Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 203: Contact with the Unknown: In the Case of Three Women

Hey, it's Koske. The castle is in a hurry, but I won't be called.

Yeah, well, it doesn't have to be me to greet Ellen's boss. If only Silfi, the leader of the Liberation Army, and Ser Merty or Leonard were there to assist him, that would be enough. I think my position within the Liberation Army is essentially the number two behind Silfi, but in fact, I don't think there are any official positions like Isla, Merti, Sir Leonard, Da Nang, Ms Zamir, the head of the Warlock Corps, the head of the Home Secretary, the general, or anything like that.

So even if the royal castle is in such a hurry, I will do the work assigned to me silently.




Bearing the sight of an elf princess looking high from the shade. Ha ha. It's cute to say it with your mouth. Isn't it cute? Well, the gaze you're looking at is by no means friendly. Hahahaha!

Chilla, turn your gaze.


The elf princess took my gaze and hid quietly, but at that time, the blue silver hair drifted a little late and hid, so it was clear who was watching us. She's small, and she's definitely four sisters, Aqua Will... No, she's older than me, so Aqua Will...? Anyway, I'm sure it's her.

At the end of the excavation, I thought about planting herbal seeds in the courtyard field of the royal castle, where the farmland block was also laid. Why on earth is she watching me? Well, in due course, I'm the closest person to Sylvie, I guess. You should be convinced that I'm a rare person, but the very species of humans is something she can't trust.

From her point of view, it was only a few days ago that the Holy King's people chased him away and his father sacrificed his life to keep us alive. It's because such a person claims to be a rare person and has become involved with his sister.

Sister... yeah, you're my sister. Sylvie is her sister. In any case, Ms. Aquawil's physique is comparable to that of Isla, which means that she is a little girl from Gephungehun to Gephungehun inside, but she is nevertheless Sylvie's neat sister.

"... sweets"


With such a simple invitation, long ears come out of the shadows and pick up picones! But she's Sylvie's older sister than me. Weren't you watching me worried about Sylvie because of this reaction, just looking for sweets? The suspicion arose that she was Sylvie's sister.

Looking up at the calm sky of the flying harpy, I could see from the inclination of the sun that it was time for a snack. It's about six months or so to come to this world and continue living without watches. It's about time I was able to deduce the approximate time in the sun. It's really rough time.

For now, medicinal seedlings have also been planted to a good place, so it may be time to take a break. The rest is about installing an infinite source of water. It would be better to discuss the water supply relationship with Isla. Even if we make an automatic water supply, we need Isla to make magic equipment.

That's why it's a small pause. Remove wet towels from the inventory, clean dirty hands and face, and place wooden tables and chairs on unfarmed ground with two legs.



Both staring at each other....! Instead, I put candy on the table and smiled. The confectionery set up is a new strawberry parfait. The artistic shaped cream and bright red strawberries on the glass are an eye-catching gem.

"Let's eat together!


Of course, there are two strawberry parfaits served. It is impossible for me and her to have one parfait on a boulder. In my case, if I can make one, they know that I can make more, so rather, no matter who I'm dealing with, it may not develop into such a situation. There's no such thing as a cackyaufu with a parfait in this world.

And then Aquawil came out of the shadow watching me and rushed over me and stopped.


Apparently it was her who came out in front of me.

"Well, well. You might know something you don't know just by watching."

I don't know if you agree with me, but Mr. Aquawil sat down on my guard. Then I received the parfait spoon that I offered and said, "I'll have you speak in a small voice." Then I'll start parfaiting.


"Nh, delicious. That's good work."

Sweet cream and strawberry sauce spreading through the mouth, and sweet and sour strawberry flavors. Each creates complete harmony in the mouth and fills the mind with a happy mood. I like the balance between sweetness and sourness. I think it would be good for people who don't like sweets.

"So, why was His Highness watching me?


When I heard that, she stopped scrambling at the parfait in a hurry and turned a blind eye. The line of sight obviously does not go as far as hostility ─ ─, but it is clear from the circle that it contains emotions that are not in the positive direction at least.

"Er, did you do something to make His Highness angry...?

"... I bullied my sister Yifu."


Turning out the cause of her attitude, which is not very favorable, I suddenly looked up to heaven. Sure, I cried the red jersey, but it was just stuffed because it claimed that the red jersey was a joke. It is true that she may not have been very popular with strange young ladies, but the claims she made were not acceptable. I have no intention of withdrawing the foreword.

However, Mr. Aquawil seems to be quite rational around trying to gaze at me crying about the red jersey and see what the truth is. Hmm.

"I don't know how His Highness understands the situation, so if you can only recognize the situation from my point of view, I will talk to you about it."

"... I'm listening."

With Mr. Aquawil nodding, I explained carefully the circumstances that made him cry about the red jersey.

The great divergence between our Liberation Army and Ifrita's ideas, the fact that Ifrita's claims were radical statements that could drag not only priests, but also other Adolese believers, and the people of the Liberation Army and the Kingdom of Merinard into the mudslide killing, and, above all, the fact that the Adolese bishop school and the people of the Adolese archaeology, who will become pipes with the Holy King, are indispensable to us to end the war.

"That's why. In fact, in the current situation, it is too much to sacrifice to do what Ifrita says. I know that it is a decision that does not come close to her or Her Majesty's heart, but it depends on whether she accepts or not."

"... I see. Ifu-sama insisted on something out of control and very rough."

"Thank you."

"In that case, I think you could have explained it more gently so as not to make Yifu cry, as you just explained to me, but how about that?


I am weak when told that. Certainly, the selling word may have become aggressive with the buying word. What are you saying to me that you don't know anything about this? This guy might have looked down on Ifrita.

"Ifu-sama has a temper and intense temper, but she also has a delicate mind. Please be a little more gentle to him. Please."

"I see. Reflect."

It's hard to refuse when you stare at me with beautiful eyes like Aquamarine. Somehow, even though the body is small, there is a presence that cannot be said. Hmm, is this the royal charisma?

"Yeah, you're an honest and good person. The boulder is Sylvie's son-in-law."

That's what she said, smiled, and began to parfait again. Where do you go without telling me if you are there or not? The appearance of the parfait is full of the cuteness it deserves.


"? What's the matter?

"No, anything."

I'll shake Aquawil's head with a decent expression and start parfaiting again.

The boulder is royalty. It wasn't something that looked young. But when I thought about it, I thought the red jersey was a shame.

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