We exchanged civilians to discuss the details, and once the conditions were met, we decided to leave each other's meeting rooms and discuss the details only with our family members. We'll go back to the fort, and they'll set up a curtain house from Brignolf where we can talk.

"You're kind of weak, right? I'm going to win, so let's do this even more...."

"Do you think it's better to push through tough conditions?


Bella nods honestly. Well, if it's a fight between dicks in the alley, maybe that's fine. I wind everything up from the money, Poi. After that, I felt like a field and a mountain.

"This is not the case between countries. Assuming tough sanctions and compensation are imposed, the worst of them will be crushed. You heard the thief say you were in trouble.

Exactly. But isn't it better to crush it?

I shook my head sideways to Bella, even as I leaned my head.

"I can't even say that. Unless the Kingdom of Merinard consolidates and governs the territory of the Kingdom of Tigris, otherwise the entire Kingdom of Tigris becomes a lawless zone. Violence will rule everything."

"A land like mine is easy to live on!

Bachikon and Bella have a shitty wink. Next to that, Shumel and Tozume look like, "Let's do it," but you guys are on your side, right?

"Perhaps, but most people are annoying! Well, if other countries didn't need such a place, someone would show up to gather up those illegal zones. He may be like a bandit leader, or he may be the noble blood of the old kingdom. So, here it is. What do you think the Tigris kingdom would look like if it were put together again like that?

"That sucks! I think it's gonna feel like I'm gonna kill you!

"Am I right? Besides, most people can hardly decide to abandon their land and go elsewhere. In other words, people who continue to resent the kingdom of Merinard will remain their neighbors forever. I'd like to avoid that."

"Well, I guess I'll try to be gentle on loose terms to make sure it doesn't happen."

"You know the word 'hushy'."

"Holy Virgin, that's terrible!

Bella complains about Ellen's poisonous tongue, but I don't think she can help it now.

"Bella, we are here to settle the dispute. Fortunately, the damage on our side is terribly minor, so I would like to make a concession to get the Kingdom of Tigris out of the Holy King's Land."

"Can you do that? The kingdom of Tigris belongs to the Holy King, right?

"I think I have to. I suppose the Holy King's influence in the Kingdom of Tigris has fallen considerably, my friend. The Holy King failed to recapture the kingdom of Merinard and set fire to the kingdom of Tigris and the Principality of Dihart, causing great damage to the kingdom of Merinard, which they could not win. Those who helped the Holy King to make this happen will also be named Spearballs."

"In the first place, unlike the Principality of Dihart, the kingdom of Tigris became a kingdom of the Holy King simply because it succumbed to the pressure of the Holy King. The neighboring kingdom of Merinard was virtually destroyed and occupied, and the kingdom of Dihart was forced by the royal family to receive the blood of the Holy King, making the royal family the Grand Duke and the kingdom. The kingdom of Tigris, which has seen the situation of its neighbors, has managed to reassure itself by descending into the Holy King's kingdom."

"It's hard to understand!

Bella answers Serafita's explanation with her face.

"The kingdom of Tigris obeys as a kingdom of the Holy King, but at heart you want to escape the rule of the Holy King? That's what we read. We are closer to the kingdom of Tigris than to the Holy King. To the west is a small group of neutral nations, and to the west is a dragonish mountain kingdom that has friendly relations with us. So to put it simply, you might see better eyes on us than the Holy King would use on his jaw. There is also a trump card saying that if the Kingdom of Tigris arrives, we can send reinforcements if the Holy King is likely to make a military mess of it. I haven't cut it yet."

I see. The Principality of Dihart has been turned over by the Holy King, but the Kingdom of Tigris is not like that, so it just follows, so I can betray it. "

"Ah... well, that's it. Yeah."

It seems that there are a little more complicated circumstances, but to put it simply, it seems that way. For our part, we want to ensure that the Kingdom of Tigris and the Principality of Dihart do not threaten our backs. Once the Kingdom of Tigris arrives, the Principality of Dihart, which is challenged by national power, will be unable to deal with it.

The Holy King and the Kingdom of Tigris are physically far apart, so if there's anything we can do to help. And when the Kingdom of Tigris becomes a trading point to the north of the continent, we and the Kingdom of Tigris will be happy. That's a good thing! I wish everything had gone according to my imagination.

About an hour later, we and the Tigris kingdom's embassy met again in my meeting room.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Koske.

"I hope that the discussion later will be meaningful. So, what happened to your answer?

