not involved in raising children."

"Okay, there's probably some kind of big cultural contradiction. Now I want you to tell me whether it's Harpy's view of life, her view of marriage, or her view of family."

When I heard the story, it turned out that it was quite easy to say... whether the race of Harpy was an eccentric and unique family view, an ethic, or a breeding concept... anyway, it had a culture beyond my imagination.

First of all, they don't have a male in the Happy tribe. Only females exist. It therefore requires a multiracial male to reproduce. I don't think they will perish in such an ecology, but because they are connected to the lifeblood veins until today, they are probably ants as a survival strategy for a single life form. At least in this world.

And they basically work in a herd, basically welcoming a multiracial male into the herd to form a harem. The embraced males will be taken care of by Mr. Harpy and will be devoted to reproductive activities. Yeah, what kind of erotic is this? I don't think so, but there's nothing I can do about it. They have that kind of ecology, or culture, and that's why they've done it so well so far, so it's probably arrogant to cling to it.

So, here it is. This is why they didn't tell me that I had a child this time, but basically the males in the herd couldn't afford to participate in parenting. Why is that? It is said that the herd formed by Mr. Harpy is as small as ten people, and the larger the number, the maximum is fifty people.

There is only one man among them. Let me repeat, there is only one man. That's what I mean. The health of participating in parenting is usually exploited and there are no shards left. Therefore, there is no room for men to intervene in the upbringing of their children. Or rather, it's normal that they don't even tell you.

I had a wife with all the Harpy and all, but my vitality is not normal.

"In that sense, Milord is out of standard, right?"

"That's right. Normally, I'll just go to bed...."

Stop saying scary things.

I thought you guys were smoking some life-saving thumbing together.

"Anyway, I understand the situation. If you have a child in the future, please tell me. Because I want to be responsible at least as a man."

"Yeah, okay. Sorry, mister. We should have checked it out."

"By the way, when I'm here right now, me, Eagle, Ray and Capri are pregnant."

"Hey!? You're flying while you're pregnant!? Or are you working!?

"Yes, even if we're pregnant, we can move normally."

"Harpy can fly even if she's pregnant, and there's nothing special about it."

If you can't fly when you're pregnant, you're dead.

Really amazing creatures!? It's actually a stranger organism than an elf or a monocular.

"Anyway, please take the safety of the child first... and let me know if there's anything I can do. Are you having trouble with where you live or with your living expenses? Are the children injured or ill?

"I'm fine with injuries and illnesses. I've been counting on you a few times."


I don't remember.

"You got the magic potion because your kid got hurt and sick a few times, right?

"I've given you life potions and cuisine potions several times, so that was our kid!? You said you were my friend's kid!



Fronte and Pessar point at each other with winged arms. Oh, yeah. You shouldn't be wrong. You're both friends, aren't you? I hear you're not my sister. Sisters in a way. My head hurts.

"There's no problem with your salary, but I want you to do something about where you live."

"Ah, that's right. Bungalows are hard to live in."

"OK, let's take down Sylvie and Merty and set up a house in Merlinsburg. Build as many as you want. What do you want me to do?


The next day, I began to build a multi-family home for Harpy and the others based on their opinions.

It is a high-rise architecture not seen in this world on the twentieth floor above ground. The veranda is wide and Mr. Harpy can fly in and out directly. I was worried that the child might fly off the high floor and die in an accident, but it seems that Harpy's child will be able to stand and fly at the same time, so there is nothing wrong with it. Still, I was worried, but I was cut off because it was okay.

"Because if Harpy can't fly, he'll die. Flying is instinct."

I was impressed by what Ray of the black feather Harpy said.

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