Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 255: Saved Food Development Log


"Cheer up."

It's been three days since I started making new preserved foods. In the meantime, I created several samples with craftsmanship and distributed them to Liberation Army soldiers stationed in Merynesburg. And they actually used the can opener to open the can, and they actually ate it and asked for feedback...

Not enough.

It smells like metal.

"It's troublesome to open the lid."

Honestly, the reaction was not very pleasant. I'm just admiring the disappointment. Ella is encouraging me by pounding her shoulders.

"Well, I knew this would happen even if I let people eat as much freshly cooked food as they liked. It's nothing to worry about."

"If the amount is not enough, just increase the amount of contents by increasing the can size. Well, for cylinders, if you increase the diameter by 30 percent, the capacity would be almost double."

"That's right. The smell of metal is hard because you probably ate it without heating it up. If you heat it up and eat it, the smell of metal will almost fly."

That's what the Fox Beast Alchemist says. Well, shouldn't I eat it as it is?

"The trouble of opening the lid is just the smell... the essence of the cans is their long-term storage and transportation. Because it is made of metal, it is also advantageous that it does not break easily. Glass bottles break easily, and if you try to be durable, the glass thickens and gets heavier."

Unlike me, whose straightforward stories made me nervous, the reaction of the R&D department was really cool. You guys are strong.

"You sent it to the front lines, the border guards, the domestic patrol defenses, right? You don't have to worry about that until you get back to me."

"Is that what this is about...?

"That's what it is. Or rather, we are very helpful."

The face of the R&D department nodded heavily at the words of the alchemist. Since many people in the R&D department are involved in research day and night, many people have an unstable diet. Of course, the royal castle of Merynesburg has a solid kitchen and dining room, and a chef of good skill cooks meals, but if you miss dinner time, the kitchen will burn down, so you can only serve leftovers of bread and vinegared cheese and vegetables that can be eaten as-is. They often even roast block cookies, dried meat, and dried fruit stored on the shelves in the corner of the room while staring at billions of dead people.

However, their situation has changed since we started prototyping cans. The R&D department has plenty of heat sources to warm up cans, so when I was hungry, I could warm up the cans and eat quite a delicious meal anytime.

"It's ironic that we in the research profession are eating closer to the front than the military."

"That's right... I like Tomel-style ground meat stew. It goes with a little broiled bread."

"That's good. I like canned salty meat. It suits alcohol."

"Isn't that too salty...? I like canned spicy beans."

"Peach can is the strongest."

The face of the R&D department starts talking about the cans enthusiastically, and Isla affirms that she has the peach cans. Peach cans are certainly delicious. In fact, it's also delicious to warm up and eat. Also, Tomel-style ground meat stew is a meat sauce. I don't mind eating it as it is, but I usually eat it on pasta. Well, if you put it on a light toasted bread, it'll be like a pizza toasted potato like a meat pie.

"In the meantime, there is no need to change policy. Keep going."

"Really...? Well, if that's what they say."

I think the smell of metal is a fatal disadvantage for the Liberation Army, which has a large number of subpopulations. If everyone in the R&D department says so, let's proceed with the plan.

One more week later. The R&D department assisted the kitchen chef in making stews and potatoes, and began to seal their own handmade cans. I make several magical instruments for purification by intensity, and I change the irradiation time for cans that contain the same dish to create a large number of samples. In the meantime, they'll see how it goes in a week, a month, three months. Of course, there are samples that will wait half a year and a year to see how it goes.

"By the way, who does the sample tasting? Are we going to do this?"

"No, ask the limes."

"What's in your heart?

"He said he wouldn't break his stomach if he was hurt, and he could tell if he was hurt."

I see.

Certainly they wouldn't break their stomachs. There is no broken gastrointestinal tract in the first place. I mean, there's nothing they can do when they take something a little damaged from sewage treatment into their bodies.

As a precaution, each sample is manufactured in 10 pieces. The illumination time was divided into three stages with three purification magic instruments, resulting in a total of 450 canned samples.

"We'll just have to observe them every day."

I checked and stowed them one by one, so it was okay, but a good rabbit beast magician tapped the cans with an iron stick to check for unusual noises. I remember hearing that the sound when I slapped the air inside sounded different, so I asked him, who had good ears.

"Nh. But it's time for the report to come back from the front line. And I have to put my hands on the instant noodles."

"Yes, it was."

The instant noodles are only honestly blurry. In a dull memory, it definitely felt like steaming and then drying it in the hot wind or frying it with oil. I just don't know what to do about the humidity problem. Even if you make instant noodles, there is no original or child if it gets moist. There is no plastic wrapping in this world. In the first place, if there was any alternative to plastic wrapping, I would have recommended retort pouches.

"I just don't have a moisture problem....."

"? You can stamp it on a shelf or wooden box that holds the drying ceremony."


It's used for that food storage shelf.

Tilting my neck, Ira takes me to the front of a shelf where blocks of cookies and dried meat are stored in a corner of the R&D department, and opens the shelf door, pointing to something like a strange magical formation engraved on the back of the door.

"A drying ceremony engraved with crushed magic stone paint. Depends on what you do, but you don't have to do anything to keep it for about six months."

It's very convenient.

If this is put to practical use on the planet, the company that makes desiccants will go bankrupt.

"I don't think so. Because it doesn't work well where there is too much water, and it doesn't completely prevent moisture. Besides, it doesn't make sense if it's a lot of scascasca boxes and shelves."

"I see. But a proper wooden box with the procedure engraved on it would keep it away from moisture."

"Nh, to some extent. Trying to shut off the moisture completely for a really long time can be quite costly. Originally developed to prevent wheat and other grains from getting wet. Cereals should also have an effect on instant noodles."

"... okay, let's do it."

Thus, the development of instant noodles began.

On the same day, cans were evaluated back from the front via Golem communication.

"When I warmed it up on the flame, it exploded, and it was a disaster."

I got hungry after eating the canned food that I had prepared beforehand because it was troublesome.

"I lost the can and couldn't open it."

Problems were also reported, but there seemed to be a lot of positive ratings on the front lines. Above all, many people said, "I'm happy to be able to eat properly flavoured food," so the development of canned food was to continue.

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