Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 257 - The Grande Angers

"You idiot."


I asked Grande to escort me north, and I got angry. I mean, I got a low kick on my leg. It seems to break.

"Koske, what's your concubine?

"Um... it's illuminating towards the face, but I wonder if it's your wife"

"You didn't know!


I got another low kick. Forgive me because I can really break it.

"Do you think my concubine will let go of the struggle between people when the opponent of the turn goes to a dangerous place? Yeah, what about it?

"Painful, painful, painful! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I apologize to Grande for hitting my boss and butt with her own hands.

"The concern to keep concubines out of trouble between people is painful, but concubines are the Lord's turn. The number is supposed to help each other.

"... yeah, that's right."

"If you know what I mean. Take her with you."

"Okay. Thank you."


Grande nodded, but he grabbed the hem of my clothes and wouldn't let go.

"Don't you think the lord who said that crap and made his concubine feel lonely needs to pay for it?


After this, I spoiled the chaotic grande.

The matter of asking Grande to escort me has been resolved and it has been decided that I will be dispatched north. The purpose of the dispatch was to urgently improve the defense system in the north. The point is, it's my job to build defensive bases quickly.

However, the weaknesses of the Royal Merinard Army are also exposed here.

"There's nothing you can do without the box."

I pointed out the weakness in the meeting room the other day. Sylvie and Danang are the only ones here besides me.

Lord Leonard is busy organizing troops to set up a defense system in the east, and Merti and Ira are working together. Ellen is absent from work at the church, Ms. Zamir remains in the west, and Doriada is attending a tea party with visitors today.

I know that.

My words made Danang look like he had a headache. The weakness of the nascent Royal Merinard Army is the small number of soldiers. Due to their sensitive and powerful weapon nature, they cannot add more walls to the Darkness of the Yacod.

It will be difficult to copy my gunpowder gun to the boulder, but it is different from the magic gun created by the R&D department with reference to the gunpowder gun I made with my abilities. It's made entirely of technology from our world, so if technology spills out, it could be copied to hostiles.

The same goes for Crossbow in that regard. In other words, cross-bow copies have already begun to appear in areas south of Arihibourg. It doesn't seem to be one step closer to what we're making in terms of power and accuracy, but it's probably only a matter of time.

These fighters in the world can pull that stiff string by hand and set it... no, I can do it with my abilities. Crossbows are so powerful that they don't have to be professionally trained compared to bows, making them quite popular with adventurers.

I wonder if it would be so easy for weapons information to be leaked and spread among civilians. I think that if I can't stand the door in people's mouths, I feel like giving up on the reaction of me, Isla, and the upper echelons other than Merti. Intelligence control is not difficult for a small elite unit the size of a samurai squad, but Sir Leonard and Danang told us that it is impossible to control the information of a crossbow equipped with almost all the troops.

The Royal Merinard Army was of course severely punished during the Liberation Army, but the soldiers spent time with their families and friends and drank alcohol when they were out of duty. If there is a merchant or craftsman in the family or friends, I am interested in the story of the crossbow I heard in the sake seat. And it's not that hard to analyze the principle of crossbow operation and the mechanism itself when you start to investigate. With the help of a bowsmith and a blacksmith, you can quickly create a copy. Merchants are responsible for connecting them.

The core technology of applying golem technology to boulders and pulling strings quickly with this principle has not been imitated, and it will be difficult to do so in the future.

"So, what do we do?

I decided to ask Danang about specific countermeasures because my thoughts were out of line.

"Send 50 elite soldiers, then recruit volunteers locally for military training."


In other words, I make boxes, but soldiers are raised locally almost from scratch. There's no need to worry about replenishment because I'm here... but I can expect unimaginable hardship.

"What are you going to do about the military school you're going to train? You're gonna organize like a samurai squad?

"... that's what I'm going to get."

"That means I'm practically raising new recruits."

