Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 282: The Presence of the Virgin

Well, it didn't just suddenly gush down... well, it was the expected 10-day blank period. We must spend the last ten days carefully so as not to be licked by the other party.

By the way, Ellen and Amarillier, Serafita, the demons and Grande?), 20 Harpy (scouting and bombing) and elite magic gunmen, including Capri.

Although the number of people is small, it is sufficient as a combat force because we are increasing the Golem by that amount.

In addition, the fort built just near the city of Brignolf is of such a size that enough space is available for everyone to live on their own. Water was also secured with infinite sources of water, and small fields were created on surplus land. I planted direct inoculation and seedlings on the farmland block I installed, so I can harvest them several times before I leave this place.

Well, that's good. It's not important. Now is the time to think a lot.


View the city of Brignolf from above the fort barrier. I don't know the exact population, but it's the size of the city. A little smaller than Arrihiburg? The population of Arihibourg should have been around 10,000, so it's probably around 10,000.

"More than a minute in that city....."

The Principality of Dihart and the Royal Tigris soldiers I killed in this war are more than a quarter of that city. Thinking of it as just a number diminishes the reality, but considering that there are far more people living in that city, bitter things come to mind.

I'm ready to go to hell with Sylvie. It means that you are prepared to trample on others to protect yourself and your loved ones. However, when I look at this scene, I wonder if what I'm doing is right. I am clearly made to realize that I am someone who is treading on the happiness of others to be happy.

"How do heroes make a deal like this?

Do we have to cut it off because it's a war? Or are you drowning in alcohol or a woman and forgetting everything? Or will it reopen? I don't know what to do.



Looking back, Ellen stood up. My red eyes are staring straight into my eyes.

"What are you doing at dusk? It doesn't suit me."

"What a grass. I feel like I'm going to be in the middle of the night."

Ellen walked up to the neighborhood and looked at Brignolf's streets side by side.

"So, what's bothering you? I'm a clergyman, so you can listen to me."

"That sounds great... well, that's great. She's a saint."

"Yes, I am a noble Virgin. It's great."

"Which one is the greatest compared to me, the saint of kings?

"In any position, there's no way Koske is better than me.

The Virgin's true face is imminent. What are you talking about? But that's a strange expression.

"Thank you very much. So, you're gonna listen to me?

"Yes, gentle heart, I will lead you to my lost lamb."

Ellen stretched her chest with Doya's face. It's hard to understand because of the costume, but there are quite a few. Did you notice my gaze? Ellen kicks me in the cheek. Okay, stop it because I'm sorry. It hurts plain.

"It's completely disrespectful. You're too worried to name a saint."

"I'm sorry, Virgin. I will work hard."

"Don't forget that. So, what were you worried about?

Even if I tell Ellen a lie, she'll see through anyway, so I'll tell her a lot of trouble. Sylphie and I have been prepared to go to hell for a long time, but still there is a feeling of self-blame for what we are doing.

"... I see, it's a real problem. I'm a little surprised you think about that."

"Isn't it terrible?

"Fufu, I'm kidding. But that's a pretty tough problem. It would be comforting to say that if you were a hundred priests, you would have done what you had to do...."

That's how Ellen meditates and thinks to pray. Looking at her like this, she had a really beautiful face, Ellen. Yeah, I've been worried so much just now, but just because Ellen came in front of me, it's just the idea that Ellen is cute and beautiful. I may already be drowning in a girl. It was obvious.

"You have great power. Whatever God gave it to you, whoever it is, as long as you have the power, you will continue to have a great influence on many people. That is the fate of those who have been empowered by God."

Ellen stares at me with her red eyes. She has lived to this point with the eye of seeing the truth. The story has a weight with real feelings.

"Now you mourn the power that is spreading death and misery on so many people. It's proof that you have a human heart. That heart must never be lost."

"But whatever happens, the bitter ones are bitter."

At first, the soldiers of the Holy King's kingdom were blown to pieces with explosives. And most of those who survived were devoured and killed by gizmas in the darkness.

Then I made guns, I made bombs, I made airboards, I made golems, and I killed Enemies. I've had him killed. The dead soldiers must have been someone's lover, son, daughter, father, mother, husband, wife. I've killed them, killed them, spreading misfortune.

