Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 212: The Dead Mountain Blood River

After plenty of time to prepare, the King's Army began an invasion.

As soon as the Holy King's Army crosses the line and the battlefield opens, we're watching the line from above the surveillance tower I built instantly about 2 km from the line.

"The power of Koske is the power of God himself."

The Archbishop of Deckard greatly changed his attitude towards me by seeing me create a splendid watchtower made of stone in a very short time.

Speaking of which, I only showed Ellen how to serve food, and Archbishop Deckard doesn't know what my abilities are like only in my story. Perhaps my abilities were more amazing to him than he thought.

"The origin of this power is unknown. Well, I think it's an anomaly."

I mean, I'm putting automatic shotguns in the watchtower and monitoring the King's Army.

It was placed on the walls of Merynesburg, but it was temporarily collected in the inventory because it would be difficult for someone to touch it. His maximum range is approximately 2200 meters, so we can still attack the Holy King's Army across the border from here.

"You're moving forward without hesitation."

Armed and royal, Sir Leonard looked slightly narrower and farther away. He can still see the Holy King's army naked at this distance.

"Nh. If we stay like this, we'll soon reach the boundary stand."

It seems that Isla is also able to see the Holy King's Army with her naked eyes. It seems that the big eyes are performing well as they look. Without saying anything, Ms Merti and Ms Zamir, who are looking in the same direction as the Israelis, also seem to be seeing the movement of the Holy King's army with their naked eyes.

"Your eyesight is amazing. I don't see naked eyes."

That said, I took out my binoculars. Adjusting the magnification and focus confirmed that the Holy King's Army was on its way. Wow, you sure it's all 20,000? This is awesome. It's a human tsunami, tsunami. This is amazing.

"Can you manage that amount of power?

The Archbishop Deckard, who saw the Holy King's army with the binoculars I lent, asked with a serious look, but I answered with my shoulders crossed.

"Well, if you look at it, you'll see."

And the moment you say that, the Golem transmitter gets into communication.

We have confirmed the frontier between this scout and the enemy avant-garde. Over "

That's right.

Well then, let's start attacking. The first attack was a bombing by Harpy and the others. Rear guard, if possible, targeting heavy troops. At the same time, Koske attacked the enemy avant-garde, so as soon as it was over, the samurai team also started attacking. Mercy is useless. We will ravage them. "

Sir Leonard has issued an attack command. Now, let's begin the attack.

About an instant after the laughing talks. We were starting to move forward.

As for the content of the meeting, in a nutshell, it was a pre-war promise. They decided on the treatment of prisoners and how to express their intentions when sending messengers of harmony, and finally declared war on each other.

Originally, there was no need to enter into such wartime rules with the Liberation Army, which was a bandit, but even if the archbishop had been brought out, he would not have responded to minimal negotiations.

The instructions from my country are twofold: the annihilation of the bandits and the clandestine removal of the archaeologists. We couldn't get rid of the Archbishop in that place with a lot of soldiers in our sights, but we could get rid of anything in the confusion during the battle.

As far as the Virgin was concerned, I wanted to capture her alive as much as possible, but now. I tried my best, but as I marched thinking... a message came from the vanguard.

"The scouts have found their leftovers."

"Boundaries? Don't worry, crush it."

I was on a weird ride, but there were twenty of them. Toilet birds have been flying in the sky for a while, but they can only be harassed to the point of spreading dirt. It's depressing to be jumped over your head, but you can't do anything about it.

It was time to go a little further. The toilet birds changed their movements.

Normally, I didn't care, but somehow I wondered why they changed their movements. Should I say that I had a chest trouble? I don't care about the toilet bird that was flying over us in a big arc. That toilet bird is flying in line like an assaulting cavalry. That's kind of dangerous. There was no basis, but I thought so.

"Archer... no, can't you get it?"

Their flying position is high. We don't have a bow that goes that far.

The unpleasant feeling is accelerating.

"Prepare the Wizards for the defensive barrier ─ ─"

Upon reaching out for support, I heard a "hyururururururu" and an out-of-the-box whistle from behind. What's that noise? It was that moment when I looked back. A thunderous roar sounded continuously. At the same time, the shock comes, and the earth, sand and rain pour down. The horse on which he was riding was surprised by the roar, and he was about to fall.

"What is it!? Wow!?

Seeing the sudden rain of dirt and sand and wiping hands, I screamed unexpectedly. It fell on my face. Because it was mud mixed with blood and flesh.

"Nah, what was that!? What's going on!?

Next, from the vanguard, I began to hear explosions in succession with dondondondondondondondong. Turning to you, there were actually many explosions in the vanguard direction, each time the soldiers seemed to be blowing up.

"What the hell!? Magic attack...!? Where are they shooting!?

In the confusion, there is nothing to respond to my voice.

Doodlewood, Doodlewood, Doodlewood, Doodlewood, Doodlewood, Doodlewood!

"A little further to the right."

Yes, sir.

Follow Ira's instructions to slightly modify the aim and re-fire. Shooting sounds are heard continuously, and explosions can be heard from afar.

Got it. Keep the distance and scatter. "

Copy that.

The angle of elevation of the automatic shotgun keeps slightly swinging its head to the left and right, releasing a series of multi-purpose grenades, ravaging the enemy's avant-garde. This automatic shotgun has a scale of only 1500m, so any further distance is a visual shot. Still, Ira has good eyes. The monoculars may also have excellent abilities as sniper observers.

"It's incredibly powerful. I should have deployed this to the samurai."

"The consumption of ammunition is so intense that we have only one ability to succeed. That's the size of one shot? And the bullets are fucking heavy."

That said, I point to a 40mm diameter multipurpose grenade that is sucked into an automatic shotgun using a belt link. Simply the size of a single shot is too different from a light machine gun, and when you shoot a bang at this pace, it runs out of ammo immediately. I've only got about 900 rounds of this guy's ammo.