Like a samurai squadron, I mean a mechanized squadron equipped with gunpowder firearms and technical airboards that I create. While it is true that samurai squads are a rare presence that can destroy a small number of armies, the situation that makes them the standard for defense forces is very unfortunate. The samurai squad is strong, but we have a supply problem. If I don't stay by my side and supply the ammunition and maintain the firearms, I'll lose my ability to fight in a short time.

"As it stands, it is difficult to create and maintain another unit the size of a samurai. There is a problem with replenishment. Can't you deploy a samurai team to the north and beat the rush?

"The Musketeers need to be left east to fight the Holy King."

"No, we know the enemy will attack from the north in the spring, so place it north. What do you think it's for? Two days to the north and we'll be on the eastern front. Protecting the border is important, but I think it would be foolish to rot and kill the technical airboard's mobility."


"A base defense is better for a Harpy bomber than a samurai. We should build up our air bomb stockpile at the fortified eastern defense base and deploy more Harpy bombers."

Harpy's aerial bombardment is more powerful the closer he is to the base from which the supply base can be built. An aerial bomb attack can be very powerful against the Army, so it works very well for the Holy King's Army.

"As for the samurai operation, I think Koske has a long day, but I'm sorry, can you break it this time?


I look at Sylvie's remarks unexpectedly.

"We can't allow another invasion of the Holy King in case it happens. The Musketeers are now the few heroes who have crushed 10,000 units of the Holy King's Army. Placing them on the eastern defense will be a powerful deterrent to the Holy King."


I also know that the Musketeers are being festivaled as heroes in the Kingdom of Merinard.

Their gunmen and Harpy bombers electrocuted a small number of military bases north of Arihiburg, recaptured King Merynesburg, the capital protected by the King's Army, rescued the captive royal family, and overwhelmingly defeated the King's Army, which attempted to invade the Kingdom of Merinard again.

Its strength and fame are roaring not only domestically, but also in other countries. Jagila, the captain of the leopard beast, has become too famous to make everyday life easier than she used to complain.

"... at least deploy Harpy's bombers north. The range of manoeuvres that can be taken with aviation power is very different."

"Okay. I'm not going with the whole squad, but let's send a platoon."

"Eh, just a platoon?

"It's just that a few of our crew members are already vacant... essentially only three platoons are operational right now."


Even though there was no room for resistance, I can't say anything back to what Sylvie said, which is the cause of the large number of vacancies.

"Looks like there are a few Happy settlements in the north, so fill them up there."

"Hold on a second. When it comes to filling vacancies, there are going to be a lot of problems?

Mostly in my lower body circumstance.

I've heard a lot about Harpy and her community. Essentially, only women are born, and they tend to form a harem centered on a man of another race.

Even Harpy, who lives in the city with other races, has such a strong tendency, and it is not unusual for Harpy, a free Harpy outside of Harlem, to participate in the formation of Harlem and the Harpy swells up.

"I believe Koske will be fine."

"What does that mean? Do you believe I won't do it? Or does that mean I believe you're safe?


"It's not the place to laugh!?

I think Sylvie's dry laughter clearly points to the latter.

"I don't know what to say about Harpy, or I've already given up."

Don't give up.

In fact, there will be more new faces in Arrihiburg and Merynesburg sometime... until Harpy and the others don't care that I don't even know what's going on at the earliest.

That kid and that kid are joining today for the first time, and there will be more next time.

Sometimes such shocking facts can be conveyed when everything is finished and relaxed. They are also becoming more sophisticated, and there will be more and more of them from the middle of the way, so if I find out, I don't recognize them!? that is often the case. Very many.

"When it comes to Harpy, I swear allegiance to Koske personally, not to me... I want Koske to take care of replenishing the Harpy bombers and increasing their numbers."

"The Harpys who have been working with me since I was in the Black Forest will listen to me and His Majesty's instructions, but otherwise...."

Danang looks bitter too. Oh, yes. I see. You're in charge of Harpy, right? Yes, sir. We have to take responsibility for everything. Hahahaha...

"No, I missed the point, but as for the military school that I'm organizing over there...."

I decided to distract myself from Mr Harpy. To maintain my mental health.

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