Survival in Another World With My Master

Chapter 229 - Hostage Liberation Operations

Griselburg's oppression did not end quickly.

Stand in the lord's mansion in a cage, hey

"Yes, and they're holding some of the King's Army soldiers and guards' mates and children hostage."

A subhuman named Erwich, for example, has definitely rejected him. We are demanding either the immediate withdrawal of the nascent Royal Merinard Army - the Liberation Army - or the escape of Bishop Erwich and his crew.

We stand in the Lords Hall with the rescuers, so naturally we can't destroy it with shelling like a castle wall. Incidentally, the Griselburg Mansion is more like a fortress than a pavilion.

The water hawks are not stretched, but they are a solid structure from the standpoint of stone, and the gates are also made of wood reinforced with iron or black iron or something. It seems difficult to beat it with logs.

Until a little while ago, it seems that Erwich and the others had a thankful tale from the roof of the Loyal Hall, but I and Ellen arrived in front of the Loyal Hall only after the elite soldiers led by Danang took control of all parts of Grisburg except the Loyal Hall, so I could not hear the contents.

"All I wanted to say was that the subhuman was a dirty corrupt messenger or a born sinner."

Pilna, standing on the other side of Ellen's side beside me, said so and held her shoulders in a pose that felt like "Oh, my God." Surprisingly, Mr Harpy's wings are highly flexible, or they can move around the same way as the human arm. I wonder what's going on with the skeleton.

"I don't know what to do... well, I suppress it."

"Can you do that?

"Even if it doesn't work. You can either drill a hole in the wall or you can dig underground. Problem is, if you keep spinning, you're going to get away. There may be one or two hidden escape routes."

"Is this an escape route that leads out of town? It's definitely not, but it's not like it's in an ordinary local city lord's mansion."

Miss Zamir will deny my concern. I see, that's what it is. Well, if there's an escape route, won't you ask us to retreat or let ourselves escape? There is also the possibility that the request will be fulfilled.

"Let's go quickly. I'm coming in. Tell Da Nang to assemble an incoming unit. Ellen and Miss Zamir will learn about the structure of the Lords Hall from the prisoners' guards."

Ask the PLA soldiers nearby to send a message to Danang, and I'll take Ellen and Miss Zamir to where the Griselburg guards, who were taken prisoner in the infiltration into Griselburg, are gathered.

Apparently, many of the guards were held hostage by Ervich and forced to obey family members and lovers. So, even if I overstepped the occasion, I think it would be bad considering the relationship that followed... Well, Erwich is a fanatical mainstream bishop, and I suppose it would have been forgiven to use any hand to turn my back and run away or surrender to a subhuman.

Together with Da Nang, we will gather the structure of the lord's residence from the guards who have been lightly restrained with their armor and investigate where to open the entrance. Some people begged us to stop listening to us entering the Lords Hall to catch Erwich, but we managed to persuade them to get information.

Then I asked if the people on the Ervich side were among the captive guards or the Holy King's soldiers, but unfortunately, there were no people on the Ervich side who were killed in battle. I might have gotten a little more information if I were here.

"Is the hostage being held in the dungeon or in a room on the second floor near the stairs on the roof? That's the problem."

"Either way, we need to suppress it quickly. What if the hostages don't die?

That's what Danang says. That's right, but... shouldn't we be thinking more about the safety of the hostages? I was told that it would be dangerous to leave it as it is. The bishop must have had a tantrum and executed the hostage.

"Well, I'm going to make a diversion."

"Be careful."

"That's my dialogue. Please be careful with Koske. There is no sanctuary here like the cathedral of Merynesburg, so there is nothing you can do if you are poisoned by basilisk. Never be reckless."

"Yes, be careful."

I was worried about Ellen because she was a diversionary. Well, even if it's a shake, it feels like using the position of a Virgin to fight Yarvich while being protected by elite soldiers, so there's certainly nothing dangerous about it. I'm sure I'm more dangerous because I'm going to go with the incoming troops to take control.

My gear this time will be equipped with a short-range dedicated submachine gun. It's the one I used to explore the ruins with. It's a .45 caliber pistol with silencers. The design is pretty old, but I like it to be productive and reliable.

No, honestly, I'd like to use a more modern gun. Productivity or material problems? In the future, we can procure a lot of slime materials from limes, so if we can make polymer-based materials from slime materials, things will change again. I would like to innovate the machining technology, but I have no idea what to do if it is more than a golem machining table. I feel like I need some radical innovation.