The final condition is that compensation be paid for 50 per cent of the national budget of the Kingdom of Tigris for ten years, subject to the surrender of the subordinate slaves. Instead of losing the head-count + α, it waived the penalty for discovering a sub-slave who was still hidden after handing over the sub-slave.

However, if it was discovered, it was decided to hand it over unconditionally and to impose severe punishment on those who had concealed subhuman slaves. In this regard, it was also conditioned that survey tubes could be dispatched if the Kingdom of Merinard so wished.

And with regard to the condition that royal and aristocratic children be admitted to the Kingdom of Merinard as international students, the applicants were allowed to return home once or twice a year, and proposed the condition that the escort from the Kingdom of Merinard to the Kingdom of Tigris would be carried out by the Kingdom of Tigris.

However, the content of education while studying abroad is basically decided by the Kingdom of Merinard, and the Kingdom of Tigris can state its wishes, but the decision is made only by the Kingdom of Merinard.

In addition, with regard to the mutual inviolability in the event of a settlement, it settled in the form of 10 years after the payment of compensation. Afterwards - or before that - whether or not to build another relationship will depend on future exchanges between the two countries.

The position of the Kingdom of Merinard is basically strong with regard to the trade treaty, which also contains the content that does not recognize customs sovereignty. The tariff rate is apparently determined by bilateral discussions, but in the event of a conflict, the views of the Kingdom of Merinard will be respected. However, we do not intend to exploit unilaterally profits from the Kingdom of Tigris. We have made certain concessions to the Kingdom of Tigris by including a sentence that we will discuss to review the conditions every five years.

"The Kingdom of Tigris is willing to accept the proposal."

"Big band?

"Yes, there is no problem with compensation or the handing over of subordinate slaves, but it affects not only the royal family but also many nobles with regard to study abroad and trade conventions. I can only reply that I will basically accept it because it will also require domestic adjustment."

I see?

"The Royal Tigris Army was badly damaged in this battle. If we impose the measures and content of today's agreement uncoordinarily, we may even break the country in some cases."

"I don't know, I don't know."

Some aristocrats would think that it would be out of the question to let the Kingdom of Merinard study their heirs. Some aristocrats will rebel when they can no longer impose tariffs on goods passing through their territory. If we take tough measures against these people, it is a nod that the Kingdom of Tigris could break.

"If they fail to do so, they will have to take appropriate action....."

Mr Nelson's complexion suddenly deteriorates with my remarks. [M]

"Don't break your belly, we want to greet the Kingdom of Tigris."

"... what?

Nelson, Makrit, and the rest of the Tigris kingdom don't understand. I don't know what he's talking about. Moreover, the Kingdom of Tigris is a kingdom of the Holy King.

"No matter how powerful the kingdom of Merinard is, you can't believe you don't taste it with your own eyes first. Does the kingdom of Tigris still doubt the strength of the kingdom of Merinard?

"No, no, that's... impossible."

That's what Nelson said, and Maclito shook his head to agree with him with a bitter expression.

"I'm not going to say hello to my enemies, but if I'm going to be a comrade, that's all. You know what that means, right?


Nelson shook his body with his eyes wide open.

"When a comrade is in danger, we are ready to help, directly or indirectly. We're not like them. Don't tell your comrades to stand up. At the very least, I have the temperament to fight side by side against a common crisis. Well, we don't expect you to fight them together because we want you to stare at them so they don't threaten your back."


Nelson was silent and sweaty, and Maclito was silent as well. Did you step too far?

"In the meantime, there was a big agreement between the two sides. At this point, I think a truce will be established for the kingdom of Merinard, but what about you?

"Ah, ahh! Of course, of course. The Kingdom of Tigris agrees to a truce."

"Now, let's hope this truce leads to formal reconciliation."

He reached out to Lord Nelson and held my hand.

The contents of the ceasefire agreement and the peace treaty signed by both sides, when taken together, became very complicated.

To put it roughly simply, the ceasefire period is three months from today, and the Kingdom of Tigris aims to implement the pact of peace, which was largely agreed upon today during the ceasefire period. If the provisions of the Sum Pact are not fulfilled during the Ceasefire Period, or if the Ceasefire is breached by military action of either side, the fighting shall resume immediately.

In this context, a truce and pact of peace were concluded between the Kingdom of Merinard and the Kingdom of Tigris, ending the state of war for the time being.

"Next is the Principality of Dihart... it's starting to bother me."

"Master Koske, let's do our best for Sylphie."

That's what Serafita said and encouraged me, but I think I'm breaking my heart. I want to go home.

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