Incidentally, his ammunition box contains up to 48 rounds of ammunition, weighing approximately 30 kg. It is impossible to carry a large quantity of ammunition without me.

What a mess.

I'm sure you will.

Lord Leonard murmured as he watched from afar, and Merty agreed. Archbishop Deckard blued his face when he saw the battlefield with his binoculars.

"Archbishop Deckard. It's better not to look at the battlefield forcibly."


"This is a battlefield, not a battlefield you should stand on. I am willing to see what I have done, but it is an unnecessary struggle. This is our fight, not yours. If you hadn't been here, this battle would have happened more than the Holy King's army had sent troops to the Kingdom of Merinard."

That's why today, Leonard took the binoculars from the trembling hands of Archbishop Deckard and peeked into them himself.

"Oh, this is a pretty good tool. Haha, that noseless self-proclaimed holy knight is in a great hurry without even knowing. Happy, happy."

Lord Leonard laughed joyfully as he watched the battlefield that would have been depicted in hell by the aerial bombardment by Mr. Harpy and the attack by my automatic shotgun. You have a pretty good personality, this old man. In many ways.

The explosion that followed the unpleasant whistle and the explosion by something that flew from nowhere finally stopped. It turns out that the explosion accompanied by the whistle was caused by something that the toilet bird dropped, but we have no idea what the attack was that ravaged the avant-garde. There were reports that something like a surveillance tower had appeared sometime from the scourge, but is it relevant?

"Quickly regroup your troops. The allowance comes from the seriously injured, leaving the mildly ill behind. But abandon those who have lost limbs and those who are unlikely to help."


Stop the military invasion and try to grasp the situation. The attack alone resulted in numerous casualties. I don't have any enemies yet.

"Can you stop that weapon that the toilet birds are dropping at the magic barrier?

"If it's a barrier to chorus magic for all the sorcerers... but only the sorcerers and their surroundings can be protected. It's not very easy, but it's impossible to protect all 20,000 soldiers."

"Then can you knock them off?

In response to my question, the Warlock Commander, who led the Order of Wizards, fell to his side.

"The altitude is too high for chorus magic."

"Shit! Then they'll have to do it like this!?

Unexpectedly, they scream loudly. If we keep attacking like this, we'll be wiped out before they can see us. The toilet birds are now just scouts, but we don't know when that formation of toilet birds will return.

Probably ran out of weapons to explode with that whistle... but if we're back in Merynesburg replenishing it, we're more likely to come back. I can't believe it's just a blow.

Worse still, if that weapon were to be stored in large quantities, the closer we get to Merynesburg, the more intense their attacks would be. It is self-evident that the closer the resupply point, the more frequent the attack.

Since they have already been captured, the toilet birds will not stop attacking unless they escape far enough now. I get distracted when I think about how much damage will occur in the meantime. We step on the ground, but they fly in the sky. Running away is not an easy task.

"We're going to have to play a short-term finale."

Melinesburg is a short walk or half an hour away, and the faster the march, the shorter the distance. They will stand in a cage in Merynesburg. We don't have the weapons to attack the castle, but if we get close enough to the gates, we can blow it up with the magic of the Wizard Corps's chorus.

The number of enemies is small. Attacks on toilet birds are a threat, but we should be able to destroy the gates in a few minutes. The attack on the toilet bird should also stop if we crush the supply point.

"Notify all troops of the assault on Merynesburg. The Wizard Troops should be careful not to cause any damage. I will have the gates of Merynesburg destroyed by chorus magic."

"I see. That's the only way."

It seems that the Wizard Commander reached the same conclusion as I did. If we keep taking out casualties with this momentum, we can't maintain morale. Their attacks are unknown and harsh. Those who strike directly will not escape death, and their surroundings will be filled with seriously wounded. It is dangerous to remain exposed to this attack for a long time.

At that time, from the vanguard direction, I heard the sound of an unpleasant insect feather and the screams of the soldiers. What now!?

The march has stopped.

"I suppose we stopped the march to get a sense of the situation. I was struck by an unidentified attack. It's a natural thing to do."

Sir Leonard peeks through the binoculars and strips his teeth. You must be laughing.

It's time to get soft.

I finished shooting about half the ammunition I had prepared, and I was finished collecting the automatic shotgun. I left about half because I might use it in Melinesburg's defenses. I don't think it would be a waste to shoot them all out here, but I wanted to avoid shooting them out just in case. Survivor Saga is the one who feels afraid to shoot out bullets. I can't help it.

"Before we do that, we will give instructions to the samurai. I'm stopping my feet, and now it's all I want to do."

That said, Sir Leonard used a Golem transmitter to direct the gunmen on the airboard to attack.

Roger, I'll show them what I can see, over.

Beyond the Golem transmitter, Jagila, who commands the samurai squadron, was heard, and at the same time, ten airboards literally slipped down the street. After a little while, a roar like a boom and an electric saw starts ringing from afar.

"It's overwhelming. The Holy King's army is being overthrown."

"Nh. It's like mowing grass."

"Well, that light machine gun is a mowing scythe from Koske."

"Stop it."

I want you to seriously stop using my grass mowing scythe after changing the electric saw on my moustache.

But in this case, the Holy King's Army won't be much of a march anymore. Ten light machine guns are spraying the place where my feet have stopped anyway. They don't know anything about guns, so it's probably enough to hold a good shield for defensive action. However, unfortunately, light machine gun bullets cannot be prevented by wood, leather, or shields or armor of the size of thin iron plates.

This is Jagila from the Gunner Squad. The White Flag was raised from the Holy King's Army. "

Well, I guess so. Mm-hmm.

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