While checking the equipment, it looks like Da Nang's formation of an incoming unit is over, so Ellen starts calling on Bishop Ervich to step out in front of the Consulate with his escort. At the same time, me, Danang and Miss Zamir, along with a handful of elite intruders, moved to a wall close to the entrance to the dungeon. The eyes of the surveillance from the roof were nailed to the sky by Pilnah and Happy repeatedly flying at low altitude.

Here's the plan.

First, Ellen and Harpy take a diversion from the front and from the sky to loosen their eyes. Inrushers sneak up on the Lords Hall in that gap, and I quickly broke into the wall with a Mythrill Lizard. First suppress the dungeon, then secure the hostages immediately. Secure the hostages by extracting information from the guards about the hostages who are not in the dungeon. Once secured, the advance party will hold on to Ervich's identity while sending in subsequent troops. And take control of the entire building with the follow-on troops.

"Physical barriers are basically useless without me."

"Certainly looks like a nightmare from the defense commander, Koske."

If you're gonna cripple me, you're gonna have to kill me or keep me asleep with drugs or something. No matter how tightly you restrain yourself, you can keep it in your inventory longer than it is a restraint. Oh, no, I can't help but cut off my hands and feet and bury them in walls that I can't store. I imagine I'd be a little scared to say it myself.

"Right here."

"Copy that. Prepare to enter."

When I arrived at my destination, I summoned a Mythrill Sword from the shortcut and smashed its tip against the walls of the Lords Hall. The stone wall in the range of 1m in width, 1m in height, and 1m in depth disappears with a light sound. There was no wall thickness a meter deep in the boulder, so it penetrated with a single blow.

"Let's spread it out."

Shake the Mithrill Lift further to expand the entrance, and collect shelves and barrels in the inventory that may interfere with the journey. It looks like this is a storage room or something. Call the submachine gun from the shortcut and step into the Manor Hall.

After Miss Zamir, who leads, I'm second. Danang objected to this at first, but Miss Zamir, who knows the attack power and convenience of my weapon, pushed me into this line. Ms. Zamir, with a short spear made of Mithrill alloy, descends the stairs to the basement and stops at a corner to peek further.


"Shall I clean it all up?

"I'll take care of the two of you. Master Koske found one in the back."

"Roger that. Be careful not to enter the beam."

I saw Miss Zamir nodding and jumping out of the corner, and then I followed.


Miss Zamir's swinging spear is engulfed on the side of the jail guard who tried to do something, and the jail guard collapses without power. The other one was attacked by Ms. Zamir's flimsy tail and fell off her feet. As I watch, I turn the submachine gun to the other jail guard in the back. Aim for the right shoulder.

A lead sub sonic bullet fired with a high-calibre sound, Kakakakakan, landed on the upper part of the back prison guard, around the shoulder. The 45 caliber lead ball easily penetrates the leather armor that protects the guard's body, releasing it into the man's body without sparing any exercise energy.


The man who had been shot fell down on his back. One shot seems to have fallen off and hit the back stone wall, and the sound of fragments of the shattered stone wall falling on the floor and the sound of a brass casing ejected from the sub-singer bouncing off the stone floor echoes into the dungeon.

Hold him down.

Ask the elite soldier behind her as she watches Ms Zamir's tail crush on the jail guard who fell behind her. You can shoot more with a chase if you want to kill, but unfortunately, I'm not convinced of how to suppress a tough man. This is for professional use only.

I left it up to Danang and the hostages in jail to deal with. Seeing Miss Zamir who came to see me, the people in jail looked scared.

"We are from the nascent kingdom of Merinard - the Liberation Army. I'm here to take control of this city. But I'm not going to do anything terrible to you. Either way, I'm here to help you."

In my words, the hostages looked scared and confused. I'm sure you don't know what it means to be here to help us get rid of this city!

All the people held hostage were women. Age varies from young children to older adults, but they all appear to be related to guards and Holy King's Army soldiers.

"Anyway, just let me know that I'm not going to do anything bad. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Who's sick?

When I heard about it, there were some people who were not feeling well, so I prescribed Cure Diseases Potion. I was anxious, so I took a sip in front of my eyes and gave it to me. It will be slightly less than the prescribed amount, but it will be effective unless it is a disease like death.

I also heard from the people who were being held as hostages along with the guards, and I was able to confirm that all the hostages were here. It would have been a hassle if it had been scattered elsewhere, but this is unexpected luck.

"Hostage secured. Follow-up unit commencing."

Roger that. I'm sending them into the follow-on force.

Return to the ground after communicating with the follow-on forces waiting outside on the Golem communicator. Meet with the follow-on unit in front of the dump and we'll begin full control. Well, since we win in terms of quality and number, there won't be any repetition from here.

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