Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 270 - The Disaster in the Kingdom of Tigris

The enemy was ready to deploy almost two weeks after our scouts detected the enemy's initial movement. Soon afterwards, there were movements not only in the Principality of Dihart but also in the Kingdom of Tigris, and they seemed to be collaborating by sending and receiving messages on horses.

"Aren't you close to your neighbors? I don't think they're both like kingdoms of the Holy King."

"Originally, the relationship between the two countries was not very good, but now the Principality of Dihart is essentially a puppet of the Holy King, yielding to the pressure of the Holy King. Having witnessed the tragedy of the former Merinard kingdom, the Kingdom of Tigris surrendered completely to the Holy King. As a result, the Holy King's kingdom reigned over both countries, and now they are the best soldiers on the battlefield."

"The sadness of a weak country... if you ask me about it, I'll hesitate to turn it into a beehive."

"That's not how it works. Invasion can only be fought by force."

"I wonder if you're going to try a diplomatic effort like this... well, it's impossible for the other person to talk to you alone."

Sylvie and I have been in contact on Golem communications for the past two weeks, but it appears that there has been no diplomatic contact from the Holy King, the Principality of Dihart or the Kingdom of Tigris. Well, it seems that there is not much culture in this world like declaring war before war or banging ultimatums.

"The Holy King still doesn't recognize the nascent kingdom of Merinard as a nation. Between the Holy King, his kingdom, and his allies, the kingdom of Merinard is still the kingdom of the Holy King, and we are the thieves who have taken over the kingdom in chaos."

"I want you to look a little closer to reality, for the drunks."

Drunk means those who are intoxicated by religion and their ideals. Maybe the stench boys in the Holy King's Landing are drunk on alcohol and other things.

"Anyway, if the enemy moves, we need to respond... Ready?

"Everything is fine. We can deploy anytime, and surveillance is ongoing."

The Golem transmitter in the ops room is communicating, and Warg picks up the receiver and starts talking.

All right, keep watching. Call me as soon as there's any strange movement. "

That's how Warg puts the phone down.

"There was a movement. Let's go."

As soon as the headcount is complete. Can't you afford it?

"It was a country where both countries imported a considerable amount of food from the Kingdom of Merinard at the time of belonging. You want the kingdom of Merinard to return to the kingdom of the Holy King and feed them cheaply."

"If you could beat the Holy King with me, I could sell you as much as you want for the right price."

While discussing that, we left the operation room.

"Shit, they're flying again."

The commander of the Principality of Dihart, Antonius Dels-Gilanzam, looked up at the sky in the warm spring sun and spit ill. Beyond his gaze, there is a big bird shadow in the sky that cannot reach the arrows - no, it is too big for the bird shadow, and above all, the bird does not take that shape. That's a flying subhuman, Harpy. It is a race in which there is only a woman whose arms and legs are like birds.

Reports say they flew two or three times a day from last winter near this border fort, but they flew in from about two weeks ago - when they started bringing food into the border fort - and watched us.

A good archer said he was carrying something magical, but I don't know what it was. It will certainly not be pleasant for us. I suppose those fuckin 'birds are for scouting.

"Dear Antonius, a message from the Kingdom of Tigris... to march with them."

"Shit... this information is out of the box and lacks effective defenses against anticipated attacks. If you march in a situation like this, you're going to die."

It's not that there's no countermeasure at all, but how effective it is... I have to say that I'm very doubtful whether it will work.

"Even so, the soldiers who were here at the fort ate messi every day. There's no infinite amount of food coming in... I can cry."

Antonius exhales and scratches his head. He is a general who leads 8,000 soldiers in the Principality of Dihart. Even if he says "go" from above, he has to go even if he knows it is a dead place.

"Notify all troops. Launch march into the Kingdom of Merinard. The target was a military facility built during the winter."


I ran to tell all the Principality of Dihart troops that Antonius had ordered them to march on the border fort.

"Oh, shit. At least give me the damn bird protection."

From what I've heard, they're dropping a powerful explosive from an airplane that can't reach a bow. How the hell am I supposed to fight something like that? Can we all wear thick black steel armor, or can we walk with thick steel walls? Antonius exhales again.

"I guess we'll have to... at least use our countermeasures at the right time."

Following reports from the front that the Principality of Dihart and the Royal Tigris Army had moved, 400 men from a battalion of magical gunmen set out from the border fort. The Harpy bombers took off from the fort watching the enemy cross the border and waited over it. I plan to look at the plane and dare to carry out the aerial bombardment.

Incidentally, the elite samurai who raised the samurai soldiers stayed at the base this time to defend the base. If they take a detour from the base, it's going to be a big deal. I have placed an infinite number of heavy machine guns on the base walls just in case.