That's not all. We brought the kingdom of Merinard back into the hands of Sylvie, and as a result, the subpopulations of the kingdom of Merinard were liberated. However, it should have led to the destruction of the lives of the Holy Kings, who had so far used their subpopulations well.

The unhappy people are happening everywhere in the kingdom of Merinard. From our point of view, the people who have lived an easy life using subhuman beings in a good way are like unacceptable enemies, but they were right to change their perspective. It was good. At least not in the kingdom of Merinard under the rule of the Holy King. I will have played a role in destroying the lives of such "good" people.

And this is the Northern invasion. They acted to invade the kingdom of Merinard. But was that what they wanted? That doesn't seem entirely true. There must have been a little encouragement from the Holy King. I'm sure neither country could refuse a request from an overwhelming patriarchal power.

I killed them relentlessly. The shooting by the Magic Guns, the bombing by the Harpy bombers, the overwhelming violence by the Golems, and the aurora of the Magic Stone Bomb.

Of course, you're thinking about being me. This time, I decided to frustrate the opponent's war by showing overwhelming force from the beginning so that it would not become a long fight if I slipped. That's why I dared to ruthlessly destroy my enemies.

After all, I think only stronger violence can deter violence. I may have an objection, but at least I think so. Because the history of the planet proves it.

It doesn't make sense to deal with them.

I believe that knowing that is the only absolute way to stop the reward of violence.

There is no way we can talk to the person who comes at us from the beginning. First, I hit him and showed him my strength. It is only then that we can have a discussion. Of course, it is best to settle by negotiation with someone who is trying to solve by negotiation from the beginning, but the world is not so sweet. Those who think it's quicker to beat, kill, and steal than to talk, have enough to sweep and throw away.

That's why I dyed my hands red with blood. If they slipped, they would have bled less eventually than they would in a long fight. I'm sure.

"Your sins should never be justified."

Ellen's words penetrated deeply into my chest, sinking into the supreme sea. That one word made my head cold in an instant.

"You must bear the sin. We should not reopen it. Your hands are stained with blood. You've caused so much misfortune."

That said, Ellen put her hand in my hand and tied her finger. Warm things flow in from Ellen's soft hands.

"But your hand isn't just about spreading death and misfortune. You know that, too. In order to atone for your sins, give life and happiness to the people far in excess of the death and misfortune that you have spread. And if thou hast killed ten thousand, and hast made thirty thousand unhappy, let one hundred thousand live, and make three hundred thousand happy. I'm sure you can do it."

"The Virgin says something tough...."

"Naturally. It's easy to just console at a time like this. It's okay, you've done everything for me, so you don't have to worry about anything. It's just a treat. It's a sweet word for poison."

My red eyes are staring straight into my eyes.

"I'm not going to say that to you. Sin is sin, and it should be rightly admitted and rightly redeemed. That must be the right path."

"Ten times what you've killed, ten times what you've been unhappy with, and if you help someone, will your sins be redeemed?

"Only God knows that, right? You won't say ten times, but you can do it twenty times, thirty times or hundred times. Do your best."

It's tough.

"Naturally. I'm the one who gave myself up, so I need you to do that."

When Ellen said that, she took her fingers off my hands and walked away from me.

"Sometimes you'll need to worry and skip it. Just stop worrying about yourself. You'll have a lot of people to talk to."

"That's true....."

Everyone but Ellen will be comforted, but I don't think they will scold me like Ellen. Perhaps if you comfort me, I can forget the temporary trouble.

"Absolutely, you really need me. I can't help it. I'll show you the way again if you have any troubles. Be sure to consult me. Is that good?


I nodded honestly. I feel like Ellen made me feel a little lighter after preaching. It is simple and easy to understand how to make more people happy than to make someone unhappy.

"Be honest with me. Now, it's dinner time. Amarier is sifting my arms today."

"I look forward to that. Amarier-san's food is simple but delicious."

"I'd love to have a little more meat or sweet stuff."

Follow Ellen, who stands ahead and walks behind him, whilst leaking his thoughts about what he thinks of him as a priest.

I'm kind of going to sleep well today.

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