Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 277: Everything is Foresight

We shattered an ambush of the Royal Tigris Army with three heavily armed Golems, left the battlefield intact, removed the defenses, and immediately resumed our movement.

We then reached the Tigris kingdom's border fort and destroyed it at sunset with a suicide golem equipped with a Magic Stone bomb, just as we did with the Principality of Dihart's border fort.

The fort was packed with a few Tigris Royal Army soldiers, but as soon as they saw us, they retreated at full speed from the northern gate on horses. Apparently, such instructions were given in advance.

It's over.

I see.

"Is this all in the prospectus?


Bella's strange remarks leaned her head.

"I mean, if my husband had been serious from the beginning, he wouldn't have been in any trouble. You didn't have to build a base or build a samurai squad, did you?


"Besides, you dared to crush today's ambush of the Tigris Royal Army in Golem, right? You obviously asked me to give you two weeks to blow up the fort of the Principality of Dihart and then go and blow up the fort of the Royal Tigris Army.


When I looked at Schmel with my answers in distress, she just smiled and looked at us. I am surprised that she is not surprised at this statement by Bella.

"I know how you feel about Bella, but it's normal driving."


"I don't know what that means."

Bella resents my reaction. I mean, you've been an asshole until now. Suddenly, it's like, "It's all foreseeable! Even if you say something like that, it's hard to react.

"What did you want to do after all? The Kingdom of Merinard."

"Oh, I don't know."

"That's right. I know a lot about my husband's powers, but I don't know anything about the military secrets of the Kingdom of Merinard."

"Hmm... I mean, this time I was greedy as a Melinard kingdom."

I do not say that the series of movements that I went to in the center was complicated by my thoughts as a kingdom of Merinard, but it was quite intertwined.

First of all, the invasion from the two northern countries had to be rebounded at all costs.

If the two northern countries - the Principality of Dihart and the Kingdom of Tigris - were allowed to invade here, and the northern part of the Kingdom of Merinard was roughed up or its territory cut off, the Kingdom of Merinard could be discredited by the surrounding countries as an easy recipient.

It is basically harmless and unimportant to be scorned as a state. If it is insulted as a state, it may promote further aggression from neighboring countries, and it may be belittled in diplomatic negotiations with countries without geographical conditions such as direct aggression.

As for the Kingdom of Merinard, I would like to avoid such a situation at all costs. That's why I decided to carry my feet all the way back to the north invasion.

"Why bother building a base or training Magic Gun Soldiers?

"That's a big reflection of the intentions of the military and the R&D department. It was necessary to set up a military base with a view to the north, and also to test the newly developed weapon, the Magic Gun, in action. It's a secondary effect of accepting a lot of subordinates to run the base."

"If the Magic Gun hadn't been as powerful as I expected, you'd have been planning on doing something from the beginning."

"I thought it would be okay, but as an insurance policy. So, here it is. Upon retreating from an attack by the Royal Tigris Army, it was determined to be sufficient in terms of the practicality of the magic gun. We unilaterally crushed twenty times as many troops in a simple defensive position."

"It certainly was one-sided. It doesn't seem like it could be used for a little adventure."

"That would be better if we didn't get all the numbers. It's not good for hunting because it's too loud."

I see. Should I suggest developing a suppressor? As long as there is no sound, you should consider magical means as well.

"So, what about the subsequent destruction of the fort and the Golem attack?

"It's a pure demonstration. Magic guns alone will be enough of a threat, but that alone will lack impact, won't it? The Kingdom of Merinard has not only new weapons, but also means to annihilate the fort in an instant, as well as a black iron golem that easily sprinkles an army. I showed you that if you put your hands in a loose direction, you wouldn't get burned... I dared to miss out on witnesses and survivors to make the information widely known."

"I see? I feel like I understand somehow. In other words, for the kingdom of Merinard, this was nothing."

Well, yeah.

I could have unilaterally ravaged it with a samurai airboard equipped with a light machine gun if I had to. The airboards are producing more every day, so we can now transport a large number of Crossbow soldiers in a short time to deploy their forces.

Sir Leonard said he wanted to put a samurai in the east to gaze at the east of the Holy King's kingdom, but with the mobility of the airboards and the information transmission capabilities of the Golem communicators, he could travel on foot, by carriage and horse, behind an army with only a quick horse to convey detailed information.

"It's kind of like a conflict between a country and a country. It's not more noble than I thought, it's like a fight between dicks in the alley."

"Is that... is that so?

"That's right. In other words, this time, the boss of the Holy King Kingdom told me to sell a fight between the Principality of Dihart and the Kingdom of Tigris, so that the kingdom of Merinard could not be licked by the surrounding countries."

"... I see."

Zakken Naora! Suzoora! Even if you are depressed by concepts like this, it is troublesome to react, but it is suitable for big muscles.

Well then, is it time to go back to Merynesburg?

It's about time. Neither the Principality of Dihart nor the Kingdom of Tigris will be able to continue the fighting any longer, and the Kingdom of Merinard has no intention of expanding its present territory. That's why this war is over, and we're here to help. It's time for Sylphie and the others. "

I wonder what kind of damages are handmade from both countries. If they say they won't steadfastly swallow the terms, maybe we'll have our turn again.

"Well, I guess we'll just relax for a while until we get the results."

"That's nice. I'll be drinking when I get home today."

"I need to get Grande in a good mood before he leaves."

While we were talking about it, we returned to the northern base.

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