"Come on, what's popping up?

"Well, it's probably an arrow or spear with wind magic when it comes to anti-air means. Maybe it has explosive magic on it."

"Is that common?

"It may be used to counter powerful flying monsters such as Wyburn and Griffon, but it has a high manufacturing cost. If you were an army of one country, you might have quite a few... but even if you cast wind magic in the first place, your range would not increase dramatically. Essentially, they shoot and throw at places that have dropped sharply to attack."

I mean, carpet bombing from high altitude doesn't work.


Speaking with Warg like that, you can watch the Magic Gunners building field positions on the land of the Kingdom of Merinard on this side of the border. Magic Guns are trained to perform melee fights, but they are nevertheless suppressed by Magic Guns. I was told to build a simple field position just in case, because it would be hard for a fast cavalry or something to surprise me.

"They'll be surprised."

"I don't know. You might be surprised because you were witnessing an unseen harpy?

Oh, that's possible.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

The fourth day the Principality of Dihart's army began marching. Arriving at the border, Antonius looked away at the improvised field positions that had been created on the side of the Kingdom of Merinard. Not so much as a fortress, but it is clearly a position to intercept us.

"But, my lord, the number of enemies is small."

"There's only about 400 of them."

"That's right....."

Antonius had two unpleasant hunches in front of a defensive position he had never seen before.

He heard rumors of the wind destroying 20,000 of the Holy King's Merinard crusaders by just a few dozen Merinard armies. When I heard the story, I smiled with my nose that I would talk too much about the boulder.

When I had a bad feeling, I managed to swallow the words that were about to come out of my mouth.

"Tell the Tigris kingdom that you will take the lead. The number of archers is higher here. The Principality of Dihart will fight the Harpys."


I can't stop feeling bad about it.

Stand up again. Koske likes to stand up, right?

"It's like a greeting. And psychological exoneration."

"There's no stopping the army that started with one of those stands... here, they kicked me down."

Warg, who was peeking into the monocular next to me peeking into the binoculars, exhaled. Well, I knew it.

"You're like Tigris, aren't you?

"Looks like it. Eight thousand, maybe. - Notice, as soon as the enemy group is in full range, start firing."

First Squadron, copy.

Second Squadron, roger that.

The Tigris kingdom's avant-garde is slightly advancing with a big shield. It's a big shield, but can you stop a bullet from a 15mm caliber magic gun? With the data we took, it would have to be a thick metallic shield that would have been tough to lift.

The Magic Gunner Battalion is patiently watching the enemy approach the Tigris Royal Army, which is approaching Jiriziri. The front row is already in range. If we start shooting now, only a fraction of our enemies can be caught in range.

And as soon as about half the enemy group entered the range of magic guns, about a hundred magic guns burst into flames at once.

The soldiers of the Royal Tigris Army fell down in a rattlesome manner, and the sound of Doga Gagan and a thunderbolt sounded late. And immediately more shooting, shooting, shooting. In four shifts of one hundred people, deadly bullets are sent into the Royal Tigris Army one after the other, destroying the Royal Tigris Army.

"This is terrible."


At the start of the shooting, the Royal Tigris Army's front line and defensive positions were approximately 200 meters apart. Human beings in this world are slightly more physically capable than those in the original world, but still equipped with armor helmets and big shields, it will take less than a minute to reach their positions even if they rush all the way.

Less than a minute, but less than a minute. If this had been instructed from the beginning to engage with enemies in a full-blown attack, the shooting of one hundred people would not have been able to intercept in time, and there is no chance of being crushed by a number of shots....

Well, here's what happens.

I see.

Naturally, they are humans. No, maybe subhuman people are mixed up, but that's not the problem.

An avant-garde with a huge shield died suddenly in an unidentified attack. Not only that, but no one whose allies are protected by armor is dying by drilling holes in their torso or flying with their hands and feet torn apart - not even a person who doesn't panic in such a situation.


The enemy's avant-garde morale, hit by the gunfire, collapses in an instant and begins to flee. But there is a back guard, so I can't go back. As a result, the foot is stopped and further gunfire is fired on its defenseless back.

"Whoa, here we go."

Having flew out of their positions and secured their altitude, Harpy and the others began projecting a new type of anti-aircraft bomb rain on the enemy's rear guard. Although the power of one shot has dropped, Harpy's total firepower per person equipped with a heavily explosive frame is roughly 2.5 to more than three times.

"This is terrible."

"It's not a total ruin."

Approximately 8,000 members of the Tigris Royal Army suffered over 80% of the damage in just enough time and withdrew to the Principality of Dihart with these bodies.

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