"Would it be better to eat it all over the place rather than mowing it clean?

"I don't like that either, but I don't like being rounded up."

"Let's adopt Leonard's opinion."

Now that we have a policy, we put Cubi's top body clothes in the inventory, lying on her back and showing her stomach, naked her upper body.


Kirilovich shouted at the sight. I can put it in the inventory as long as it is visible and worn by others. It's not a long shot, but it looks like it could be useful in interpersonal combat, right? I don't know if I'm in a situation where I'm going to use it.

Let me show you first that we're serious.


Isla nodded in Sylphie's declaration and rang Jakin Jakin and Barrican. Because of Sylvie's words that if she resisted, she would kill her immediately, Cubie was cut without resistance.

"Wesen men have nipples, too."


By the way, there were two nipples in Cubi, who looked like a beast. Well, it's only natural to say that the beast woman who looks like a beast is not a compound breast. I am deeply impressed that a beast like Cubby is also a human being.

"Now, let's talk about this for now..."


Cubby's tension, which has been pruned through her torso, is worse than I've ever seen. Your ears are falling down, and your tail is falling down... no, it feels like it's slightly between your crotches. Above all, your eyes are dead.

By the way, Kirilovich has been silent for a long time and has been lying down. It seems that it is his idea not to look at it at all. I can't let my own people be treated like this in front of me! I'm glad he didn't have such a sense of justice. If you say that and start getting mad, Sir Leonard and I don't know what Sylphie and the others were up to.

No, I don't want to put my hands on a diplomatic envoy with a boulder.

"First of all, I was a spy for the Vallag Empire in the first place. About a decade ago, he was sent from the Vallag Empire to the kingdom of Merinard, which had become a kingdom of the Holy King. The aim is to gather information and disturb backwards."

"So you helped us rebel."

"That's right. But three years ago - shortly after the rebellion in the kingdom of Merinard - I received another order from my country. Priority orders. It was about costumes."

I bowed my head to Cubi's remarks. Three years ago, long before I came to this world. Predicting that I would come to this world at that point... oh, no, is it in this world?

"God or prophecy?

"Only the Virgin of the Holy King and the Elves of the Black Forest can receive the Word of God and the Spirit. There were saints and witches in the Vallag Empire."

I see, I am convinced by Cubic's words.

"I was unable to convey the contents of the specific deity, but the instructions to me were simple and clear. A rare person appearing under a black forest elf can be smashed into a Merynesburg jail. However, there was a condition that the force be sharpened as much as possible. I thought that was going to be a lot harder than I thought..."

"So you let him spit out the contents of Koske's inventory."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting it to be that easy, so I was a little jumpy."

"Koske, I'm told."

Leave me alone.

I just wanted to see what happens when I throw out all the supplies I saved up, except for the raw ones. I didn't expect to be beaten, strangled and abducted shortly afterwards. Back then, I thought Cubi was one of us... Ah, the angry voltage is rising again. Not only did I want to cut his hair, but I wanted to punch him.

"If you were an Imperial spy, you'd be convinced of the magic tools of the transfer when you escaped... but your movements were obviously informative with the Holy King. The escape route is also unnatural. The secret of the Empire, the beast, you fleeing in the direction of the Holy King's kingdom... no, I see."

"Of course the Holy King also has a spy and informant. But I did try to find out about Archbishop Deckard and High Priest Katerina, and he didn't seem to know anything about you?

"These two are old haunted towns, aren't they? I'm counting on the great mainstream man."

"The mainstream is not a single rock."

"That's what happened."

"I see. But as a result, the Holy King created an empire in the east and an enemy in the west. I don't know what the Holy King's informant is after."

"That's true. And I don't know what the mainstream is."

The nostalgia may still have motives, but the mainstream is, in other words, the suboppressive. It is somewhat out of tune that the kingdom of Merinard should regain its former form.

"There must be a lot of mainstream people. I don't know the details..."

Jakin, Jakin and Isla rang the barricade silently.

"Which is better next, head or tail?

"No, I don't know what I don't know..."

"Let's tail it. Wesen are especially important for tails."

Merty smiles and makes Barricane say jackpot at high speed. Sure, it's hard to think that you don't know it here.

"Wait, wait, even if you did, you don't have to know! I can assure you! There's nothing to gain from knowing!

"Doesn't that mean you know far away?

"I don't know, I don't know! If I'd known, I'd be honest! Even if you can't talk, it's just a guess, and even if you hear my guess, it's just a noise!

"Tell me your guess. We will decide whether the content is necessary or not."

"Nh, I'll tell you."

"It's really speculative! I don't know if I'm wrong!

Cubi starts talking with her tail on.

"The informant is Cardinal Krone, a slightly 34 year-old monster sitting in a cardinal's chair. He's a zealous pastoralist."

"A pastoralist?

"They value the contents of the Adolese scriptures."

"I mean, did you realize that the contents of the current mainstream doctrine were greatly altered in the past due to some disconnect?

"So you're communicating with the Empire? You can't handle a boulder, can you?

"The power of faith is sometimes beyond reason....."

Hearing the conversation between Cubi and Isla, Sir Leonard and I looked at each other and leaned their heads. If so, I have no idea what that Cardinal Krone is after. If that's the case, why don't you just replace it with a nostalgic one? Does it make any sense to move secretly within the mainstream? I don't know.

"That's why I'm guessing, and I said I'd be confused..."

Cubby murmurs as she hugs her to protect her tail. Don't you like having your tail hairs cut so much?

"Well, there's so much else I'd like to ask you, but I can't think of it right now... I'll forgive you for cutting your tail hair."


The light of hope shines in Cubi's eyes.

"We are."

"... hmm?

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii No, why is that noise? When I came in earlier, it was almost silent, wasn't it?

"But will they forgive me?

"" "Piyo...." "

Beyond the door was open, there were Harpy and the others with a smile on their face. Everyone has the same smile to fear.


"Know the seriousness of what you did."


The avalanche of Harpy and the others will be killed by Cubi.

About an hour later, a beast man with all his hair cut was hung from the gates of the royal castle of Merynesburg. On his neck was a wooden tag saying, "I betrayed my people." In addition, I will report here that Kirilovich and I were desperately persuaded that the rope was tied to the torso rather than the neck.

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